Nathan Vance
Location: The Gulch, Mustafar
Short-Term Objective: Survive
Long-Term Objective: Reach the Antilla Mining Operation
Equipment: Project Peregrine Scout Armor, BAW-88 Blaster Carbine, Enforcer .48 Slugthrower Pistol, Various Grenades.
Tags: [member="Luna Terrik"] [member="Damsy Callat"] [member="Tiria Reinhart"] [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"]
Post Count: 03
The pods hit the ground.
No one knew yet, of what awaited them. Tired after the encounters at Taanab, many just wished to get some time to rest. But rest seemed to be an option that ceased to exist once Bakari became the War Marshal. Vance was pretty sure most of the commandos hated him to the core already. However, they had no choice. Following orders of superiors, no matter how ridiculous, was a must in the military. And they all knew and respected this law. Nathan's pod shuddered as it impacted the surface, tossing those inside around a little. It was a rough landing, but it was all about to get worse. The pod began to tumble, as it landed on unstable ground which gave out almost immediately. It turned over, and landed top down, much softer than anticipated.
The pod hissed open, only to reveal a flow of lava, making it's way inside.
"Karabast! Get out, fast!"- The commandos surged out as the pod sunk, melting under the intense heat of Mustafar's flames. It was quite a stressful way to exit, having to turn oneself over and climb out of the pod along what now became a ceiling instead of being a floor. As the men and women made their way out, many positioned themselves in a way that allowed them to help secure others on their way out. Overall, it was an intense, but well performed exit. No casualties or injuries. The soldiers turned as they watched their pod sink completey beneath the raging lava. Of all places, they had to hit a lava pool.
As they slowly began to ascend from the sinkhole that was created by their pod, the squad of scouts, comprised of 12 people, began to check over their supplies. For the most part, the supplies were secure, however, some of the commando's communications equipment had been damaged during the exit. They would have to stay within visual range of at least one member of the squad with functioning communications, limiting their coverage. This wasn't as much of a problem as was their mission briefing however.
A communication came in from Luna Terrik.
"The gulch? That takes 2 days at least at high pace! We have very limited supplies, are they crazy up there?" - after some back and forth conversation, Nathan turned to his group, a look of distress hidden by his visor. Taking a moment to regain his composure, he spoke: "We are now in the middle of the gulch. We have our orders- get to Antilla mining. The trek normally takes 2 days, but as you all know, we only have supplies for 36 hours. Save your strength and pace yourselves. We are taking the lead with the other scout squads. Scan the area, find a quick way out from above. If your comms are out, maintain visual contact with the rest of the squad. Flares if you are in trouble. Look out for yourselves and eachother. This is going to be a long one." - With that, Nathan motioned to his partner Kal'Dar as they both leaped upwards, using their suit's thrusters to get a higher vantage point. The rest of the squad followed suit, ascending upwards along the sides of the crater they found themselves in.
As they made their way out of the hole their pod dug for them, many began noticing that the other squads had already began moving in a wide formation, sweeping the area with precision and efficiency.
"Not the luckiest landing, right Vance?"- Kal'Dar couldn't keep to himself for long under stress.
"Yeah, we have some catching up to do. That should be Luna's group right?" - Nathan replied, gesturing in the direction of the larger grouping of commandos, who were marching across the terrain in formation.
"We got it lucky didn't we? Same supplies, less weight to haul. Feel sorry for those guys don't you?"
"We will die earlier than they will if you keep talking. Save your breath. It's a long way to go."
They proceeded trekking in relative silence, merely panting breaking the quiet around them. Soon enough, they were slowly catching up to the rest of the soldiers.
Short-Term Objective: Survive
Long-Term Objective: Reach the Antilla Mining Operation
Equipment: Project Peregrine Scout Armor, BAW-88 Blaster Carbine, Enforcer .48 Slugthrower Pistol, Various Grenades.
Tags: [member="Luna Terrik"] [member="Damsy Callat"] [member="Tiria Reinhart"] [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"]
Post Count: 03
The pods hit the ground.
No one knew yet, of what awaited them. Tired after the encounters at Taanab, many just wished to get some time to rest. But rest seemed to be an option that ceased to exist once Bakari became the War Marshal. Vance was pretty sure most of the commandos hated him to the core already. However, they had no choice. Following orders of superiors, no matter how ridiculous, was a must in the military. And they all knew and respected this law. Nathan's pod shuddered as it impacted the surface, tossing those inside around a little. It was a rough landing, but it was all about to get worse. The pod began to tumble, as it landed on unstable ground which gave out almost immediately. It turned over, and landed top down, much softer than anticipated.
The pod hissed open, only to reveal a flow of lava, making it's way inside.
"Karabast! Get out, fast!"- The commandos surged out as the pod sunk, melting under the intense heat of Mustafar's flames. It was quite a stressful way to exit, having to turn oneself over and climb out of the pod along what now became a ceiling instead of being a floor. As the men and women made their way out, many positioned themselves in a way that allowed them to help secure others on their way out. Overall, it was an intense, but well performed exit. No casualties or injuries. The soldiers turned as they watched their pod sink completey beneath the raging lava. Of all places, they had to hit a lava pool.
As they slowly began to ascend from the sinkhole that was created by their pod, the squad of scouts, comprised of 12 people, began to check over their supplies. For the most part, the supplies were secure, however, some of the commando's communications equipment had been damaged during the exit. They would have to stay within visual range of at least one member of the squad with functioning communications, limiting their coverage. This wasn't as much of a problem as was their mission briefing however.
A communication came in from Luna Terrik.
"The gulch? That takes 2 days at least at high pace! We have very limited supplies, are they crazy up there?" - after some back and forth conversation, Nathan turned to his group, a look of distress hidden by his visor. Taking a moment to regain his composure, he spoke: "We are now in the middle of the gulch. We have our orders- get to Antilla mining. The trek normally takes 2 days, but as you all know, we only have supplies for 36 hours. Save your strength and pace yourselves. We are taking the lead with the other scout squads. Scan the area, find a quick way out from above. If your comms are out, maintain visual contact with the rest of the squad. Flares if you are in trouble. Look out for yourselves and eachother. This is going to be a long one." - With that, Nathan motioned to his partner Kal'Dar as they both leaped upwards, using their suit's thrusters to get a higher vantage point. The rest of the squad followed suit, ascending upwards along the sides of the crater they found themselves in.
As they made their way out of the hole their pod dug for them, many began noticing that the other squads had already began moving in a wide formation, sweeping the area with precision and efficiency.
"Not the luckiest landing, right Vance?"- Kal'Dar couldn't keep to himself for long under stress.
"Yeah, we have some catching up to do. That should be Luna's group right?" - Nathan replied, gesturing in the direction of the larger grouping of commandos, who were marching across the terrain in formation.
"We got it lucky didn't we? Same supplies, less weight to haul. Feel sorry for those guys don't you?"
"We will die earlier than they will if you keep talking. Save your breath. It's a long way to go."
They proceeded trekking in relative silence, merely panting breaking the quiet around them. Soon enough, they were slowly catching up to the rest of the soldiers.