Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slaves mines of Apatros (Vitae Alliance dom of Apatros)

Location: Everywhere (High Orbit, Apatros)
Objective: Observe (Brood menacingly)
Allies: Nobody (1.5 Million battle droids)
Foes: Everybody (Spicy food and bikini babes)
Post: [03/20]

They weren't moving out to directly engage these organic and blasphemous automated forces. Rather, the army of Kronos was obligated to execute alternative directives. Particularly ones that ranged from subjugating the surrounding regions through military force and intimidation efforts. The Providence-class Destroyer began to spew landing craft forth, totaling seven C-9979 landing craft to be deployed to the nearby provinces.

"I shall be personally accompanying the initial waves," Kronos said. "Ensure optimum efficiency aboard the starship and you shall be rewarded, my brothers, with eternal life and knowledge."

And then they were off. Hundreds of Vulture droids and landing craft peppered the skies, completely disregarding the dueling forces near the slaving mines. Nobody cared about what they were doing. The time of Kronos was now.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location Secure ship for Injured
Allies: [member="Saryana Lynae"]
Enemies Hutts
Post 10/20

Alexandra helped her student as she put a hand on her shoulder and knew what she was thinking. She knew what it was like to see war at first and all the pain and things she was seeing at such a young age. "Saryana, you can stop if you need to, we dont need to have you pushing yourself in this enviroment." She looked at her student and worked to mend the arm of a man who screamed in pain. It was so much to bare for the Alex alone the pain that Saryana must be in a world of horror at all of this. She did not want to show this world of terror to her apprentice but war like this was so popular in the Galaxy.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
Location: Planet Surface, Apatros slave mines.
Objective: No idea
Allies: [member="Sabrina Kotass"] @Zander Grayson [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Tricia"] Lamia Quresh [member="Solan Charr"]
Enemies: [member="Quin"] [member="Sabik Dhami"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Darth Valdra"]

Everything was a blur to the Jedi master as he regained his bearings. Coughing hard he reached to his chest and began to check for wounds. Feeling around with his senses he didn't have any metal balls in his chest so that mean it wasn't a frag or anti personnel device. Must of been a high explosive, either way his suit was done and gonzo.

"I fell down some stairs Sabrina. Some very explosive... unstable... angry stairs." he said as he groaned in discomfort.

Picking himself up he coughed again and felt a pain in his ribs. The concussion from the grenade must of knocked something loose. Holding his side he coughed once more and began to limp towards the landing pad. He needed to save those slaves and he needed to do it now. Groaning and wheezing into his Respirator he let out a grunt as the pain flooded his system.

Abygail Ericson

Location: Firefight near the mines
Objective: Make some scrap metal, free some bodies
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Vulpesen"] and Vitae allies
Enemies: Cartel

"This Abygail, we're in a bit of sticky wicket here," she said over her comlink, bashing a a battle droid with the butt of her rifle and shooting another one. "Can anyone help thinning their numbers out?"

"Orbital strike in three . . . two . . ." a female voice said over the comlink and Abygail's eyes widened.

"Get down!" she screamed and her squad through themselves to the ground as turbolaser fire rained down from that monster of a Star Destroyer. The clankers just poofed out of existence, hot air blowing everyone back from the concussive force of the fire.

After it was over, Abygail got up and saw more enemies coming, but not nearly as many as before.

"Ground, if you need another bombardment, pop a signal beacon at the site."

"Sounds like fun," Abygail said, blasting apart a B2 battle droid as her squad started to advance slowly but surely. "Solan, we're coming up on the mine entrance adjacent to you."
Location: Ambush
Allies: Hutt Cartel & Friends
Enemies: Vitae Alliance &Friends
Post: 7/20

Talani growled at him as he left. She'd be finding him later, once this shit was over. For now she turned her attention to the medpack he had tossed at her. She slowly sat up and openned it. The Chiss found a rather large pack of bandages and tore it open with her teeth. She slowly pulled the dagger out of her leg and immediately pressed the bandages to the wound, trying to staunch the blood flow. The tourniquet was definitely helping, but she wasn't in the clear yet. She found a pouch of bacta and proceeded to tear that open with her teeth as well. She pulled the bandages away and slathered the substance on her leg. Talani grabbed some new bandages from the opened package and began the slow process of bandaging her leg. She'd have to leave the tourniquet in place until the blood flow stopped completely, but at least the bandages would help minimize the risk of her losing the leg with the added pressure. "Fucking self-righteous slaver burner." [member="Solan Charr"]

Randyl Lancaster

Location: In shadows near the main fight
Objective: ???
Allies: The Vitae Alliance & their friends
Enemis: The Hutt Cartel & their friends
Posts: [ 04/20 ]

The droid soon managed to get Randyl off of his back and, at least for a moment, it looked to the man as if he was about to meet his end. Even though he'd managed to break the enemy, he was able to fight back.

Guess they were better at fighting than he'd thought.

But he stood up once again and muttered, "You wanna fight? Then that's what you get."

He started aimlessly shooting at the joints all around his body, trying to break him apart, destroy everything he could. It was difficult, he didn't have as developed reflexes as most force users did, but he managed to avoid most shots.

Until he got hit.
Location: Everywhere (Aelous Region, Apatros)
Objective: Observe (Brood menacingly)
Allies: Nobody (1.5 Million battle droids)
Foes: Everybody (Spicy food and bikini babes)
Post: [04/20]

The majority of the landing craft hit the city of Aelous, a medium-sized city bustling with peaceful life and the daily traffic that most modern worlds possessed. But once the forces of Kronos struck, everything went still as seven landing craft touched down outside of the city and began depositing thousands of battle droids and assault tanks. They marched in perfect synchronization and met minimal initial resistance as the on-call defenders were mercilessly gunned down.

"Execute all resistors, detain all municipal officials, and instill martial law." Those were the orders and the thousands of droids would follow them to the letter.

Kronos pointed at a law enforcement operative, who was still standing and proving to be something of a menace to his B1 battle droids. "Eliminate." Two B2 Super Battle Droids closed in and turned that organic into a puddle of crimson liquid and broken dreams.
Location: Same as the last one
Objective: Clear the skies and ground
Allies: Vitae Alliance
Enemies: Cartel and droid forces

"Ma'am, a droid force just arrived. Neutral by the looks of things, but they're deploying landing craft and old vulture droids into the battle," the captain said, looking from the display console.

"Can anyone help thin their numbers?" a younger female voice said over the Vitae comm frequency.

"We're in range for a limited orbital bombardment, would give us a chance to test the firing capabilities and the targeting computers," a technician stated.

"Let's do it," Taeli said to the man next to her. "Orbital strike in three . . . two . . . one . . ."

Turbolaser began falling onto the slaver and pirates positions near where the comm call had come from, brilliant beams of red energy exploded and annihilating everything beneath them.

"Ground, if you need another bombardment, pop a signal beacon at the site," she stated, smiling a bit as she waited for a message from either [member="Connor Harrison"] or [member="Morgana Forceborn"] to see if they were safe or here yet, whatever the case may be.

"Flak guns are tearing apart several vultures, but they've got a lot of them," the captain said.

"It's just not the pirates' day is it?" she joked a little bit, even as more turbolaser fire from the Bastion and its accompanying fleet opened up on the Cartel reinforcements. They would rue the day they decided to engage in such a deplorable act as slavery.

Saryana Lynae

New Beginnings Are Found In The Strangest Places
Saryana Lynae
Location: Secure ship on the ground where the injured are being brought for healing.
Allies: Vitae Alliance &Friends
Enemies: Hutt Cartel
Post: 2/20

Saryana looked up at her Master and smiled grimly. She was shaking her head, causing her montrals and headtails to bounce slightly. She thought of Will, wondering if he was here and what he was doing for a brief moment before clearing her thoughts again and turning her attention to her next patient.

"I can't stop now. I won't let seeing the truth about war stop me from doing my job. I can't afford to be afraid or to run away. This is a part of my life now, it's a part of me. I didn't want to fight, because I didn't want to cause death. By turning away from my duties, even for a short moment, I could end up doing the very thing I told myself I didn't want to do. I'm here to save lives, and that is what I intend to do. I can deal with my thought and feelings when everything is over," Saryana replied as she turned to her next patient. A slave woman who had been hurt in the crossfire. She had a few scrapes from blaster fire and blades that had skimmed past her. Saryana closed her eyes and went back to work, focusing on the delicate process of knitting flesh and bone and blood vessels back together. [member="Emilia Marean"]

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
Location: Planet Surface, Apatros slave mines.
Objective: No idea
Allies: [member="Sabrina Kotass"] @Zander Grayson [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Tricia"] Lamia Quresh [member="Solan Charr"]
Enemies: [member="Quin"] [member="Sabik Dhami"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Darth Valdra"]

Rex looked forward towards the landing pad and noticed there was one last contingency of guards in place to defend the slaves from freedom. He coughed and took a few details about these guys. Where the last few were just grunts working a oppressive nine to five these guys looked hardened and trained to deal death and tyranny at the drop of a dime. Once they spotted Rexus they lifted a set of swords that looked to be made of some sort of lightsaber resistant material. That was fun.

"Well this day can't get worse." He said as he clutched his lightsaber once more.

Pressing the button nothing happened. No snap hiss. He looked down at his saber to see it was sparking and generally not working, Rexus now stood corrected. But a lightsaber wasn't what made you a Jedi, it was how you kept peace and protected tve innocent. So taking up a traditional aikido stance Rexus pushed forward at the men keeping in a low position to have his center of balance ready to shift at a moments notice. This was not going to be a fun fight, hopefully when it was over he would still have all his limbs and body parts.
Post 8/20

Cartel NPC force
Location: Ambush [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Sar'Talani'Vek"] [member="Blane Nightfall"]

the droids momentary momentum was lost as [member="Blane Nightfall"] and his men appeared on the sight. With an intense shriek the first B2 droid exploded by the intense fire they found themselves in. It gave the shadow legion a most wanted pause and opened up for them to focus on the remaining B1 droids.

"Ambush patrol here Sir. mission accompli.. accompli... acomplii roger... rrrr.... zzzzbrrzzz *pof*

The droid ambush would not be much more of a trouble to the attackers with the droid Lieutenant put out of commision the remaining droids kept fighting to the end but without any further tricks.

Sempra the hutt
Location, bridge to landing platform.
Objective: Flee
Allies: Cartel
Enemy: you know ... the good guys. [member="Rexus Drath"]

Sempra was slithering across the narrow bridge leading to the awaiting freighter that 2flannigan mcnash had sent for him. there was another bridge not too far away from there. He could see their two fully loaded freighters carrying their Cortosis taking off and flying low to hide away from the fleets above the planet.

"Good" he spake and took a deep breath. These bastards would feel his vengeance another day. Another day...

As he proceeded he could see how the events on the other bridge took a turn. the slaves suddenly gave up a roar of hope as a man wielding a lightsaber shwirled his way out on the bridge. slavers and droids fell like flies as [member="Rexus Drath"] worked his way methodicly toward the other platform. Soon the slaves joined him and thre their recentment and hatred toward their former tormentors.

"Good thing I am on this bridge and not that one" sempra chuckled and slithered forward to board his awaiting transport.
Location: Ambush
Allies: Hutt Cartel & Friends
Enemies: Vitae Alliance &Friends
[SIZE=12pt]Post: 7/20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Talani sighed and slowly began to crawl back towards the small 'base camp' the Cartel had. Laying in the middle of a battlefield and hoping not to get shot was only end up with her getting killed. She slowly used her arms and one good leg to pull herself forward. The handle of the medpack was clutched between her teeth as she crawled, meanwhile she held a vibrodagger in each hand. The Chiss was determined to live through this battle. 'I will find Solan when this is over, and I will discuss my situation with him. I've never asked anyone for help before... Maybe it's time I fucking start. I can't do this on my own, that's becoming more and more clear.' [/SIZE]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location Secure ship for Injured
Allies: [member="Saryana Lynae"]
Enemies Hutts
Post 11/20

Alexandra smiled at her apprentice and nodded as she helped her with the woman. Her hands glided over the wound and helped control the blood flow and the damage while Saryana worked to repair and work on the damage. It was tiring work to weave and mend flesh and bone but this woman would livve unlike so many others. It was a danger to everyone involved in war and even the innocents became pawns in the deadly game. She had to focus on the wound though as the tissue was yet another worry and one of the harder things to regrow correctly. Bond and skin was easy but the intricate balance tissue presented her with was far harder. Her eyes only looked up once to stare at her student and make sure she didn't push herself too hard.

Randyl Lancaster

Location: In shadows near the main fight
Objective: ???
Allies: The Vitae Alliance & their friends
Enemis: The Hutt Cartel & their friends
Posts: [ 05/20 ]

Randyl managed to get hit in the right shoulder, which was unfortunately, his dominant hand. He had not quite trained how to aim with his left hand, but it was worth a try this time.

Now, worth a try wasn't a good phrase.

He had to try in order to stay alive. He had to give everything to destroy that droid as if the whole galaxy's lives had depended on that. One person was important, no matter what the Jedi thought, and Randyl knew that.

He took the blaster into his left hand and shot the blaster off of the droid's hand. Or whatever it was.

The shoulder hurt a lot, but he told himself to keep going. He would treat the injury later. One more shot and the droid was about to fall off. Just one more shot in the right place.

And then blast was released, it moved directly into the joint between the enemy's torso and head. The latter fell off.


Taking word from [member="Taeli Raaf"] Morgana double-checked her mask to make sure it was tight enough. Even then, however, she was still worried about any and all possible ways this could go wrong. In the distance were the sounds of more fighting going on, something Morgana wanted to avoid. She still hated being dragged into all of this, but knew it was a little too late to turn back at this point. For now it was just a matter of making it to where she needed to be. Easier said than done it seemed as the way was blocked by pirates. They'd not been spotted yet but Morgana ordered her men to take cover all the same.​
"Taeli!" she said over the comm. "The way's blocked. I need that bobardment thing now."
"We can try to pick off any straglers." one of the men said, trying to reassure both her and Commader Raaf that they would suceed.​
Morgana nodded before saying to Taeli "And next time you drag me into a war zone, remind me to say no!"

Connor Harrison

Location: Space above Apatros
Objective: Respond to call for help for the Vitae Alliance
Allies: [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Enemies: Pirates and Slavers

Coming out of hyperspace in his E-wing, Connor wasn't ready for the battle already raging before him.

”Son of a - ”

Increasing the speed of the fighter, he kept moving towards the coordinates of Taeli, coming from what looked to be the main attacking flagship. One hand came off the yolk and he signalled her com-link.

”Taeli, you could have warned me the battle was already on! Where - ”

He banked to avoid some debris coming his way.

” - where do you need me?”

2 / 20

Saryana Lynae

New Beginnings Are Found In The Strangest Places
Saryana Lynae
Location: Secure ship on the ground where the injured are being brought for healing.
Allies: Vitae Alliance &Friends
Enemies: Hutt Cartel
Post: 3/20

"Is it always like this?" Saryana whispered as she worked. She was still focused on her healing, but the young woman needed to vent. "My father was a doctor, that's... where I got my talent from, but... In the few memories I have of them... I never remembered him treating anything like this. I've heard stories... About war and battle... Every hot shot in the cantina's seems to have a war story to tell... But it was never like this... I thought... I thought it would be different. There's no... There's no honor or glory in any of this. It's all just... bloodshed and gore and death and more bloodshed. It never... It never ends... Why doesn't it ever end?" Saryana wasn't even aware of the tears that were sliding down her face as she moved onto her next patient. [member="Emilia Marean"]
Location: escape pod in space
Objective: Stay alive
enemies: the vitae+ reps
Allies: cartel + os
Post 4/20

"Yo-ho and a bottlez of rumz.... *hic-up*" he sang and took a deep sip from his half empty bottle.

"I wissshhh... I wishhh I waz not zo lonely... *hicup* the weequay normaly did not mind lonely but this was a drag. the escaped pod seened to have gotten stuck in some sort of orbital flight not really wanting to fly away and not wanting to allow gravity grab it either.

Ka-Aver sighed. He rolled his shoulders and considered if sleeping would be a choice. Nah... itz zould be eve time noez..." he decided. He did feel a bit hungry though.

Oh, emergency food! he immediately turned and opened the cabin containing the necessary sos-gear. It was partly robbed of its content though.

"Damnz thievez... *hicup*" he cursed at his fellow pirates. "Onez cant truzt anyone theze dayz..." he said with sincerity but started to eat what was there.

But now what? How the heck would he get himself out of this mess? He started to get worried. this was not the way he had imagined to die... He started to go over the com again.

"Ooohhh.. now I zeeee"

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
Location: Planet Surface, Apatros slave mines.
Objective: No idea
Allies: [member="Sabrina Kotass"] @Zander Grayson [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Tricia"] Lamia Quresh [member="Solan Charr"]
Enemies: [member="Quin"] [member="Sabik Dhami"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Darth Valdra"]

Rexus jumped up at the sweep of a blade and ducked under another as they came sailing after him. Winding up his fist he quickly launched a haymaker at the incoming guard going in for another strike with a sword. Punching the man across the face Rexus sent him off the side of the bridge and down bellow to fall to his death in the mines. But giving that time to take out that guard Rexus had left himself vulnerable, the other elite guard took a swipe at him and landed a grazing hit as he did his best to dodge.

"Errgh! Son of a!" he exclaimed and grunted in pain.

With blood running down his smokey dirtied shirt he noticed he wasn't alone now. The slaves started to rise up and attack the man Rexus was trying to beat. Pilling up on the man Rex took the chance and started to lay fists into the man's face until he was out. With a sigh of relief he looked over to the slaves and sighed in relief as they were being accounted for. However he noticed a rather pudgy hutt that looked to be in charge across the way. He would of gone after him but these people needed him right now. So he simply stared at the Hutt with an icy cold expression that read he was going to find him one day and make sure he had his day in court.
[member="Morgana Forceborn"]

"One orbital bombardment coming up, my dear niece," she said, smiling a little. "As for dragging you into a warzone, you are a Jedi. That happens a lot, but you get used to it after awhile. It's all about helpign save those people who need saving, like slaves, from bad people tryign to do evil in the galaxy."

Gesturing to the captain, he nodded and picking up on Morgana's transmission, a burst of turbolaser would lance down from the heavens to help her niece out. Pirates and droids would be thrown willy nilly and the way forward would be clear.

"There you go dear, and maybe once this is over, I can teach you a thing or two," she said, her smile still wide that at least Morgana was safe right now. Looking over the tactical display, the pirate space forces seemed to be moving away. A shame, but at least they had gotten some good data on the Bastion's combat abilities.

"Ma'am, the engineers are reporting the gravity well generator will be back up soon."

"Excellent captain, that should stop any pirates that aren't able to soon escape. Estimated time?"

"A few more minutes at least."

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