Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slip on Through to the Otherside

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
There was a lot of work going into some of the most recent projects and with certain technologies unable to be utalized there was a serious need the jedi master was seeing for them to go and find new methods of using it. "So what do you think we can use?" She asked it looking at the droids that were with her in the temple while they reviewed some of the other projects that were being worked on. Specifically the Heralds and what would become a new project for Sasori the construction the the crucible stations thanks to the helping hands of her friends.

Some of the other things she needed in these cases though was a small expedition that would be dangerous but they had managed to find a system full of billions of jedi that were willing to help with problems and projects. Not many knew they were there and even less cared but it gave her skilled jedi to work with and help advance the purposes of Sasori. To create new wonders and technological force equipment that would aid the lightside of the force. One of the best ways to ensure that was good... make and arm powerful guards who would be able to protect it.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was looking at some fo the steps that would be going into that process for herself though when she wanted to work with more of the things, more of the jedi roaming around and they were assembling them into the seeder ships and saratai as needed. Some of the suggestions for the different ideas they had coming along were there. "Harmony what do we got in inventory on the ship?" She asked it while looking at the desk and the screens they had to work with. Details about the projects they were working on coming up.

She could see the new biot organs that they were developing for a new type of guardian that would protect the jedi temples. With the synthmesh in production it was able to provide a great many things for them to work with. Other pieces of work that were being done was the scouter to allow them to find force signatures and artifacts much like the korriban compass she had found but this would be for lightsiders and they could design it to work with handsfree scouters to let jedi watchmen find potential force users.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Harmony came to join her along with the AI's... she was actually now getting something of a following with everything they were developing and sending out across the galaxy. Their latest sister that had come to be was Rebirth which while not as impressive looking or with an avatar body was skilled in her field. Advanced medical knowledge spanning the galaxy that would be able to learn, adapt and develop all new procedures that they would be able to use for anything and everything.

Harmony was standing there is her slightly newish body, they had begun to replace some of the parts so that she would have her own upgrades and that she would be able to roam around more freely. New access to advanced AI's like her sisters not withstanding she would have to work at some of the different things. Push it all up and be ready as she had one of the essex visors along with her own weapon on her person. A field pistol cause shatter pistols were great but they could make them better.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Quiet was there with her avatar body, the slim muscled female replica body was designed like a beast with some of the heaviest materials as the frame of her body, then plated over with self repairing metal that would be able to enclose her inner working until they were looking over some of the things. Her synthflesh was made to enhance her strength, her sensors within her body designed to give her all of the information about it and her direct link to their main computers allowed her to process and be a walking archive.

The La Rasa was standing there next to her with her black hair up and back in a ponytail with her side arms ready for combat and defense that might be needed. Her main thing was using the massive dar'yaim cannon and the multipurpose rifle when she was looking it over with a nod of her head that she was ready for any of the things that would be able to happen for them. Turning more of it over with her attention until she was prepared before speaking. "We have currently the capabilities of a small army to handle what we need."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
They weren't primarily there for combat but she was all for working on some of the things but she was not opposed to some of the things with a look on her face. it was hard to justify not well risking death or destruction but you should try and work things out... Unless you were going against something that was a very dangerous group who would prove very dangerous and effective in becoming a problem against you. Matsu was prepared for it and they had some gear before she rose up and was prepared.

Matsu was prepared to work with them on a couple of the things while she was getting up and walking to join the three of them. Rebirth was here as well in their holopad presented as a talking ball something more a simple sphere but they could work with that while she was going over some fo the things in her head. Wanting to work with the AI on the different things they were developing to put it in some medical armor that would give the healers, doctors, medics or anyone who needed the information would be able to pull it up.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was looking over the information while she moved with them throughout the temple allowing the jedi that were moving around, the droids and the other engineers that were working around with all of them were producing some better effects. They were offering information about different testing purposes as well as different sections of the galaxy. Since they had been working on mapping tech for all of their things they would be able to set up some new pieces of equipment they could work with.

Matsu herself was prepared with a number of the different things as her forearm wrist pad chimed to show they were reviewing some of the extra stuff. The ship was loaded up and something like this for what she wanted was not always going to be easy but she could work with that, she could use it to learn a few things about herself compared to some of the others when they were pushing forward with a few more ideas for all of their things. The jedi master entered the armory looking over the different components.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The armory of a jedi temple many would expect to be filled with saber repair kits, some lightsabers and maybe stun weapons but... that was dumb there was a high risk of danger in the jedi and you needed to ensure that is the worse things started happening you would be able to maintain and keep your peoples safe. So they had been working on a lot of the things with a look on her face over some of it. From the different lightsabers witha workbench to go over and explore some of the crystals to the weapons.

The weapons were some fo the most interesting they had been woprking on and she had been working to improve upon their design herself from the more utility force light gun that worked sending a blast of force light and energy at enemies damaging them if they were darkside or against sithspawn it was something that they couldn't stand the feeling of. To the simple like the blast blades they had crafted to work and capture spirits fighting against some of the really dangerous sith spirits.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
There was different suits of armor that they could wear and use, different exploration suits that would serve a purpose across the planet and allow it to slowly develop into different suits. Then there were all the different robe sthey had developed and were developing for different purposes and different types of jedi. From the combat heavy jedi with their base ideals and the more impressive jedi who would be able to work on some of the things. Matsu had more of the new robes while she was wearing a synthmesh kimono.

She was going over more of it that they could wear for herself when she touched the different pieces of equipment like their standard travel packs. Loaded with the different supplies they would need since they could wear it, use it and have plenty of what they needed as a power pack. From the canteen that was designed to make its own water and replenish itself, to the vitamin enhancers and the very nicely set up MRE's that functioned far better then many expected them to, there was also the field brazier for heating.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
With the small power pack they were developing they could build it up, send it out into the field for the different jedi as needed and it provided the number of things that were needed. They were working on the different crystals they had developed before she slid it off the rack so that the different ones could be there and work on some of the things. "Here you three take one of these as well so we have several in the field." She was looking at them while sliding it onto their backs along with some extra equipment.

They were gearing up with a nod of her head as they were ready to continue on with a bow of her head to the work that had been going itno the larger things. Turning over different ideas in her mind about what they could do when she wanted to work on the old ship now with the Botany Bay and the harlequin. They could work with it when the hanger was filled with the ship, showing the square of a ship that was loaded with its own garden and botanical force preserve showing a whole lot of work.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was working on some of the things and thinking about more of it while they were loading up the ship, the hanger couldn't hold entire squadrons of fighters but they could hold some of the jedi starfighters, the new ones that had been developed for the orders if they wanted them. The jedi aces could move around with some of the things before they were heading into the hanger of the ship that wrapped around the ship. It was slow moving and large not ideal but the seeder ships and the saratai that went with it could do plenty.

They were loading up the rest while Matsu went off towards her office and room on the ship with a look over some of the things, allowing the force energies of the world itself to brush off of her before they roamed around setting up the droids in their recharging alcoves with a small look on her face. The jedi master was prepared to work with all of the things here and now until the other jedi that were with her and her crew were roaming around. She could see her lead engineer standing there as the Liran spoke.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"We are getting a lot of the new equipment, the performance engine should easily increase the ships speed and the new hull plating that has been developed will work with the stealth cloak. This ship won't be seen unless you want it to be at least on normal sensors. The force signature on the other hand is another story but then because of the gardens within and all of the force sensitive flora and fauna it has always been more of a beacon for those who are curious to come and see master Ike."

She looked at the Liran with a nod of her head and some understanding as the crew was just as diverse as anything else on Shri-Tal, they had gone to careful and at times painstakingly long lengths to try and get a crew of different species to see if they could all overcome their differeneces and work together for Matsu. A foolish notion maybe, something that might not be possible but one had to try and she was willing to work with them while they were heading into it. Her crew was the best and more so skilled.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She was preferring it at least though, the different crew also gave her a chance to learn and touch the different minds as the jedi master was moving into th garden of the ship. THe droids following her as it changed from metal and crystasteel into grass, reeds, trees and water itself. A nice stream and pool in the large ship that would give off the impression of being in some deep jungle or forest almost with how much of it was allowed to be overgrown and all the different flowers or creatures that moved around.

She could see some of the Ami-Su or the As-Aki, jakobeasts and simple things roaming around in harmony. The feeling of the ship and the collection radiated good nature and harmony more so then many other planets when Matsu was going over a number of the things in her head. Finding her small patch of silver grass that had been set up below one of the force sensitive trees with a small look on her face. "I hope all is in readiness, we can leave when the ship is ready to go and start heading out."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
THe Liran went with the others to work on things and they were preparing for it, the ship was leaving and ready to head out as it lumbered through the sky towards space and then would continue where it was needed but matsu herself was enjoying the feeling there on the ship in the garden as it allowed her to meditate and prepare her own mind with a smile on her face. "This is a very nice place to focus with the force energies to expand them outwards." She was looking over some of the things with Harmony.

The droids were returnign to their alcoves eventually and she was joined by one fo the others, one fo the jeid who worked with her in Sasori's labs since the beginnings. Now that it was a large galaxy spanning company that for the most part avoided entanglements with the other large groups across the galaxy she was more then happy to work with it. Provide some new insights on some of the older things they had developed like the jedi robes that were being worked on to have new and improved abilities.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She looked at Matsu with a nod of her head in excitement for what was going to come. The jedi master had worked with her to unlock the different holocrons they had discovered which were taken but that was fine. THey had the information from them and could work on all of the different ones to really go into the details of what there was. To really push it forward and describe a few of the more interesting things compared to the others. "So is all in readiness for what research we want to do and start working with?"

They had more things to go about and work with and here matsu could use it to her advantage while she was roaming over a couple fo the things eith a bow here and there before she was listening. "Yes we have everything ready, with all of the research you have done and all of the advancements we will be able to push some of the research forward despite a number of the more dangerous flaws. It should be able to continue and become a new field of study possibly at least within the jedi order."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
That was another thing when the jedi master saw and felt that the ship was jumping to hyperspace, they were headed to a place you needed to access from hyperspace before she was prepared. The engineers had been working on it better when she turned to look at the other jedi with a small look on her face prepared to work on it. "Yes maybe, I will say that I am not worried about soe of the big things we have been doing. Roaming around and working with new techniques how to do things."

They were headed to otherspace, a dead realm mostly that would be a danger if the native species that had killed everything had well the ability to intentionally get out and the will or want to do another massive galactic invasions. They were universe spanning, had killed galaxies so it was a dangerous task and they were needed but they also had some ways to fight against them and that was why the goal... well the ultimate goal was to get and study their biotechnology a little better to understand it.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The moment had come, after a small handful of hyperspace jumps to get to a more remote location they were ready to do it and Matsu was looking from the bridge of the ship as it looked out and observed the lines of hyperspace. prepared for anything that might arise and being able to test out some engine enhancements and upgrades that they wanted to do for i so something like this would be easier in the long run. With the jedi and soldiers prepared to harness themselves and fight if need be.

They were ready and her engineer was prepared with the works as they punched it in hyperspace and the starlines receded, giving way to blackness and signs of destruction. Worlds wiped clean of any and all life, massive ships that roamed dead galaxies in a never ending quest to make sure that life would never find a way to come back to the galaxies of this universe that would and should be ever expanding tearing away from each other until eventually there might one day be something to far from their reach.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"Welcoem to Otherspace." Matsu was prepared for it and reaching out witht he force to try and wrap around the ship, feeling each section of the hull while she extended the force outwards to wrap around it with a nod of her head they could proceed carefully. They might be cloaked with the white current but that didn't mean they weren't there if you knew what to look for. The others were working the passive scanners to keep track of anything and work to avoid the dangerous fleets of Charon.

THey weren't seeing any here in visual range or on sensor which was a good thing it meant they wouldn't run into a vangaurd.... and it was bad it meant they had to risk going around and searching for them when they were moving around in the sections of space. Coming out after dropping a covert beacon to mark where they were before heading off towards some of the worlds to see if they could spot one of their ships or maybe like a scout ship that was smaller and they could overpower.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She wanted to work on a few more things while they were pushing up with a couple more thing, sensors scanning until there was a large chunk of world and it was broken but they were still reading heavy deposits of mineral resources that they could mine or secure for themselves. Likely not for long but if they could set up mining droids to deliver it and a station out here to process it they could work on more of the things when she was setting the beacons as something moved across the sensors.

The ship was not one of the massive ones they had seen before it was more medium size she had to suggest compared to the other ones they had seen moving through with the Charon.She spoke looking at the ones there on the bridge while there were a couple of soldiers with her and some jedi brutes that were working on things. "Alright we are heading in to face the charon, be careful and communicate. Do not underestimate what is happening with them as their bioarmor can have different weapons."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She was thinking about what she knew of the charon itself though while standing there and talking with them. They were cloaked with the white current and coming up on it while she motioned for them. "Dock us and we will work on it." They could get over a number of the things that they were doing with boarding equipment and switching to a reclamation cloak that would cloak them instead of her she could feel the comfort of the force before they were moving as a group to go and start the operation.

They were standing with the masks on as the docking legs attached to the ship to hold them in place. She was reaching out with the force to hide them from the others with a sharp intake of air before they were opening up the sections of the ship for the airlock. There was a hiss until the brutes grabbed it and were prying the doors apart so one of the scouts could slip in activating the crystal coating of the robes to sneak around the ship when they had it opened and ready. Securing the airlock so it was attached.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was looking at them to keep it secured and able when she started heading in seeing some fo the rangers move off to start searching, her hand going to one of the stun rods they could use as well as the blade saber with a nod she was ready to work on some of the things. The sounds of the beings in the ship were on the edge of her senses when they came around to some of the rooms with a nod of her head. "Move out and stay in contact with each other I don't want any slip ups understood?"

They gave a nod of their head to her while they were moving and prepared to work on the different things, one of the hallways they were working on being secured when they brought one of the new autoturrets into the ship. Letting it remain there and cover the hall ways so they could move and leave it secure taking it off of the repulsor sled it was being carried on to be set up. A second one going past it before they were prepared going into one fo the rooms with a small team setting up.

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