Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Solarii (Camellia Swift)

[member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya's smile was wide while she was using her cybernetic eyes to pour over the data, information about their heart rates and their work all coming to her before she spoke. "Yes a fresh one would have different results but a team will become more vicious. I am hoping for a pack mentality where they'll rile each other up into a frenzy and then attack everything that is the enemy." She was moving herself now to look while the initial areas were laid out and walls erected. They were digging and moving the sand away while her hand went to the datapad on her wrist to link up with some of the computers with the droids. "They are making very good progress my pet, soon we'll have a nice lounge area to watch the rest of the creatures while I test how well your sisters take their orders."
[member="Darth Praelior"]

The way the Sith spoke still sent some shivers through the Rendili woman sometimes. Not because they unsettled her, but there just seemed to be an aura about them she couldn't quite understand, and since the Croa transformation those instincts made them seem more . . . . .noticable. Perhaps it was with the force, because she could recall being somewhat at ease around the Jedi when conducting business with the few she had had the pleasure of selling products to. Regardless, Camellia well understood what Lady Praelior was saying about the group think orientation, it certainly made for more effective units from a military perspective, though understanding the individual's max limit was important as well she would argue. At least it sounded like things were progressing with satisfactory rates. "So what will the next test mark? Do we have members for the generation effect maam? Will we be extending the range of the more capable Croa? Most of the engineers and soldiers were in the early generations which was good fortune but there was a slight effect on the civilian populace if I recall. Will we try to decrease the likelihood of base degradation before the virus is unleashed on another world?"
[member="Camellia Swift"]

She was looking at her. "Most of that and more, the virus like all could be dangerous. It will shorten lives and make people into sithspawn. The infection rate, the speed it works through their bodies, the after effects as it slowly consumes them. What will become of the older and younger generations of them. Eventually they would devolve into feral beasts who seek to infect much like the rakghouls that infected Taris. That is what we will seek to study here as we observe and work." The smirk on her face while she sat down and looked at some of the other things she had. A snap of her fingers to bring in some more croa who were standing near her. "Now lets see how well you can remember your former life and accomplish tasks." She was letting them remain there to work on simple things as they tried. "We'll chart how long it takes them and see for any mental degradation."
[member="Darth Praelior"]

The Sith Zeltron's theories and beliefs were not encouraging to the Rendili woman forced to hear them, though she remained entitled to her skepticism for the time being since thus far they were not exactly doing lab tests. The field testing so far at least was admirable and Camellia had to say they were getting good shows out of it one could say. Though it did not ease her nervousness of such places as this, mad science and the magic of the force and the styles of Sith work were hard to take in so quickly, though the Rendili woman understood her position and need to adapt in order to survive, as well as ensure her world and people's survival. As more Croa were brought in for observation Camellia still couldn't keep the questions she had for scientific validity contained. "Are these ones close to the visible feral line or have we tested individuals from each generation until we hit the mark maam?"
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya was looking at her as she watched the creatures in the room with the toys. Childrens puzzles they were working on and some were able to do it. Then she saw the one getting frustrated as she couldn't get the round piece into the square while the others were looking at her and then she was smashing the puzzle while Balaya crossed her arms watching her get violent. "Some are their generations of infection are different and now we can see where it starts." She motioned with her hands to one of the battlemasters as the redhead moved into the room and was commanding the one who got angry as she was being led away. "We'll run more tests on her, determine at what generation she is sitting and work to map it out."
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Well that still didn't specify which generations they were, but at this point Camellia could assume that that information was indeed recorded seeing as the Sith knew for sure they had picked different generations. Considering the tests, the expressions of the Croa performing the task, and the speed with which they completed it, some assumptions could be made of course. Any treating the test as child's play would be early generations, but then of course it was hard to notice anything except the one having trouble with the task with the fit being thrown with the difficulty it was having. Whatever generation it was sitting at was likely where problems were being had. At the very least starting, since the subject seemed to at least have the mental faculty to think it was doing it right. "We also need to be careful. There were likely people with mental illnesses we might have transformed as well. They can skew results if they're in early generations and lowering the score. I personally apologize if any slipped past when we were being careful. When you had the control period end as an excuse to facilitate the Sith forces coming in to establish control and complete the Sith takeover we could have picked up a few, or some homeless or undereducated. We'll have to compensate for that and compare with field reports and tests later on. If she's at an impossibly early generation we'll know there's that possibility. If she's later on in the infected pool then she's a good point to collect a new group of subjects on to see where around her the effects of degradation fall."
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya was looking at the subjects as she was looking over them, her information forming as the base continued to be built in sections and area's. Her eyes were roaming over them while moving to another series of tests and she brought the croa that had passed into the presence of the basin. With a battlelord to keep them calm. "We have no way of knowing or accounting for everything. There is a difference between a controlled group of a dozen and a large population. Problems will surface and until we have adequate testing to determine the generations or lines of infection. The virus is still needing to be observed in a wide range of them. I am surprised there hasn't been for deficiencies in them." She was looking at them as the virus in the basin was bubbling up to look at the beings.
[member="Darth Praelior"]

True enough Camellia supposed, accounting for everything was a statistical impossibility anyway. However, it was just an attempt to provide explanations for fluctuations as best she could. After all, there were so many things to consider if the struggling Croa were somehow in an early generation. Was it a fluke? An error in the Virus caused by the one who infected the subject? Something about the subject prior to infection like the aforementioned mental illness or other possible variable? Whatever it might be, Camellia just wanted to be as careful as possible considering they were dealing with something new after all. Still, the Rendili woman knew to be careful not to annoy the Croa's maker considering the power Lady Praelior now held over them. "It would be ironic if the virus actually eliminated such defects from infected in actuality. Perhaps if this subject comes in clean we can purposefully select a new test subject who is afflicted and see what happens. A thought for another time?"
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya was looking at her as she said it and a grin on her face that spread more and more. "Perhaps, it is something to consider. The virus transforms the body sometimes to the point of changing the species. That is bound to cause trauma that cannot be accounted for." She was walking as the basin's ooze seemed to pass over the different generations and then stopped at one while it washed over them. Their voice coming out of the thing. "We hunger...." Balaya made a note of it and was bringing up on some of the screens the base was getting online other connections to facilities and data. "The virus though shares many of the similar traits with some of the other viruses the sith have created. Without something to focus it into however it will be harder to contain and control."
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Well considering that Camellia knew very little about Sith viruses and Sithspawn altogether it wasn't like she was going to understand it much if the Zeltron Sith was going to explain things in regards to such. Then again the Rendili woman supposed she needed to try and catch up in these fields quickly when she reflected on her own position nowadays. The ooze Lady Praelior was messing with still creeped her out to no end though, its use in the tests confused Camellia more than other things and it itself was simply an eerie thing to look at. Still, it served some purpose, as to what that was though the former human would leave up to the Sith to determine. She longed for when the experimentation and studying would end and when her focus could return to her company. Although she wasn't sure what use could be gotten with business competition being high around here.
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya was looking at her now for a moment and tapped the computers. letting the screen show one of the croa and she was going into another room as her eyes were recording the results. SHe stood in the room with the remaining croa from the testing and a button was pressed. "Bring in another human." There was a pause and Balaya watched as an optimal one was brought in and put on the table. Balaya looked over the file that was being given to her as construction continued at some of the other points of the base and sand was beginning to be put over their sections. To both hide it on the desert world and with sonic sensors to keep them from letting the worms get close. Their auditory sensitivity that made hunting easy would harm them if they got to close. "Bring in the doctors and prepare all sensors we have."
[member="Darth Praelior"]

From this point on Camellia understood she would be a bystander and mostly stand aside unless she was called upon to enact any duties as the original infected. For now though, focus was on the Croa subject possibly near or at the visible effects of mental degradation and deterioration. The fact they were bringing in sensors to make certain of things along with a human subject to infect and evaluate as well were signs of steps being taken in a satisfactory direction for the scientifically oriented Rendili woman. To be truthful she was much more in tune with the work being down in the final stages of expansion and construction of the Sith's little laboratory. The measures they were taking to bury it in the sand and make it sensor proof while scaring off the local wildlife was suitable for their work. Although one always had to be careful of the winds shifting the sands over time and compensate for that from time to time without being caught.
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya continued to look and observe while she let her eyes drift to the small woman and walked over with a grin on her face. She reached down and was crouching down while holding her head under her chest with a smile on her face and the promise of laughter before she was going to give the order to proceed. She was going to make sure her pets and people were secured. They needed to be ready for what came while she turned towards the room looking in. "What is wrong my pet, do you not like what you are seeing? Do you not enjoy as we try and understand everything you have become.?"
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Honestly Camellia blinked, confused if she had a sour look on her face, but then again Lady Praelior was a Sith who, like the Jedi, could wield the force and probably detected tension in her. Well it was only partially true, but the Rendili woman wouldn't deny it. "No maam I am perfectly alright. I just feel a little out of my element. I am very impressed with the order and efficiency of the base the more I've seen of it, though I merely feel flustered by the sections of these experiments that rely on observations with powers foreign to me. i apologize if I expressed displeasure, I have no problem at all with the tests or the manner they are conducted. I just wish to apologize for my lack of usefulness in some regards." Though she was actually enjoying things despite her discomfort. She was hardly noticing deep down she was actually excited watching the brutal display earlier.

"I actually look forward to this one. More Croa is only a good thing right Lady Praelior? And if it helps us find the feral mark it helps us find where the Sith want to start using the Croa to form a feral batch."
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya remained there as she listened and thought about what her pet was saying and she didn't need to stand up.... More she was kneeling with her size still towering while turning the sithspawn woman around to get a good view of her. "Oh you are not useless, you serve a great purpose... my pet. You are my link to cheap labor and an endless supply of volunteers wanting to stop the plague on their homeworld. Dangerous jedi who seek to undermine their lives since they were abandoned by the republic, now they will be killed." She kept her there buried and close to her while looking in. "Tell me my dear one what do you remember of your transformation? Tell me it all with no detail missed."
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Well. . . .actually it was hard to quite remember. Not the details, but more so the emotions behind it. She recalled trying to negotiate with the Sith for a peaceful settlement as Rendili's defenses initially resisted, but with the virus twisting her allegiance towards the Sith, it was hard to imagine why the transformation had upset or frightened her, or why she had felt betrayed when it occurred. Plus it was also hard to think with the Sith mistress turning her about considering with the giantess of a Zeltron leaning down in front of her it was rather distracting. "Yes it was when the SIth invaded. . . .liberated? Rendili. The Republic abandoned us and we were left alone to fight back, which sounds off a bit but. . . .I was negotiating beside the Arch-Provost for a peaceful settlement with a businesswoman who was acting as the Sith's representative when you arrived and jammed the synringe into me suddenly. . . . .how I felt is hard to recall, it hurt and didn't. . . . and after that I remember spreading the transformation to the Arch-Provost and Guards, and coordinating the careful infection of the shipyards and preventing alarm from going off. . . . .I actually wondered maam how is the Arch-Provost doing since her change? We did pretty much have her operate as administrator like he before anyway. I think she's been doing much better at it nowadays though. . . I think my own work has gone more smoothly as a result too."

Well Camellia could certainly still overthink and sidetrack herself like before, no change there.
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya sat there on the ploor with a smirk on her face while she listened and there seemed to be some confusion in her thoughts. Her hand coming up to run through the girls hair and she spoke. "Oh she is preforming as expected the same as most. Your people are doing as they must now and you my sweet pet are mine to have, mine to mold into a strong and powerful individual. We shall have to see how well you can feel the force after I give you a few more tests." A smile was now on her face while she remained there looking on upon the window with the croa there inside and the sensors were finished being set on the subject. "Now tell me what else you feel and know, I want to hear all about these gaps you have in your memories."
[member="Darth Praelior"]

THis time the Rendili woman couldn't help but glare and glower at the Sith zeltron because of the frustration and irritation she was feeling trying to deal with the giantess. She wondered if she wasn't being clear enough or if Lady Praelior wasn't paying close enough attention. Then again she was confused herself so maybe she was saying it all wrong. "There are no gaps in my memory maam. . . .it's just some things appear weird in memory. I felt betrayed and angry at the Sith but that feels wrong, and I can't think of why, like a voice keeps telling me why would I be angry at the Sith for making me better. I remember everything fine though, just the emotions attached are confusing."
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya looked at her as she touched her hand to her smiling. "So it is your emotions that are confusing. How strange but we shall have to work on that. Now come out little one." There was a look down at her as she was pushing the force to reach the virus and there was sounds coming from the basin in the other room down the hall for testing. They hadn't gotten it soundproofed while she was pushing at her. "I want there to be no confusion my pet, you are not going to be better if your mind is muddled. Your service is to me and who I tell you to. As your creator I am the one who can control you my sweet." She looked at her and the platinum cuticle implant slowly slid out as she sliced her finger and thick black ichorous blood welled out. "Now have some energy and feed that darkside within you."
[member="Darth Praelior"]

"Yes then Lady Praelior, I won't worry about those problems anymore." That was it she supposed, those conflicting feelings attached to the memories were wrong. Her Sith creator was saying where her loyalties lied so why should there be any confusion anymore. However, Camellia did find she was abit confused what was goind on in the clearly not soundproofed area not very far away. Yet it didn't seem as it the Zeltron Sith was going to let her dwell on it as she started giving her more commands, asking her to drink in energy or something. Which she assumed meant to drink some of the blood the giantess was offering her. To be truthful it seemed unsanitary and a bit disgusting, but at the same time alluring. So while she hesitated briefly, Camellia would indeed lean forward to run her tongue over the cut, tasting the blood and actually feeling a jolt pass through her, the familiar feeling she had before when the Zeltron's darkside aura had permeated the air once. Making her a bit drowsy and heavy feeling. "S-shouldn't we get back to the other test"?"

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