Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slip on Through to the Otherside

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
They were moving through the ship and all of them were prepared to work on it, seeing some of what they were looking for as there was a pool of the biotech armor but it was not formed into something you would be able to shape and form to your body with whatever they wanted. Matsu was walking through it all prepared to set up the work that they were doing when she motioned to them. "Do you think we can move and recover this tank?" She was curious but they were wanting to work on things.

The engineers moved up and started looking at the tanks while they were putting over the liquid a cover before turning back to the jedi master and speaking. "We'll move this but we will need to work with an adapted suit from the charon to understand the changes to keep it together as a solid that can be used." Matsu was watching the engineer while they were working on the different things but she nodded her head to them. "Alright, we shall work on finding some of them here in the ship."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was moving and the charons ship itself was a strange place that you could be running around before she prepared herself to go and fight them. They were finding blips on the sensors showing that some of them were coming around to work on a number of the problems they had developed. Matsu stayed seeing one of them at the far end of the hall as it was chittering coming at them with a raised plasma cannon taking aim and then she heard something that was charging down the other hall.

One of the jedi brutes charged the charon with a tackle as they slammed into the wall and left a dent that wasn't soon going to be forgotten. Hard work for more of the things now as well as a number of the bigger and stronger ideas they could push forward with. Matsu moved up with the stun rod but there were more sounds coming. He had alerted the others and they were going to need to handle them if they had a hope of getting out of this intact or with their heads attached to their bodies.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The blades and blunt sections of the armor she could see while rushing forward to handle and duel them as best she could before jumping over with some of the things while her stun rod came out and she fired the beamer to the being to get it to stop struggling and attacking the jedi. They were staying at it while one fo the healers moved up and started healing the brute who was injured. Blood and blades in his chest and stomach but he was not spilling anything out at least for the moment.

Matsu wanted to ensure he was safe and able to handle himself before they were moving over with some of the things here. There were sounds of more Charon coming before she motioned for them to drag the charon back to the ship and secure it in one of the gravity cells where they could keep it without risking the bigger ships coming when she turned him over. "Get him in the cell before he wakes up and we'll handle the situation as needed, I'll work to make sure the communications are disabled."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
They understood and were moving with the jedi master to carry out the orders so that it would be a large and rather secured section of work for themselves. The jedi were quick and trained do to this compared to some who might spend moments arguing it or trying to find reason to keep working out some of the problems. Matsu was running wit her blade ready and the other hand ready with the beamer until she passed through one of the doors dropping down and hugging the floor when the sounds of a plasma cannon.

Matsu was looking at it while she moved with her attention going to the other jedi ranger who had been behind her and was young. His chest a melted mess from the intense heat that was coming before she rolled over to avoid a second shot that sent her surging forward kicking off of the floor prepared to duel and handle the charon kicking off of the wall so she could smack him around to get him on the side of the hallways before she was slashing and firing off the beamer into his chest from a closer range.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The charon went down and she kept moving, leaving him unconscious while she was going after the communications of the ship. They migt be able to jam and halt them for a time but eventually something would get through and they didn't want to have a fleet or the larger ships coming here to try and fight them off with the small botany bay. Matsu herself would need to handle the situation with the same level of class and preparedness as she usually would. By finding a way to kick their butts at least until they were able to leave.

She was moving still while a few of the other jedi reported in what they were doing, small works around the ship and making some discoveries. They didn't want to deal with or handle void stones as they could be a problem when using the force so avoiding them but they could work with a number of the things until she ducked into another room seeing the screen that were displaying all of the data about them but they were jammed so they couldn't send the information off before she started slashing.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The lightsaber ignited with a snap hiss as Matsu moved it through the air and could feel the force energies while she remained calm allowing the force to extend outwards from her body. The silver blade biting into the armor when she had the stun rod secured with her second blade in her hand and the snap hiss came with the white blade activating and slashing into the charon from both sides against his plasma cannon before it was cleaved and on the floor cooling at the cut. The sounds he let out for his lost arm echoed through the ship.

The charon was giving her some difficulty in its fight, bashing her away as Matsu rolled and spun on her back to land back up interlocking the sabers and deactivating the one so it was instead a long handled saber prepared to fight and continue the duel. His blade formed from the bioarmor as he was slashing with his free arm to try and cleave her in two or more pieces when the jedi master watched him with narrowed vision for a moment before charging and preparing. her mind repeated the movements in her head.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Left... right... duck... slash. her mind was working quickly as she could see the charon slashing in her minds eye before he was actually doing it to let her dodge in the middle of combat. Battlefield precognition wasn't rare and it was one fo the things that gave the look of jedi having reflexes so fast they are no longer human or alien. Just the right application of the force before she ducked to th sid moving into his body to check him with the force as a dash and smash technique before slashing again.

The jedi code was like a mantra in her head while she was moving quickly and with focus, the Jadeite code they had made for the engineers and jedi who wish to become somethng more within the order other then just another combat oriented jedi. All of her ideals were there with a small look on her face before she ducked down again and slashed spinning on her back while being prepared for the work they were doing. "Ha." Matsu's voice came out with the shouts from the charon while he fell over and the doors opened.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The doors opened as several of the jedi ranger's came through with a look on their faces and they were prepared to work with a number of the things that the jedi were doing. Matsu had them scouting around the ship and they were leading the way into the communications room while she stood there thinking about the best way to disable the whole system but only one method came to mind with her. She knew it was going to be a dangerous situation but why not go for it a moment later.

Matsu started slashing the console for herself as the quickest way to disable the communications until she gave a look over it with her face to the other jedi. "I ran out of ideas on how to use their biocomputers." SHe got a look and then there was a small laugh between all of them while they were working on the different things for it. Taking some parts for themselves and they had secured the bioship for themselves as she wa slooking over it and they might e able to learn a lot from the technology.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"There is a lot we can find and learn from all of this." She was looking at it with a nod of her head to it. The charon were dangerous and if there was a way to work with their technology to understand it as well. "Do we have the ship secured fully?" She was wondering what they might be able to work with in terms of what they would be able to use. "Yes master jedi, we have the ship and have recovered some additonal suits of armor for testing purposes." Matsu looked at him and a bigger idea came to her mind as she was ready.

"Send in the droids and start disassembling the ship, get as much as you can of the parts so we can start working to try and reverse engineer them for our own purposes." She had a few more ideas that she was wanting to try in the long run for the different sections but they would be able to work with the droids and jedi as she was going over some of the information on the datapad that was being provided and she secured her sabers on her hips with a small grin on her face before she stretched herself arms.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The salvage and cannabalizing operation had begun, it wasn't going to just be a thing for them to wotk on more of it but it was going to be one that they could learn and carefully get to understand the technology and their hyperdrives. The jedi master was working on a number of things they had going on before she was resting a little. Focused mentally on concealing them from sensors and from sight with the white current whille the droids gathered everything they could along with the jedi.

She was getting a small look on her face though and was prepared for some more things they could do. The jedi master wanted to work with the screen before she was listening in on what there was. The droids were speaking about the different problems in containing and well keeping the biotech alive before they started loading it into the stasis fields to preserve it for use. meant they couldn't take as much but loading up the ship for it would give them an advantage before more chatter came.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
They were finishing up here while the jedi master got to look at the other droids who were settig things up across the screen providing her some attention to the bigger things. Presented in the way it was when they were finishing and she moved her stealth field away from the charon vessel when they were detaching from it to float back for a moment before starting to head back when on the long range sensors a larger ship was coming into view. Matsu dind't want to be here and try to outrun it so they were moving and prepared.

They were moving back and backtracking to get into a position to jump to hyperspace as she could feel the ship that was there before they were preparing for all of it. Letting herself get a few more ideas until she could hear Saeko speak. "We are ready to jump to hyperspace master Ike, prepare to drop your cloak and we'll get back to normal space." Matsu gave a nod of her head as the countdown began and they were moving in and out of it all weaving and the bobbing before she head it. "Engage."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu dropped the cloak of the white current as they jumped into hyperspace and she could feel the force energies as something was there. Staying with the energies while the jedi master remained there focusing instead of what they were doing as the AI's were calculating the jump and then it happened with a rattling of the ship before they were in real space with a nod of her head. They were over a section of planet that the looked prepared to work on some of the things before they were coming into place.

She could see the world of Ruusan below and with the main sith forces that were here it could be dangerous but they had things to do now and had escaped detection from a charon ship it was not a terrible thing before they were setting the course for the nearest facility and jumping away before problems could emerge. They would have another chance to go there and face off against problems but for now there was a milion other things they could just as easily do instead of pick a fight.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
They were jumping back towards the planet and Matsu stood there with the others of the crew as she was tired getting a look over some of the things they had working on different things. The crew member set out some food with a nod of her head. "You have been working hard master Ike, here is some food." The Racmeer was there looking at her before she was moving with a lot of the attention on the different foods they had developed wiht the MRE. The really impressive drying and packing for food.

Matsu was sitting there prepared to eat whatever was brought before her as well it was smelling good, they had gotten some of the MRE's instead of just one and made an entire feast for a crew it smelled like when it was all brought out before her on the table. The others were sitting around and she could see each of them in turn offering her some food with the plates. "Hmm this all looks good and after what yu all helped wth and what we are going to do then eat up and we'll rest easy once we arrive."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The spent the next hour, socializing and catching up whe they were eating. She was prepared for anything they might have to work with others parts of it. They had provided her a service as her crew and friends when no one else wanted to touch her so getting to see them now and how much they had changed, getting stronger and better in many of the cases it gave her plenty of things to do. All over some of the things when her thoughts went to what they could work with arriving on the planet.

They had come back here to work on the project and see what they could do when it comes to working and looking over many fo he things. They wanted to get to the different aspects of the biotechnology that would be ablt to help them advance since they had the information about the vong biots from Wey'lan and there was the contract with Zenoma to produce their hyperdrives that they could work with in some of the things. There was also the information on the biotechnology that they were able to use to develop things.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
They had arrived at one of the main facilities on Rhen Var, the Citadel moused the silver watch but it also housed the labs they had been using to test different environmental equipment and some of the living modules. Had to make sure it could last in the cold weather and produce as they wanted it to. Matsu was looking at the caskets of tech that were being suspended for use before she tapped her fingers on the machines when they were coming in to dock with the massive citadel.

They were landing on the valley floor where the bottom of the citadel showed the exterior defenses built up for the jedi to have a defendable place. With The droids leading the crates and caskets of parts out to load up inot the lab while they were working on some of the other things. Presenatble to the jedi master were the other parts of it until she walking with a couple of the silver watch members who had come along with her. "Welcome back master Ike." They were working on parts of it as the walls hummed with the synthweave jarna stone.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was walking through the hallways and she could feel all of it, the history as well as the power of what they had been working on here, Rhen Var was a place many enjoyed and worked with for all of the different things. There were dozens of tombs across the planet of jedi and sith alike that served a purpose for them all to roam around exploring for years. Even more there were places that had been getting upgraded by Sasori and by the jedi such as the skyhold fortress and the ancient sith fortress to serve a purpose when it comes to the jedi defending the planet.

Matsu herself was hoping to make it better for those who were wanting to defend the planet from the enemies of the lightside of the force. She wanted to work with many of the things before she stayed with more of it coming into the one lab where they had started. Getting all fo the things set up before they were moving with more of their attention on the caskets until staying with all of it. THey started taking the biotech out of the caskets and putting it into the scanners while the breakdown came to them.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"Anything new and exciting master." There was a look from the one artisan that was working with the researchers who were setting up equipment to work with the different sections they had set up more or less all the big things. "Yes, yes it has been and we have a number new things that will be able to work with." She was giving a smile to her and the rest of the things they had picking up some fo the armor as it was in a moldable form for now before it would be designed and set on someone.

They were working with the armor itself that the charon had and the pieces they took off as the blades and melee weapons were very blunt to protect them. She turned over with most of her attention on the scans showing many more of the things within the biotech armor itself. They were getting information to try and create most of it. Parts of it that she could see until she rolled her shoulders ready to develop most of it to give the engineers something to develop and test while getting ideas of the changes between the two states.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu went with the engineer and they were working on the different things, the state and changes that came to the armor from the inert state before it was being used and when it was on one fo the charon was important to note so they could start working on it bringing out micromachines themselves to start working on it. Small droids that would be able to help and give the armor some more technological aspects to go with the organic that they were using the biots from the rift on to create the armor.

The droid were also designed for another purpose, to work with the biots and provide this armor with what she wanted it to have the ability to integrate new bio and standard technology into itself so that it was always evolving and pushing itself as well as the one wearing it to the limits. The intelligence of the armor itself would be something they needed to work on as well as it would most likely become intelligent with the amount of experiences and combat scenario's they were pumping into its brain.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The AI system of the project would have to be worked on as well and the carapace being the synthmesh meant that the ones who would be wearing it would have to woek on many of the things. Like being ablle to handle the strain being inside a living beings would take on the body fuel and toll wise. THey'd need to work on more of it until she was sure they had something that could work thanks to the other AI's working on different ideas before she listened to the AI speaking to her with its image on the screen.

The armor that they were working to make was there as well as what they wanted to do with it, develop the microtechnology that would allow it to self upgrade and as a solid biomass it would be able to incorporate new biots to itself from the humanoid produced biots that they were making to vong biots that would allow it to be upgraded without risking the really dangerous biots that required maiming your body. She would be able to work with it and ammo itself would have to be worked on.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The biomass of the armor was showing some promise on the screen in general while they were moving along to change up the vat with a nod of her head to the droids and engineers working on it. "We'll be able to integrate the systems as we need them into the armor so that it will be able to handle the increased strain and I want to get the technology itself to be working on them to provide assembling and disassembling of different technology and biots that our AI will be able to upgrade on its own initiative.

There were other aspects of the armor and things they wanted to work on, to develop into something that was a far llarger improvement and that would come with understanding, understanding this this technology among some of the others and understanding of this project itself.... there was also the room needed to provide understanding about what the ones who go through the process might becoe. They would be faster and stronger but with all the augments and training the idea of them being simple soldiers seemed cruel.

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