Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slip on Through to the Otherside

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
They would have to work on that term soldier with this, the beings were going to be a great many things that the jedi had to handle and work on. It would turn over different sections of what they would finally be able to do compared to some of the others until she had a better idea compared to some of the others. The biotech armor combined with the microbots that would be able to work with it and create a biotechnological mass able to take in organic material and inorganic material to heal itself and upgrade.

Some of the other things they could make to go with it was important so long as the programing and memory of the beings continued to function. matsu walked as some of them were working with the shaped gear and weapons when they were showing the melee weapons and the blades themselves that had been formed on the armor for testing purposes. They were advancing how to shape the raw armor into the blades when they moved around in a small testing area and left it undeclared from becoming solid.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
They were working on many fo the bladed weapons and even in how they had integrated the plasma cannon onto it, with the droids working to breakdown and assemble the work that they were doing. If it went as planned they would be able to develop what they can for it as the cannon could be set up and assembled quickly changing the gauntlet or even making it so that it could assemble the cannon for a larger blast on the chest, on the back where it could be used for a sneak attack. There were ideas and some new thoughts.

Matsu was going over a number of the different things they had been developing whille she tested it using a few new ideas to provide themselves additional information. "Everything you have been doing is looking very very nice. You have worked hard already I can tell to start learning how to work with it." Matsu looked at the AI's and the droids that were working hard but also the engineers who were developing it into a superior product.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was also looking at the biotechnology they had managed to get from the rift that would be able to help them understand it as well as the contract with Zenoma that would allow them to understand the bioships and biotech the world created. She was developing most of the things they were in touch with for biotech. She'd likely have to work and talk with Suravi or Arisa for work with the biotechnology so they could better handle the upgrading of all of it. She wanted to work with more of the things.

They were developing a few of the ideas as well for what could and would be abel to go into it, from the shoulder mounted weapons that would develop and wrist mounted weapons. To the flight systems and anti-grav tech that would go into it along with what the carapace would be made out of to develop some of the stronger things. They wanted to make this one of the most protective designs that could be developed for well special beings as opposed to most of the Sasori equipment and armors.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
They continued to work on the bioarmor and breaking down, assembling it all. The computers were working with more of the things until they pushed a few of the ideas here and there to try while they were developing a lot of it. "Is everything looking good on your end?" Matsu asked it while the synthmesh was being set up and worked into the bioarmors carapace shell that was being shaped. Made to look more like traditional armor instead of something strictly organic to give off its duel nature but also because they could do a lot with it.

Matsu kept working with them and with more of the jedi that were researching it for several days as they remained in the large lab in the citadel with the engineers showing the finished prototype. They had developed some of the things to provide the armor with a shaped biomass of microdroids that would work with it. They were finishing up and putting work to shape the ability for it to make its own weapons and some other things like she was wanting to make it use the stealth polymer and shielding unit.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
THey could spend weeks and months here on this project and that was the end goal, they could and would come up with it how they needed to so that they would better be able to handle the situation given to them. Presented and deemed an acceptable prototype but there was no rush or need to accelerate the production. They had some of the largest aurodium mines in the galaxy, they mined it from worlds and could fund their own projects internally for centuries to come based on the credits given off from it.

That was the other big thing that they would work on, funding their own projects since the products were used by governments and orders across the galaxy mostly. She didn't go out and basically say they had to ue it or that it would be superior, preferring the build it and they will come approach. it worked for the most part those who wanted quality often found the higher levels with Sasori and those who just wanted to make something quickly and cheaply to sell at mark up were usually disappointed.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
They were working on things here with the team that were developing a number of the pieces. They were getting about testing the early stages of the bioarmor while they were working for some of the things. The droids and AI were running simulation that she would be able to work with as they prepared some of the better things. Simulations about what they would have to do procedure wise to make the armor properly work in some of the cases. They were working on things before they were moving in the room and course.

The rangers were testing the armor when they were moving and it formed around them becoming a solid carapace prepared to work with the different sections of the armor while they moved climbing across the bars before the one lept down and scaled a wall with a look on the sensors they had been working on more of the things they had been doing. The guns they were holding they ran with to provide a number of data flying across the screen as they had the movement few others could match.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was watching as all of them were roaming with more attention to the details but also watching the corner of her eyes to show the sections of where they were struggling. One of the big things that would be needed is making the bodies of the beings who would be wearing the suits more hardy so that they would be able to handle the strain of it. The bioarmor was going to create a heavy demand on the body itself so that it would be able to function but the benefit of it being that impressive in situations would be worth it.

The Ai was showing where they were needing to work with some of the bigger things. Increased body mass, stronger muscles and bones, ability to feed the armor with more nutrients from the food they were consuming. The armor would be much like the bioarmor that Lucreia had only it would be a little safer as the jedi master was thinking about it with a nod of her head. It would require a lot of food for what they were going to eat or a way to directly have feeding tubes into the armor.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was looking over some more of the things on the screen when they were starting to finish up the process and the course. Prepared to work on many of the things they had been developing that would help with it. She knew that the others had developed the processes to make the enhanced beings who would be needed to work and move within the armor. Before she was working on some of the things that they had developed but she was also going to have to do a couple of things while they worked.

Matsu was setting up the different things they they would be abel to do here on Rhen Var when it came to upgrading the citadel itself with some of the other projects they had been working on. Her attention going to the other jedi she was working with until she turned over with more of the attention to the smaller details before she was going to sign off on what would be one of the second stage testing grounds they could put things into. "Everything is looking good, your work with the suits in impressive.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The armor was going to be continued to be worked on by the other researchers and artisan's to improve upon it while they were putting the information about the armor and the procedures of what they would need to be working on many of the things. To get the full potential they would have to work with it to develop the stronger and hardier bodies until they were providing the final pieces of the puzzle that would turn them over with a couple more things that she wanted them to work with.

She was moving over with a couple fo the things to provide new information as the jedi master started walking through the citadel itself while the information about the construction efforts were coming to them about all of the things. To give her some better ideas of what they would be able to handle until she spoke to the droids that were working. "Keep up the work and is the tram working to the mountain pass?" She was curious and they had been working hard on a number of things here across the planet.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"We have gotten the trams of the citadel working to head to the construction zone as well as the fortress. Additional trams heading out to sections of the valley near the major tomb sections and checkpoints are always up and running allowing the Silver watch to get to different sections of the planet and valley quickly should they have a need to." The droid said it while walking with her and they went outside where she was standing in the courtyard to present a nice section for herself with one fo the jakobeast coats.

The courtyard of the citadel was large now and seemed more imposing with the walls they had rebuilt. The vibration and hum of the force as it pulsed throughout the area was there from the stone as matsu worked on the mor eimportant things. There were the fireglass braziers setup to warm those outside while also providing light to everything they were doing. Attention to the smaller things as they glowed oragne giving off the heat but no fires that had a danger of igniting and burning the place down.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu continued to work with many of the things that they were doing before she rolled over some of her shoulders. Staying with it for a few moments until she was standing up on the wall of the Citadel overlooking the valley below. Snow all around with it picking up and there was the visibility through to the valley below where there were droids moving around. The jedi master looked towards the trams that were running on the cables to go through which were slower yes but more reliable in blizzards.

She was entering the tram as it had the operator droid for it as well as some seats and sections for equipment that they were able to use before she was standing with Harmony. The Human Replica Droid was prepared to handle most of the things that they were doing when she wore the heavy armor easily enough. Matsu and her would be able to move around with a few other ideas and plans until they wanted to design a better one. It could move safely through the valley when a snowstorm raged.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
THe tram continued to go forward while they worked on more of it, working with the droids who were communicating at the stations as Matsu looked down and could feel the force crystals below. An important part of what they were doing as she wanted to hav the very best when it came to the hard work they had been doing. THe jedi master arrived at the way station they were looking over and Harmony had the uplink to the Citadel itself to continue to give her feed back about what was happening.

The end of the tram was another building built into the mountain and leading towards one of the larger passes, just simple enough with the main area a section you could sleep, another you could eat and freshen up Then there was a holotable that showed the planet and the area around them so you could go around searching for things. From the thousands of probes that were sent out to map the system to the planet itself so it was in real time showing the storm that was passing by the mountains.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"And how is everything here looking?" She asked it to the droids and jedi who were maintaining the waystation as well as within the engineer corps. They got to use the force to develop these stations themselves as they pushed forward going around the table to show the passes and the sectioned off areas. "Things ave been progressing well master Ike we've marked and started adding pathways in the mountains for walking around the tombs as well as restoring the areas. Compared to most areas I believe we are progressing ahead of schedule."

THey were giving a good report that could be worked with and worked on while she was going over many of the things that they have been setting up on some of the bigger and better things they had developed. She knew the number of tombs and caves around Rhen Var were mostly word of mouth and some beacons but they had been working to fix that as here they could map them and with chevrons as well as research teams they could begin to find the tombs for jedi and sith alike that were marked.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
THe marking on the regions where they were marking tombs also served another purpose, with the research and mapping teams they could send in drones to explore and map the interior to give a proper idea of what they are like. Perhaps discover long lost one or ancient ones that hadn't already been pillaged. Quenladose whe she had come here had faced the problem but found those two lightsaber crystals for herself to use in her blades when they were taking over some of the other aspects and construction.

Matsu herself was marking some of them while on the map they showed different sections and different areas that had been explored by the different jedi teams. They were checking them off and made a list for the computers of what they had inventoried within the tombs. If there was anything of value or of interest that would provide them with some new and improved areas of it all. Matsu was able to work it while she was preparing to head out into the snow with all of the fluff from the coat.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
There were of course other reports to work on and help with, the jedi master as she went outside saw some of the new equipment that she was glad to have working for them. With a few more ideas here and there they should easily be able to get all fo the things that they needed to when she was walking with more interest towards the sections of tombs they had uncovered. The banners inside were jedi and with the construction platforms they had made it safer to walk around near them and not risk falling into the ice and rock below.

That wouldn't be very helpful and serve less purpose but they would be able to give a few new ideas to what they were doing when she looked at the droids that were working on it. Securing and working on the sections to make sure the sections of the tombs were secured. All of them would be able to roam around with the small busts of the jedi on display to give some honor or some information about the sith but they were trying to keep the information about them down and secured just in case.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
THey continued to work through it and move over with some of the different sections of tomb. They were going inside but the droid teams that were working to explore and in most cases document the interiors were giving vital feedback about the different things that they were seeing. Matsu was moving with Harmony to see most of it and give herself the information about the other tombs they had discovered before they were coming to another part of it a way station between the pathway and the lower sections of the valley.

They were using the construction efforts, the sections waypoints to provide more security and stabilization so that they would have the mountains as well as everything else. Droids assigned to clean up around here and defensive turrets around in case of invasion. They were making progress in it and making it better for them meant that it would be better for anyone else. So the monitoring probes and environmental equipment that would give them a better idea and handle on things were an important step.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The other important steps would be what they were developing and setting up for the expansion of many different things. The jedi themselves that were working with most of them provided a lot of sections. They could document all of the things that went to with the cave systems, there was also parts of it that would give them a few more ideas of what to do. "THis all looks very impressive Harmony, make sure the droids are all taken care of and we'll start making other living modules for different groups."

Harmony seemed prepared to work with everything that they were doing when she and the jedi master came down to the lower levels that were leading down into the canyon so the two of them could continue on providing them with a lot of the work. "Understood and they are preforming well in the arctic temperatures. THe droids are working towards a stronger sense in many of the things that we have been doing." She seemed prepared and ready to work on more things when their forearm datapad came up.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
There was some information about the cave for them to review and even more for them to be able to study if they wanted to, the scans and reports about statues inside as well as a small underwater stream able to get fresh water from if you need it. Where the cave system comes out and connects to as well as if there are any creatures in the cave. All of it was proving very effective and planned in the works they were doing as opposed to before so Matsu was happy to work with it while the arctic droids moved around.

They had other things that they were setting up, the pathway and walkway sections so they could move things over the terrain easier now were giving the droids plenty to work with. Large walkers as the citadel was on the one side of the low area they were in and visible while the other opened up to a large expanse of snow and ice that was being cu and carved into. Platforms all around where they had found veins of crystals that the jedi could tap into and sections to old buried wrecks of ships that crashed.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
They had been working with it and looking over many of the things that crashed on the planet so they would be able to handle more of it. The jedi master wanted to work with more of the bigger things that they had developed. Some new ideas to get down and itno the wreckage while extracting it and cleaning up the sections of the planets that needed it. They could also move and switch up the different parts of what they had discovered to break it down or send it back to its governments if the need arose.

Matsu was wanting to work with more of them when they were presenting sections into the larger sections. Giving the jedi some of the veins of solari crystal that were set about in the area for them to harvest. She wanted to work with it and giving plenty of solari crystals to the others had a small look on her face when they uncovered a large chunk of it with some ice that was being melted away carefully. "Wow that is a large and impressive piece, you should be proud that could fit in a hundred lightsabers."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Well maybe or it could work on a number of projects that they were focused on getting off the ground. She knew the ultimate goal here was to get the bioarmor off the ground as well as the equipment that would be going with it so that those wearing it would be able to easily handle any situation that came at them. Beyond that though they would be pressing themselves forward with some new limits on things sadly. THey couldn't have everything in the end but they could have enough.

The jedi master was prepared and workign with them as they moved over with some of the other and bigger parts. Showing up to the members of the sillver watch as they were able to give them a few better ideas leading the way throughout all of it.planet. With the work here they were taking things up towards the construction site that the jedi were able to run and gather stone from the different mountains to shape and cut it for the fortress to rebuild it as well as some of the parts.

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