Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Soulbound


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery smiled softly at Kynn's whispered words, the gentle breeze carrying his voice as if he were standing right there beside them. Her gaze lingered on Azurine as she settled into the pilot's seat with an almost childlike excitement lighting up her features. Valery didn't say anything for a moment, savoring the sense of familiarity that seemed to flow between the ship and the woman who had once called it home. It felt like a reconnection with something she'd lost long ago.

When Azurine mentioned the ship's maneuverability, Valery's smile deepened. She was more than happy to share this experience with her, to see that spark return to Azurine's eyes.

"You can take the ship through some basic maneuvers when we're airborne," Valery said encouragingly. "It's quite responsive, so I think you'll find it to your liking." The ship hummed in agreement, the engine's subtle vibrations resonating through the hull like a heartbeat. "But… be gentle with my girl," she added with a playful wink.

When Azurine shifted the conversation to her husband and then to the Jedi, Valery's expression softened. "Yes, my husband is a Jedi Master as well. His name is Kahlil, and we often work together. I hope he can meet us on Utapau."

Valery paused, considering the next question more thoughtfully.

"There are more of us now. The Order isn't as small as it used to be, but… we're still rebuilding. There are many Jedi spread out across the Galaxy, each with their own mission and duty, but we're united," she said, pride and hope coloring her tone. "You're not alone, Azurine. There's a place for you among us."



"...Utapau, huh?"

Kahlil leaned back in his seat, staring up at the ceiling of his office. Paperwork had piled up now, with everything that happened with the invasion of the Sith, with his project he was going to have to figure out the logistics. The money. Jedi didn't make money, and that certainly wasn't about to change. But donations weren't going to be enough for this.

He'd have to fund it himself, most likely. That wasn't a problem.

Right now though? The Jedi Master needed a break from all the paperwork. He stood and stretched before making his way from the office entirely to head back towards the hangar. He'd meet them there, soon enough.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek
"I don't know who I am anymore."

Requiem of Life and Rebirth

Weapon: Lightsaber

"Oh, trust me, it would be an actual crime to do anything to harm that engine." Azzie said, a genuine chuckle passing through her lips as she patted the side of the main console as if in reassurance. "I won't do anything with her that you wouldn't do."

She quickly gave a playful elbow to Valery's arm, trying hard to keep up her normal attitude and bury the twinge of her own grief thinking about what she could have had. "You sly loath cat! What's he like?" She had a few other questions about their relationship in particular, but those could wait for another time.

Her smile faultered a little bit, though, listening to Valery talk about the rise in numbers of Jedi. It should have made her more excited than it did, but for some reason, it just felt ... hollow. Hollow and overwhelming all at once. She still remembered clearly how Kynn would light up when he talked about what the temple used to be like before the Empire eradicated it. It should have been him here to see this, not her.

"There's a place for you among us."

Azzie bit her lip and kept her focus on the steady humm of the engine that reverberated in waves through her hand that was connected to the controls. "Yeah. I uh ... just want to go home," She found herself muttering quietly in response. She didn't really know where she belonged right now. The convictions she'd had once were so shaken since being awoken that she didn't know what to do. Hell, part of what was keeping her sane at that moment was the spark in the back of her mind saying that all of this had to be a fever dream of some kind. Just get back to The Hole, and maybe you'll wake yourself up from this nightmare. She quickly shook her head to try to shake away the thoughts. Rule number one, never fly inebriated or crying. Focus.

She waited in her seat for Valery to get everything she needed together and listened carefully to the hum of the repulsers when the ship took off, though she wasn't exactly known for being the most patient person in the galaxy which showed clearly in her nervous tapping her fingers against her leg. When the ships controls were finally handed over to her, she took them without hesitation. The feeling of the moment ship in conjunction with her commands at the helm was more than exciting. To her, it was also calming, like everything was right with the world. She might have drawn it out a little bit, getting used to the way it rolled and turned, before finally hitting the input for the hyperdrive. Utapau inbound. Destination: whatever remained of The Hole rebel base.

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Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery’s smile turned warm and tender as she thought about her husband, her gaze softening at Azurine’s question. “He’s… incredible,” she said, her voice filled with genuine affection. “Kahlil is strong, compassionate, and has this calming presence that just makes everything feel… right. He’s been my anchor through so much, and our bond… it’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.”

Valery’s eyes glimmered as she spoke, clearly proud of him. “And he’s a great father, too. The kids adore him.” She chuckled softly, thinking about how effortlessly he balanced their family life with the constant challenges of being a Jedi. “He’s always been my partner in everything, and I know he’ll be happy to meet you as well.”

With a gentle touch on the controls, Valery focused back on the mission at hand. As they exited hyperspace, the stark landscape of Utapau stretched out before them. Large sinkholes and jagged rock formations dominated the planet’s surface, and the ancient cities within these deep chasms loomed below like silent sentinels of the past.

Azurine's home, Valery understood.

Valery closed her eyes and reached out through the Force, sending a clear, unmistakable signal to Kahlil through their Dyad. The connection between them pulsed with the warmth of her presence, guiding him to their location. She could already feel his familiar energy responding, so vivid and strong.

Sometimes, she wondered if their bond was still growing despite all the time they already spent together.

“He’ll find us soon,” she murmured with a soft smile, opening her eyes to glance at Azurine. “We’ll be ready to face whatever we find down there tog
ether. Until then, why don't you tell me a little more about the planet. I've actually never been here before.”

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Requiem of Life and Rebirth

Weapon: Lightsaber

Azzie listened quietly as Valery spoke so highly of Kahlil, her own soft smile marred by an entangling agony laced into her eyes that only seemed to get bigger and bigger with each word. She knew what that felt like, Kynn had been her anchor. With that gone, it was like she was tumbling through the wild ocean with nothing to hold against the waves, and she couldn't swim. For a brief moment, she felt a hand press against her shoulder that wasn't there, and she almost curled in on herself to escape the lingering presence she didn't want to believe was really gone.

"I didn't think jedi could get married. That's a nice change in pace." Honestly, she never did agree with the 'no marrige' thing from before her time. She'd only really heard about in passing when the team once made a joke about Kynn not knowing how to get anywhere with women because of it. They were only partly right in some aspects, but she wouldn't have admitted that outloud then.

"I didn't get the opportunity to explore the planet as much as I would have liked to, then. I mean, we were trying to keep ourselves off the radar, especially Kynn and I, when my crew chose it to blend in. We ended up creating a cover for it as a trade recognized scrapping facility. We called it The Hole." Azzie paused, chuckling a bit at how generic that sounded given the planet was covered in them, "Not really original, but it started as a joke and just kind of stuck. For all intents and purposes, it was home for us, even if we grew up elsewhere. It was where we planned, where we bickered, where we sparred. We greived lost missions there and celebrated victories."

She gently moved the ship into the atmosphere, following the memorized coordinance she'd plugged onto the projection screen, silent until she saw it. The landmarks of the bear shaped rock at the top corner next to two tree like bushes were still fresh in her mind as if she had only been out for a short time. She quickly pointed out across the landscape to it, "That one there, that's it. I don't know if the landing pad we built is still in good enough condition to use, but I've landed down there without it multiple times, so bare with me." She said, as if asking for permission to perform the landing. It could be a rough land for someone not used to the encased space that was the main center of the sinkhole.

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Kahlil slipped from Hyperspace in the familiar freighter he had once considered his only home. The Bastion sailed right down for the surface of the planet, and with it, he followed the feelings. The bond he shared with his wife was it's own sort of compass for him, and one he followed till he saw her vessel. He'd float along with them for now, just far enough not to crowd as he waited for his own chance to land and join the two properly.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery watched closely as the ship descended, her gaze softening as they neared the old landing pad. Despite the rust and deterioration, she could feel a sense of familiarity emanating from Azurine as they touched down, the ship responding smoothly under her control. A skillful landing, despite the years away.

The ramp lowered with a soft hiss, and Valery stepped out onto the cracked and uneven surface of the landing pad, her fiery eyes scanning the surroundings. The atmosphere was heavy as if the planet itself remembered what had once taken place here.

Looking up, Valery spotted Kahlil's freighter — The Bastion — slowly descending towards them, its engines emitting a low hum as it settled beside their ship. She folded her arms, a small smile tugging at her lips as she watched him land, the bond between them thrumming with warmth and anticipation.

As the ramp of The Bastion lowered, Kahlil emerged, his familiar presence a comforting beacon amidst the desolation of the sinkhole. The moment his boots touched the ground, Valery's expression softened even further. She took a step towards him, but remained close to Azurine, giving her a reassuring smile.

"Hey love, welcome to The Hole," Valery greeted, her tone light but filled with meaning. "It's… a place full of memories for Azurine here." She glanced at her friend, then back to Kahlil, hoping she could introduce them this way. "You've helped me once with a journey like this, so I'm glad you could join us." The warmth she felt turned into a blush that seeped into the skin of her cheeks. No matter how long they've been together, she couldn't help herself.

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Requiem of Life and Rebirth

Weapon: Lightsaber

Parts of the creator had collapsed in on itself, showing how worn it had become over the centuries. Boulders had tumbled in and created new holes in the bottom that hadn't been there before. Azzie could see the remains of what might have been a landing pad coming off a rather large cliff face as they decended into the sinkhole that could have held multiple ships at one time a long time ago, but it was now rusted and oxidized, overgrown with the greenish brown vegetation that characterized the fauna of the planet. Pieces were clearly missing, fallen into the depths beneath it. It wasn't a safe place to land, and she knew that. She would just have to set them down on the ground itself.

She probably should have waited for Valery before jumping out of the ship the moment the ramp slid out, but in that moment, she couldn't stop herself. The flame of purple in her eyes just grew darker by the second as she looked around. It was empty of life, abandoned. There were still scrap ship pieces littered in some corners, covered in rusty orange and green. Her eyes glanced around to the caverns in the walls, leading to where they had set up the logistical and living ares.

Finally, she turned to the cliff wall behind her, and the dam broke. Painted across the wall was a large image of her team. Herself, Kynn, and Ashton were at the center, the first to be painted most likely, and the others added in sections afterward. The paint had long since been chipped and faded to muted colors. Any finer details faded. Below was a large cluster of purposely placed stones in a formation, almost like a tower. The large words at the top read: Gone, but never forgotten. May the force be with you. Underneath them were smaller words that she couldn't make out from where she stood.

Azzie forced her to trembling feet to move forward, her hope to be ripped from the nightmare diminishing with each step. Eventually, she knelt at the base of the memorial, her eyes scanning the list of names followed by dates.

Kynn Jarmin - 2BBY
Azurine Varek - 2BBY
Ashton Cayne - 2BBY

Beneath them were others, some she recognized, but not as well. Newer additions to the group that they had picked up over their time here. Ashton had died during their mission to keep reinforcements away from Scarif as well. She started desperately scanning the rest of the names, looking only for the ones she knew well

Rowen Sunfell - 1BBY
Raith Calloway - 2ABY
Baine - 42ABY

Archibald Yustapir - 67ABY

She quickly covered her mouth with her hands, choking on a sob and trying to keep herself from screaming again. Reaching her hand out to wipe the layers of dust away, her muscles went stiff as she touched it, and her eyes rolled back. Bright and blinding white light filled her vision and passed to something else entirely. Emotion, pain, grief, and also victory and memory flooded into her brain.

An older Quarren man, likely in his 40s, dressed in robes, slowly stacked the stones in front of the painting that thus far only held three of the cell founders. Tears laced his eyes, and though he was the strongest, most capable one to do this, his body still shook. They didn't have much time to grieve with the war still trudging on, and he knew that, but as a Guardian of the Whills, he couldn't in good conscious not finish this to honor them. Once the final stone had been laid, he began to carve their names, letter by letter, his hand faltering when he hit the fifth letter in Azurine's. "I'm so sorry, kiddo. Be one with the force." his words whispered.

"Baine, I'm right here!" The statement left Azzie's lips just as the images faded away. She yanked her hand in close to her chest like she'd just pulled it from boiling water, completely unaware that she looked like she'd just had a series of seizures and practically collapsed backward onto the ground. It had felt so real, like she was standing right there all those years back. It was then she realized she was missing the glove that she typically wore to prevent this, but it didn't matter to her at that moment. She couldn't seem to wrap her mind around how this place, this old rundown shell of its former self, could possibly be the same place that had been bustling with activity just days before (well, what felt like days to her). The tears came back full force, all of the weight coming down on her shoulders.



Kahlil gave Valery a loving smile, but his gaze didn't linger on her for long. The Bastion wasn't landed too far at all from the other shuttle. The little walk to step over had shown him much of what this once was. A home, much like the Bastion had been for him for so, so long. It was the third time now that he'd seen places like this. Homes that were once so populated with memories now just a shell of their former selves. All the memories, none of the substance that made those memories feel good.

Just the pain of missing them.

For a brief moment he reached over to take Valery's hand and squeezed as he watched Azurine take her moment to grieve. Just as he had for Valery, all the way back on New Cov in her old temple. Thankfully for the moment there were less claw and fang trying to eat him. For now, it was never too late for a creature that decided to move in to rear it's head.

If it did, he'd handle it, just as he had on New Cov. Well, not exactly. Way less scars this time around, he hoped. He pulled on Valery's hand, quietly urging her forward to the other woman. Kahlil had given his support to his wife back then, but he couldn't have understood the pain then that she had gone through. For Azurine, though, Valery could. She needed a friend, support. Valery could provide that, without a doubt.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery took a deep breath, drawing on the warmth and reassurance from Kahlil's touch as she watched Azurine struggle with the flood of emotions. Each sob and tremble in the girl's form resonated deeply within her, reminding her of her own moments of loss and grief. Kahlil's presence beside her, his steady support, anchored her amidst the rising tide of empathy. Just the way he had supported her all those years ago, on New Cov. She offered him a small, grateful smile, then turned her focus entirely to Azurine.

Slowly, Valery stepped forward and knelt beside Azurine, reaching out a gentle hand to rest on her friend's shoulder. "It's okay," she whispered, her voice soft and calming. "Just let it all out."

With a tender grip, Valery carefully pulled Azurine against her, wrapping her arm around the trembling woman to offer the kind of comfort she knew only time and understanding could bring. "I know it feels impossible right now… but you're not alone. I'm here, Kahlil's here… and we're going to help you through this."

Valery's own memories of the New Cov temple resurfaced — the devastation of seeing it abandoned and lifeless. But she'd found strength in those moments because Kahlil was there for her. Now, she wanted to offer that same strength to Azurine, so she gently stroked her hair and held her close, murmuring soothing words that only those who had walked a similar path could offer.

"Breathe with me… one breath at a time," she continued softly, glancing back at Kahlil with a look of gratitude before focusing again on Azurine. "We'll take as much time as you need. We're in no rush."

Valery remained by her side, offering quiet support and comfort, drawing on her bond with Kahlil to provide all the strength she could. She would be the woman's pillar of support, and she knew that Kahlil would have her back when she needed it. Now, or when the emotions of this journey struck her later.

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Requiem of Life and Rebirth

Weapon: Lightsaber

Azzie felt the hand press against her shoulder, which made her flinch backward. "No. Don't touch me!" Azzie yelled swiftly, the boom of her voice and the accompaning telekinesis making some of the unstable parts of the wall rumble loose some rock. She didn't quite know what she was feeling, but it was like bugs had burrowed into her skin and were gnawing through her veins. Part of her longed to just be given a long hug, but by any of the people who she knew would never be able to do so again. "Don't touch me ..."

Kynn's soft voice started to say something, but her expression shot up in anger, and she picked up a loose rock, tossing it in the direction she could feel the highest concentration of his presence through the bond they still shared even in death. The darkness behind her eyes was ever present in that moment.

"You bastard! It should have been me!" She picked up another rock, chucking it in the same direction, though her throw was much weaker the second time with her arm trembling.

"The force saved you for a reason."

"Screw the force! Screw all of the cryptic bantha crap it expects me to just understand and your stupid order! I DON'T WANT IT!!!"
The words left her lips before she could stop them, but then again, she was never known to have the best filter between her brain and her mouth to begin with. A small twinge of regret passed her face when she did, though. The worst part was that she didn't know if she meant it. Maybe she meant it a little bit, but she didn't know what she wanted now or even what to do from here. Though she knew what she was asking for was impossible, she spoke it anyway, "Send me back, Kynn! I'll do it differently this time, I promise."

When Valery reached to pull her into an embrace, at first she flinched back and tried to get away, raw emotion written all over her face. If not for the connection they had, she might have resorted to violence in that state. Slowly, the struggling stopped, and she just slumped over like the fight had been sucked out of her, a dark cloud of numb dispare settling over her. "It should have been me ... What the hell am I supposed to do now."

Unbeknownst to her, her rattling of the abandoned caverns in the sinkhole had jostled some unwanted attention from a couple of Ginnthos that had taken up residence, and the soft scuttling of their legs across the stone cavern entrences near Kahlil could be heard like a hushed whisper.

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Anger and grief were just about what Kahlil expected. He gave them space, for the time being, to let Azurine work through it. It was Valery wo had been there when she awoke, and it would be Valery who was there for her now. His gaze shifted instead to where he could feel others watching. Multiple sets of eyes. .. No, not sets. Ah. He chuckled lightly, already aware that this wasn't going to be something for Valery to handle.

Instead, he reached up a hand and pulled on the Force. It came as a crushing weight all at once atop one of the spiders before it could even crawl into view. Pinning it outright as he spoke up.

"We've guests. The new tenants, I imagine."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's expression softened despite the outburst, and she stayed calm even when Azurine lashed out. She didn’t flinch or step back — she simply waited for the storm of emotions to pass. When Azurine slumped over, the fight and anger drained from her, Valery gently pulled her into a tighter embrace, one hand lightly rubbing her back.

“I know it hurts, Azzie. I know it’s so hard right now, but you’re not alone in this. You have people who care about you, who will be here no matter what,” Valery whispered, her voice a gentle anchor against the turbulent emotions. “It wasn’t your fault, and I’m not going to let you go through this alone.”

Valery kept her close, feeling the tremors running through the girl's body, until Kahlil’s voice broke through. Her head snapped up, eyes widening as the words “We’ve guests” registered. The giant spider, pinned beneath Kahlil’s manipulation of gravity, twitched helplessly. Valery shuddered, her lips pressed into a tight line — she hated spiders, and every instinct in her screamed to take a step back.

But more scuttling noises echoed around them, growing louder as several more spiders crawled into view, their numerous eyes reflecting the moonlight like tiny, beady stars. Valery’s hand instinctively tightened around the hilt of her lightsaber, and she shifted her stance in front of Azurine.

“Kahlil, I—” she hesitated, stealing a glance at him. He knew how much she hated these creatures, but she’d never leave Azurine defenseless. “You might need to take the lead on this one. I can't steal the show from you," she added with a smirk.

Yeah, that was totally the reason.

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Requiem of Life and Rebirth

Weapons: Lightsaber | Vibroblade

"I am sick and tired of other people fighting my battles for me." Azzie said with a startling amount of force for someone who was still so conflicted, rummaging through the large bag to grab her second blade. Unfortunately, it wasn't a saber, just a standard vibroblade, but she didn't need it to be. Though a pain still smoked through her eyes, it had become a deadly calm as she stepped forward, whether Valery wanted her to or not. Igniting the piercing yellow of the lightsaber in the other hand, she twisted the blades through the air in a way that almost resembled how one would fight with a speared staff. She held them as if they were two halves of one weapon. She was born and raised Iridonian, after all. The fire of the fight was in her blood, and the traditional training engrained in her as a child.

"I didn't ask for it, and I can damn well handle myself."

She charged forward using a flurry of acrobatics, taking the attention of a couple of the Ginnthos off of Kahlil rather forcefully, one getting a lightsaber blade to the face, the other slashed to the back. It was almost like this fight was meditative to her. The anger and pain she was being consumed by only fueled her resolve to focus on the task at hand and spiked a blaze of passion in her violet eyes. She wasn't sure how many of them had moved into the now abandoned caverns, but she wasn't about to let anyone else get hurt on her account without putting up one hell of a fight. Short visions passed across her mind, allowing her to block an incoming attack from the side that she hadn't even seen and parry it with her other blade.

The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as the force whispered in her ears, an ability she didn't know was aptly titled battle precognition. She quickly shouted out a warning, holding one of her hands out to push the one to her front back against the wall and momentarily hold it there, "Kahlil, 3 o'clock!" Even if he knew it was there, she had come from a time where she had been one of the only people in a fight to be able to aid like that, which could have been the difference between life and death for them, and the habit was ingrained into her. Better safe than sorry.

"She may be lost, but she will make an excellent jedi." The soft voice of Kynn once again whispered on the wind, though this time to Kahlil.

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"So long as she doesn't let this anger consume her."

It was hard to miss the violence in her actions. The anger and rage channeled through how she wielded her blade. It was a slippery slope, and one he knew had to be watched. On the flip side, she didn't hesitate, which was ideal all things considered. Valery was going to hesitate. Even now she was going to let him take the lead. He brought his own saber out, cutting down the one he'd pinned before raising his free hand again to hold the next, just as the woman called out.

He reached even farther than just the one, bringing down the Force on all their shoulders to flatten them all as he let his eyes close.

"Don't let them suffer."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's gaze followed Azurine as she leaped into action, wielding her blades with a fierce, almost primal intensity. There was no fear or hesitation in her movements - only rawp ower and determination. But Valery couldn't help the tight knot forming in her chest. She recognized the emotions fueling those strikes - anger, pain, grief. All things that could easily consume a person if left unchecked.

"Az-" Valery started, but the woman's agile strikes cut through the air, silencing her words. Her own blade ignited, casting a familiar violet glow as she instinctively stepped forward to back up Azurine and Kahlil. The Ginnthos were strong, resilient, but with each calculated slash of her saber, Valery's precision and mastery over the blade became evident.

She hated spiders, but she would not hesitate. She was far beyond the point of allowing fear to control her.

Even so, she left much to Kahlil, while she tried to keep an eye on Azurine. Kahlil's words echoed in her mind, and she sensed his unease as well. But there was no time to dwell on it - not when creatures as
dangerous as these swarmed them from all sides.

"Azurine, stay focused!" Valery called out, worry seeping into her voice. She deflected a set of pincers from a Ginnthos lunging toward her, then spun and severed a leg with the tip of her saber. "Don't lose yourself to this... don't let them turn you into something you're not."

When Kahlil's power surged and pinned the creatures to the ground, Valery moved closer, her gaze sweeping over the restrained Ginnthos. Her chest tightened at the sight of the creatures thrashing helplessly, and she let out a sigh of relief.

With a nod to Kahlil, Valery stepped forward. A deep breath steadied her resolve, and with swift, fluid motions, she brought her saber down on each creature, her strikes precise and lethal. As she moved, she glanced over at Azurine again, her heart aching for the pain the woman must be feeling.

"Azurine," she began, "Are you alright?"

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Requiem of Life and Rebirth

Weapons: Lightsaber | Vibroblade

Azurine had always been a fighter. Each strike brought back moments of memory from all the training she'd had over the course of her life. Her father and grandmothers instruction with the Zhaboka, her personal practice during her years alone fighting just to survive in the Canyons and deserts outside Malidris, her years fighting with the Partisans, all the way to her incorperation of the lightsaber. The fight was the only constant thing in her life that had never wavered. It wasn't in her to faulter. It never had been, or else she would have died long ago.

"Don't lose yourself to this... don't let them turn you into something you're not."

Azzie heard Valery's voice through the pain, those words being just enough for her mind to take over. Keep fighting. Don't back down. I won't let this break me! The words clawed through her mind, and she gritted her teeth to push back the anger to a deep corner of her mind where it could be held down and gagged by her stubborn desire to be free of it. She'd fight with every ounce of determination she had, even against herself, if it meant she wouldn't give up so easily. She'd rather die than lay down her swords and accept defeat from her own mind.

Before she could land another blow, she found herself toppled to the ground, the eyes of the Ginntho staring straight at hers while it attempted to bite anywhere it could get to. Its legs cut into her arm to hold her down, and she chuckled at the predicament before ramming her head straight into its face, her horns doing a significant amount of damage to a couple of its eyes. That staggered it enough for her to free one of her arms and use that as well as her legs to wrap around the side of its body, flipping it over itself to land on top. The strength of the force in her glowed like a white hot beacon to anyone who could sense it.

The only hesitation she made was to look at the pinned creature and feel a bit of guilt. Valery was right. It didn't deserve her rage, and that pain released here would only cause more pain. It wasn't at fault. It was only doing what it was supposed to do to survive. She dropped one of her blades and pressed her hand against the head to listen to it, connect to its emotions. It was just scared ... and hungry. Poor thing.

"I'm sorry. Go on, find food elsewhere," she said softly, getting up and letting it get its barings. It stared at her for a moment, then backed away slowly, turning and taking off into the caverns that it came from.

She turned to the two masters, regret for everything she'd done since she'd woken deep in her eyes, and took a step back to let them handle what was left of this. Maybe it would be alright to admit that she couldn't do this alone right now. "I'll be alright. I've had worse."

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Kahlil let out his breath once he was certain the threat was gone, at least. And not all through violence. As he expected, Valery was able to get through to Azurine. Or perhaps, Azurine was already in the right headspace, all things considered. He idly flexed his fingers as he watched the Zabrak and the last of the spiders skitter away from the trio.

She'll make a good Jedi, if that's the path she wants at least.

He sent the thought through his bond with Valery, giving her a simple nod. Encouraging, as ever. There'd be a lot for Azurine still to process, and there was ultimately no one better than Valery right now to help her.

"I'll go grab a med kit, mm?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery let out a deep breath, a mixture of relief and pride warming her gaze as she watched the creature skitter away. She could sense the conflict still simmering within Azurine, but seeing her push through it and show restraint spoke volumes about her resilience and strength of character. Valery's gaze shifted to Kahlil, and she returned his nod with a grateful smile, feeling the encouragement he sent through their bond.

"Thank you," she replied silently through their connection, her gaze briefly softening.

Then, she turned back to Azurine, stepping closer but maintaining a respectful distance. "You did well, Azurine," Valery said softly, her voice gentle but sincere. "It's not easy to hold back when emotions run high, but you showed great control and compassion. You didn't lose yourself and that's most important."

With a small, encouraging smile, Valery added, "It's okay to rely on others sometimes. None of us can always do it alone." She glanced back at Kahlil as he mentioned fetching a med kit and then refocused on Azurine. "Let him take a look at those cuts. We'll get you patched up, and then we can decide what to do next."

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Requiem of Life and Rebirth
Outfit: Clothing | Glove
Weapons: Lightsaber | Vibroblade

"I'll be fine, really. It's nothing compared to the-" Azzie cut herself off, her gaze falling to her cybernetic arm. Under her clothing, the robotics went all the way up to her shoulder and attached to the place that her arm had been removed in one quick motion of a red saber blade. That encounter, she could still hear the wheezing from the dark helmet, the feeling of gasping desperately for air and being unable to feel any energy outside of the darkest piercing cold she had yet to encounter. It sent chills down her spine even now. That day haunted her nightmares for months after that, and probably would for the foreseeable future. How else would one respond by barely surviving an encounter with a man people referred to as the devil himself? Eventually she settled on just stating the obvious, "to losing an arm."

She took a moment to look over the cuts on her arm. They looked worse than they felt, and knowing her body, she doubted it would even be deep enough to scar. For every scar she had, there were at least a dozen other nasty injuries she had received that left no trace. The physical fortitude of her spices came in handy at times like this. She had a feeling that she wasn't going to be able to get away with just wrapping a piece of cloth around it and moving on like nothing had happened with Valery and Kahlil, though.

Though her mind raced with thoughts that she couldn't seem to slow, as if someone had fed spice to a bantha and let it loose through her brain, her eyes were drawn back to the stone memorial every so often. As much as she wished for the ache and the spiral of emotions to just vanish, that was very unlikely to happen. Nonmatter what she wanted, they were gone. The war was over, but at what cost. She held the hilt of her lightsaber close to her chest, still feeling Kynn's presence beside her like a haunting memory, tied together in a way she didn't know if she could undo ... or if she even wanted to ... She didn't even know what year it was for certain or what the universe was like now.

"Everything I've ever done, I did it for the people who couldn't do it themselves and those I loved. Every fight I took on, all of it, it was my whole life. What am I supposed to do now ...?"


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