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Species Creation Questions

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I apologize if this has already been asked.

* What is the status on inter-species breeding limits on this forum?
Are humanoid like aliens able to mate with humans and breed hybrid individuals?
I have a story plot in mind.

* Is it permitable to create a species inspired and based on someone else's artwork online? No copyrights intending to be made of course

Vi Grir said:

I apologize, I'm asking if there are any requirements for creating Sithspawn. I'm not looking to convert an entire civilization, just test tube/clone enough sithspawn to control ships. How much development? I am finding someone to help train Vi in alchemy and to help her make them in IC
The development depends on the creature/creation in question. A good rule of thumb would be to start with at the very least 20 solid posts of dev showing the creation of the species and its attributes in action. The more powerful the creature, the more dev that is usually required.
Antano Bonazzo said:
I apologize if this has already been asked.

* What is the status on inter-species breeding limits on this forum?
Are humanoid like aliens able to mate with humans and breed hybrid individuals?
I have a story plot in mind.

* Is it permitable to create a species inspired and based on someone else's artwork online? No copyrights intending to be made of course

Inter-species breeding is not unusual, but you would do well to research the species you are looking to cross. Some may not be compatible. Hybrids are a pretty common thing on this forum but are usually not done well. Keep in mind that when you mix two bloodlines, you almost never get the best of both worlds, which is what many people do anyways. Typically hybridization results in a dilution of attributes from either parent, and depending upon which race would have the more dominant genes you would see more of that specific parent's attributes shine through, though typically not as strong.

As for the artwork - almost everything submitted to this forum, indeed every character in play, is using artwork found online. This is why we require proper credit and sourcing for whatever artwork you happen to use in a Codex or Factory submission.
ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs
I've checked the rules, and searched the thread and couldn't find much in the way of specific requirements with respect to lifespan (Maybe I'm just bad at looking though, not sure). I know it's importance of characters who aren't invincible/indestructible but I am curious:

Since there's a precedent for it (Gen'dai, Gorach), would it be permissible to make a species with an indefinite lifespan if it was balanced by severe, meaningful weaknesses? A lifespan that could be extended indefinitely if certain conditions were met, but the creature would die otherwise? (Needs a constant supply of life energy, etc.)

Is it permissible to make species that need to be killed in a specific fashion if they're subject to meaningful harm from general forms of injury (physically crippled for extended periods of time, forced into dormancy, etc. etc.) ?

Basically, I'm just asking if there's a blanket ban on agelessness / semi-immortality, or if it's possible to do it if the writer goes to great lengths to make sure it fits in with "Star Wars" and is fun and balanced for others.
Antherion said:
I've checked the rules, and searched the thread and couldn't find much in the way of specific requirements with respect to lifespan (Maybe I'm just bad at looking though, not sure). I know it's importance of characters who aren't invincible/indestructible but I am curious:

Since there's a precedent for it (Gen'dai, Gorach), would it be permissible to make a species with an indefinite lifespan if it was balanced by severe, meaningful weaknesses? A lifespan that could be extended indefinitely if certain conditions were met, but the creature would die otherwise? (Needs a constant supply of life energy, etc.)

Is it permissible to make species that need to be killed in a specific fashion if they're subject to meaningful harm from general forms of injury (physically crippled for extended periods of time, forced into dormancy, etc. etc.) ?

Basically, I'm just asking if there's a blanket ban on agelessness / semi-immortality, or if it's possible to do it if the writer goes to great lengths to make sure it fits in with "Star Wars" and is fun and balanced for others.
The short of the long is, yes. This is covered under character creation rules:

  • Your character is not God, he is not immortal and he is not invincible. While you're providing your character strengths, be sure to provide him weaknesses as well.

What I have told people before is you are required to put an AVERAGE lifespan for your species. Keep the words "immortality" and "ageless" out of your submission. Keep phrases like "does not die/will not die unless" out of your submission. Things such as "this species has an average life span of ## but has been known to live longer given the proper living conditions." would be acceptable.

As always with any custom species, proper weaknesses will be sought for species of extreme average lifespans. Balance is essential.
Hi! I wanted to "create" a race which already exists within SW canon BUT there's almost nothing known about it (no history, no biological description, nothing about how it looks etc.), Can I do it or no? (

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
I'm having trouble adding a history portion to the species I'm working on. Namely I'm not sure what galactic events would have effected them, and when these things happened. I know the Vong invaded the galaxy a few hundred years ago, and wiped out trillions of people. I know what happened with the Netherworld events. But I have no idea what the Gulag plague was, or when it happened. Also I have no idea what the fallout of the Omega event was except that the One Sith is broken. And I don't know what other events I should be taking into consideration.
Question, so I have created a Planet and Species for that planet already...can I retroactively add another species to said planet? The idea I had would work well on said world and creates the possibility to add a bit more interesting of a history between the two
[member="Johan Leistard"]

So long as a race isn't against the rules of the board, you're entirely free to play whatever you'd like without submitting them to either the Codex or Factory. I hope that helps answer your question.
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