Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Solo: A Star Wars Story

Connor Harrison


'Han Meets Lando'...

Connor Harrison

Cast interviews:

Connor Harrison

I WOULD but my cinema cancelled due to "not enough interest", and they only sold two tickets. One to myself.

Don't know if that's really true - I doubt it - but I'll have to go after work now tomorrow. :(
Connor Harrison said:
I WOULD but my cinema cancelled due to "not enough interest", and they only sold two tickets. One to myself.

Don't know if that's really true - I doubt it - but I'll have to go after work now tomorrow. :(
I just got back. Wasn't that packed. Perhaps the Star Wars fad is dying a little? Don't know. My fiancée and I loved the movie. It was fantastic. I won't spoil it for you though. :)

Connor Harrison

[member="Kixi Rajki"] Ah great! Can't wait for tonight....

I only assume this is a film surrounded in uncertainty about the character, the production and the marketing that was rather quiet until recently.

I still hope, and feel, this will serve the Star Wars universe and fans as something just as worthy to be in the canon as 'Rogue One'.

Connor Harrison

Really enjoyed it myself, and the more I think about how brave it was for all choices made, and how much fun it was like the old B-movie's George Lucas loved in 1977, it stands strong. Ron Howard did a super job.

Alden made for an alright Han Solo! A good resemblence of the original, but the true stars in my opinion was Donald Glover and Paul Bettany. I would have loved to know more about Dryden Voss, why he had those scars and eyes! Loved the train and dejaric sequence and fun little connections to the prequels. The reveal of Darth Maul made my jaw drop to the floor! Now it must be an Obi-Wan story where they duel for the last time!

I also wish Ron Howard would have had directed it as a whole, from start to finish!

Hard to pick if Rogue One or Solo is the better one!
So this movie is not doing so well in the box office, which makes sense from a marketing/desire standpoint, but that means that we should encourage people to go see it. The movie is great. It shows that my low expectations were foolishness. I feel like an idiot for doubting it as much as I did. So if you were on the fence go watch it. Seriously. IT is great.

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