Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Soulbound


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery stood at the helm of her ship as it approached Roon, a mysterious planet steeped in legend and shrouded in secrecy. The Jedi had long kept their distance from Roon due to its location deep in Wild Space, but recent reports of "haunted" mountain ruins had stirred enough curiosity to warrant an investigation.

As the lush, mountainous terrain of Roon came into view, Valery felt a subtle disturbance in the Force, like whispers carried on the wind. The stories of a ghostly presence lingering in the ancient ruins weighed heavily on her mind. If these reports were true, the source of the disturbance could be linked to an old, unresolved tragedy, something beyond mere legends.

The ship descended into the planet's atmosphere, and Valery prepared herself mentally. Her fiery eyes scanned the horizon, narrowing in on the distant peaks where the ancient ruins lay hidden. The locals had spoken of strange lights, eerie sounds, and apparitions appearing under the pale moonlight. It was said that no one dared approach the ruins after nightfall — not even the bravest explorers.

"Another haunted tale," she muttered to herself, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. But the familiar sense of foreboding made her think this could be more than just a myth. It wasn't entirely unheard of for spirits to linger within ruins, especially if they had been bound to a place or person in a way that defied natural death.

Setting the ship down near the base of the mountains, Valery took a deep breath, sensing the weight of the past clinging to the land. Something had happened here, something that hadn't quite let go, and it was up to her to uncover the truth. After adjusting her jumpsuit and securing her lightsaber, Valery stepped out into the cool mountain air, her gaze set on the path ahead. The haunting had persisted for centuries, but now, it was time to confront whatever lay hidden within the ancient stone ruins.

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Azurine Varek
Roon was a beautiful place. It was remote, steeped in mystery, and a perfect position to hide something, or someone, from the eyes of the Empire. Far from the conflict that would be fought and eventually won. There, deep in the mountain regions of what was left of some kind of temple, is where a ship from a forgotten time had been landed and never seen again. An Arc-170 with a model date of at least 3BBY (if not even earlier if one had to guess by some parts of the rusted metal that didn't quite look to be the same craftsmanship as other portions) to be precise. Though, after hundreds of years it seemed as though the only thing holding it together was the vines and overgrowth of the forest that seemed to have taken it within it's grasp and made it part of the landscape within.

The rumors of the haunting hadn't exactly been completely incorrect. Exaggerated? Certainly. Yet, they held a nugget of truth. The force there was restless, but not malicious. It was just the opposite: Protective, caring, almost gentle in a sad and mournful way. To an untrained individual, though, the unease of such presence and the feeling as though one was being watched would be enough to strike up fear and tales. This presence lingered ever closer to Valery, as if testing her for any signs of ill intent. This wasn't the only presence. Another, strong and frozen in a state of agony, radiated directly from the ship itself, and the two were very clearly tied together. Inseparable even.

"It's been hundreds of years now. It's time for her to awaken." The voice was carried on the wind as the whispy visage of a young Pantoran man, only about twenty-four years old and dressed in armour like robes, appeared on the between the Grandmaster and the earth swallowed ship in the ruins. His short hair was as white as the snow laden peaks that covered his home world with golden tattoos beneath his eyes that resembled something akin to the rays of the sun. His eyes looked her up and down before he moved from the path and turned his saddened gaze to remains of the ship, almost as if giving his blessing for her to investigate.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's fiery gaze swept over the weathered ruins and the overgrown ARC-170, her senses immediately attuned to the complex and restless energy emanating from the site. The Force here felt watchful, protective, yet profoundly mournful, as though guarding something precious lost long ago. It was a quiet, sorrowful presence that enveloped her, almost as if the air itself whispered of an unfinished story.

As she approached, the Pantoran spirit's words, carried softly on the wind, brought Valery to a halt. His young, ethereal figure, radiant yet haunted, seemed deeply tethered to the ship. His golden tattoos shimmered faintly, contrasting the sadness in his gaze as he acknowledged her presence.

"It's been hundreds of years now. It's time for her to awaken."

Valery's heart clenched at the weight behind his words. She could feel the lingering connection between him and the ship — a bond strengthened by time and loss, yet unbroken. Her sharp, perceptive gaze softened as she watched him step aside, his stance a quiet invitation for her to move forward.

"I can feel it..." Valery responded, her voice steady yet carrying the same sadness that radiated from the ruins. Each step she took toward the ship was careful and deliberate, her focus intensifying as she neared the source of the disturbance in the Force.

She paused, feeling the gravity of what lay before her. Turning back to the Pantoran spirit, her tone softened even further, filled with understanding. "Who is she?" she asked gently. "What happened here?"

She stood still, awaiting his answer, prepared to unravel the mystery that bound this soul to the long-forgotten wreckage.

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Azurine Varek
"It's not so much about what happened here and more about what happened to lead here." The ghost moved through the overgrowth, beaconing for Valery to follow suit. In all these years, this was the first person who'd arrived at this location who's glowing aura within the force signaled that there had no reason to apply any techniques of protection, and she was able to perceive his apparition in it's entirety. "We fought during the era of the first Empire. It was an impossible time for users of the force, then." He shifted through the undergrowth and planatary fauna to aid in revealing the paneling that had been cracked at the bottom of the hull, a good entrance point to what was the belly of the ship which had been modified to carry some cargo as well as held a safty hatch behind the pilots chair for ease of access to this crawl space.

"The Alliance had gotten word of the raid at Scarif, and mobalized to help its sucess. We had been the unit that was sent to keep a fleet in a nearby system from reinforcing the Imperial position. The plan didn't quite go as we'd hoped, given the Inquisitorial presence on the flag ship we'd gone to infultrate." Once he had confirmation of her following, he sat down on a branch outside of the rusted pannel. Though his form was incorporial, he knew there was only enough space inside of that area for her to barely get through, given what else was contained there. Inside this crawl space, behind the lowered pilots seat was an old R3 droid with the model numbers R3-E5 and remains of chipped orange and purple stripes across its top. Below that in the modified section of the hull that would have been underneath the gunners station was the source of the other half of the energy the one that seemed to be locked in deep stasis: a girl frozen in carbonite. Her features were obscured in that state, but the horns on her forhead could still be made out.

"We didn't have an option. If I hadn't stayed behind to keep the 13th Brother from escaping before the bomb erupted, the plan wouldn't have succeeded. I knew she wouldn't have allowed it without a fight, the spitfire that she is. She is-" He stopped for a moment, as if trying to find the best way to describe it, like nothing he could say would be enough to put the bond in words, "Was my apprentice. Her droid brought her here to keep her guarded. The force had a different plan for her, and clearly, that plan involves you, Valery Noble."

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Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery followed the apparition of the Pantoran ghost with quiet curiosity, the story he shared beginning to unfold in her mind. The era of the first Empire was a time of incredible difficulty for Force users — a time when those like him and his apprentice fought bravely against impossible odds. As the ghost moved toward the ship, revealing the cracked panel and the modified cargo hold, Valery's fiery gaze softened as she sensed the presence locked inside.

Her breath caught slightly when she saw the frozen figure — a young girl encased in carbonite, her horns barely visible through the dim light. The dormant energy pulsed faintly, resonating within the Force, almost as if calling out to her. The bond between the ghost and the girl was palpable, and Valery could feel the weight of his unfinished duty pressing down on him.

"You fought bravely," Valery said softly, her eyes meeting the ghost. "But your mission isn't over yet." She moved closer to the frozen apprentice, kneeling beside the carbonite casing, her fingers brushing against its cold surface. The Force connection between the two was unlike anything she had ever felt before, and she knew this girl was not meant to be lost to history.

"The Force brought me here for a reason," Valery added, her voice laced with determination. "I'll do everything I can to free her and help finish what you started. But the bond between you... I can feel how strong it is. Even in death, you have lingered because of it. For her to move on, she must face what she left behind."

Her fiery eyes looked back at the ghost with a deep sense of purpose. Valery was ready to uncover the full story and help this lost apprentice find her way back into the galaxy.

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Azurine Varek

Kynn let his gaze follow Valery as she carefully stepped into the modified hold. Normally, a fighter ship like that wouldn't have been equipted to have such a thing, but during the time period it had come from, it made much more sense to be able to store necessities even in a small ship such as this because of the fact that one may never know how long they would be in flight.

"I'll do everything I can to free her and help finish what you started. But the bond between you... I can feel how strong it is. Even in death, you have lingered because of it. For her to move on, she must face what she left behind."

It had been so long for her, Kynn knew that, and though his body had long since passed into the cosmos, his soul ached for what this would do to her. With his death came clarity and a sense of enlightenment he'd not been able to achieve in life, one where he knew with perfect certainty that everything he'd done was meant to happen, but in this state being caught between with his indentity intact, his love for her was as ever present. "She should have died the moment I did. Instead, I have been here, unable to return to the force. But I would do it over and over again if it would mean her life spared. Of all others, you should understand that." His voice paused for a moment the whispy visage rising to stand, "I trust that you'll take care of her, and I will do everything I can to be of service until the time that I am taken into nexus. Just please, promise me that you'll protect her. She has so much light in her, and she is so much more powerful than she understands. Those same things that are her strengths leave her vulnerable, especially now. It's your guidance she needs from here."


"No. Over my dead body will I be leaving you here, Kynn! We have to go!" They didn't have much time; the plan was in motion, and if they didn't get the hell off this ship soon, they, too, would be vape bait.

"You don't know him like I do. This plan will not succeed as long as he lives." Kynn's words were sharp and planted a slow fear twisting through Azzie's gut. She could feel it on the other side of the door, the overwhelming feeling of icy cold energy as it marched closer and closer, The 13th brother. "Then we'll do this together!" Azzie started to protest, but she felt a hand against her chin, gently lifting her gaze to his. The violet of her eyes met the silvery stardust of his, and for a moment, the sounds of blasterfire and starship warfare faded into the background.

His thumb moved to her cheek and brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I can't let you die here. The force has different plans for you."

Then, the room felt like it was spinning. Her consciousness was fading quickly, something she recognized as an ability of his that he'd taught to her over these years: manipulating the force to put one into a temporary state of sleep. She fought the drowsiness, but he was much more proficient in it than she was, "Please... don't do this!"

"I'm so sorry, Azzie. Forgive me."

The last thing she saw before the darkness completely closed in was the tears that rolled down his cheeks and a red saber blade that had begun to melt it's way into the metal of the door.

It took a moment after the pressure was released for Azzie to start gasping, her body cold and clammy just desperate to get air into her lumgs. A moment long enough that it could have been mistaken for hibernation sickness induced death before it was heard, loud and raspy. She reached out into the air wildly, trying to hold onto something in the darkness and the pain she felt. The world itself felt like fire, and the darkness swam with small bursts of light that only seemed to be swallowed away. Yet, she could feel the presence of others pulsing through her mind.
"" , she tried to call out, though the most that came across was a jumbled whisper, or focus on something, anything, eventually landing a weak grip on Valery's arm with the only biological one she had left, her skin much too cold for that of a Zabrak.

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Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"I promise that I'll keep her safe," Valery said with a genuine smile before she turned to the Zabrak frozen in carbonite. A familiar feeling rewashed over her, reminding her of the day she recovered from her stasis pod.

This time would be different — she'd make sure that the girl would get the help she needed.


Valery's fiery gaze remained focused on the young Zabrak as she gasped for air, her instincts urging her to act quickly. As Azurine reached out, Valery gently caught her trembling hand, feeling the unnatural coldness of her skin. Her heart ached for the girl — everything about this moment was a mix of confusion and pain for her.

"You're safe now," Valery whispered softly, squeezing Azurine's hand. "I'm here. You're not alone."

The Force rippled around them, and Valery could sense Kynn's lingering presence, watching over them. She wanted to reassure him as much as the apprentice lying before her.

"Stay with me, Azzie. Focus on my voice," Valery continued, her tone both gentle and commanding. She knew the toll that coming out of carbonite took, especially after such a long time, but Valery was determined to guide her through this — not just the physical pain but the mental storm brewing inside her. Slowly, Valery shifted her position to support the girl more comfortably, her free hand brushing Azurine's forehead, trying to offer warmth and calm through the Force. The energy that pulsed from Azurine was powerful yet raw — as if a storm had been contained for far too long.

"You've survived something most can't even imagine," Valery said quietly but resolutely. "Now, it's time to heal. We'll face whatever comes next together."

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Requiem of Life and Rebirth
Azzie blinked rapaidly, her body still shaking, but she couldn't see anything. Only flashes of light that would blur back into the darkness. She could only barely feel the movement, though, through the cold and the pain. Every breath felt like she was having acid poured into her lungs. Had she had anything in her stomach, she would have been sick from the levels of dizzyness and nausea attached to the pain. Her hand gripped tightly to Valery's, the other robitic hand quickly following suit and trying to focus on the feelings and energy of the other just to focus on something else through the darkness in control of her vision.

The first thing she picked up was the sheer amount of force strength, followed by determination and a calming kindness. It had to be Kynn, right? The only other force user she'd knew of died a year before, the day she lost her arm. It was just the two of them left now. But that couldn't be right because she felt more than one force aura, though one was hard to describe. It was muted yet strong and was like it was attached directly to the cosmos itself. No, her senses had to be messing with her.

"Stay with me, Azzie. Focus on my voice,"

Azzie only caught the tail end of her words, trying to put all of her ability into doing just that. "Wh... what.... happ...ened," she finally managed to stutter out the words though her voice was still weak, tilting her head to the side and coughing with the spasing it seemed to cause her muscles. She had no idea how long it took, but finally, the blackness started to creep back from her eyes.

"Where-" she never finished the question as her crystalline amethyst gaze met Valery's and her fear spiked higher, causing the earth beneath them to shudder. Though calming they may have been, the sunset hues of her eyes and the image of her face coming into view was someone she'd never seen before. It made no sense to her exhausted mind. "Who are you? I ... I don't ... where am I?"

The last thing she could remember was being on that ship, The Thirteenth Brother, falling unconsious. She glanced around desperately, the cluster of dark emotion only tangling and growing as she tried to take in the environment around her. No. I have to help them! Get up! She screamed in her own mind and tried to pull away and get to her feet, only to sink right back to the ground having barely tried to put weight on one of her legs with muscles too stiff and weak to hold her.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery knelt by Azurine's side, her fiery gaze softened with deep concern as she felt the fear and confusion radiating from the young Zabrak. The Force pulsed with the intensity of the girl's emotions, and Valery could sense the panic threatening to overwhelm her. Holding onto Azurine's hand firmly, Valery remained a calm anchor, offering stability amidst the storm swirling in the young woman's mind.

"You're safe now," Valery reassured her, her voice soft but steady. "You're no longer on the ship. The battle is behind you, and you're here with me."

As Azzie's frantic eyes darted around and she attempted to pull herself up, Valery pressed a gentle but firm hand on her shoulder to stop her, feeling the tremors in her weakened body. "Don't try to stand. You're still recovering from being frozen in carbonite. Your body needs time to adjust."

When Azurine's eyes finally locked onto hers, filled with fear and confusion, Valery squeezed her hand tighter, trying to ground her through the bond forming between them. "I'm Jedi Master Valery Noble, and I'm here to help you. Your Master Kynn... he made sure you were safe. I found you here, and I'm going to help you, I promise."

"Listen to my voice," Valery said softly, her tone soothing yet firm. "You're not alone anymore. Focus on me. Kynn entrusted you to me, and I won't let anything happen to you. You're strong, and we'll get through this together. But right now, you need to take it easy. One step at a time."

She placed her free hand gently against Azzie's cheek, her touch a quiet reminder of safety and comfort. "Let's start simple. What is your name?" she asked, giving Azurine a chance to tell Valery herself.

A question to ground her.

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Requiem of Life and Rebirth
Azzie strained against the stimuli flooding into her mind. Rather than bringing relief, it just seemed to be a different yet equal agony. She had gone from her senses being dampened, practicality blind to having a loud screeching ring in her ears, and any small amount of light being much too bright. The room around her had yet to stop spinning. She had to clench her eyes shut tight for a moment to make the spinning bareable. She muttered some cursing in the Zabraki language along the lines of, "Ansestors be damned."

A part of her brain kept screaming that this wasn't safe, that she was too vulnerable and at the mercy of a stranger, and she hated it just as much as she feared it. At the same time, the pulse of the force coming off the woman holding her hand and her gentle squeeze at least partly buried that voice. Come on, remember what Kynn and Baine always tell you, Azzie. Deep breaths. In, out. Turning to look at Valery once again, Azzie tried to calm her breathing. "A ... Jedi Master? How?" Her eyes grew wide with an absolute disbelief, but also a sprinkling of curiosity and excitement that made purple in her eyes glow with a dance of lavander.

And there it was again. The second presence, the one she couldn't pinpoint origionally in the fugue state of faded and collided senses, but was now kicking herself for ever misinterpreting it. It was unmistakable, tied to her own soul, and instantly made the rest of her guard melt away. She didn't have to hear Valery speak his name to know Kynn was here. The relief was enough to make her mind gloss over the red flags, like the fact that she couldn't pinpoint his location, almost like there wasn't one, when she used to be able to know exactly where he was even over thousands of miles. "They did it then, right? They got the plans? Thank the stars," she mused allowed, a bit of hope returning to her face, and she leaned against the hand that had been pressed to her cheek, attempting to surrender to the grounding of the bond forming, though she still had to activly fight to keep the worry.

"I'm Azurine Varek," she started and then chuckled a bit to herself, "A surviving master, Arch is absolutely going to have a conniption when we tell him."



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's gaze softened as she listened to Azzie's words, feeling the rush of emotions and sensations rolling off the young Zabrak. The disbelief in her voice was understandable — to awaken after so long, disoriented and broken, only to be told she was safe with a Jedi Master she'd never met. Valery's thumb gently stroked over Azzie's knuckles, offering reassurance and calm through the bond of the Force.

"Yes, a Jedi Master," Valery repeated softly, her tone filled with gentle affirmation. "The war may have changed, but those who stand for the light are still fighting. We're here to protect and help you." Her words carried warmth and certainty, almost as if she were shielding Azzie from the harsh realities waiting outside the shattered hull of the ship.

One war, replaced by another.

As Azzie spoke of Kynn and the plans, Valery's eyes drifted momentarily toward the ghostly figure of the Pantoran Jedi, who remained close but silent. "They succeeded," Valery said, a small smile tugging at her lips. "The plans were delivered, and the mission was not in vain. Your war was won by the rebellion." She glanced at the ghostly figure again, her eyes softening even further.

When Azzie leaned into her hand, Valery felt the vulnerable yet resilient strength within the Zabrak. "Azurine Varek," Valery echoed with a nod, recognizing the name and its significance. "It's an honor to meet you, Azurine. I'm here to help you find your place again, wherever that may be. We'll take this one step at a time, alright?"

She paused and let her words settle before continuing, "Do you know how long you've been asleep?" she continued carefully, "It's currently 900 ABY, which refers to the Battle of Yavin, which was from around your time." She hoped to convey that it had been hundreds of years since she was last awake.

And from her own experience, Valery knew what impact that could have.

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Requiem of Life and Rebirth
Though Azzie's guard had been let down, she still felt uneasy. Slowly, the feeling of throbbing pain would ease off her muscles. Walking may be a struggle, but it wouldn't be impossible now. At least she thought. Though her mind wandered to the rest of her team. Did they already know about this? Valery did mention that Kynn had sent her, or at least that's what she'd heard in her initial dizziness. When she explained that the war had been won, the red flags that Azzie was missing started to become glaringly obvious, conflicting with everything she previously thought she understood about her surroundings. "It's over? How long was I-" she cut herself off, her heart rate slowly beginning to pick up in pace as she looked around. It looked like a metallic ruin, rust painted across the surfaces and vines having crept into the corners of pannels and into holes that would have held welded screwes once.

Azzie tried to find some kind of rationalization. "Did the crew put you up to this?" She chuckled dryly, glancing around, "Very funny. You got me, Kynn! You can come out now, I've officially been had," she called out, but there was no response, only silence for a moment that felt too long.

"It's currently 900 ABY, which refers to the Battle of Yavin, which was from around your time."

Azzie blinked in confusion. She had no idea what that meant. Fear seeped out as she internalized the number, having to repeat it over and over again in her head. That wasn't possible, It couldn't be. Debris from around her started to rise into the air reactive to the darkness creeping into her mind.

"I'm sorry, Azzie, but she speaks the truth. Did I not promise you I would never lie to you." Kynn's familiar voice drifted to her ears as if carried by the cosmos itself. His pain and his sorrow drifted to her soul from his.

"No. No, that's not true. It can't be true! I-I don't believe you!" The darkness and pain in her mind turned to an icy cold akin to the darkside of the force, but not yet consuming. She ripped her hands away from Valery, stumbling for the opening in the metal and having to grip the edge of it to hold herself up. That is where she saw him, or at least the whispy and ghostly form of him, and she collapsed to her hands and knees (both because the weakness still in her muscles and from the overwhelming agony lacing her mind). "No ..." Azzie clutched at the grass under her hands, her vision blurred from the tears streaking down her face. The scream ripping itself from her throat that followed was accompanied by a pulsing blast of energy outward and sending pieces of the environment outward in all directions.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's heart clenched painfully as she watched Azzie's mental state unravel before her eyes. Each sob, each desperate denial echoed through the air, carrying the weight of the young Zabrak's disbelief and pain. Valery wanted to reach out, to embrace her with more than just words, but she held herself back, giving the girl the space she needed to process. Even so, she kept her presence steady and strong, a beacon in this storm of despair.

"Azurine," Valery called softly, her voice laced with compassion but underscored by the firmness of authority. She stepped forward, careful not to intrude too suddenly as the shockwave of Azzie's anguish sent debris and energy flying outward. Valery anchored herself through the Force, the energy dispersing around her without harm, and inched closer still, her gaze never leaving the Zabrak's trembling form.

"It's alright. Let it out." Valery's voice was gentle but carried through the chaotic surge of emotions. "I know it's a lot to take in, and I'm not asking you to believe it all right now. But I'm here, and I promise that I'm not going to leave you to face this alone."

She glanced at the ghostly form of Kynn, feeling his lingering sorrow as if it were a palpable force. His bond with Azzie, despite the veil of death, was powerful. But it was that bond that might be able to steady her now. Valery could only hope that with time, they would both find some measure of peace.

Slowly, Valery took another step forward, extending her hand cautiously but deliberately. "Kynn is still here with you, Azzie. His promise was never broken, and you are not alone." She maintained her calm, even as energy crackled around them. "Focus on his voice, on the bond you share. Let it be your guide. And I'll help you, every step of the way."

Valery's eyes, warm and unyielding, locked onto Azzie's. "When you're ready, we'll take this one step at a time, together. But for now, breathe with me, alright?" She drew in a slow, deep breath, guiding Azzie back from the edge of her grief, her presence like an anchor in the midst of the swirling emotions. "Just breathe. In and out. I'm not leaving."

The words, simple and sincere, hung in the air as Valery offered a lifeline, hoping Azurine would grasp it.

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Requiem of Life and Rebirth
They're gone. They're all dead. Raith, Arch, Baine, all of them gone. Kynn. Oh god, Kynn. Azzie pulled her hands back from the ground, one grabbing and yanking at her short raven hair while the other clutched tightly at her chest.

"I didn't ... even get to say goodbye..." her words were hushed and spoken through heavy sobs. Wave after wave of darkness crashed through her mind, threatening to drown her in it's ice cold embrace. A sickly pale and red rimmed yellow, hues that seemed to drain energy from its surroundings, crept its way to the edges of her eyes in an attempt to suffocate the amethyst from them along with it. How could you do this? How could you leave me?! How could you make me leave you?! You were everything I had!

Kynn immediately moved forward, kneeling on the ground in front of her. Though he couldn't interact with most objects without the force allowing, it was different with her likely as a result of the bond that kept him rooted in his position. It took a lot of energy, but when he reached out to grasp Azzie's shoulder, she flinched. It felt like pure warmth against her skin despite his cool and ghostly appearance, only making the sobs come harder. "Don't let this be what takes you, do you understand me? You've survived so many encounters with the dark, you can survive this one, too."

"I can't ... I can't do this without you. I can't lose you,"
she shook her head, but was immediately wrapped in an embrace that was both foreign and so familiar at once, practically shunting the darkness back. "I can see why I loved you. You are not alone in this galaxy. I'll always be with you. You have all of your life to live, Azurine, and I want you to live every second of it." He whispered, brushing his lips against the top of her head before he couldn't hold his physical image together anymore, and it shimmered away like a mirrage of light blown through a gust of air. Though his presence lingered, the toll it took to keep an image of himself in place was taxing.

"Don't go. I love you, please don't go." She said in broken, hushed tones, and reached out but his form was gone, silent tears slowing like a river across her cheeks. Instead, she grabbed onto Valery's outstretched hand, sueezing so tightly her knuckles went white. She tryed to follow her breathing, desperate for an anchor to cling onto to keep the storm from returning. Eventually, she fell forward and gripped tightly to her jumpsuit to bury her face in the masters shoulder. Even if their war had been won, it was an empty fact in her thoughts compared to the price she now paid and the toll of the loss crushing her beneath it. "I need to see it. Utapau. The Hole, it was our home all that time. Take me home."

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Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery remained silent as she felt the younger woman collapse against her shoulder, her trembling body shaking with grief and despair. Each sob and tear that soaked into Valery's jumpsuit cut through her heart like a blade, and she closed her eyes, tightening her embrace around the girl as if to shield her from the pain. The intensity of the sorrow, the sense of loss, all of it resonated deeply within Valery — she knew these feelings all too well.

"Loss can shatter us in ways we never thought possible, but you're not alone. I know it feels impossible to imagine a life without him, without all of them, but they will always be with you, just as you feel him now. That connection is something no amount of time or distance can sever," Valery whispered softly, her voice warm and soothing, even as her own thoughts wandered back to the times she had desperately wished for the same connection.

"I understand wanting to go home, to see what remains of the place that holds your memories with them. Sometimes, facing it is the only way to begin healing."

She pulled back slightly, her hands resting on either side of the girl's face, her gaze steady and filled with compassion. "I'll take you to Utapau. Together, we'll find your home again. You'll get the chance to say goodbye, and maybe, find a little bit of closure," she promised.

"I did the same for myself once. Just like you, I've gone through a long time in stasis and when I woke up after so many years, I went to New Cov, to the ruins of my old Jedi Enclave. I needed to see what had been left behind... and what I could carry forward with me. It helped me and we'll do the same for you."

She offered a gentle smile and squeezed her hand. "Whenever you're ready, we'll go."

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Requiem of Life and Rebirth

Weapon: Lightsaber

Azzie held desperately to the feeling of attempted calming coming from Valery. Time just seemed to blur together, and she didn't know just how long they had been there with the sounds of the forest and her sobbing mixing together. For a moment, it she could have swore she felt wind laced with the presence of Kynn wrap around her as well. She listened quietly to everything the older master had to say to her, her strong force senses being able to identify the pain in her that was almost exactly like her own. If she hadn't been so full of agony, maybe she might have been able to come up with someing witty to say, or anything really, but it was as though her voice was silenced other than the whimpers and cries she never wanted to show to a total stranger like this. I guess there would be plenty of time for that to come.

Her eyes finally found the broken cockpit seat that would have normally been where the entrance to the crawl space would have been. When she caught sight of her poor astromech droid, looking worse for wear as if it had been inactive for years and leaned against the back of the cockpit with a bag that very likely held her gear, or what might be left of it, another little needle stabbed at her heart.

Slowly, Azzie eased herself from the embrace and grabbed onto the bag to sift through it, choking back another sob when she pulled the hilt of the lightsaber from it. It wasn't perfectly polished; the metal was definitely scratched and worn down, and it looked as though it had been cobbled together from whatever old parts one could get a hold of in the time she was ripped from. There wasn't much else inside other than a standard vibro blade and some personal items she didn't think she could handle pulling from it at the moment, instead choosing to throw it over her shoulder.

Her attention was drawn to the droid, wondering if she could even get hold of the parts to repair the droid. She turned her gaze back to Valery, "I don't want to just leave him here," the statement less of a question and more of a matter of fact. After everything she'd been through, the idea of leaving him like that was just another thing to add to the list of aches she felt. Reaching out to rub her hand against the chipped and faded paint lines across its top, then moving to pull it from the wreckage, having to use the aid of the force to lift it out. She still felt weak from the hybernation. This showed very clearly in how unsteady the telekinesis was and how she had to drag her feet to make them move.

"Go. I'll be with you."

She took one last look at the ship she'd piloted into battle so many numerous times, the tears coming back for a moment when she turned her back to it, "I should still have the planatry coordinates memorized." A large portion of her mind still stirred with denial, hoping and praying that everything would go back to the way it was the moment she got to their makeshift home.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery watched in silence as Azzie carefully sifted through her old belongings, each item serving as a reminder of a life now seemingly lost to time. It was clear that every scratch, every worn edge on the hilt of her lightsaber carried a story — memories that Azzie still clung to even in this state of confusion and sorrow. The sight of the astromech, lifeless and abandoned in the wreckage, was almost too much to bear, but Valery understood. She knew that Azurine wasn't just holding onto a machine — she was holding onto the past, to something familiar in this now unfamiliar world.

"We won't leave him behind," Valery assured softly, her voice steady and comforting. She shifted closer, reaching out to rest a gentle hand on Azzie's shoulder, providing strength and stability through their shared connection in the Force. "We'll bring him with us and get him repaired. Whatever you need, I'll help."

She knew what it was like to hold onto the fragments of a lost era — she had done the same when she'd returned to New Cov, searching the ruins of her old Enclave, clinging to remnants of the life she once knew. It hadn't been easy, but those moments had allowed her to face the reality of her loss and begin to rebuild, even if it was just one piece at a time.

Eventually, her husband had even rebuilt her old Enclave.

When Azzie mentioned having the planetary coordinates memorized, Valery offered her a faint smile, one that held both sympathy and pride. "Then let's go together. I'll get us to Utapau, and we'll face this... together."

She adjusted her stance to better support Azzie and gestured towards the ship that had brought her here, ready to lift the droid if the girl needed help. "You've already shown so much strength today, more than most people ever could. It's okay to lean on me for a while. I'll help carry you through this."

With those words, Valery began to walk forward, leading them toward the ship. The journey ahead would be long and painful, but it was one Azzie didn't have to face alone.

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Requiem of Life and Rebirth
Weapon: Lightsaber

Azzie took a quick look at the saber hilt, going to attach it to the belt at her side with the makeshift leather cord she's added to it for that purpose when Kynn had first given it to her. She noticed Valery's gaze linger on it, though, and held it forward, the other hand still outstretched to her side to keep the faultering telekinesis that held the R3-E5 droid partly off the ground from waning too much. What did she have to hide at this point, right?

"It's a little rickety, I know. I'm pretty sure most of it is made from old scrap pieces," she started, a small dry chuckle creeping out. It had seen so many battles now, but more so than that, it was the only tangible thing she had from Kynn that she could hold in her hands. Sadness spread through her body, and she hugged the straps of the bag tight as she continued, "Kynn built it for me after our first real encounter with an Inquisitor shattered one of my dual swords. He said that someday when we could make a journey without the risk of exposure, then I'd be tasked with making one myself. That day never really came."

She attempted to move forward, but the work it took just to keep control over the force was wearing her out much more than she would have liked to admit. She could only imagine how much more difficult it would have been to push through the hibernation sickness had she not had the physical fortitude and resilience of her people. She let out a shaking sigh and nodded, letting her grip go. Her hand relaxed back to her side, then promptly grabbed Valeey's arm to support herself forward. The droid dropped back to the ground.

The moment Azzie laid eyes on the ship Valery had taken to get here, her eyes went wide, a small twinge of her typical curious self reflecting back in her eyes. It was unlike anything she'd seen before, or well, it resembled them but was still very different. "Beautiful," she whispered, slipping back into her first language for a quick moment. She wondered how smooth the controls were, what the bank angles arch might be, and how high the speeds were. It was something else she could finally put her attention onto. The distraction was more than welcomed.

"Do you mind if I-" she started to ask, the itch to get behind the wheel of a ship being a bit hard to resist, before quickly rethinking the idea. She'd only just been awoken from what she'd been informed of was an over 900 year-long hybernation. Maybe next time. Now is not the time to get ahead of yourself.

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Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's eyes softened as Azurine spoke, and she nodded quietly, understanding just how much meaning that lightsaber carried. It wasn't just a weapon; it was a symbol of the bond shared between Azurine and Kynn, and all the struggles they had faced together.

"It's not the parts that matter," Valery said gently. "It's what it stands for, and how it's used that makes it special."

She offered Azurine a warm smile before her gaze shifted to the ship, catching the way the woman's eyes lit up with curiosity. Valery felt a flicker of hope — this kind of distraction could be exactly what she needed right now.

Valery sensed Azurine's hesitation as they moved closer to the ship but decided to step in. "Actually, why don't you take the pilot's seat?" she offered softly. "Even if you're not up to flying right now, it's yours to explore. I can tell you're already curious."

With careful support, Valery helped Azurine settle behind the controls of the ship. It was a rare chance to see her let go of some of that grief, even if just for a moment. Watching Azurine's gaze travel over the various controls and displays, Valery felt a small sense of relief. Maybe, just maybe, this would be the first step toward healing.

"I'll be here for a moment," Valery added, taking a seat beside her. "But I'm going to ask my husband to join us for the trip to Utapau." She glanced over at Azurine and smiled, "He helped me get through this once, and I think he'd be able to help us again." Valery also just loved having Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble along — even the thought made her feel a great warmth in her heart.

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Requiem of Life and Rebirth
Weapon: Lightsaber

"She was always at home in a pilots chair," Kynn's voice whispered to Valery on the wind, "took to it like a hawk. I often found her meditating in the Arc-170."

Azzie wrapped the leather chord on her belt around the lightsaber hilt to secure it to her side, she'd go through the bad for her old vibroblade later. She was so much better at fighting with two blades than one. She took a moment to run her hands across the wings of the ship. Of course, she had seen ships of this model in action before, but there were some major differences that she assumed came with the passage of time she had missed and actually having the resources to keep up with design upgrades of the those changes. The heart beat of the object itself and its echoes resounded in her mind, sending a small smile across her face. It was expertly crafted, that much was certain. "How's the maneuverability?" She asked aloud, though she didn't know if she expected an answer.

"Actually, why don't you take the pilot's seat?"

Azzie's purple eyes lit up like the northern lights, shades of amethyst, navy, and periwinkle dancing through them. "Can I?" She asked, a bit hesitantly settling into the seat. The control console held the multiple switches and gears for the various displays. Out of habit, she adjusted the seat to make sure she was in a comfortable angle for her back, running through the preflight checks and adjusting the angle of radar sights. She felt the thrum of the engine as it sparked to life, like a lullaby she hadn't heard in years. For a moment, she felt like she was home again. Finally, something to keep her busy mind occupied and off of the lingering and persistent pain plaguing her thoughts.

She moved her hand to the input pad to get the coordinance of the base on Utapau into the system, turning her attention back to Valery. "Husband." The word, spoken like many questions were attached to it, left her thoughts hanging, there were a lot of things she didn't know about jedi teaching, though those thoughts spiraled into a couple of other questions, one of which had been on her mind for a while. She figured she had time to ask it, though she was ready for takeoff whenever Valery was ready.

"How many jedi are out there now? Is it just us?" She was so used to being a dying breed so to speak as a force sensitive, the thought of that changing was hard for her to wrap her brain around.


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