Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Soulbound


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's expression softened as she listened to Azurine's words, her heart aching with empathy. The weight of trauma was something she understood deeply, and the uncertainty of where to go after such a devastating loss was a struggle she had seen many face before.

"You've been through so much, Azurine, and it's okay to feel lost right now. There's no quick answer to what comes next. There wasn't for me either after I woke up from stasis," Valery said gently, taking a step closer. "But you're not defined only by the battles you've fought or the losses you've endured. You're still here, and that means there's an opportunity to discover new parts of yourself."

Which, Valery knew, was what Kynn wanted for her, too.

She paused, offering Azurine a small, encouraging smile. "It's okay to take things slowly and explore where your heart leads you now. Maybe you'll find that the galaxy still needs your strength but in a different way. What happened is difficult, but I'm sure that you have the strength to adapt."

Valery's gaze shifted briefly to the memorial stone and then back to the Zabrak. "You honored those you loved by fighting for them, and that's something no one can take away from you. Now, you've been given a chance to keep doing that."

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Requiem of Life and Rebirth


Outfit: Clothing | Glove
Weapons: Lightsaber | Vibrosword

"She always had a passion that I didn't know what to do with. In our time, we needed a fire starter like that. I don't think we would have fought as hard without her pushing us forward," Kynn's ghost whispered on to Valery encouragingly, knowing full well that Kahlil would likely hear it given how strong their bond was. At the same time, he hoped that neither of them would end up in the postition that he and Azurine found themselves because of it, "I believe that passion, if you can teach her how to hold it properly, is exactly what the order needs to bring into the future."

Azzie took a moment to take in the masters words, her eyes staring down at the lightsaber hilt she held in her hands, their hues shifting with the light—dark amethyst at the edges, fading into vivid violet near the iris. She couldn't quite keep her hands from shaking, as she tied the weapon back to her belt with the makeshift leather chord she'd added to it a long time ago now.

Being lost wasn't exactly a new feeling for her. When she'd faked her death to leave the Partisans when she could no longer justify their darker actions to herself, she had been left with nothing but her weapons and the clothes on her back then, too. Lost and alone with no choice but to do whatever she could to make enough credits to provide for herself. Those years had been rough, more rough than having to survive after being orphaned because, at least then she knew the planet and didn't have to try and find a way to get back. It may have been harsher this time given everything she had to come to terms with (how she had finally begun to believe that she'd truly found herself then), but the core of the termoil wasn't new. Nor was it something she'd yet to ever truly escape, it seemed, having come back from being buried deep within ten times stronger than the last.

"I'll be stranded ... I don't have any money, and my ship was a mess. There might be some around here somewhere, but do planets still even take the older credit system?" she eventually spoke a couple of her concerns out loud. She didn't want to have to claw her way out from under the boots of the way of the world again, becoming a hired soldier, all the while hoping she might get lucky like she had the last time when she was hired by Baine and Raeth for the mission that set her life on a course she hadn't necessarily wanted at the time but desperately needed. "I don't know what the galaxy is like anymore."

She allowed herself to sit down on one of the toppled but more stable boulders, following Valery's gaze to the memorial. She wanted to resore it and make this place come alive again. How, she didn't know yet, but they deserved that much. "My war ended, I never got to see that, but I ... I hope the Empire was crushed out swiftly. I hope we left the galaxy a better place for it."

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"That Empire is gone."

Kahlil returned after a moment with the medkit needed, to help bandage and clean the wounds. Even if they were long used to getting wounded, all of them needed to make sure they were treated properly. It made a poor showing for a warrior to be unable to fight from infected wounds, after all. "The threats aren't, unfortunately. There are always people who want power. But the Jedi stand in their way. So many others stand in their way. The Galaxy has changed, for the better, because of what was done then. What you helped to accomplish."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's gaze softened as she watched Azurine struggle with the weight of her worries. The trauma and uncertainty of waking up in a galaxy that had moved on without her were burdens Valery knew all too well. But she wasn't alone now.

"Azurine," she said gently, stepping closer and crouching beside the toppled boulder, "You don't have to figure it all out right now. The galaxy has changed, and I know it's overwhelming, but the credits, the ships… we'll figure it out together. We're not going to leave you behind homeless and struggling to find food and water."

Valery glanced at Kahlil as he began tending to the Zabrak's injuries, then turned back to Azurine with a reassuring smile. "You've survived things that would have broken most people, and you did it on your own. But you're not alone anymore." Her voice was steady, full of sincerity. "If there's something you need, we'll find a way to get it. If you want to rebuild this place or start fresh somewhere else, we'll make it happen."

She reached out, placing a comforting hand on Azurine's knee. "We're here for you. Your war may be over, but there's still so much good you can do. For yourself, and for others."

Valery's smile warmed, the kind that spoke of hope and strength. "And if you're ready, I'd love to see how you can shape the Order's future. Kynn was right — your passion, if harnessed properly, can inspire others and help protect what we've all fought for."

She glanced at the memorial stone, then back at Azurine. "You have a place here. You just need to decide what you want that to look like."

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Requiem of Life and Rebirth


Outfit: Clothing | Right Arm | Glove
Weapons: Lightsaber | Vibrosword

"That Empire is gone."

The way Kahlil said those words specifically didn't necessarily sit right on Azurine's mind. Whether true or not, it felt as if there was something about the statement that was being left out almost intentionally.

Moving her hanging sleeve back and out of the way, she held her arm out still to be looked at. There wasn't much damage, if any. What might have been a different problem for someone else in terms of bleeding looked more like she'd just nicked her skin on a couple of sharp rocks; barely any blood to be found and already scabbing over. If scratches like that could barely leave a mark on her skin that was biologically capable of withstanding more damage and pain, one might only imagine what kind of harsh battles she'd been in over her lifetime for her to have the couple visible scars on the bottom her her lip and across her right eyebrow that she did have, or how many she may have that were not visible under clothing.

"Thanks, it's probably fine, though. I've taken much harder blows before," she said, hoping it came out more reassuring than it did in her head so that he'd focus on whatever injuries he and Valery had rather than hers. The worst thing she felt in that moment was exhausted, like she hadn't truly slept in days, and she didn't think that was only from the fight.

She still remembered all of those things that had been said to her in the past about her power by the inquisitor who'd attempted to break her, how Kynn had looked her in the eyes and told her that she was stronger in the force than he ever was and the strength of their bond was proof that. Even now, she still didn't think she believed him. "I still think you all would have been better off if he'd been the one who survived, not me. I'm no jedi ... I never was." her voice was soft, though laced with a dry chuckle, tears once again coming to her eyes. She quickly wiped them away, not wanting to look like a mess all over again even if she felt like one. What she failed to see in herself though was how she had the heart, the will, and the convictions of one long before she had ever been set on the path. She embodied these, forged and tested in the darkness itself only to come out holding the flames that would make them stronger.

"I don't know if I can be what you want me to be or what everyone who's given their life to protect me thought I could be ..." Azzie hesitated, gritting her teeth to hold back the tears, and turned to look Valery and Kahlil directly in the eyes, her own holding a spark of that fire that hadn't yet made itself fully known until now. "But I dedicated the entirety of my life to being one huge thorn in the Empire's side, and if any remnant of them is still around or anyone like them after everything we did to bring it down, then I sure as hell won't be stopping in that endeavor any time soon."

She grabbed Valery's hand, giving it a small squeeze. The sleepiness was really beginning to hit her hard like she'd been sucker punched with it and slammed right into the metaphorical wall, "Maybe ... Maybe I'll never be ready, but I'll never know if I sit out here and hide from uncertainties." She didn't know if that sentiment came from her minds desire to escape from the reality, her own hardheaded perseverance, or a little bit of both, but it was true nonetheless.



"I've no doubt." Kahlil chuckled lightly, but it didn't stop him from cleaning the wounds properly regardless. Wrapping them up. They were all warriors here, for better or worse. They had their scars, their marks, their losses and victories. That's part of who they were. But only a part. He glanced again to the wall, smiling ever so faintly. Valery was right. No matter what time they were from, Jedi stuck together.

"If that's your choice, we can help you will it. But, know that you don't have to fight now. That you are free to choose."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's eyes softened as she felt Azurine's hand squeeze hers, and she gave it a gentle, reassuring squeeze back. "You're stronger than you think. I don't say that lightly, or because of what you can do with the Force. Your strength is in your heart and in your resilience. You've survived things that would have broken others, and even now, you're willing to face the galaxy head-on despite everything."

Valery leaned in just slightly, her smile warming. "Kynn's sacrifice, everything you've been through, it all happened because people believed in you, Azurine — not some ideal or expectation of who you should be. They believed in who you are and in who you might want to become." Her gaze held steady, and she brushed her thumb gently over Azurine's hand.

"If you want to continue being a thorn in the Empire's side, we'll teach you and fight with you. If you want to rebuild, to rest, to find a new way forward, I'll help with that, too." Valery's smile turned into a playful grin as she added softly, "And trust me, that alone is more than enough to shake the galaxy," she teased, though her eyes did turn to her husband.

She knew that Azurine could rely on him, too.

"If you do decide to continue as a Jedi, I know the Order will be much stronger because of it."

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Requiem of Life and Rebirth


Outfit: Clothing | Right Arm | Glove
Weapons: Lightsaber | Vibrosword

Though Azurine was having a rough time being able to keep her eyes open now, she did her best to listen to everything the two had to say to her. For a moment, the lost look in her eyes took a turn into confusion. She didn't know how to answer. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. This position that she'd found herelf in put a completely different perspective on everything she thought about life.

Were duty and desire the same thing? Up until now, she thought that they were. She had been so sure of herself then. So certain that the choices she made were hers and hers alone. Those days felt so far out of reach.

Kynn, finally able to pull enough energy together to show himself again, appeared seated next to her, though she was unable to even meet the gaze of the ghost when looking at those starlight silver eyes only made her heartbreak more palpable. They both felt it. It radiated outward from the pair that would never be able to truly be together again from this point onward like a thick blanket of sadness. "I know what you're thinking, and that ends now. This is not your fault. I made my choices, and I stick by them. The only regret I have is that you have to bear the consequences. For that, I am so sorry."

"I should have told you what you meant to me more often ... If I'd known that we wouldn't have that time-"
Azzie cut herself off, looking at him again. Her gaze still didn't quite meet his eyes, the pain behind her own partly consumed by her exhaustion.

"I could say the same. Just know that you were so loved, even when it wasn't said. By the team... by me."

Her thoughts went back to one of the few times she'd met another jedi aside from Kynn,


"I know I have asked a lot already, but what set you on the Jedi Path, especially in an age where Inquisitors seem to lurk behind every shadow?"

"It was probably my obnoxious curiosity and Kynn having enough of me badgering him about it,"
Azzie joked, grinning, "In all seriousness, though, when he said I needed to learn, I just trusted him. It felt like the right thing to do, I guess? Like the first thing I've ever been completely sure I wanted. I don't know if that makes any sense, though. Probably more so to you than me."

"It was the Force guiding you on your first steps toward your destiny,"
the young Cerean said, putting her hand on Azzie's shoulder, "You heeded it's call, and that is one of the most important calls you will ever have
to answer. It's a hard life, my friend, but it is worth it in the end. I have to believe that. I must believe that. Justice and peace will return to the Galaxy again, or I might as well fall on my lightsaber now. You have the makings of an excellent Jedi."


"It's worth it in the end," she repeated the words to herself, looking to Valery and Kahlil, "What if I want both? I have to find a new way, or I'll never find a way at all, but that doesn't mean that I have to give up everything, right?"

She let out a soft yawn, finding it more and more difficult to hold her head up, allowing herself to rest against Valery, "I want to keep learning, if the Jedi will even take me the way I am, that's the only thing I think I'm completely sure of right now."

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"Both, huh?"

Kahlil smiled softly as he finished wrapping everything up and started to pack in the supplies. Azurine was had quite the path ahead of her, choices and trials to face, especially considering the time she came from. The days weren't as they were. Jedi were more free, and yet, still just as hunted. The Sith weren't just two, the Empire was all across the galaxy in their different groups. Mandalorians were crusading. There was so much they still needed to handle and deal with as Jedi.

And she was going to find herself thrown into it. Into the middle of it all, no less, if her way of fighting was true to her personality.

"I don't think you have to worry about the Jedi not taking you. You're more than welcome in the Order. In fact, I'm fairly certain a Master here could use a Padawan like you, as much as you could use them, mm?"

At that he glanced to Valery with an almost sly smile on his face.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's gaze shifted to Kahlil as he spoke, his words sinking in slowly. The almost sly smile on his face was unmistakable, and it didn't take long for her to connect the dots. Her eyes widened slightly, and she looked between Azurine and Kahlil, feeling the weight of what he was suggesting.

Take Azurine as her Padawan?

She glanced down at the exhausted young woman resting against her shoulder, a mix of emotions swirling within her. Azurine had been through so much — more than many Padawans she had ever trained — but there was strength there. A drive to keep pushing forward despite all the pain, and a willingness to grow.

Something Valery understood better than anybody else, having gone through it herself.

Valery's expression softened, a warm smile spreading across her lips as she met Kahlil's gaze again. "You really think I could keep up with her, huh?" she teased lightly, though there was a spark of excitement and pride in her voice.

She shifted slightly, resting a hand on Azurine's shoulder. "If that's also what you want, Azzie… I'd be honored to guide you. To help you find your way, whatever that may look like." Valery leaned in closer, her voice gentle and filled with sincerity.

"I can't promise it'll be easy, but I know you have everything it takes to become a Jedi. And more importantly, to find a balance between who you are now and who you want to become." Her gaze flicked back to Kahlil, the affection and gratitude clear in her eyes. He knew exactly what she needed — and maybe, what Azurine needed too.

"What do you say?" Valery asked softly, looking down at Azurine with a hopeful smile. "How would you feel about being my Padawan?"

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Requiem of Life and Rebirth


Outfit: Clothing | Right Arm | Glove
Weapons: Lightsaber | Vibrosword

Azurine's gaze fluttered back and forth between the two of them, clearly missing something in her state of tireness. Maybe if she hadn't been through so much, she'd try to fight the nagging feeling to just sleep. Not today, though.

The moment she let her eyes drift closed, she was in and out of consciousness, catching only bits and pieces of the conversation they had with each other until the words were clearly directed at her.

"If that's also what you want, Azzie… I'd be honored to guide you. To help you find your way, whatever that may look like."

Her words were a bacon in the darkness, yet so confusing at the same time. She couldn't help but wonder how anyone could look at the wreck she was right now and be willing to take her in like that. She had become used to the idea that her worth hinged on her usefulness to others, at least up until her time with the Outlyer. Even then, sometimes the deeply rooted fear would come back, that she had to work for her place.

"I don't want to burden you." she whispered softly but squeezed her hand at the same time with her weak and tired grip. What a conflicting way of thinking she had at times, being insecure and yet so determined all at the same time. She knew how much darkness she had buried in her. It was a wound she'd never be able to forget that came with the territory of the time she'd come from and the termoil she held deep in her soul.

"I ... I won't let you down. I pro-" She stopped mid sentence. That wasn't a promise she knew if she could keep. Instead, she decided on part of the promise she'd made to Kynn when she realized that she couldn't keep striving for a perfection she could never manage. "No, I don't want to promise what I don't know if I can uphold ... but I promise that no matter what happens, I will never lie to you, Master Noble." Her words a confirmation that she would commit to this path, having attached to Valery more than she'd intended. Bonds were easily formed with her, and this one was already forged in the fires of her awakening.



"Hmm.. I more wonder if she could keep up with you, honestly." Kahlil hummed on that thought, very clearly seeming to think on it. Or at least, appearing to really think on it. In reality he was absolutely teasing his wife right now and her own gremlin behavior. Was it good to put fire with fire? In some cases, no, since they'd often just make a blaze that'd consume everything. But sometimes a flame will temper another's.

Even now he knew there were moments, few and far between as they were, that she felt a pull to the time she'd come from. There was no stopping that, no removing it or moving on completely no matter how long she'd lived in this time. Just helping those wounds so they stopped aching as bad. On the flipside, though, there was only so much he could do to help in turn.

Sometimes through helping another, one helped themselves.

He patted Valery's shoulder as he stood.

"I think you've got it from here though, yes? Bring her by some time when you're both ready. I'll make pancakes."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's eyes narrowed, a dangerous glint flashing as she shot Kahlil a look that promised retribution for his teasing comment. "Keep up with me, huh?" she muttered, her voice playful but edged with mock threats. However, the stern look quickly melted into a warm, affectionate laugh as she shook her head.

Her gaze softened as she watched him walk away, and for a moment, she let her mind drift back to her own time in stasis — a period of darkness, pain, and isolation she'd never wish on anyone. The thought of being trapped there again, away from her family, from Kahlil and the kids… it was a fear that still haunted her sometimes. But she'd choose the life she had now over any possible past or future.

No life would be worth living if it were without them.

Returning her focus to Azurine, Valery squeezed the young woman's hand in return, her voice filled with unwavering resolve. "You're not a burden, Azurine. I know you'll struggle at times, and so will I, but that's what being a team is all about. You don't have to be perfect — I just need you to be honest and keep trying. That's all I ask."

She paused, letting the sentiment sink in, before adding softly, "We're in this together now. And I promise I won't let you face it alone."

Turning back to Kahlil, a soft smile curved her lips. "Love... can we travel back with you? Have that pancake dinner a bit early, and I'll pick up the shuttle later." Her gaze lingered on him for a moment longer, filled with love and gratitude for everything they shared, before she turned back to Azurine, ready to start this new journey together.

"What do you say? Would you mind having dinner with us before we bring you to the Temple?"

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Requiem of Life and Rebirth

Outfit: Clothing | Right Arm | Glove
Weapons: Lightsaber | Vibrosword

Azurine heard the faintest sound of whispers against her ears every time her eyes closed and head lulled as if she was falling into a sleep but trying desperately not to. The voices of her team, soft and steady.

"We believe in you, kiddo. You are one with the force, and the force is with you."

Baine ...

"You'll always be one of us, Jedi. Aliit ori'shya tal'din, Family is more than blood."

Arch ...

"Don't keep overdoing it. I don't want to see you again too soon, got it? Keep fighting."

Raeth ...

The rational part of her knew she had to be hallucinating, her exhausted mind finally hitting that wall from 900 years in stasis playing tricks on her, but the words settled across her heart and squeezed, the emotional weight of farewells she never got.

"May the force be with you ... all of you." she muttered softly, not necessarily caring if the two masters heard her or what they thought. For a brief moment, she could have swore she saw them near what was left of the worn down memorial, adorned in golden lit mist and smiling. When she blinked her tired eyes to dispell the tears, the image was gone completely.

She glanced to her side where the spirit of Kynn was once again vanishing with the air. She didn't get the chance to ask the question, the answer projected directly into her mind,

I will be with you. I wish I could tell you for how long, but that's an uncertainty I don't hold the answer to. Rest now.

With the last of the strength he had to hold onto a physical form, he rested a hand on her cheek and pressed his lips against hers, though it was difficult to maintain a way to interact with her physically. She wasn't able to slow the tears even as tired as she was. The feeling almost ethreal in nature, like kissing starlight, and gone just as quickly, slipping away through her hands that had attempted to hold onto his hand to keep him from leaving. The pain left in it's wake only intensified her exhaustion.

By the time Valery had posed the question, Azzie had all but fallen asleep against her shoulder. Just the thought of food made her stomach growl. Now that the world itself wasn't making her sick, it was hard to ignore how the centuries of carbonite made her feel as though she hadn't eaten or slept in ages, and she gave a slow nod in spite of herself.

"I can just nap on the ship, right?" her words came out slurred, though luckily they were mostly understandable. Her heavy eyelids were unable to keep themselves open for another second, leaving her limp against the Grandmaster.

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"There's a couple bedrooms to use." Kahlil chuckled a little as he glanced to the more or less asleep Zabrak. There was so much she was going through. Sleep seemed fitting, all things considered. A sleep that was her own choice and not the type that had her gone from the galaxy for hundreds of years as she had been. He gave Valery a nod of his head. They could get the shuttle later.

They were. No leaving those behind the NJO didn't have an unlimited budget after all.

"Think you can be awake enough to walk there, Azurine?"

Azurine Varek Azurine Varek | Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery chuckled softly at Kahlil's question, glancing down at Azurine, who was now completely asleep against her. "She's out cold," Valery said with a warm, affectionate smile. She adjusted her grip on the sleeping Zabrak, shifting the weight gently as she stood up with the woman in her arms. "Guess I'll have to carry her the whole way."

She gave Kahlil a playful wink. "But I wouldn't mind a little help." Valery could easily lift the Zabrak with the Force, but she never liked using it when it wasn't necessary. And Kahlil was naturally very strong...

Would puppy eyes be enough?

Later, the quiet hum of the Bastion filled the cockpit as the ship glided through the stars. Kahlil sat at the controls, his hands expertly navigating the ship's course. Valery was in the co-pilot's seat beside him, her gaze wandering from the vast expanse of space outside to her sleeping Padawan in a nearby chair. Azurine was nestled in the corner, her breathing steady and calm, finally resting.

Valery smiled softly, her heart warmed by the sight of the young woman finding a small measure of peace, even if it was temporary.

Turning to Kahlil, she reached out to place a hand gently on his arm, her voice low and affectionate. "Do you really think this will work? That we'll make a good team?" Her amber eyes glimmered in the dim cockpit light as she looked at him, seeking his reassurance but also trusting his judgment completely.

"I also wonder how the kids will feel about her. They usually always like our Padawans."



Kahlil smiled ever so faintly. Puppy eyes were overkill, he wasn't about to leave the sleeping Zabrak behind or make his wife carry another person while he was there. So, up Azurine went in his arms with ease as he brought the woman onto the Bastion to sleep. Kahlil in the meantime was cooking, just something quick and simple to feed the trio of them while they traveled. A snack, considering he was planning to give the typical meal of the Noble's once they made it to New Cov.

"I think our kids will like her, all things considered. They'll be very curious on quite a lot, I imagine. And, yes. I do think the two of you can work well. She gives me young Valery vibes."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek

Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

As Valery settled into the pilot's seat, she glanced back with a soft smile at Kahlil, appreciating his help carrying Azurine onto the ship. She loved his quiet strength and how easily he took on responsibility, especially when it came to helping others. While he worked on preparing something simple for them to eat, Valery gently guided the Bastion through hyperspace, the stars streaking past the viewport as they made their way toward Niv Hani.

When Kahlil returned with snacks in hand, Valery turned to him, her eyes gleaming playfully. "Young Valery vibes, huh?" she asked with a teasing smirk. "I was trouble, you know. What exactly do you mean by that?"

As she spoke, Valery's attention shifted briefly to Azurine, who began to stir, perhals at the scent of food. Valery couldn't help but smile, sensing that the much-needed rest had done her some good. "Looks like someone's hungry," Valery said softly, her tone warm and inviting as she gestured for Kahlil to hand her one of the snacks.

With her gaze returning to her husband, Valery raised an eyebrow, still expecting a proper answer to her question. "So… how was I similar, huh?" she asked with a chuckle, playfully challenging him to elaborate.

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"I don't know who I am anymore."

Requiem of Life and Rebirth


Outfit: Clothing | Right Arm | Glove
Weapons: Lightsaber | Vibrosword

Azurine's sleep certainly wasn't dreamless. Though it had started peacefully, it might have been better off if it had been.

She sat beside Kynn with her team around the planning table of the control room they had set up in the caverns of The Hole. Jokes were made, celebrations had, plans formulated. As she reached to touch the Pantoran beside her, everything vanished. Everything was pitch black, grey smoke moving around her. She reached for her lightsaber on instinct, but it wasn't there, and she froze in fear hearing that familiar weezing robotic breathing she'd heard once before. As she whipped around, she didn't see the devil she was expecting. The figure clad in a black cloak and dark metalic looking mask across their nose and mouth (not for breathing, but for hidden identity) was much smaller. She'd seen this same figure before, when she had lost control of her psychometry so poorly on Iridonia seeing her families old home for the first time in so many years. She didn't get the chance to step back, the figured descending on her and grabbing her by the throat.

"Why?" She struggled to get the question out, and the assailant laughed with a sound that she could have swore she recognized. The realization dawned, her eyes meeting the sickly pale yellow and red rimmed of the other whose skin under the hood not covered by the mask sported the same tattoos she'd seen in the mirror hundreds of times.

"Because you can't escape yourself, Azurine," the familiarity of her voice was laced with a taunting malice that made it hard to believe it was her own

Azzie's eyes shot open wide, and she shifted to lean to the side while attempting to control her breathing. She glanced around, wishing she recognized anything she was looking at. Then she smelled something cooking and heard Valery speaking, so she put her effort into focusing on the masters aura, pinpointing the pattern of heartbeat to give her a steady metronome to breathe with.

Steadily, she pulled herself upward into a sitting position and pulled her legs close to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. She was already small for a Zabrak woman, and the way she huddled to the corner of the chair made her appear that much smaller. She was surprised that she could even be hit with that level of exhaustion all at once, but then again, she'd never really been in a predicament even close to this once before.

She couldn't quite find anything to contribute to the question that was asked, at least not right then still groggy and certainly hungry. However, she did look at them, very specifically Kahlil, with a raised eyebrow. Similar to who, she didn't know for certain, but she could guess, given she herself was the metaphorical elephant in the room.

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