Coratanni Cartel
[member="Laguz Vald"][member="Tek Sidereal"][member="Slevin Thawne"][member="Darth Abyss"][member="Jorga the Hutt"][member="Kiran Vess"][member="Loray Tares"]
"Kowak." Natalia would purr out, smoke falling in a thick cloud of spicy white haze at the singular word. The click clack of her red sole high heels brought the Coratanni Cartel Co-head along over to her beloved. They had been planning and biding their time for a while now, ever since the Imperial Remnant had seen fit to set foot on rishi. While they kept their heads low, expecting them to flounder, the exact opposite occurred. So while Coratanni's interest had soured on Zeltros in the wake of their over arching plots, seeing the Imperial Remnant spread was bad for business. Others apparently thought the same.
"The new Empire is making waves." She sighed, bringing red tipped nails up to draw up a wide holographic screen. "Seems the little slaver Queen of Kowak has a bone to pick. She's requesting assistance."
A few more taps to the grid, and the entire sector bloomed in front of her.
"I expect a guerilla war of sorts. No one has a fleet composition on their own to tackle them head on.... but striking strategic areas here and there... now that might be interesting."
"Kowak." Natalia would purr out, smoke falling in a thick cloud of spicy white haze at the singular word. The click clack of her red sole high heels brought the Coratanni Cartel Co-head along over to her beloved. They had been planning and biding their time for a while now, ever since the Imperial Remnant had seen fit to set foot on rishi. While they kept their heads low, expecting them to flounder, the exact opposite occurred. So while Coratanni's interest had soured on Zeltros in the wake of their over arching plots, seeing the Imperial Remnant spread was bad for business. Others apparently thought the same.
"The new Empire is making waves." She sighed, bringing red tipped nails up to draw up a wide holographic screen. "Seems the little slaver Queen of Kowak has a bone to pick. She's requesting assistance."
A few more taps to the grid, and the entire sector bloomed in front of her.
"I expect a guerilla war of sorts. No one has a fleet composition on their own to tackle them head on.... but striking strategic areas here and there... now that might be interesting."