Location: Aboard the Gambling Den
Objective: Kick Ass and Take Names
Allies: [member="Ashin Varanin"]?
Enemies: [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"], [member="Flannigan Mcnash"], [member="A.D.A.M."] and co.
Looks like the jig was up, but she was no where in a position to acquire her target. She had been interested in her wares however, which might be an opening for her later. The woman was already getting up however, and she could do something drastic like trying to throw a commlink her way and put her thumb and pinky finger shaking around the side of her head and shout "Call me!", but some how she didn't think the pirates or guards would take too that very kindly. She also received indication that her droid was trapped in a hallway, thanks to a nearby remote droid blinking the short morse code for emergency, seeming as her boots scrambled sensors within a several feet in every direction.
There wasn't much time to decide what to do, and so without being able to fully assess the situation, decided to act.
"My name is Triam Akovin. Look me up." She called out to the Orange Lady.
She then ran away towards her droid remote, which was leading her to the Commando droid, deciding it was time to break him out. As she ran, she applied four taser darts directly in her armor, whirring with their electrical discharge into her superconductive armor, absorbing the energy directly into a central storage device on her chest. Eight droid remotes surrounded her as she approached her Commando Droids position, awaiting rescue. It was fairly innocent, it hadn't actually been looking through the scope, since it was hooked up directly into its HUD, yet it still managed to get caught. It was probably due to the various droid remotes throughout the space station that got caught, and the source of their transmission was triangulated to this position.
Within ten seconds, her H.E.R.D. Laser was powered up and ready, but its distance energy continued to build as the energy continued to be applied for the next several seconds. She needed all the power she could manage to desolate that bay door. Finally, within twenty seconds (twice her laser's capacity, increasing her effective distance by more than half), she reached the door. The commando droid moved out of the way, so as to prevent her laser from destroying the thing she was trying to rescue.
"Cheerio!" Her Neuranium boots locked her into the ground as the repulsors were deactivated. She needed to make sure she had a strong stance to fire. Then suddenly, the electricity that was whirling around her chest and coursing through her armor, a bright solid beam of energy emanated from her chest, first hitting the door and heating it up, before the metal began to fall away as slag melting it. The beam hit the other door on the other side, but left nothing more than a scorch mark, given that it expended all its converted heat energy on melting the first door. It was difficult to aim, but she managed to melt a space the Commando Droid could jump through. When it did, it unfortunately set its hat on fire, and bit of its cloak. It took off both and stomped on them. While it did this, Triam replaced her extinguished taser darts with new, active ones, restarting the charging sequence for her laser.
"Time to go. Cheerio!" Her boots repulsors reactivated, granting her the movement capable to grab her droid, and start repulsor-ing her way to the hangar. It took her roughly thirty seconds this time around, but she figured she'd need that extra power. It was definitely time to go, and even though she left behind oodles of incriminating data behind, she hoped to have impressed anyone who looked on them. Perhaps even enough to convince the Orange Lady to look more into her tech. There was one thing that Triam was glad about though: her boots scrambled nearby scanners, and any scanners hoping to penetrate her into her shell due to the massive amount of Neuranium on her feet. That of course didn't stop visual information, but whatever machine was controlling the station would gain no luxury in trying to tap into her technology or something.
Once approaching the bay door, she repeated the process: Lock in, aim, melt, move. This time, given her extra power, she was able to melt a bigger section of the door, and walked through. It would certainly be a queen to leave the station, but she trusted her
Junk'd Up Ship to survive a little damage a little longer... at least enough to jump through Hyperspace.
(OOC: Leavin' the thread, and takin' everythin' with me

Hope I didn't presume too much! I was just trying to have a unique getaway that wasn't: "I ran away".)