Sevetta Sector
The Tendency (Dark Lotus Syndicate ship, registered as a Merchant Freighter out of Nar Shaddaa)
Tek sat on the bridge, reclining in an honest to gods couch while he watched the bridge crew work. He had a cigar clamped in his teeth, pumping out regular puffs of smoke as he watched. The bridge crew worked efficiently, and ignored his presence for the most part. They worked for the Syndicate, and he worked for the Syndicate. They were in the relatively small, but important, naval section of the Syndicate.
Well, that sounded a bit too...official. Really, they were pirates, but not just your average, run of the mill pirates. They were organized, and were often dispatched on missions like this where someone like Tek was needed at a place and might need to show some muscle.
Tek was an enforcer. Well, really he was The Enforcer, of the Dark Lotus Syndicate. His say was only second to the Dark Mistress of the Syndicate, and he was one of only a handful that had ever seen the Dark Mistress. He was here as the official representative of the Dark Lotus Syndicate to the Slaver Queen Siei. and was here to stir poodoo up on the Syndicates behalf if that was what things came to.
Tek took a pull, the cherry on the cigar glowing brightly in the relative darkness of the bridge. A part of him looked out at the planet, one like so many others, and remembered another time. Another life. Xander had been an experiment from a bygone age who woke up and found himself in a galaxy changed. He'd joined with the Red Raven gang, and done some bloody work for them. All just to end up on the floor in some mooks slant house, waiting to die. Tek and some of his boys had come in, and Xander had a chance at new life. He took it.
Only, things didn't go quite as planned. So, now he was sharing headspace with a criminal enforcer who hadn't really had any drive before. As their personalities slowly merged, Xander was teaching him about the better things in life.
Let the Slaver Queen know we will be at her compound in an hour. Keep an eye out for anything from the Imperial Remnant, they've been building in the area." Tek said as he rose, blowing out smoke as he took the cigar with his left hand.
Galactic Empire, now." The Captain said as she looked back over her shoulder and grinned at the enforcer.
Yeah. And Bantha's fly, Corellia ain't broke, and I'm the Atrisian Emperor reborn. They've got a handful of systems, a laughable economy, and their scariest thing is their fetish for big proton cannons. Won't say where that comes from." Tek said as he grinned, gesturing his hands small bit apart, then popped his cigar in his mouth and took a pull as he walked out of the bridge.
On the Planet
Mathias Wreck had an unfortunate name for someone who worked with some of the planets most advanced technology. At work he was always joked with about wrecking projects, but he worked hard, and laughed the jokes off. His firm had been given the rights to work on the uplink station groundside for a new Imperial Remnant space station that was under construction in orbit.
'Galactic Empire...they aren't the Imperial Remnant anymore...Empire, Empire, Empire...despite not having an Emperor...' He thought to himself as he pushed the last vestiges of sleep from his mind. He rolled over and kissed his wife's forehead, then left her sleeping form in their soft, comfortable bed, and padded into the shower. A quick rinse, soap, rinse, and he was getting dressed for the day. The house was still and quiet by the time he left, his children had finally started sleeping late, which let their mother get more rest. '
I should pick up some Iris's for her on the way home from work...' He thought as he got into his aircar and pulled around.
Kowak didn't have a dense population, it's cities were barely that, but they had resources, and so the companies that had headquarters on more...designer worlds had subsidiaries with subsidiaries that had shell corporations with subsidiaries on the planet. Mathias worked at one of those, a far cry from his parents upbringing, half savage with actually growing their own food. The trip to work was barely worth getting in the aircar, but Mathias didn't want to walk in. The aircar was a symbol, he was superior to his ancestry in everyway, and so he drove it in to work every morning.
Hey Barb, you're here early..." Mathias said as he passed the security desk. The woman in front of him was the other engineer in his division, drop dead gorgeous, with a brain to match. Mathias had caught himself thinking very bad things on his off time, and so had always kept her at an arms length, lest he test those waters in a moment of weakness.
Yeah, I wanted to get a headstart on the code for the new operating system the Remnant has us building. I'm a little stuck with the translation matrix for where it will network with our groundbased systems using different operating systems..." She replied, offering him a genuine smile and waiting for him to pass through the screening the security desk put them all through. "
Maybe you could come by and take a look if you have the time..."
Yeah...I'll, uh, I'll try. I've got that meeting with the Remnant officers...erm, Imperial Officers, from their fleet. We'll be dialing in the communication systems to lock in their station only from our ground station." He replied.
Right, they're the Galactic Empire now, despite not having an Emperor..." She said, and giggled. "
Well, their fleet jumped out last night. They've still got some construction crews out at the station, but those are mostly local contractors. I doubt you'd find an officer anywhere in system at the moment..."
Oh..." He said, and blushed furiously. He should have known that, but now he was grasping for something to keep him out of her office. He failed, as that meeting was planned to take up his entire morning and go through lunch. "
OK, then. Lead the way. My morning is free..."
Great!" She said, and led the way to her office. They began to go in depth on the coding problem she had run into. The more they talked, however, the less he thought she was running into any problem...
[member="Laguz Vald"]
[member="Natalia Thawne"]