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Solo: A Star Wars Story

[member="Connor Harrison"]

I'd love to see Thrawn in live action, how he's shaped up in Rebels has been pretty great so far. Personally I'm quite interested in seeing an Obi-wan spin off.

Potential spoilers for Season 3 of Rebels
Though with Thrawn it would depend upon how he ends up at the end of this season of Rebels, no main villain sticks around after one season.

And the Obi-wan spin off may likely end up being the end of this season of Rebels, given they're pretty much been building it up with Maul's appearances so far. That or its left on a cliffhanger and the movie will resolve it.
[member="Connor Harrison"]
Exactly my belief.
Now Rogue One...I felt was Star Wars, it had a familiar timeline, it had elements and it was backed up by certain cameos...
Replacing a main character with a new actor and forcing me to say..."Hi Han, geez you didn't age well between A New Hope and the year or so they are telling me this took place before."

Also why do we have to know where Han came from...If they are just doing it to put some off piece of fluff in for Episode 9 then No. Not buying it.

Connor Harrison

[member="Kira Vaal"] And a mentor. I don't like that cheesy aspect - so I already forsee the mentor dies and Han turns from cocky smuggler to something "better" in honour of him.

I hope to god it's not like that. Why does he even need a mentor? Can't we just see him without it being "Solo Begins"?

Hm. This makes me nervous more than anything about early Rogue One info.

Connor Harrison

Two Han Solo's walk into a cafe. Sneaky shot of Harrison Ford and Alden Ehrenreich on lunch...

Well I was worried about Rogue one being a spin off story and not doing good... didn't help when they said they needed to do all those reshoots which seemed to be played as bad... but the movie was cool so I look forward to seeing this. I mean for good or bad it is Harrison Ford and if young Han has an ounce of the charisma it can be good. Getting to see him and Lando in their prime can also set up for cloud city with how he said "he's forgotten about that." Hopefully it goes well, get more spin off movies like the Obi-Wan and I'd honestly love them to do some showing more of the Empire or villains.

Connor Harrison

My only worry is I don't want to see Han become some "hero" in this - because that will take away the moment he thinks about others before himself in 'ANH' and becomes a real hero.

Hopefully he'll be smart but with that selfish, cocky stret we glimpse at the start of 'ANH' so the "redemption" isn't wasted.
Han Solo being a "hero" is possible it just depends in some cases how it is done. A new Hope had him putting others before the profit and saving his hide. He could be as much a hero that he is doing the right things for selfish reasons easily and it would fit with his character. He might be willing to kill but he never came with kill everything first and then maybe.

John Ash

Only by Fire do we become Ash.
[member="Connor Harrison"]

That mentor thing you mentioned is because its important to the Monomyth formula. The entire Star Wars movie series is all based on that formula to the T. Every individual movie and every set of 3 follows the exact same format, so it is not surprising that the Han Solo movie is doing the same.
Well, it would fill in the legends material thing about the Solo family. I would like to see Alsakan come back into canon atleast by mention though. Hell, maybe have it featured somewhere? I mean his Grandfather WAS in the conflict under the Corellian faction (atleast in the legends version), but that's just go without saying.

Toshiro Kurojii

"Call me a Jedi again, and I'll punch you."
After seeing Alden in Hail Caesar, I know Alden can nail the humour aspect of Solo. Now I need proof he can do the badass aspects of Solo. Im probably not going to hate on him if he does bad but I am dreading the fan response if he is bad. Alden has talent, and I think he deliver a good performance even if the resemblance is a bit off. Im hoping Phil Lord and Chris Miller won't make this the first misfire of the anthology, I love them but I'm very optimistic for them tackling Star Wars. I don't know if the cinematographer will correctly get the feel of Star Wars, but if they are going for the feel of a Western it probably wouldn't matter that much. Overall though............. I cannot judge if this will be good or bad before a solid trailer. Fingers crossed though, a lot of great talent for Lord and Miller to work with.

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