Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Space Arena

Vitani had come to the arena not to interfere and not because she was a Jedi. She had simply come because she was curious and wanted to see what it was like at places like this. She had no weapons other than a well concealed lightsaber, for self defence, and no distinguishing features that marked her as a Jedi, she didn't want people to get the wrong idea. She saw herself as just another teenager.

The girl ran to the front of the stands and looked into the ring, it all seemed so exciting, and she wasn't one to judge. She had paid the 1,000 credits which may or may not have been stolen, and wanted to see what it was worth. Truth be told, she wasn't the best Jedi anyway.

[member="Thraxis"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
Cadan lowered his weapon as he saw the women was now facing the other creatures. As he looked up he saw the young Padawan. Of coarse he didn't know it was a Padawan. Cadan swiftly approach her. " 'ello there, you seem a tad young to be here? Not that I'm saying you can't be here." He'd lean upon the stand.

William Kerkov walked aboard the pirate station with his two bodyguards following close behind him. AS much as he trusted his new admiral he did not trust safety of the smelly place. He continued to walk through until he finally gave up and turned on his comm link, "This is Fleet Admiral William Kerkov, is Mcnash here?"

| [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] |
Vitani looked up at [member="Cadan Tazi"], startled. She hadn't expected to be talked to, but she smiled at Cadan nonetheless. She sensed no danger and besides, she could always change her appearance if worst came to worst. Clearly she wasn't human.

"I'm just curious, that's all." Said the girl calmly. "Nice place you've got here..." she muttered sarcastically, looking at the run down place.
"That I am." his finger's probing the communication device to his centre right, with a metallic 'click' and 'tap' a stream of static would erupt until eventually dissipating. "I'm sending two of my men to collect you and take you to the event."

It was with that two men appeared, they looked like ramshackle beggars, or a useless drunks. Baggy pants and old dull shirts usually with two buttons missing, and around their waist was tied a wide black tasseled sash. With the left most wearing a jacket with durasteel plating tide and held together by an adhesive and twine. The two consisted of human, and a Weequay. "Follow us, the Admiral awaits you."

It was with that they entered the room, a long rounded room with raised seats over looking a pit, a pack of five Anooba fighting [member="Ashin Varanin"] inside it. And above them a raised dais a Hutt and a Twi'lek, but this Twi'lek didn't look subservient to the Hutt, as so often was the case, they were equals or atleast in appearance.


"Admiral, it is good to see you. Join us, we were just watching the event."
| [member="William Kerkov"] |​
William waved off his two guards to walk back to the shuttle. He followed the two men into the arena giving no heed to the small fight going on or the hutt or twilek. "Thank you" He told them as they left him and Mcnash

"Thank you for the escort Mcnash, and it would be an honor to watch this match with you."
Cadan smiled and rub the burnt half of his face. "May not be nice, but it's home." He look down into the arena, as he did so a Kowakian Monkey-Lizard ran up his coat and sat itself upon his shoulders. The creature removed a cigar from Cadan's pocket and began smoking away. "The names Cadan." He'd offer his hand towards Vitani for a handshake.

"This is [member="Mongo Booshi Mella"], a business partner of mine." he'd turn to introduce [member="William Kerkov"], to the hutt than turning to his right he'd gesture towards [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"], with a bow of his head. "And this is one of my occasional employers, a leader figure in the under world."

| [member="Mongo Booshi Mella"] | [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] | [member="William Kerkov"] |​
"Well it is nice to meet you Mongo and I believe I have met you Chiasa, at that casino I believe? Anyways it's my pleasure to meet you all. SO far this trip has been quite enjoyable Mcnash, it fills me with great pride that you are joining the OCA as an admiral." He shook hands with each of them and sat in the closest seat available.

| [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] | [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] | [member="Mongo Booshi Mella"] |

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Mongo Booshi Mella"]

Anoobas, five of them. Five was a problematic number. The...intractable invulnerability she'd used to break the akk dog's neck was something she could employ in pulses or at length -- it was far and away her specialty. But two problems presented themselves. The first was that the anoobas didn't seem all that keen on charging with neck-breaking momentum. The second was that if she tanked them out, she'd be that much less when the final rounds came along.

Two anoobas lunged at her from ten and two o'clock. The Tenloss Warrior Helm contained, among other things, motion sensors, so when the six o'clock anooba joined in, she was at least modestly forewarned. Modestly being a matter of seconds, and not many of them.

She inhaled, deep in her gut. Long-ingrained rhythms fit her moves to fractions of her exhalation, a quarter of a breath each. Four actions per breath.

One. A long fast step forward and to the right. One leaping anooba glanced off her left shoulder, its claws scraping uselessly on the masterforged phrik. Another slammed into the vibroblade and spun Ashin around to the right. The third, its jump suddenly too short, skidded into her armored heels.

Two. Roll right and break the fall by landing on the injured anooba, pointy-phrik-elbow-first. Note the two anoobas preparing to jump, and -- on motion sensor -- another one closing in.

Three. Spin blade to backhand grip, jam it up and out. Straight into one anooba's throat, while her elbow met the other's horned nose. Its momentum arrested, but rolled her.

Four. Use that roll to regain her feet, spinning up and to the right. On the way, grab the massive forehorn of the anooba she'd just elbowed, and use the Force -- suddenly, viciously, a pulse that would tell any Forcer in the room that this was the kind of old Master who'd made their teachers' teachers into what they were. She stretched out the final exhalation with a kiai that punctuated the anooba's life.

As she swung it by its horn and turned a two-hundred-pound predator into Improvised Weapon, Melee.

That made two knifed, two bludgeoned with some finality. The fifth one hit her bad knee like a hyper-v round, and the next few seconds were a blur of impact -- floor, elbows, knees, the phrik spikes bashing away at the animal's head and neck. In a little bit of pain, you could say, she regained her feet and limped back to the center of the arena. The vibroblade flicked back to her hand.

Thraxis would look at the amazing feat that had just been pulled off, he knew this was bad, a one-sided fight never brings much entertainment, he would look around, pulling out his flask and taking big gulps of the brown swill, still with no idea what was in it. Looking back, he would see that his eyes had not showed him some sort of illusion, this one wrecked havoc on the Anoobas, he was starting to think he wouldn't get a good show. Though of course, there were still plenty of rounds to tire this one out.
Mongo spent a moment or two during the fight adjusting his position the lounger so he could have a better view of his guests, waving his arms out to his sides in a welcoming motion. The flabby beast of a creature seemed enthusiastic in his introduction to the pair. To a hutt those who were succesful in their shady endeavors were always a welcomed site, especially when they were benefiting you in some way.​
"Jee woy ji muna lotka, bmaleoi heee coo gee yoieu moulee rah du mah chawaheke bidovakadue. Kolka, gee wa baha, gee ba bansei whao uba bacaka. Jee doth ritke doux'ah bu kougine doptkee bai yahdaga, tee pateessa du bu bahana heee banag bai wamma twa heee. Hee Dobra letting uen whao ua caiot pasa doe. Yahaa doth hee dan."​
"The Great Mongo declares he loves guests, especially those who've got money in his favorite mercenaries. He offers you a seat, an eel if you'd like one. He was just throwing out the older dancers out to pasture, our friend in the arena there wants to pay their way. He's letting her if she can survive. Heroes are such good investments."​
Mongo chuckled after his final jest and glanced over to Flannigan, announcing quite plainly: "Flannigan, Acklay." as though he were sugguesting something to him. To the sensible and knowledgable of wildlife and/or basic , the hutt had just implied Flannigan should release the Acklay.​
Mongo returned his attention to the nearby twi'lek and spoke up again, clasping his grubby, fat hands together with a soft clap. Speaking up to her in an enthusiastic tone, the hutt wasn't at all adversed to showing how eager he was to have respectable criminals in his company.​
"Flannigan toupee mi mee pacmona gee wa casino. Jee boyeke bai joggdu wa casino dah Nar Shadda an panwa bu chaweka, da doth kaa Meecooda kacosa myself bauianonkee cat- in ting yauma du kouwahe wa van. Coincidentally Jee gee wa dondichola see moulee rah du pedahnakepe pacmona an che shareholders bu cohka nan koumihesa koupohe, in ting jeejee koee joday kaa doptkee heee peee tee?"​
«"The Great Mongo declares that Flannigan tells him your company owns a casino. He states that he used to run a casino on Nar Shadda and enjoyed the profits, and that your casino is something he could could imagine himself getting behind. He sugguests that he could perhaps assist in funding a chain of Casinos throught the galaxy. Coincidentally he claims to have a bit of money in cybernetics companies and that for shareholders such as himself the parts come dirt cheap,and inquires that perhaps you might be interesting in something of that sort as well?"»​

[member="William Kerkov"] [member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
"Bring out the One Eyed Killa." It was more a sneer than it was a word, the automated voice box spat venomously towards his pirates, there was a rustling among the crew than a wild chant broke across them and into the crowd, there was something ominous about the chant, the name 'The One Eyed Killa'. It was than that it happened there commotion down the adjacent hallway, lone shadows crawling over the walls into the arena giving the silhouette of a spindly giant, and the sound it was more nightmare than creature.​
A large arachnoid reared its head into the arena, elevated on stilt like leg's with a viscous sharpness to them, the sound and the teeth both as sharp and thin as needles, and as it sweeped its head back and forth a lone line running down its eye giving it the name 'The One Eyed Killa'.​
"I didn't intend to bring out the reigning champion so soon, the One Eyed Kill!"
| The One Eyed Killa | [member="Ashin Varanin"] |​
Vitani looked up at him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude.." she said, realising how hurtful it could have been. She smiled at the monkey-lizard but refrained from reaching out to it in fear that it would bite her. "What is that?" she asked, referring to the creature. The Padawan gratefully took Cadan's hand and shook it. "I'm Vitani." she said, not wanting to reveal too much about herself, though there were certain facts she didn't mind sharing. "I come from Zolan." she said, which was true but it wasn't where she lived now, that would reveal too much.

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
Chiasas gaze shifted to [member="William Kerkov"] as he spoke, she inclined her head slightly to acknowledge him.

"That we have, though I don't believe you mentioned this OCA.."

If he was taking what she rather territorially thought of as her employees for his endeavour she was very interested indeed. She liked the [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] and the Jackals, they got things done, quickly. They were a perfect tool for those situations that required extreme prejudice, an idea Patricia did not embrace.

At this point the Hutt [member="Mongo Booshi Mella"] rumbled in interjection. It was probably good that the Twi'lek was a master at controlling her own facial expressions. Older dancers. Well, the woman in the ring seemed more than talented enough, she could likely last five rounds and someone else would be dealing with a problem the Twi'lek would take on but would prefer not to.

Dancers and criminals, neither lives long. Tick tock, can you hear the clock? Counting down.

"Two mega-casinos actually. Neither is particularly in need of backers at the moment. The haul on the slot machines alone is more than enough to fund the casinos, the Ravens and any contractors we bring on."

Plus those were her babies, and she did not intend to let any unknown get in on the action. The Cybernetics company on the other hand.. Diversifying and having as many resources as possible was always a good plan.

"The cybernetics we may well be interested. An added edge or a replacement for anything lost in this rather.. dangerous lifestyle is always good to have available. If you can get a manifest to me, I let you know what in particular we'd be interested in."
Kerkov slightly bowed his head towards [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] ,

"Yes the OCA, it is but a naval force I am organizing. Right now it is small and I am recruiting, but if you need a contracted naval armada contact me and we can set up a deal."

Watched as the acklay fought the others. It was somewhat interesting watching the monster fight, but it was not for him.
Kerkov turned to look at the droid/human that had invited him to this event, "Thank once again for inviting me Admiral [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] , but I best be going I have a lot of work to do transiting the Jackals into the OCA."
Server Droids rush around refilling drinks and other items. Collecting credits from the spectators.​
They buzz and whirl as they run around serving everyone. A small blip occurs infornt of Captain Flannigan​
ADAM's AI was spread thin between Droids, he was commanding a small amount while giving out orders to the rest, and now it was time to address his captain. A holocom opens, automatically and the orange sphere with four hexagonal plates appears from the holographic image. It stares up at it's Captain's face, and then to the company the glowing orange core seeming to give off data into the air with each passing second, it stays there for a moment, reading the tension in the air before speaking.​
"Captain, I have secured the base. Besides small skirmishes between the crew-members and some drunk patrons, all seems well."
The data core turned and stared up at the President of the Blood Ravens, reading the lines of her face and matching the face to a data bank, as if remembering it. The core hovers there, orange and glowing.​
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]​
Cadan shook the hand. "No need to apologise." He looked up at the Monkey Lizard, Jasper. "This is Jasper, a Kowokian Monkey-Lizard, 'e used to be the Boss' but since he is no longer... Well himself, I take care of him. 'is name is Jasper." He'd tap the creature on the nose and pat him.

He looked down at the arena as he heard the name 'One Eyed Killa'. "You will want to watch this." A wolfish grin would spread across his face.

Sempra slithered his way into the arena. his Eyes narrowed and his posture relaxed. Yes, this was a good spot to start with.

Pleased he moved forth surrounded by his small entourage of slaves feeding him with tree frogs and at his whim. Noticing Bongo he makes a courtecy nod and motions to approach but halts as it seems his kin might be in the middle of a bussiness deal.

Instead he moves to a nearby alcove and settles down watching and noting of people coming and going.


Since he had created the Red Ravens, he had become a trillionaire, and still counting. His hand was as ever-stretching as the Ravens, delving into the pockets of the weak willed and easily manipulated. Though circumstances had ultimately caused Sigourney to leave, and with a power vacuum he himself was soon over-encumbered, and the rest is history. He fled back to the fringes of space, and later would fake his own death to keep unwanted bounty hunters and nosy people off his trail. It was not long the Red Ravens had forgotten him, and somewhere along the way, they had forgotten themselves.

It was in seedy places like this he now resided. He kept in regular contact with [member="Isaac Ideus"]. He considered him a close friend, and his only one. Together they met up in places like the Chiloon Rift, Coruscant or Tatooine, ever coming across each other in the most surprising of chances. Upright sat there half-wondering if Isaac just may appear out of the blue and surprise him again. The chances of stumbling across someone you knew in the galaxy was astronomically small, stumbling across that same person multiple times, well, you could call that a miracle. What was the saying, what a small galaxy? Upright chuckled to himself. He took another draw from his deathstick and felt the presence of his bodyguards beside him. They had been at his side for many years now, since the Ravens were nothing more than a jump-start gang of thugs in Nar Shaddaa

The Upright Man stretched his neck and looked over at the bright skin of a Twi'lek he knew all too well. Maybe not personally enough as he liked, but he knew enough. Things between them right now were strained, and whether or not she knew that, he didn't know nor care. He was a complicated man, with complicated needs and a complicated ego. "Aye," he shouted across the room to Chiasa, drawing in from his deathstick and spitting out the fumes. "Every good leader fights beside his or her men, how about you show me what type of leader you are?" He shrugged his shoulder, and his faceplate displayed a digitized crimson face that showed smugness. "You and me."

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] - [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

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