Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Solution on Scarif [Imperial Remnant T2 Dominion of Scarif and Kowak]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Lucien was ushered aboard the shuttle along with Darren and Travis. He waved the medics from him. The shuttle was filled with wounded from other crash sites, but aside from these there was a platoon of Dark Troopers aboard. One approached Lucien and offered him a crisp salute.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“Sergeant major, our objective is to escort Caalgen to the Data Vault. However Anti Aircraft fire has made it unwise to continue flying their,” The corporal said to Lucien.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]The grizzled Sergeant merely nodded in response. This is what the Dark Troopers were made for. Lucien observed that they all had jet packs equipped and was pleased to see this. He walked to a foot locker and opened it, withdrawing another jet pack from the grey foot locker. Lucien marched to Caalgen and offered the Jet pack to the man. Just as he did the vessel began to shake vehemently. The Dark troopers seemed unphased by the turbulence though. Simply swaying with the shaking as the vessel quaked. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“Sir, Anti air craft fire has made the objective almost impossible to reach from the air,” Another near hit exploded and the Lambda class shuttle shook again. “That’s why my platoon and I will escort you to the data vaults personally,” The Shuttle rear hatch began to open and the wind began to roar past them. Black smoke clouds were visible outside as a hail of antiaircraft fire continued to assault them. “We will be making a hot drop behind enemy lines,” As Lucien finished a voice could be heard over the shuttle’s comms.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“This as close as I can get you! You need to jump now!” The voice sounded panicked and fearful. Lucien knew they needed to leave now. He waved to his platoon and they marched to the edge of the ramp. The wind whistled past them all and the first squad jumped. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“Time to go sir!” Lucien shouted over the roar of the wind.[/SIZE]

[member="Travis Caalgen"]
[member="Darren Jarok"]

Travis Caalgen

Caalgen uncertainly took the jump pack that was given to him by [member="Lucien Galtier"], staring down at the mechanisms that made the equipment work. Travis then reached behind him a solemnly dropped his signature white duster from his back, a duster that was now covered in blood and tattered by fire. He strapped his blaster back into the holster and slid the jetpack over where his duster used to be before jumping out into the humid air of Scarif after Sergeant Galtier.

Laser cannon and turbolaser bolts raced passed him, singing the air as they did so. He activated his jet pack and was carried down the the ground, which had subsequently turned into no-mans land, atleast until Imperial Forces located where the Rebel base was and destroyed it. Caalgen landed with a soft thud under the canopy and activated his communicator "This is Director Caalgen, Initiative 12 is activated, locate enemy base." He said, making sure the communication made it to Initiative 12.

Better known as Inferno Squadron.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Thanom"] | [member="Ardross"] | [member="Aram Kalast"]
"TK-4259, Go with them." Darren said over the explosions.

The deathtrooper saluted then strapped on a jetpack and followed them.

The door of the shuttle shut. Blasts from turbolasers shook the shuttle hard. Darren ordered the pilot to set course for his fleet. The commodore was on duty once again. The shuttle pointed upwards. It left the planet's atmosphere and was now heading for Kamino, Where his ship was located at. Darren looked out to the planet bellow before seeing it drift away and the blur of stars. He finally relaxed. The shuttle was partially damaged. If it wasn't for the Pilot, they would more likely be dead. The blur of stars stopped and was normal once again. He looked out the window to see the gray skies of Kamino and the Imperial fleet. The shuttle took a sharp turn to the farside of Kamino. He saw it. His proud ship The Nemesis, a black modified Nebula class stardestroyer. The shuttle landed in the hanger where he was greeted by stormtroopers and officers inside of it.

"Lieutenant. Prepare the ship for departure to Scarif." Darren said.

Within a few minutes, 3 aclimators, 2 star destroyers excluding his, 3 Arquinten cruisers and 3 Victory IIs where at the sides of the Nemesis. Darren stood at the bridge listening to chatter and planning his strategy. He was gonna call in the assault ships later. The first order there could pose a problem to the fleet.
[SIZE=11pt]Lucien hopped out as the last of the platoon leaped into the air. He spotted the Director and dove closer to him. “DON’T ACTIVATE THE JUMP JETS TILL WE ARE CLOSER TO GROUND!” Lucien shouted over the roar of the wind. Lucien did a flip in the air which ended with his head pointed towards the ground. Lucien flew faster as the aerodynamics of his body became less defined.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]1 [/SIZE]



[SIZE=11pt]Lucien counted in his head then activated his jump jets as he was mere meters from the ground. He rushed upwards as the jets propelled him forward. Then he began to fall back down as the propulsion systems began to die out. He landed on the ground with a soft thud. Most of the platoon had made it to the drop zone, but a few were scattered. Lucien watched as one of his men activated the jump jets to late.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]His legs bent at an unnatural angle as they hit the ground then the jets propelled him upwards. His screams filled the comms as his broken legs flailed about in the air. Someone went to retrieve his body as his jets died and dropped him onto the ground. He was still screaming when they gave him the lethal injection that would end his suffering. Lucien merely shook his head and grimaced beneath his helmet. He and his troops rallied behind him and Lucien counted down the seconds until the director arrived.[/SIZE]

[member="Travis Caalgen"]

It would be only natural to have one of the military watching proceedings, those in power constantly testing the range of their own jurisdiction over the Imperial flag. Yet red eyes would not betray the disdain suddenly felt by the High Moff as he looked towards Grand Admiral Irridius who had made himself known by the slight of voice across the room.

“Naturally my strategic happenings are a pale shade compared to your own it would seem.” He offered with a slight hint of malice, “Yet as they state fortune favours the bold and interruption of a private meeting across the Moff Council is indeed extremely bold.” Thurman knew an attack when it was launched, years of political surrounds grew one to almost understand it like a second nature. The trick was not allowing the others to sense that weakness.

“Scarif is yet to fall under my sector control, these…” He paused to think of a suitable word. “Rebels, shall be dealt with soon enough, you will no need to fear. You can remain on Kamino where it is comfortable without overseeing to the control of my sector.”

He allowed Irridius his piece. It was not his place to deny him, nor in fact was it an intention. “You can have the reports Grand Admiral, I am done with them.” He turned to the Grand Moff and nodded his head. “The rebels on Scarif will be no more a problem sir. I shall see too it personally.”

He turned on his heel and matched out of the chamber. Still seething from within, he moved into a strut as he raised a comm-link to his lips. “Covody, prepare the fleet. Include Caalgen’s little toy as well.”
“Yes sir.”
“We have a Rebellion to crush.”

Travis Caalgen


Travis put the comlink away, stuffing it into the pocket of his uniform trousers while he unclasped the bulky jump pack from his back. The man once again un-holstered his heavy blaster pistol and brought it up, scanning the area for signs of a possible threat. From the looks of it, he had landed a couple hundred meters away from where the dark troopers had. 'Bless them and their technology' Caalgen thought to himself.

He paraded around for several minutes until his hand struck against a smooth, metallic object which he thought was a vine covered tree. The Director's eyes adjusted until he recognized the signature solar panels of a TIE, but this wasn't any regular TIE fighter, it looked like one half of a TIE Interceptor but not at the same time. He would have to come back to the site later when they achieved control of the planet, but he knew that he had just discovered a relic of ancient past.

A relic of ancient Imperial past.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Aram Kalast"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Visser Chernykh"] | [member="Erica Yeager"] | [member="Jaegis Volasses"] | [member="Victor Adraas"] | [member="Thanom"]
Wandering Naval Officer
Objective: Search for Data​
Location: Scarif Surface​
"Sir we have some droids coming towards our position, what are our orders?"
"Hold fire don't do anything aggressive, we are almost done here, once the download is finished we will start making our way to the ships"
The download was only at thirty percent, the file was huge so it would take awhile. Though not expecting anyone to come after him, this news of droids coming his way was a bit unsettling. Not sure if they were friendly or not, Aran rather not force a fight if he could help it, The Empire here were allies, so he didn't want to ruin a good thing here. Plus if a fight did happen, who knows if the Accuser could hold it's own. Though Aran was more than confident in Commander Halsey's leadership, loosing that ship would be something of a big blow to both Aran and the First Order. So not taking that chance, peace was a better option here rather than force.​
"Just stay out of sight for now, don't do anything to spook the droids. I don't want to start a fight that might end poorly for us."
"Aye Captain, understood. We will take positions to keep watch, but not do anything hostile."
[member="Travis Caalgen"]​

Tanomas Graf

"Perhaps Grand Admiral, I'm certain the Moffs would most definitely love to hear how your Navy could 'only' allocate one vessel to the very important Scarif mission, when Rebels were so prevalent in the sector. But I digress, I have more important things to attend to than the political power grabbing of my subordinates. Fix the situation on Scarif without infighting, or someone's head will roll." Graf spat very coldly, a dry stare being directed at both [member="Thurman"] and [member="Lucien E. Irridius"]. When the High Moff turned to leave, Tanomas did so as well.

Several minutes of important striding later, and the Grand Moff sat down comfortably in his cozy office. His eyebrows furrowed in a worried expression as he considered something intensely. Graf reached over the desk top and poured himself a glass of brandy, inhaling the fumes before indulging in a sip. His mind was made up when he fiddled with the integrated holocomputer. Grand Moff Tanomas Graf entered a command, and every Imperial communicator, holocomm, holocomputer, and public display in their space would emit a short fizzling sound as their previous broadcast was interrupted.

The man took a short breath before beginning.

"Citizens of the Empire,"

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Aran Piett"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Thanom"] | [member="Jaegis Volasses"] | [member="Erica Yeager"] | [member="Aram Kalast"] | [member="Lucien Galtier"] | [member="Visser Chernykh"] | [member="Aut-x"]

Being so close the jump from the Imperial Capitol was minimal in time, Covody had taken even less to assemble what was assigned as the 210th Battlegroup, the designated naval presence soon to be deployed over Hypori and the surrounding worlds. Yet as Thurman stood on the bridge of the Firebrand watching the great blue and green planet form from the fading starlines, he couldn’t help but feel that they had taken too long to get here.

He had allowed command of the fleet to fall to Admiral Momet, who had served the Imperial Navy with a shining record since being assigned to the 210th. He had dropped all the ships into combat positions around the planet and already orders were being dispatched for mobilisation of the forces contained within.
“High Moff. We have established a connection with the forces on planet and are triangulating their positions.” Admiral Momet said from his position near the Chiss. “We also have picked up several heat signatures that confirm the possible rebellion base rumoured by the reports.” He had a smug grin on his face as most high ranking officers are want to do in such moments.

“Very good Momet.” Thurman gave the viewport a sweep. “The First Order?” He was well aware of the Resurgent class in orbit from their far allies. “Have we made contact?”

“No sir. We do however have the star destroyer on our scopes,” He showed on a nearby console an image. “I will attempt contact after we have addressed the situation on the planet proper. I have units ready to launch, on your command of course.”

“You have the position of the apparent rebel base?” Thurman had an idea. One he was desperate for the chance of.

“Of course sir. The scanning facilities on these Conqueror classes are top line, several small vessels have been launched since we arrived in system as well as warm ups from the heat signatures that presumably mark the cannons that brought down our men.” He seemed remarkably calm considering the whole situation. “They have been marked for the first wave.”

“No. I have a something something special in mind.” A smirk appeared. “Keep the fleet in position, just keep them from retreating.” A realisation seemed to pass over the Admiral’s face as Thurman spoke and there was a slight level of concern about it.

“Our men though…” He looked at the planet. “At the distance there is a chance that any shot fired may eradicate our forces on the ground as well as…”

“This is my sector! MINE! I have addressed the risk Admiral and I think it is about time we had a suitable demonstration of this ships destructive power.” His hands had fallen behind his back and his voice grown stern. “Now target the Rebel base.”

“As you wish sir. Prepare single core…” Momet began but was cut off by the High Moff.

“Single? Oh no Admiral. We have yet to witness Caalgen’s true potential in this weapon. Prepare to fire at maximum firepower.” He could sense the hesitation of the men, but he was the High Moff of this sector. He was in charge.

“Very well.” A hand was waved and already displays had began to shine. “Prepare maximum firepower.”
Time seemed to slow. Seemed to go quiet as they all waited with baited breath.
“Maximum fire power is prepped High Moff.”

“Very good.” This would be his moment, he would show these upstart rebels what it meant to settle in his sector. “You may fire when ready.”

" F I R E ! "
Several Sentinel-class Landing Crafts, each of them were covered in blue markings that distinguished them from the other shuttles, departed from the hangar bay of the Martyr, a ship in the fleet of High Moff [member="Thurman"]. These shuttles were carrying the newly formed stormtrooper battalion composed entirety of clones, the 501st Stormtrooper Battalion. Major Norwan Fleming, also known as CT-7166, was the commander of said battalion, bred in the same cloning vats as his hundred other brothers. The cabins were quiet, nobody talked while the shuttles rocked.

Some examined their armor or reloaded their weapons several times, some of them were equipped in light shoretrooper armor while others were in the standard stormtrooper attire. A soft thud indicated that they had landed, all of the troopers in the cabin stood at attention and moved into formation. The ramp lowered and they rushed out into the erupting battle, blaster bolts whizzing past their heads. Nobody messes with the 501st.


Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
"Perhaps the Imperial Security Bureau should do well to inform the Grand Admiral before it proceeds to embarrass itself. Caalgen is a reckless fool, take the incompetence displayed at Scarif to his attention." Irridius sneered, but lost not his professional composure as he watched the High Moff take his leave and the Grand Moff follow suit shortly after. "I will be going to Scarif to rectify the situation myself."

The Grand Admiral straightened his uniform before turning sharply on heel, "Further embarrassment of my fleet by incompetent commanders will not be tolerated."

The stride through the crashing rain was a quick one. The waves crashing against platforms of the floating city extenuated his every step, the flood lights from the capital building fading into obscurity, the shadows slowly folding around Irridius as he marched further towards the landing pad where his Delta-class shuttle awaited him. The bitter words of the Moff had stung him more than they should have, but it was not the words themselves. No, it was the fact that no reprisal would be brought to bear on the old fool for having dared mock him.

The shadows crept up his face, swallowing even the fires of his emerald eyes, thoughts of absolute vengeance encompassing his mind. Irridius was not a patient man, insults would not be tolerated by him. I will see you crushed, yet, incompetent old fool

Lightning struck the churning oceans, the maw of the waves swallowing the edges of the platform. The engines of the shuttle kicked on, landing lights flaring to life and casting a deep red glow over the Grand Admiral. When the ramp dropped open, a man in a jet-black Imperial uniform waited at its head, boots shined to perfection and uniform crisp in such a way that only Irridius could ensure.

"Grand Admiral, you are back earlier than expected, sir." The officer stated, concern hidden in his monotone address

"Relay orders to the First Fleet, they are to prepare for immediate departure to Scarif. Acquisition the Impenetrable and Tarkin's Wall to the fleet as well, gravity wells will be required." There was a moment of hesitation from the officer, but as soon as Irridius and his guard had passed him by and into the shuttle, he went to work. There was no time for questioning, Irridius would have none of it under his command.

Travis Caalgen


"The Galaxy has been tattered by the flames of war for the past century. Empires, Orders, and Republics alike have ascended to conquer thousands of star systems only to be engulfed by deceit, rebellion, and conflict."

The battle was raging spectacularly around the director, stormtroopers and rebel soldiers alike fired at each other through the thick vegetation of Scarif. Caalgen himself was using his blaster pistol against the rebel scum, having already shot several of them through the chest with the high powered blast of the DT-29. His luck quickly flickered when a projectile impacted on his right shoulder, the man dropped the blaster in pain and was sent reeling to the ground.
"The lamentable Galactic Alliance and their wretched Outer Rim Coalition believe that freedom is to be given rather than earned, they sow the seed of anarchy into the hyperlanes and allow the Sith to roam unperturbed. The bastions of Imperialism, which are far and few between, are the stalwart defenders of the denizens within their expanse."

Travis's entire arm had gone numb in pain in response towards the blast, he was not able to move any part of his body, so he hoped that one of the medics with the army would find him lying there and administer bacta before the man died of his wound. Three full minutes passed and blaster bolts were still flying above him, it was possible that nobody could see him or they thought that the old man was already dead.

"Resistance and rebellion, together we will burn these ideas away. The Alliance and their allies are seldom more than glorified terrorists whom wish to force others to answer to them. We must be swift, for until we have retaken all worlds and exterminated these apostates, we have failed our ancestors."

The director's comlink lit up as transmissions were beginning to be sent through, he listened intently, unable to do anything else, and learned that the Imperial Fleet had arrived. He felt as if he were on the cusp of death, so he pulled, with all of his remaining strength, himself up so that his eyes faced the lightly clouded blue skies of the tropical planet. He knew what type of ship it was before he glanced upon the command ship, his largest achievement, the Conqueror-class Star Destroyer.

"But we must first ask ourselves; Why do we remain a Remnant? For what are we a remnant of? While we will avenge the old Empire, we will not follow in their footsteps of failure. Henceforth, for continuing stability in our territories, and in an effort to affirm our charge of bringing order to the Galaxy:"

His face curled into what was a mixture of sadness, anger, betrayal, and regret. The Remnant was not going to be fighting the rebels on the ground, they would be wiping them out from the face of Scarif, and unknowingly, the creator of that weapon with them. Green enveloped the sky for him as the proton beam cannon charged, and as it raced towards the surface and impacted with a sickening explosion. The Director could feel the hairs on his body being singed as the fire engulfed him.

"The Imperial Remnant will be reorganized into the third GALACTIC EMPIRE! We will avenge the Emperor, and after eight hundred years of war, plague, and insurrection...we will have peace..."

For the clones of Kamino there was one reality. War. For such a reality to exist the Empire had made them the forefront of their battle lines, and for those who had been released into the dubbed 501st there would be no other alternative for the rest of their accelerated lives.

RN-4655 was one of those clones who along with his batch-brothers was aboard the shuttle currently heading down towards scarif, the briefing however short, was that rebels were on the planet and it would be the 501st job to secure the Imperial holdings of the planet. If they got to wipe out some Rebel scum in the process, well, all the better.

Many of the other’s were currently attired in the lighter fitting armour that had been commissioned for more tropical surrounds, but RN had failed to receive the quotation. His armour would be that of the standard stormtrooper. Not that he was complaining. It still offered superior protection despite the uncomfortable pressure offered by white shell around him.

As the bump of landing rocked the troopers an alarm sounded, doors sliding opening and war came to meet them.



The sudden emergence of the rebel counter-attack had caught Aut-X's forces off guard. Numerous droids fell in sudden ambushes from Rebel Guerrillas. Their landing zone came under fierce attack, though the defences they'd quickly established were keeping the rebel troops at bay. The beaches of Scarif were washed with blood as torrents of blaster fire were exchanged by both sides, swarms of B1 Battle Droids crossing through the shallow waters as they moved to assault rebel held positions around the data centre, all the while maintaining their defensive perimeter around it.

Aut-X himself moved to join the fray, reinforced by several squads of BX-series Droid Commandos and his own personal bodyguard of IG-100 Magnaguards, who screened the Super Tactical Droid from fire while he unleashed several explosive rounds from his Bulldog RLR at an entrenched rebel position. "Push forward! Show these rebellious fools the folly of facing the droid legions of old!", Aut-X said commandingly. A wing of HMP Droid Gunships flew down from the fleet in orbit, raining a volley of missiles down on the enemy before dropping of squads of B2 Super Battle Droids to reinforce Aut-X's offensive.

The High Moff briefly took cover, activating his communicator to contact Grand Admiral Irridius. "Grand Admiral, this is High Moff Aut-X. Our operation on Scarif has turned rather violent. My forces are engaging a sizeable rebel force on the planetary surface. I'm transmitting the command codes for my fleet above the planet, do make use of them for ensuring our victory. I must concentrate on coordinating the battle here on the surface. Glory to the Empire."

[member="Travis Caalgen"]
[member="Lucien E. Irridius"]
[member="Norwan Fleming"]
[member="Tanomas Graf"]
[member="Aran Piett"]
[member="Lucien Galtier"]
[member="Darren Jarok"]


“I’m afraid we have little time left.” Already the area around them was rumbling with the immediate threat that had been the arrival of the Imperial’s within the system. Originally it had been a single Destroyer which was brought down by an over-zealous General on the southern planetary defence grid. Now it was an entire fleet. Time was not an ally of the Rebellion today.

“Kira, we need to go.” Alasdair was usually calm even in the direst situation, but today, today it was different. She had never seen him so tense, his fingers digging into her shoulder as he tried to get her attention once more. “I have a bad feeling…”

“Look we have to get this. We don’t have any other option.” She tried to calm him down, turning back to the regal speaker who had invited them here, one of the old Imperial Outposts several hundred miles south of the main rebel presence. “If you truly do have what you say you have. We will pay the price asked. Tenfold.”

He smiled, warmly. Far too warmly for what was essentially an Imperial. “Refuge, safety and an escape from all of this. That is all I ask.” He held a hand outwards, within it was a data-tape. It was offered freely. “You allow me these things and this is yours. This is the hope you strive for against the Empire.”

She reached forward and took the gift, the heaviness behind the technology symbolic of what was held within. She couldn’t help but let out a breath of air. “Rothana. Get to Rothana and we will assure you of all this you have asked.” Again a rumble from the far off distance, this time larger then before and it continued even after the others had subsided.

“Then take it. Go.” Gria Sadine, in his momentary realisation of freedom said with a smile. “For only you, the Rebellion can stop the Imperial banners reigning supreme across the galaxy. Forgive me for my previous sins. May this make us pure again.”

“Kira…” Alasdair again urged, this time with more emphasis.

“Go child.” Gria said again as he turned with a wave of a cloak fashioned to the armour of the Imperial Knights. “Save your Rebellion, save the dream.”

“Lets go…” Kira turned and began to leave. A worrying feeling crossed her mind with a sudden rush of panic. “Imperial troops. They are here.”

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Aut-X"] [member="Travis Caalgen"] [member="Thurman"]

One by one, the glimmer of stars was swallowed by vast, dagger-shaped ships that began tearing through reality. Irridius' flagship, ISD Shadow of Regret, was the first of six Star Destroyers to drop from hyperspace. Tarkin's Wall and Impenetrable came next, followed by one Victory III, two Imperial IVs and a Conquerer. The light of the system's sun slowly faded from the fleet as it moved into the planet's shadow, the veil of smaller corvette and frigate escorts arriving shortly after, creating a steel wave of 76 vessels that rolled toward Scarif.

Irridius stood at the helm of Shadow of Regret, The Praetor Battlecruiser that was shading the rest of his fleet with the angled, silver frame of its superstructure. With a flourish of his hand, a blue, 3D representation of the battle space materialized around him and with concentrated precision he began issuing commands with combinations of hand gestures and coldly stated orders.

"Tarkin's wall is to immediately begin the immobilization of hyperspace travel from the system, Impenetrable is to ready its gravity projectors to target any ships that manage to slip by the gravity shadow."

"Grand Admiral, there are several reports coming in from scanners and the Imperial BattleNet. There appears to be a First Order Star Destroyer in orbit around Scarif and it appears as if Aut-x has overturned command of his fleet to you, battle codes are being uploaded now." Kilko, his Chiss captain, notified before turning his red eyes onto Irridius.

"Unnecessary, but admirable," Irridius mentioned passingly, to which Kilko simply nodded and relayed a short message thanking [member="Aut-X"] to the surface. "All non-Star Destroyer class vessels are to create a blockade around the system, outer perimeter units are to scan dark space in intervals for any signs of Hyperspace signatures entering the system."

Turning his attention to the holographic representation [member="Aran Piett"] 's ship, Irridius sneered. "Hail the pretender vessel and inform them that they are trespassing in Galactic Empire space, they will be subjected to boarding and search procedures before leaving the system."

These so-called "Imperials" were no doubt responsible for the terrorist activity in this sector, he would leave no stone unturned. As the orders were issued, the wave of steel became a typhoon as ships broke off from the whole and newly acquired droid vessels repositioned themselves according to Irridius' commands.

"Commence planetary scans and relay all enemy positions reported by ground forces to the primary targeting computers of our Star Destroyers. All forward batteries prime to one-hundred percent."

The flurry of manual input commands from Irridius was calm and collected and when the dance was done, he stared out to the blue jewel of Scarif; his eyes watching as the fireball from Thurman's orbital strike consumed a swath of land. "And prepare Terror Squad for immediate deployment, let us discover what these terrorists are hiding."

Throwing a wide arc to his left RN released several blaster shots, the red lances connecting with a Rebels chest as he was trying to make cover. An explosion nearby made the Stormtrooper wary but the situation was as it should be, all out war.

Rain had started to fall, a thick dirty rain that stained the pearl white armour of RN and his brothers, returning pieces of Scarif that had found themselves thrown hundreds of miles into the sky after the initial Conqueror attack against the rebel base. It had been enough to make the sky grow dark.

“Bendu Squad secure that tree line.” The voice was from his squadron leader, who while not in his immediate eyesight sounded as clear as day through his helmet voice channels. A shot rang past the stormtrooper, then another. The third was not seen but hit him like a freight train above his right shoulder and sent him to the ground faster then a falling Wampa.

War. They were born for it and they would die for it. He knew this, it was in his absolute base nature to know this. Yet there was a moment right there when he was staring through momentary blurry hololens that the want to stop filled him, to not go forward and just lie there in the dirt, sand and water.
“Get up soldier.” A firm pressure on his shoulder caused the dream to end, words of another filling his ear piece as he looked up and saw the white face of the iconic armour staring back at him. “Stun bolt, your one lucky son of a—“ A shower of sparks knocked the speaker away, his lifeless body slumping to the ground. It was however all the encouragement RN would need.

The 501st had a job to do after all.

Tanomas Graf


The Grand Moff stepped out from his office to a hallway full of saluting novatroopers who had heard his speech on their communicators. It was done, the Imperial Remnant was now officially the Galactic Empire. An Imperial noncomm came up to the head of state and gave a small bow when Graf summoned him "Tell Captain Huurlek to prepare the Avenger for hyperspace, I will personally go to Scarif to congratulate our forces." The old man ordered, receiving a swift 'Yes, Sir' before he moved for the direction of the landing pad. Rain droplets ran through Tanomas' wizened hair, dipping down his face into his beard while he walked up the boarding ramp into a Lambda-class shuttle.

Once he had boarded his personal star destroyer, which ironically was the only thing in the Empire older than him by eight hundred years, stars streaked past every viewport on the vessel as the ship jumped into hyperspace, its destination the tropical planet of Scarif. Minutes later, The Moff would appear on the bridge of the destroyer, greeted by the captain who was in command of his prize. "What have the forces at Scarif reported?" Graf asked, standing next to Huurlek. "Nothing much, sir. The Grand Admiral sent transmission earlier that he had arrived after Moff Thurman. Apparently the rebel outposts across the planet are being obliterated by surgical strikes." He relayed, before a saddened expression appeared.

"They fired one of the Conquerors, it was discovered afterwards that Director Caalgen was in the blast radius. Major Fleming of the 501st stated that they're about to conduct a search to confirm his death." At this point genuine grief appeared on the Grand Moff's features, but he composed himself rather quickly "A shame...Caalgen was the one responsible for much of the Empire's modern technology, including the weapon that killed him." Tanomas muttered, stepping forward to stare out of the viewports alone, slightly broken by the death of his greatest friend and ally.

[member="Aut-X"] | [member="Lucien E. Irridius"] | [member="Kira Vaal"] | [member="Victor Adraas"] | [member="Jaegis Volasses"] | [member="Visser Chernykh"] | [member="Thanom"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Aran Piett"] | [member="Lucien Galtier"]

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="RN-4655"] [member="Kira Vaal"] [member="Aut-X"] [member="Travis Caalgen"]


Storm clouds formed over the oceans of Scarif as plumes of vapor rose from the impact sites across the planet. The Star Destroyers under Irridius' command were at work rooting out the rebellious terrorists who had dared try to make a mockery of The Empire. Green hellfire rained down on Rebel positions across the planet, turning rock to dust and metal to molten slag. Thus far, however, the strikes had been safely away from Imperial forces. Targets were dwindling. Known positions were being reduced to rubble and sooner, rather than later, the last targets left would be those entangled with Imperial troops.

"Report." Irridus mused, smiling down at the burning landscape below the atmosphere,

"Surface scans are reporting Eighty-nine percent positive effect across all targets, sir"

"Ground movement?" the Grand Admiral questioned, the same predatory grin on his face

"Zero percent across motion and life scanners, Grand Admiral"

Irridius turned away from the planet, focusing his gaze on the map layout sprawled out in the air just left of the viewport. Looking over it, Irridius took note of the positions of the various Imperial units and the locations they had reported in for the units they were combating. "Lock onto rebel units currently engaged with our forces, maximum firepower."

A pause from Kilko, a quiet stare that froze the distance between him and the Admiral. "Sir, that puts our forces in the blast radius. A follow-up strike after the High Moff's own could decimate the troops."

The comment was answered with a narrowed gaze of Irridius' own, "And they will be remembered as heroes. Fire when ready."

"Yes, Grand turbo lasers, danger close fire mission"

Irridius turned away from his captain, smile returning to his face as the green bolts began raining down across the combat area...
The noise of firing up starships was all that could be heard across the ancient instalment, sirens had started blaring, mixed with the occasional flurry of blaster fire as Imperial troops entered the base and occasionally the voice of some coordinator would come across the systems with an alert in regards to what was fast becoming the last pocket of Rebellion left on Scarif; a system that the fledging hope had dreamed on making a home.


No matter how many faces moved the other way Kira knew she had to keep running, each of those who passed was full of knowledge that they were not going to escape this planet. It was a painful reminder of what it was they had all promised to do, the sacrifice they were all prepared to make. Kira tried to sooth they’re minds as they went, but her efforts were probably in vain. None of them would be fully aware of what they were allowing to escape the facility, each of them just told to stand so the chance would be offered. The fact was, they all did it without question.

The Falcon was already in warm-up stages as Kira and Alasdair got to the hanger, Charlwook had been busily trying to keep it roaring as parts of the surrounding facility fell apart around them thanks to the orbital bombardment that was being subjected upon them by the Imperial Fleet in orbit.
“We’ve got to move now.” Kira shot as she moved passed Charlwook who was stood on the ramp with a wave to hurry.
“Stormtroopers!” A series of blaster shots impacted against the hull of the Falcon as an X-Wing moved off nearby. A large group of Imperial Stormtroopers appeared at the entrance to the hanger and started to unleash upon the YT. Kira returned fire as best she could as the ramp began to close sealing Alasdair, Charlwook and Kira within.


Alasdair had gotten to the cockpit first and with a little encouragement had got the Falcon in position to blast away through the wide open hanger door.

Which was slowly closing.

“Move it!”

“I’m trying.”

“MOVE!” Kira pushed Alasdair into the copilots seat and leant forward to hit one of the levers near where her right foot usually would be, the resulting shock sent them all backwards as the ship lunged through the doors with barely any room to spare and shot them into the dark clouded surrounds of Scarif.

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