Whirling buzzing, more noise. Static? No. Interference, he pulled his AI and stopped giving commands to the droids, turning his full attention to the home of the pirates, in the security room moniters would flash violenetly from one picture to the next, searching, looking... But where? Interference.. Holonet usage, money. Data being poured in from every nook and cranny of the station, men leaving with women, women leaving with men, slaves... Droids? Not his droids, not droids he recognized, too small for the camera.. A bigger droid? Larger.. Hallway, end of it.. Sitting still, looking through.. a scope? Further analysis
"Second Intruder Detected, sealing hallway."
The coms of every elite crewman begin going off simultaneously, warning them of impending danger with a simple ring
[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Fiarr Zikri'tvo"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Thraxis"]
The doors, shutting now on the hallway where the droid remained staring through it's scope, did it know? Was it sentient? Did it know where it was? These questions needed answers, and ADAM was determined to find them out. He moved back to the main security in the arena, spectators.. too many people to pinpoint, so many weapons.. The Holo-image of ADAM stared towards his captain as he began moving away.
"Awaiting orders captain." the voice spoke, directly to his captain's ear. A transmitter? No. Maybe. He turned and stared towards the woman that had been nearest them and had spoken to the president of the Red Ravens.
[member="Triam Akovin"]
The Bay-doors, still shutting? Stuck. Something blocking them, more than enough room for the man to escape. A grinding sound came from ADAM as he seemed frustrated, his hexagonal coverings moving around slightly.
[member="Darth Carolus"]