Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Solo: A Star Wars Story


Bonny Lad of Royal Stature
[member="Connor Harrison"]
He actually acted as a young Harrison Ford in a movie called Age of Adaline alongside Harrison Ford himself. He pulled it off to the tee, I'd say.

Connor Harrison

Donald Glover cast as Lando Calrissian for our Solo prequel...

[member="Kira Vaal"] it's a cyinical move, everybody loves the main caste so they jsut assume it'll be more easy to draw fans with those charatcers. Hollywood likes Formula's and if it thinks it has one that fits into their midnset they will go for it. bets example courtsy of Moviebob if they see Johnny depp wearing a unny hat in his last 4 movies that did well then why not do it again!? Their metricso nly truely work in their own world not designed to make sense in our own.

Connor Harrison

[member="Kira Vaal"] [member="Catherine Soja"] It's like a spin-off movie, but not totally brave enough to be a genuine spin-off movie. Still keeping it in the canon film timeline with characters we know.

Doing a Thrawn sort of movie after ROTJ; now that would be a brave spin-off for me. Anything OUT of the timeline of films or between the 30 year gap between VI and VII.

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