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Solo: A Star Wars Story

Connor Harrison

With 'Rogue One' on the horizon, attention is turning now to the most important casting in SW history to date...

...a young Han Solo for the next Star Wars Story based around the early adventures of the galaxies most famous smuggler turned Rebel hero.

Latest new today is that actor Alden Ehrenreich is front-runner for the role. His previous works include Beautiful Creatures, Hail, Ceaser! and a new Warren Beatty project.



Good idea? Bad idea?

What do you want or NOT want to see from this spin-off film?
Great Idea! Always wondered how he met his friend, and how his life is different in the new canon. Like. The significance of the star destroyer on Jakku was lost on me until I read lost stars. Darned good book. Best of the year.

On the topic at hand, though, It's really something I'm looking forward to. I would like to see Han rip off Lando for the Falcon.
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Up to date as always!

I think it's an exceptional idea to show the life of Han Solo, especially if they take the approach of him being an Imperial Officer(I don't remember if that was voided by legends canon or not) it would be awesome to see when he meets Chewie too.

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Atin Vendet"] So many stories out there BUT, as you say, which ones were wiped out by Disney in favour of their own tale.

How he got the Falcon still stands as that's in the film, so young Lando would be awesome too, seeing what happened before their frosty meet in 'ESB'. Plus Chewie too, and even the bounty hunters.

Lots of material for sure and if they carry on as they are going, they won't put a foot wrong I think.
Connor Harrison said:
[member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Atin Vendet"] So many stories out there BUT, as you say, which ones were wiped out by Disney in favour of their own tale.

How he got the Falcon still stands as that's in the film, so young Lando would be awesome too, seeing what happened before their frosty meet in 'ESB'. Plus Chewie too, and even the bounty hunters.

Lots of material for sure and if they carry on as they are going, they won't put a foot wrong I think.

"Guess who just got the job for Lando. Heh Heh Heh"
I agree. I would love to see Han + Chewie + Lando. Three of the best characters in SW. Minimal/no Force users in the story. Would be great.

I don't know much about this young actor. I haven't seen any of his movies. I want to check out Hail Caesar.

Connor Harrison

I actually liked the Young Indy films/shows. If they carry that same sense of adventure without the history lesson, I think it'd be great.

Kes En'jusek

Cold Blooded Assassin.
Darth Prazutis said:
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Lando didn't get as much screen time as one would've liked in OT, but it would be awesome to see how he lost the Falcon to Solo.
Agreed. That game of Sabacc where he loses the Falcon. If they do it correctly, it would be a fantastic scene.

Connor Harrison

Han against Lando; could be as gripping and tense as Bond v LeChiffre in 'Casino Royale'. That was an awesome scene with little dialogue but lots of tension and atmosphere.

Connor Harrison

Exclusive Chat with Alden Ehrenreich and Details on Rogue One's Space Monkey from SWCE:
Personally I didn't really want them to touch the main three canon characters.
Han Solo is Harrison Ford and I think I will struggle to relate that this is Han Solo even if he is younger etc.
However, I will not write it off until I have seen more of what they have on offer.

I just think that they could have told countless other backdrops for their story lines.
Rogue One was a fantastic idea, delving into that element of 'How did that happen', something that should be explored more with references made in the Star Wars Story line.

The Jedi Purge?
How many Bothan's died?
The rebellion of Mon Cal?
Ewan McGregor doing a Kenobi movie...

However with the prospect of recasting a younger core cast...stories I want covered:
Who was that Bounty Hunter on Ord Mantell?
What was the manoeuvre at the Battle of Tanaab?
Shadows of the Empire...

Connor Harrison

Shadows of the that would be brilliant on screen as a canon film.

And I can only assume, to give the fans what they want, that we would possibly get from this young Solo movie:

- Obtaining the Falcon from Lando
- Partnering with Chewie
- His time with the Imperials
- Making the Kessel run

Lots to fit in, and I assume this spanned a lot of his life, and we can't well chart everything Han has done so it'll be interesting seeing what part of his early years they focus on for the BEST story, and then can't have it too close to ANH as we need to have the time to let Alden "grow" into Harrison, and not just accept a total actor change if this film ends with him on Tatooine or something.

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