Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slip on Through to the Otherside

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She was looking up at the far end of the area where overlooking them was the imposing sight of it all, the massive structure was being designed as a fortress of stone, hijarna stone and everything else they could do. A bastion of defenses that the jedi could use as well as a number of improvements, much like the citadel they were reconstructing and setting it up to have the massive areas of research, study and everything to survive a siege. Built into the mountainside and section itself.

The haulers that had been bringing supplies and all of their things across the galaxy were on display with larger sections that tey would be able to work with. Presenting a better section of new equipment that was being used as well as some walkers that they could get access to. Wanting some fo the largest as well as some of the large tanks that they would be able to use. "THey have been making good progress with the creation of the tunnels correct?" She was wondering what harmony was displaying.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The tunnels that they were working on and the cave system underneath the fortress that was being set up and developed. The connection to the larger cave networks that they were working and dealing with gave her some hope before she raised an eyebrow looking at Harmony as the human replica droid was speaking. "we have been working and designing the sections of the caves to be reinforced with tungstoid metal around them. It will create a stronger shell designed to take a hit."

Whihc that taking a hit wasn't the best thing but she wasn't going to give it up, they could do a whole lot with that compared to some of the things and presenting even more in terms of equipment or work would prove highly effective. The heavier the metal shell of the base and foundation the easier it would be to work with more of the things they were doing. For now matsu was thinking about the long term construction efforts they would be able to put into it for building this and the upper sections would be protected.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was looking with harmony at the large sections and collection that was being brought up to it, one of the main and important parts was the massive stone bridge designed to basically be a death trap of hijarna stone to survive orbital bombardment while providing a massive chokepoint as the top towers on the sides were lined with anti air turrets that were tied to the power grid, the spaced for full coverage while lines went down the interior and exterior of the bridge of auto turrets and droid manned turrets.

She could see the underside of the bridge itself as well, designed and constructed with drop down turrets that wouldn't scar or damage the bridge if they hit it and could deliver attacks on the area below as well as around if something was trying to fly down low. That chokepoint was designed with other additions, shielding so enemy forces could be funneled and there would be a very large area of dead people or just the pylons that if struck hard enough send out an emp to disable the vehicles and the majority are there in the mountain.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
They were setting it up how she wanted it and how some fo the ranger's suggested they set it up, a massive chokepoint to filter and force the enemy to ditch a lot of their defenses in favor of marching across which would as the lines of turrets showed be able to mow them down. it was like a tower defense system and only authorized ships would be able to land in the hangers behind the large defense screen that they were workign to set up in the fortress walls itself that were being set up to have heavy turrets and defenses with long ranges that few would be able to match.

Additional droid and walkers that were made for here while also be used and needed utilizing the crystal coating like some of the auto turrets that were around the mountain pass leading up here. They could be cloaked and were able to recharge shots while being in the sun. Solar power for the win when it came to it, with a larger kill zone and using it like a mapway they could have most sections of the planet in the mountians become very dangerous while defensive ion turrets and cannons to disable ships were on the world.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was looking over more of it while they were coming to the lower sections where more droids and engineers were working on the buildings sections. If they were going to fighting then they were going to need heavy walkers down here to defend it and in open combat they could do a lot. Pill boxes with turrets that had range and a good view of everything, trenches they could roam around in with barricades as well as shields they had set up. All of the developed sections giving way for them to improve upon.

Matsu could see the large walkers that were being brought in to work on the defenses with small sections where they were hidden and able to rapidly deploy with droid riders. Defensive grids and screens as well as lights ot relay probes that could come out and have a map of the entire area in real time to provide it to the map rooms themselves. Additional turrets and droid perches where they could have full range of fire across the area and battle field until they were going up the mountain that was a wall of turrets.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Walking from there they were going into the bays at the base of the mountain as it scaled upwards to the large walls of the fortress. Turrets jutting out around the mountain and platforms that were able to release automated drones and ion batteries. Solar powered batteries were well a great defensive measure to have as they had range, disabled most things they touched and were slaved to fire on enemy ships. In this case it was like bringing capital grade ion cannons to a knife fight.

Matsu was wanting to look at more of it when she was going through the massive tungstoid doors that were on magnetic tracks to move opened and closed. Defensive droids and ranger's working there while they were providing a large section of different things here. Mainly modules for living and the self sustaining process of the planet. Same as in the citadel that would let the jedi handle a large number of their own developments to stay here in case of problems. They could defend the planet for generation.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
THey were heading up the loift and she could see the other floors and areas that they have set up developing all of it. With a small look on her face though harmony was there with her as they provided information about the status of the project at the citadel and new techniques were being used as well as some new information about the bioship and armor they were setting up for themselves. THey were working on more of it and by the time the jedi master returned they would have something to go with the armor now.

They would be able to return from here to the citadel with one of the transports that was heading over there and be prepared for any number of things that the jedi themselves were bringing for them to work with and set up on. Developing this section of Rhen Var so that the jedi and construction droids could go out to start developing other sections was a very important thing to them before she arrived at one of the main levels of the fortress seeing the staircase with internal defense turrets and towers.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She was looking through the massive courtyard at the defensive turrets that were lining the walls and the droids roaming around as construction continued. They were able to work with it before she was walking up the steps to see the entryway. From this angle it looked like a large bridge with breaks in it to get the others to move around so the defenses could handle them. There was more to it as she looked up at some fo the perches that ranger's had set up in and there were guard walkers and droids ready to fight.

THe further up she was going the more interesting it looked when she could see the shield barricades they could use when she looked over the wall going up down. The sheer cliff face that was on display for them to see the area below as it looked more like a grid work they could send things through. Attention to the finer details when the turrets were moving and around. Other sections like sniper perches and towers for anti-air defenses were being raised up with the different towers for observing.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu continued through it into the main hall area they had set up with a holodisplay table they were able to work over many of the things. Turning over with most of her attention on it when they had it set up, coordinating with the citadel's table so she could see some of the silver watch who were testing it out with them and observing. "Everything is looking good in this side master Ike, we have feedback from the other fortress as well as the harbor." That was good, a way to coordinate across the planet.

Matsu gave them a nod while they were checking in which this meant they would be able to relay information quickly in times of stress and coordinate the important parts of the situation for what they wanted to work on. "Good then, we'll finish up looking over here and return to you to see the stages of the bioarmor project." There was going to be more and with the tech they were going to be working with they wanted to make sure all of it was properly set up for the work to continue to work on it.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu and Harmony were working on more of the things that they were setting up for different parts. The interior was showing the planet itself as well as the sections that they were working on more of the things with a nod of her head as Harmony spoke. "We have been working on more of the things here Master Ike, with the biots we will be able to develop some of the impressive parts. Their ability to handle the cold and temperatures will let them work on the cave systems to find the underground rivers of the planet."

Searching and connecting the underground would give them a better chance of mapping the planet and maybe setting up even more things within the fortress as they were going towards one of the larger landing pads with a nod of her head. Approval for all of the things and a massive archives that they would be able to access to train other padawans and jedi. She knew there was a chance they would be able to work with jedi brutes here to outfit them in better equipment then what they normally had to work with.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu raised an eyebrow at the skill some fo them were showing when she came out. The engineers and construction teams had been tirelessly at work on all of it allowing this area to resemble the retreat and temple on Cloud Nine something that the jedi were able to use as they needed to if they knew where to go. There was also all of the things that the jedi were developing as an axis transport arrived here for her and it was armed to the teeth a heavily armored transport for jedi and piloted by jedi aces.

THeir pilots were second to none and the new flightsuits they had worked on and designed for them were going to be using the new rebreather system and packs. Something that would be able to be used and provide oxygen recycling to them so they could have breathable air in the suits for several hours if not days depending on their skills with breath control just in case to really mess with some of the others. It would give the aces an advantage with some of the other things they were designing for them.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
THe compacted and highly protective flightsuit was roaming around on them as she could see the bigger and more secure sections of the pilots. They were set up to provide more protection until she saw the interior of the transport and it was loaded with crates that the droids were taking out quickly to give them the best chance to work on things. Staying over with a few more ideas until the jedi master and her HRD were walking around inside while they waited to go off and head back towards the citadel.

The transport lifted off and they were headed out, prepared to work on the different things as it for a moment rose above the clouds and storm to show the iceball of a planet and then was zooming forward while the mapping systems showed the world itself for them to navigate and properly move between the storms and pockets back down towards the massive citadel. The trams were there coming back and bringing jedi to them, the watch was at work with things and the jedi themselves were still working on it.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu stood near Harmony with a nod of her head when they were looking out the viewport and from the air they were able to see a lot more of the area and space between the area's the improvements in the mountain passes were an important thing that allowed it to work with more of the things they were doing. "It is looking very nice Harmony, continue to coordinate with the others and we should be able to finish up most of the construction on the fortress and the citadel while continuing to work on them."

They were making it a very large point of what would and would not be able to work on all of the things. Staying over with some fo the bigger sections of the Citadel when they were coming into the hanger in the mountain section while the large door was closing before she started walking towards the ramp and the other jedi that were there came out with one of them wearing the bioarmor itself. More tests were going on and he seemed to be gliding from side to side of the hanger testing out how it moved.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was looking at them and observing the armor as the man was moving in it, a brute by the looks of him with the strength and upper body physique that could go with it before she nodded her head in agreement that this was becoming a very impressive suit when they showed the micro thrusters and how he was able to move. The enhanced jedi reflexes and perceptions that would go into it were responding with the biomass instead of hindering the development if anything it seemed to be improving and making it better.

They were working over with a number of other things as the jedi master presented some of the information for them to see. Staying with Harmony while they were walking through the citadel towards the other research labs where they had begun to make progress with the bioship and armor for what they were wanting to do. Make it so the suit could handle vacuum and survive but also be able to function all around compared to many of the other ones. She was looking at re-entry heat if they made the frames.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
They were working in the lab as everything came into view for them to see when the jedi master stood over some of the things. They had managed to get some of the parts into a smaller frame that would work to organize it into a smaller organic fighter for all of the things. They could use it to test out the charon bioship components so theyw ould be able to work on many of the things. It gave her one or two others ideas of what to develop for themselves until she was prepared for more of the things as they walked around it.

Matsu was focused and relaxed on many of the things that they were working with before she presented the ship to Harmony and moved to sit in the cockpit of it. They had developed many of the things into a system that they would be able to use but there was no real way to tell if it was sealed and space worthy right off the bat. THey would have to work on it and test it before anything but the ship was shifting to give her different controls and configure to how she was and would be better able to operate it.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu remained in the bioship as it rose up, the sounds of it going before she looked out into the research lab and they opened a smaller area she could fly the ship through to get outside onto an exterior platform. A good way to test conditions as the ship hovered there adjusting itself and reacting to her thoughts. Staying with all of it before she was tapping the computer that was there on display turning over many of the things before she started bringing up the cockpit membrane so that it was sealed.

The ship was able to move at least here and she was wearing the robes, plus her circlet so being able to tell if it was going to be freezing here. Everything felt normal compared to the things they had been doing. Then she felt it, that vibration through the seat and the ship slowly started hovering in the air before she was flying in the air around the citadel able to get a better look at the base of it and the walkers along with different defenses. They were still looking nice compared to others with a nod of her head.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The exterior of the Citadel she could see, Hijarna stone synthweaved with the mesh and the weave itself so the citadel itself radiated the lightside of the force, this wasn't something simple it was something the jedi had designed to empower and provide function to all of their things before heading around the Citadel to get a better view of it as well as what they were constructing with it. She could see the exterior landing pad and the construction droids that ere workign with the trams or the transports.

She was looking at the large courtyard where there were silver watch members roaming around setting up their different things. The fireglass braziers were great for having light and warmth in the winter without having to fully manage them or maintain them. It was helpful also for marking everything around the courtyard with a nod of her head seeing more fo them. They had brought out a few of the others allowing the biot droids to work on things since they were not damaged by the weather around the planet.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was making notes of the citadel for herself and where it needed more work, if it needed more work at least and what they might be able to do with it. As opposed to the fortress they were developing this was a simple place allowing for a simple amount of work to be done to fortify it where something they were building could be constructed from the ground up with everything they wanted. It was a timing and resource thing as well as what could be done before she crossed her arms in agreement it looked good.

THey were coming back in at the landing pad when she saw Harmony arriving with soem of the engineers and the watch members who were making sure all of the things were set up across the citadel. New locations, new crates of equipment and rations. What they made and dind't use could be given to locals on others worlds since Rhen Var didn't really host people living on it or within its walls. "Harmony I am brinign the ship in for a landing, everything seems to be working well enough."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was bringing the ship down onto the landing pad where Harmony was standing the the wind had died down leaving the skies clear almost with the sun reflecting down on he snow and all around them it was reflecting the light up into your eyes. She could see it across the valley to the mountains in the distance. SHe opened the membrane of the ship and climbed out while there was some goo that went on her hands while she flicked them to throw it off and onto Harmony's face with a small snicker.

The watch members were looking at harmony who had some fot he goo on her face and there was the small laughs from it. The sight was funny before she was moving over with a couple of the things when Matsu and her were walking. "Construction efforts have been improving and we've stepped up the stores that will be able to work on a few of the things. We've begun storing food that has been being grown by the watch for their own store rooms so they would be able to feed themselves."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu listened to everything that was being listed off in her head and they had a good amount of things that would be set up for all of them to do. Attention to the smaller details for all of them as well as attention to the fact the watch itself was going to be able to produce and trade off their own food out here in this desolate waste of a world. Defensive beacons like the parabeacons that can screw with traditional ship systems to stop them from leaving or becoming a problem if they needed it and stations that could be used.

The main defenses of the citadel were that is was made to survive and handle a seige now, thick solid tunqstoid doors that needed the magnetic lifts to operate and open up. Heavier blastdoors on the inside made of turadium thatr sealed down and chokepoints where you had to ditch the more dangerous weapons in favor fo the closer quarters where the watch with their lightsabers could handle the situation. Droids for defensive purposes milling around until they were moving into the one room.

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