Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Stage Two - Freedom for the Common Man: Battle On Commenor

Allies: [member="Luther Ando"] | [member="Kyli DT-6767"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Seto"] Du Conteau
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Rick Kaloo"] | [member="Lady Kay"] [Presumably] | [member="Darlyn Excron"] | [member="Amari Deechi"] | [member="Alexandra Feanor"]

Objective: Politick
Location: "The War Room", First Order Embassy | Main Gate, First Order Embassy
Soundtrack: Professor Schenck Halt Die Stellung | Stephan Zacharias [X]

"Colonel, we have an ID on some of those vessels sir." Agent Dautrieve snapped. Konstantin's attention was taken away from the battle display. "Especially the vessels around the palace." She elaborated, as Konstantin closed on the Agents makeshift terminal, hefted aboard a craft services table. The agent keyed in a code, "Looks like the Commoneri have friends in high places sir." She now moved away, making an entry for the Colonel, whom approached and eyed the terminals. She was right. Silver Jedi and New Republic forces. The latter did not concern him. But the former? A grim look came across the Colonel's face. It seemed now, at least, that the CSA, or at least the puppet regime which the Zambrano's had in fact established, were hell bent on colluding with enemies of the state.

But this would allow for opportunity. One of leverage. "I want a line to the Commoner Palace." Makarev growled, turning to Agent Foye. The agent looked a bit startled by the request. "For Siths sake woman! This is an embassy, is it not?!" He let a brief moment settle, "Get me a communications frequency to the palace!" Still disturbed, but understanding who she worked for Agent Ariadne Foye now began to hastily enforce her superiors will. Colonel Makarev picked up his armoured officers cap, and stood before the projector. He was attired in First Order uniform. Large greatcoat black, with crisp tunic and officers cylinders, along with a rank insignia.

"We're ready sir," Foye informed him, "She mightn't see it personally. But hopefully those in the palace will." She then keyed in one final sequence. "On your mark." Makarev breathed in, puffing his chest. He wanted to look proud. And he did. Large, deep gash scar on his face all the more apparent. His face, free of any unsightly hairs. And his jaw, clenched like a beast ready to pounce.

"Your Majesty." Colonel Makarev addressed. "I am Colonel Konstantin Makarev," He formally introduced himself. "Executive commander of forces now based at the First Order Embassy, and chief commanding officer of the Sixtieth Armoured." He allowed a bow of his head, "As it currently sits, enemies of the First Order, that being the Silver Jedi Order, are now besieging your palace, and murdering allies of our government." He then allowed himself a pause, "I believe, that this is a show of force, which violates Commoner's neutrality, and now brings into question how Dosuun shall react." He kept a stern visage, despite the truth being, how would Dosuun react to this? He couldn't tell. But he would fake it until he made it.

"In order to salvage our diplomatic friendship, and avoid escalation, commence the withdrawal of the Silver Jedi dogs, and cease their activities," His tone grew with some ferocity. From stoicism, he had turned to something akin to a rabid rancor, "I will be forced to inform my superiors Commoner has joined the Silver Jedi in their war of aggression against my forces and my people." He allowed himself another pause, "And will be forced to tell my garrison to engage the local populace as you have proven yourself an enemy." He glared what would look directly at the camera. Giving any viewer a death stare. "So unless you wish to deal with an imperial war fleet arriving from Atrisia and providing permanent regime change, I suggest you heed my warning."

He maliciously sneered, "My second stipulation, is that once the Jedi depart, to provide me and my staff access wherever they need to, to ensure the safety of your people." Which would be how Makarev planned to get him, and his charges out. But that would come later. "To anyone listening, unless you wish to make yourselves enemies of our Order. And our might. Leave. But those too stupid, or arrogant enough to tempt the wrath of Supreme Leader?" He queried, "I eagerly await watching you die."

"And as for you, your majesty? I look forward to hearing from you." He raised a fist, level with his head and the transmission cut. He turned to Foyle, "How did I do?" He asked. Keeping like that, it had its toll on the man. He had to concede. Foyle now began to press it into circulation. The comms networks around the city, were practically empty. Meaning it left the transmission with easy and direct access to the palace sir.

"Well.... It was uh.... Interesting." She mused offering a small smile, "I can't imagine they'll appreciate that much." She added, coolly. Dautrieve was similarly unimpressed, and seemed confused. "But in terms of delivery? It reminded me of some the recordings of Supreme Commander Vaas." She allowed herself another sip of her canteen, resting next to her "Do you have anything else sir?"

"I want our Special Forces to go weapons free." Makarev ordered, "We need to show these scum that we are willing, we are able and we can strike." He clenched his fist, and raised it, "Wherever, and whenever we please, even in this." He gestured around the war room, "Diminished capacity." He pulled himself a chair, and again turned to the battle. Part of him knew that this was a definitive gamble. One which may backfire entirely. But, he hoped that this may slow things. Perhaps allow some pause for thought, and even a route for the evacuation of the civilians, and his men. They just now needed to prove themselves.

"Of course Colonel." Foyle drily replied, "But what do you want me to do about the visitor?" Makarev turned his attention to the agent, who as if on cue, bought up a display screen. It showed the outer perimeter of the Embassy, and the main gate. The gate was fortified, and sealed shut. But the man outside, whomever he was, was talking. Raving even, about something or another. But he introduced himself as Minister? Makarev cocked his head, in a mixture of confusion. What sort of Minister, attired himself in, was that Beskar'gam? But that voice. It was all too familiar.

"The distraction." Makarev smouldered, "Has arrived." He tapped the armrest of his chair. He was clearly armed to the teeth. So diplomacy was evidently not on his mind. No. He was going to try something. One way, or another. "I quite like the look of his armour." He added, "See if we can get some boys with Deep Fryers trained on him, get them to the upper levels." He was of course referring to the DE-39 Maser Rifle. A rifle specially designed to tear through Beskar'gam, and roast its occupants alive. "But do give him a chance. Get someone, tell him to piss off." Foyle acknowledged and keyed in the order.

Out on the grounds, Lieutenant Parke approached the gate. He had taken messenger duty, and at around five meters from the gate cupped his leather gloved hands around his mouth. "Sir, this is an off limits area!" He shouted across the fortified fence. "We are under lock down!" He added, "If you wish to see the Ambassador, please book an appointment!" He then caught his breath, "Please adhere to the Martial Law protocol and seek shelter until authorities stipulate otherwise!"
Allies: [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Dorin Arkx"], [member="Effie Duanna"], [member="Tom Taff"], [member="Coren Starchaser"], Commenor's allies,

Enemies: Those who support the Sith Empire, [member="Konstantin Makarev"] probably, possibly [member="Kyli DT-6767"] too.
Commoner: The gate to the FO embassy. I think.

Well it wasn't a roaring applause for his arrival, guts, or ambition, nor was it a blaster bolt straight at the chest. That was more polite than expected, though it admittedly left Darlyn once more to wing his entire plan. He'd almost hoped they'd mindlessly shoot at him so he had a excuse to Force his way into the compound and commandeer someone's speeder. Now that was a pipe dream, of a simpler time. And put him a bit on the spot... he'd seemingly (or, vocally at least) come to parlay yet, evidently, they weren't open to play. Which meant that Darlyn would have to walk, what was it, another few kilometers to the nearest station and commander a police speeder? Did his keys even still work for them... who knows.

Well at the least he could put the effort in here. Maybe get a ride home. "Oh I can tell, I can sense every one of your positions. And that's absolutely a perfectly fine situation. I just wanted to make my position perfectly clear on the matter of the rebellion here. We aren't here to raze your embassy to the ground nor do we have a particular interest in getting you all killed. So as long as you stay... say..." He very visibly drew a line in the dirt, however far away from the gate he was, before continuing. "Within about that distance, you'll probably be fine. Just imagine it goes all the way around, I cannot be bothered to draw it all out for you. That is for your own safety, Force forbid you make a threat though. That might get you shot by some of the less understanding members of the rebellion. But stay there and stay quiet and we'll be able to get you off world if you want or have a nice cup of tea come morning."

"As to the Authorities I assure you, I'll make sure to tell you when it's safe to stop hiding. That all being said, I seem to have forgotten to arrange for a ride at my Homecoming. I don't suppose any of you have a speeder I could borrow?" Unaware of speeches, unaware of the situation as a whole, Darlyn just really wanted to get to work. Everything was converging at the palace and he was without a ride due to bad aim. Least he could do would be arrive in style, if not with FO rides then with Sith or something. Plus maybe his poor attempt at diplomacy would at least keep these people quiet while they worked.

Silfe kept her gun ready as she began walking. Just because there was now a powerful force user with her, didn't mean either of them were safe. [member="Ariealla Vareldi"] spoke of what was happening above and maybe in the streets, but Silfe did not think that that particular fight was what was causing her insides to be so ... heavy. She kept her eyes out and her senses open as they walked. It was so strange to have pleasantries in what felt like a tense situation but Silfe was able to handle it because she had been a diplomat for so long.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Ariealla Vareldi. I am Silfe Sosuri, former Minister of Foreign Affairs here on Commenor. Currently.... Well, I am not really sure what?" She let out a half laugh, a shrug, and continued walking beside the other woman. Her eyes and mannerisms were strange but she was amused by the conversation which was quite at odds with how she felt about their surroundings and the doom she felt.

(I am assuming [member="Kyrel Ren"] stumbled on them as they got to the antichamber of the office)

Silfe turned as she saw the strange glow coming from the door and stumbled back. That was never a good sign. "I suggest we not be in front of this door when whoever it is comes in." She walked and took cover behind a desk just as the door came crashing through from Kyrel's force push. Her blaster was aimed at him as he walked through the door. Many had come for the queen. She usually slipped through their fingers.

"I think not." She started shooting. Ariealla could do as she wished. Silfe knew she was only a mild distraction in a world with Force Users in it.

[member="Effie Duanna"] [member="Tom Taff"] [member="Caedyn Arenais"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Lauri Törni"] [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Darben Skirae"] [member="Kaine Australis"]

The path towards he palace was poorly defended it seemed... not only that but the path had been littered with already deceased soldier as star stopped her men and took a minute to investigate

someone is rolling in ahead keep moving and watch for stragglers, they may try and set up ambushes

Her comm went off and she put a hand to her ear to listen as she nodded her head then rolled her eyes and shook her head

first order was a theatric bunch...

Ignoring it she let her men reload and then waved them forward again as she stood and started for the palace as she checked her comms and grinned seeing a certain someone was on pla et

Kaine, good to see your on planet! Um where are your at?

Having some help getting to the palace would be needed...getting the queen out was even more so a needed thing...however thoughts drifted to her husband and hoped he was ok...she disnt want to leave him alone at all especially right now with everything going on

Rick Kaloo

Location: Royal palace, Commenor
Objective: Secure the place listed above, god save the queen
Allies: AiE/SJO/Commenor ([member="Amari Deechi"], [member="Kaine Australis"] (please don't take my legs again), [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Tom Taff"], etc.)
Enemies: FO/TSE ([member="Kyrel Ren"], [member="Luther Ando"], [member="Primat Ren"], etc.)
As Rick and his men continued through the royal gardens, they found a suspicious lack of opposition.
Not a single soldier, or even an abandoned cannon post, remained to oppose the Jedi infantry as they closed in. The only sounds were the rustling of flowers under their feet and the distant booms of artillery fire. At one of many of the secondary doors to the palace, not a single obstruction lay in their path. Only a locked and bolted door of polished wood and steel separated Rick from his objective.

"Blast it." ordered Rick.

The Silver Jedi troopers had come prepared, packing with them a box of C4 explosives. The sticky back end was placed right in the middle of the two doors, to spread damage out evenly through both. Then, Rick and his squad slowly backed away until about ten meters of distance remained between them and the door. The trooper who had carried the C4 took out a small, square detonator from the box of explosives. Then, he pressed a red button on top of the detonator cube. A loud, violent explosion ripped both doors off their frames, leaving an open, smoking path for the ten men to bolt into, disappearing into the hallways of the castle as soon as possible.

The inside of the vast castle of Commenor was a labyrinth, with halls leading into halls leading into halls. Adrenaline kept Rick and his nine soldiers at a constant sprint, desperate to find the royals before the Sith and First Order did. Suddenly, Rick heard a commotion nearby, and the sound of something large breaking. Using the Force and his prosthetic legs to push his speed to his limits, Rick accelerated tremendously, clearing the hall in seconds before drifting to a stop in front of a room with a broken in door.

Two revelations hit Rick at once. First, a Ren-looking, armored Sith was in the room, and another Sith fleeing the scene, in armor as well. Secondly, there was a fellow Jedi engaging the Ren, leaving only the other masked Ren unoccupied. Rick was determined to change that.

"Secure the castle!" yelled Rick to the soldiers with him. "I've got some Sith to deal with!"

Understanding the cue, the soldiers turned around and continued on their own, ill-suited to handling Force users. On the other hand, Rick was perfectly fine at it. Using his prosthetic and a Force leap, he sped forward just in time to avoid the Jedi's environmental alterations, effectively sealing the two pairs off. Recovering quickly, Rick drew his lightsaber and ignited it, its aqua blue glow illuminating the features on Rick's face. He crouched very slightly, standing still in a Soresu defensive stance.

"You will not pass any further." called Rick. "Commenor was never meant for Sith dictators to rule."
Enroute to First Order Embassy

The Ghost
Time to get back to work.

Operations had been low key for the Black Ops Agent since the failed attempt to capture the Squib King of Skor. Oft not, his team wasn't present in the First Order, and was visiting Mandated territories that had whispers of rebellion. Maalraas Team snuffed them out before they the spark could even light a candle.

From rescuing government officials to abduction, and then from eliminating pirate threats in Imperial Space, Omari's new unit was efficient. The blemish of Skor II was being buried under black lined operations, but it still loomed ever present in his mind as if it had only happened the night previous.

"Coming out of hyperspace over Commenor now. There's a space battle, Agent."

"You know the mission. Cloak the vessel and bring us in to the Embassy." There had been a call for help, and the Security Bureau vessel was in close proximity thanks to its nearby operations. Response? Quick, as they were supposed to be. Omari sought to save lives, and the longer they took to get him where he needed to be, the more lives that'd be lost. "Prep my pod."

Maalraas One felt the reversion to real space in his gut. It took a few moments, but as if static was crawling over his skin, he knew the cloak activated as well. The super soldier prospect descended to the lower levels, where the drop pod bay was located. Only a handful of them were present. A small team. Him, solely.

This isn't ideal.

"Opening a line to the embassy." Heavy armoured boots lifted from the clean flooring of the pod bay as magboots locked into place in the pod. Rifle locked into place, an armoured arm reached up to pull down the door, his other tapping into the monitor that was coming to life in front of him. As far as the common soldier went, the Special Agent didn't exist, and neither did his ship, but today, it was going to make a revelation to the military. One that he was certain the Director wouldn't be happy with, even if they brought everyone home with no casualties. "Prepare on site civilians for evac." Natural voice jumbled and regurgitated through the helmet's vocabulator system, the robotic voice that came out was monotone, suggesting to do as told.

Omari signaled to one of the operators to deploy his pod. Gears shifted, metal moved, not unlike the Imperial warmachine, cogs moved, and the pod dropped from the belly of the Ghost. Guidance systems would take him to the centre of the front embassy grounds. When he regained himself, he continued. "Standby for reinforcements and my arrival."

Just me.

Even as the Ghost dropped its package, it veered off. Contact would be made again, most likely. When the civilians and the rest of the personnel were able to board and leave, that is.

It took nearly a minute, but the pod struck the ground. Cracking on impact, and the powersuit garbed Agent came out. His HUD came online, previously downloaded Imperial IFF tags coming to life before his eyes. His own? Scrubbed. Just like before.

He didn't exist.

[member="Konstantin Makarev"], [member="Kyli DT-6767"], [member="Kyrel Ren"], [member="Luther Ando"], [member="Primat Ren"]
Playing: Republic Troopers (NPC)
Objective: Secure Landing Zone on Palace Grounds
Location: Commenor Royal Palace, Garden, Outer Walls
Equipment: VT-Assault Armor, RR RF-3, C-11 "Nastirci", Umbrella Med-Kit

Troopers were walking around the left over battlefield that had just pushed back the Sith Soldiers that were in retreat. The combined forces of the Silver Jedi Ground Troops and the New Republic Orbital Marines was strong out the gate. The four troopers were near where [member="Luther Ando"] was hiding, unaware of the First Order agent. One was a medic that was looking through the dead or dying soldiers left on the field. Finally coming up on one of the wounded Sith Troopers that had been hit in the shoulder that prevented him from shooting. Looking at the Republic Troopers as he attempted to go for his sidearm, one of the Pub Grunts stepped on his hand.

"Doc, got another live one," The other soldiers pulled a 360 around the medic and the injured Sith Imperial, "Guys got to be lucky," Looking down at the Soldier the Marine tapped the mouth area of his visor, "You speak basic, Sithy?"

The Medic walked up and pulled the Side Arm out and handed it to the one standing on the arm. Once secured the grunt stepped off and returned to security. "Name, Service Number and Rank if possible." The Medic started to break out the Bacta Jell and Medical Equipment.

The Sith stayed quite and one of the other troopers near by started complaining. "Why we got to waist Republic Tax Money on repairing a guy I put a Bolt through?"

"Shut it Private," The only trooper with a yellow helmet started, "Command wants all wounded or surrendering Sith to be cared for and detained for debrief by R-SIS, intel is better then dead sithies."

The Sith Soldier poked his head up at the medic, "I aint telling you anything Pub Scum."

The medic sighed, pulling out a needle, "Okay, have it our way," He jammed the needle in the neck gap of the armor and the Sith's head fell to the floor. "Sedated and stable Corporal, he is now BLUFOR and Marked for pick up." The Medic pulled out a Purple Marker and marked an 'X' on the Siths chest plate.

"Good job Doc," The Yellow Trooper stood-up, and radioed Lt. [member="Robert Praxon"] and Sgt. [member="Reginald Frederickson"], "Command this is Zed Squad, Sector 16 has thirteen marked allied wounded and nineteen marked injured siths', no sigh of First Order, moving on to secure Landing Zone Alpha." He got off the radio, "Come on grunts lets clear this area." And they moved on to the next search area for either combat or securing more prisoners.


Republic Soldiers were already clearing out the interior of the palace while fighting the many sith garrison guards. Some would have seen the Mandalorians under [member="Kaine Australis"] as they moved to assist the Queen in leaving the palace for somewhere safer. One of the soldier would attemtp to stop the man and wave him down with a message from Command. "Mandalorian, we will watch the Civilian, Command is providing your team a place of extract behind Friendly lines in the Palace Garden, if you reach the Queen move her there for safety, we will continue the fight here and keep the Sith occupied."


Other Orbital marines would arrive to [member="Alexandra Feanor"] on a Recon Vehicle that was dropped with them. They pulled the speeder to a stop in the remains of the battled city as blaster fire and combat could be heard throughout the city. The Airborne Marine in the back of the two seat Speeder stepped off and walked up to the Jedi master.

Standing in a military fashion, the Trooper spoke to the Jedi Master, "Master Feanor, Command has asked that you take over operations dealing with the First Order, Orders are to corner the personal in the building and prevent them from assisting Sith Garrison in the area, we are still awaiting permission to storm the building and arrest all personal," He leaned in a little to the Republic Enclave Grandmaster, "However, as you are a civilian, Republic Military Orders do not apply," Standing back at attention, "The 84th Airborne will not be able to assist you, but Marine Raiders are in route to the embassy to assist, good luck Master Feanor."

He saluted and returned to the speeder after hearing the Grandmasters response and returned to the palace.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Kay's Office, Royal Palace
Allies: [member="Effie Duanna"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Tom Taff"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Amari Deechi"] [member="Caedyn Arenais"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Silfe Sosuri"]
Enemies: [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Konstantin Makarev"] [member="Kyli DT-6767"] [member="Primat Ren"] [member="Luther Ando"]

"Yes, get the blankets and sheets now. Hurry!" Kay spoke just as softly as Effie did. And getting the young woman to go upstairs served two purposes. For one, it put her out of danger. And two, it would help them gain another avenue for escape.

Kyrel's strange breathing was heard then, though Kay couldn't be certain if it was coming from the ESB or not. But that query was answered as soon as the lightsaber tip breached the doorway of the sealed passageway. She clenched her jaw as she watched the a new opening be created, her hand not yet reaching for her lightsaber. The benefit of being a once neutral government was that she had allies across all spectrums. Unfortunately that made it difficult to discern friend from foe at times, which often led her to hesitate before reacting.

"I am Queen Arenais.
And I take it that you are not a part of my rescue party...."
His tone had surely given that away. And sure enough that sense of foreboding came into fruition, manifesting itself in front of her. Yet there was more. She could feel that there was more. The Darksider that stood in front of her was just the tip of a very big iceberg. "Who are you?"

Kaine's voice came over her commlink again. She slowly removed it from her pocket, yet made no move to answer just yet. Her eyes remained fully on Kyrel.

A knock on the door came, followed by it opening. She looked to [member="Xevek Rakama"] as he walked in, spouting out a speech about her surrender that made her uncomfortable. "Kindness of the Sith?
Are you crazy?"
His demeanor changed however, as he now seemed quite entertained by the whole ordeal. "Now is hardly the time for tea." Her eyes fell to Kyrel again. Oh she stirred up the nest alright.

If it wasn't one thing, it was another.

A new voice found it's way over the comms. This time it came from the First Order Embassy. Just what the situation was like in Chasin City, Kay had no idea. All that she knew was that the Royal Palace had become a battleground. The Colonel's face appeared on the holodisplay on her desk. She backed towards it, giving herself a bit more distance from Kyrel and Xevek. What he had said was the kind of political spin that would push her planet into an even bigger war. The Sith may be large in numbers, but the First Order are even bigger. "Colonel....We lost our neutrality the moment that I was forced to sign that treaty; a treaty that the Sith have broken. Now we are trying to regain that liberty back, and outside governments are keen on helping us out. You had no quarrel with the Silver Jedi being on Commenor before, so you shouldn't do so now. It is your right to fire back if fired upon and for you to protect your citizens there, but we are not your enemy." That is unless the First Order deems it to be so.

Silfe walked in through the door next. It was quite obvious that she saw who the threats were and opened fire. "Silfe stop!" Kay was more of a questions first, shoot later, kinda person. Her former Minister was quite literally the opposite right now. She didn't blame her for it though...
Objective: Rally any rebellious citizens to attack the FO Embassy
Allies: SJO/Commenor/NR
Enemies: [member="Konstantin Makarev"] | [member="Rexus Wenck"] | [member=Kyli DT-6767] | [member=Seto Du Couteau]

Commenor was a planet boiling with rebellion, something Cenn knew all to well. Upon arriving on the planet he spent his days doing the lowest form of rebellion. Vandalism. Bright blue Commenori symbolism over such inspiring words as: "Commenor lives!" "Commenor needs you!" "They cannot occupy our hearts!" and so on. In all honest truth, Cenn did not know any Commenori. He was, as could be expected, just a rebel doing his duty. At least in his mind.

Having no contacts on the planet he found it nigh impossible to integrate himself among any local insurgents, taking the slower route of dodging security patrols and desecrating imperial imagery with his own. When the battle came it took him by surprise. As the sky flashed alight with turbolasers and drop pods slammed into the city, he took it as a sign that he had been far too slow and out of the loop.

The ex-panthfinder pushed through the streets, sprinting past panicked civilians and mobilizing guards, sliding between two buildings he had called his temporary home. Tossing open a lone dumpster Cenn hoped in, equipping himself with his A320, and a loudspeaker.


"People of Commenor!" A booming voice washed over the city district. "The time has come to rise! Your people fight for your freedom!" The tone was energetic, perhaps somewhat excited, carrying a distinctive Mandalorian drawl. "Commenor rises, victory is at hand, but it can only be achieved by joining your brothers, your neighbors, and likely your very leaders at the front!"

"Do not cower in your homes, your freedom is on the line!" The man echoed, repeating his message fully once or twice as he moved around the city district, rifle in hand. Stirring the hearts of people was not an easy task, and in the end he knew not if his words would overcome their fear, but an effort must be made. Let those who answer or deny the call judge their actions with the passage of time, if they survive the night that is.

A scattering of Commenori trickled from their homes, joining the Mandalorian after he gave the call. It was far from what his optimistic mind had hoped for. Few had the will or desire to be a martyr, but those that did stood with him. Twelve Commenori, equipped with a mix of blunt objects, blaster pistols, and loose stones stood with the man. He pitied the few individuals, likely to die before the night was done. He himself ran the risk.

Boldly he and the twelve approached the embassy. Halting just a street away as Cenn used the optics of his rifle to observe its defenses. E-Webs, overturned landspeeders, and a garrison of soldiers preparing for the worst. Assaulting the courtyard, and then the building itself, would not be an easy task. Nigh impossible, really, without additional support. But he'd at least keep them occupied.

With the New Republic soldiers touching down and moving to encircle the Embassy he joined with them, motioning for the assembled to do the same. They stood out against the stark white armor of the Republic, a pathfinder in grubby gear and twelve barely armed citizens. "Alright boys, I'm with you if this goes south," he said to the closest soldier, and took his place voluntarily. Whether or not any officer had anything to say about it.
Location: Hidden passageways underneath the Palace
Objective: Capture or Eliminate [member="Lady Kay"]
Enemies: [member="Rick Kaloo"] | [member="Effie Duanna"] | Etc |
Allies: [member="Omari Vyken"] | [member="Rexus Wenck"] | [member="Luther Ando"] | [member="Kyli DT-6767"] | Etc |
Nearest Allies: [member="Kyrel Ren"]

2x Lightsabers (Crimson)
Rakghoul Armor
Ballistic Knife

Directly Engaging: [member="Tom Taff"]
Primat gave a curt nod to Kyrel after the man had finished speaking. Though he didn't have long to think about how the two of them would try and infiltrate the palace and take the royal family, and Queen hostage. His glacier blue eyes watched the older and more experienced Master of the Knights of Ren leap through the open doorway out into the open. He was just about to follow through the doorway after Master Kyrel before he sensed something behind him, a force user is what he sensed. The young Disciple didn't need to be told who it was, he had been among the ranks of the First Order long enough, and more importantly the Order of Ren, to know who his opposition was. It...was a Jedi. He had sensed the presence of lightsiders earlier when him and Kyrel had first entered the passageway though he thought nothing of it. Here he was now, front of a Jedi, a failure of a follower of a dead ideology that spoke false doctrines and truths of peace. Jedi brought nothing to the Galaxy, save for their foolish ideals disguised as 'peace-makers' and a 'peaceful' ideology. Though Primat knew better, the Order of Ren had hammered in that much indoctrination into the young man to know the true faults of the Jedi who rode on their high horse above all others...thinking they were so much better.

Something which was a blatant lie, one merely had to read the history books to know that much.

Turning in place slowly, Primat moved his body to face the Jedi Master. He assumed the man was a Jedi Master of some sort through the way that he carried himself and walked towards the Disciple. Taking a confident step forwards, the young man walked towards the Jedi...keeping at least arm distance away as he circled around the man's right in a crescent shaped movement pattern. Yet, he didn't draw a weapon...all he did was watch the lightsider cautiously trying to find any break in his defenses. Though, he didn't see one. He would have to make one. Primat reached his metal-encased right hand down to his side, unsheathing the hilt of his lightsaber in his dueling hand. Riding his thumb across the ignition button, a low buzz emitted from the lightsaber hilt as a red blade of sparkling plasma and light instantly snapped out of the blade. He twirled the blade in his right hand, moving the hilt through his fingers and he twirled the blade both clockwise and counter clockwise as to not give his opponent a way to judge when he would attack.

Without hesitating, the fingers of Primat's right hand tightened around the lightsaber hilt as he twirled the blade into a sweeping slash towards the Jedi in a sideways, left-to-right arc meant to cleave into the Jedi like it were some cumbersome sword made of metal, he threw lots of weight and forceful power into the lightsaber swing. His left hand, however, didn't remain idle as he drew his left hand back some to suck in a vortex of force energy in a cone shape...waiting to unleash it at the right moment.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
In the Streets of the Capital, approaching First Order Embassy

Equipment: Blaster Pistol, Alexandra's Sabers, Alexandra's spear, Collapsible Staff

Allies: Commenor Side,
Enemies: Sith Side, FO Operatives (Those Affected: [member="Konstantin Makarev"], [member="Rexus Wenck"], [member="Kyli DT-6767"], [member="Seto Du Couteau"]

Alexandra had been walking after the Republic soldiers approached her for roughly thirty minutes, pushing through the city and making her way towards the location. She had asked them to pass on the message to their comrades not to strike at the First Order Compound unless they attacked first, and instead to simply contain the First Order in their Embassy, hoping that would discourage them.

If it didn't, well then she would be there to sway things if she could, and if not she would pay for her actions and that was that.

Until then though she had taken on an appearance she used to hold a long time, the aging form of an old echani, moving with her staff acting like a cane. She hunched against it and her eyes shown milky white, blind as a bat by her own actions. Her hair was its old silver color and the tail she had gained was gone from sight and senses.

She wondered how the First Order soldiers would react to the sight, an old blind woman in robes and trying to find somewhere safe as she moved through the area, hoping to find somewhere safe to hold out in. Her pistol discarded, and sabers taken apart with the crystals placed in her necklace. The only thing not discarded or hidden was her staff, that she used as a crutch as part of the disguise, and her spear, reduced to its shortened length and wrapped in a cloth and the blade clasped tight into a scabbard.

Nothing about what she carried or had would tip off anyone unless they knew what they were looking for, and with her sabers dismantled and the only perceivable weapon tightly bound and unable to be reached quickly, she was of no threat to anyone. At least, that's what most would interpret in seeing from this woman.

And it was this weak, elderly woman, slowly hobbling down the street and coming towards the Embassy. [member="Konstantin Makarev"]'s guards likely being the first to notice her and as she got closer, the first to report the slowly approaching woman.

And, should she not be halted until she was closer, she would act as if she could not tell what was going on around her, her voice weak and crying out to the void. Her head turning at each sound, acting as if it were her only sense that worked and her voice shaking with each sound that was closer than the others.

"Hello, Hello? I need help, I got lost and don't know what to do... Someone help?" She would keep coming closer, and if she got close enough to be within a foot or two of the guards, she would finally stop, hearing them by this point clearly and looking towards the sound of the voices.

"Please help me, I don't know what to do or where to go."

Sor-Jan Xantha

Location: The Embassy of the First Order
Primary Objective: Eat cookies
Secondary Objective: Use the refresher
Tertiary Objective: Get back to the Star Destroyer in time for holo-cartoons
Enemies: Rebel Scum | [member="Alexandra Feanor"] | [member="Cenn Kothari"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"]
Frenemies: Adults | People Who Try to Talk To Him About Inside Voices or Bed Times | [member="Omari Vyken"] | [member="Konstantin Makarev"]
Gear: Nanquan | Robes | Wristlink | Repulsor-Heelys | Lightsaber
The young Cathar sat in one of the sitting rooms inside of the embassy.

Short legs dangled over the side of the sofa, tufts of fur poking out from between the straps of leather that bound the kitten's feet into the sandals that he wore. A plate of ginger snaps, a glass of blue milk, and a pot of soothing tea sweetened with honey lay within arm's reach of the youngling.

He'd been waiting an awfully long time now. He'd come to the diplomatic mission representing the government of Dosuum on a mission from one of his masters in the Empire. Which was, to deliver a message of some sort. Maybe it was the death star plans. Maybe it was [member="Darth Carnifex"] 's secret family recipe for blueberry muffins. Honestly, he had no idea. And, at this age, was still too young to start prying into these things. Which was probably why the grade schooler had been tasked instead of one of many nameless non-player characters in the Sith Empire's repetoire that could have handled the same task, minus the convenient plot set up.

In any case, shortly after the kitten's arrival, a flash mob had appeared at the gates of the First Order embassy. And not the Harlem Shake, YouTube clickbait sort of flashmob either. This had the result of the adults in the room wanting to keep the Sith courier inside of the embassy even after the message had been delivered.

Which was working out for him, being that the First Order had stem ginger cookies.

Had being the operative word, though the memory of the cookies valiant sacrifice in the name of diplomatic relations lingered on in the crumbs dotting the boy's black clothing. And the sofa cushions. And the carpet.

How some of the crumbs had wound up over on the curtains was anyone's guess though.
Allies: [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Silfe Sosuri"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Tom Taff"] etc
Enemies: [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Primat Ren"] [member="Konstantin Makarev"] etc

"Yes my Lady" Effie made her way to the stairs, eyes constantly fixed on the door. Time was definitely not on their side tonight, she wasted no time pulling the sheets and blankets from the bed. A bundle next to the door grew larger as Effie gathered all the bedding she could find. First task accomplished, now on to the next. She had to get bundle which was twice as wide as she was down to the office. Effie scooped it up from the bottom and made her way down to the office. The pile of blankets obscured her vision from the front due to it's height so she had to resort to walking down the stairs sideways.

"Got some blankets, they are surprisingly hea-" Effie was cut off by her Queen announcing who she was, and demanding to know who someone else was. Unbeknown to Effie, someone had arrived when she was fussing up stairs with blankets. Effie let out a slight gasp, edged her way over to Kay and shakily gripped the handle of the umbrella that was bestowed upon her. The girl was so focused on the events unfolding before that she completely blanked out Kaine's voice. Her Eyes stared dead ahead.

It seemed there were more surprises in store for them tonight. One such surprise came in the form of an eerily jovial Sith intruding in to the office and asking the Queen if she would join him for tea. Effie could not help but slightly squint her eyes at Xevex, his demeanour confused her. Her eye contact with the pair soon broke as she turned to face the Colonel on the holodisplay. Effie backed up slowly along with Kay, shifting glances between the Colonel and the Sith intruders as she did so.

Effie's head turned to Kay, giving her a very concerned look. Had the end really came this quickly? Apparently not as Silfe managed to slip in when her attention was on her Queen. The shots from Silfe's gun startled Effie, causing her to jolt. The sight of an ally was definitely welcomed. However the Sith had not actually made any attempts to harm Kay...just yet. Silfe's actions, though honourable, may have just started the fight.
Ex-Soldier | Ex-Spy | Doctor
Location: Streets Near Palace.
Destination: Rerouted to Palace.
Objective: Survive and Escape.
Gear: FO-X1 Shadowtrooper Armour, Charric Pistol, Stun Baton.
[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Effie Duanna"] | [member="Konstantin Makarev"] | [member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Rick Kaloo"] | [member="Kyli DT-6767"] | [member="Silfe Sosuri"] | [member="Ariealla Vareldi"] | [member="Rexus Wenck"] | [member="Primat Ren"] | [member="Omari Vyken"] | [member="Micah"] | [member="The Event"] |​

Luther breathed in and out rapidly, suppressing an urge to panic. There were enemy soldiers everywhere. He ducked and weaved betwixt them, sometimes only inches away from touching them. Twice now, he had narrowly avoided being fried as a soldier opened fire near to him.

He allowed himself a cautious grin as passed through the heaviest of the fighting. He was on the home stretch, it wouldn’t be too far to the embassy from here. His grin dropped as he rounded the corner. The street was barricaded by a platoon of rebel soldiers, supplemented with armour.

‘And not just any run-of-the-mill tanks’ Luther thought. ‘Those karking centipede things’. He’d barely made it through the last checkpoint unscathed. He didn’t have high hopes for getting through this one. Assuming he wasn’t detected, he would be cut into little tiny pieces under the ever-shifting legs of the tank.

- - - - -
Taking refuge in a burned-out building, he actiavted his comms and called the embassy. The operator was curt and to the point, but what they said made Luther’s stomach drop. “What do you mean?” Luther asked. “The Sith are being pushed back out of your area" the Operator reiterated. “Soon you’ll be flooded with rebel troops”. An overwhelming sense of dread pooled in the pit of his stomach. "Are there any other routes out of the city?" Luther asked.

There was a shuffle of papers on the other end of the line. “You’re best bet is to use the tunnels in the palace" the operator replied flatly. “The Ren are using that route to attempt to reach the Queen, but they’re currently engaged with some Jedi”. Luther winced. He was deathly afraid of Jedi. A fear he didn’t think was entirely irrational. “Is it possible you could send out reinforcements to my position?” The operator let out a deep sigh. “We’re tied up here, Agent. Only the Colonel can approve a team. Not to mention there is some kind of nutcase releasing doves right outside the embassy gate”. Luther didn’t have a reply for that.

“Alright, I’ll make my way to the tunnels” Luther said, leaving the building. “Good luck, Luther”.
- - - - -
Dead rebels and Sith alike share their final moments on the steps to the palace. Most lay dead from blaster shots, but Luther found the occasional soldier with lightsaber wounds. The quiet was disconcerting, akin to being within the eye of the storm.

He was debating on how best to enter when he observed the front doors, or what remained of the doors. Some sort of explosion had blown them off their hinges. He entered slowly, trying to mimize the amount of sound he made.

The once beautiful Palace was a wreck. The explosion had scorched the walls, and blood stained the marble floors. He ventured further in, wary. ‘This part is worse’ he thought. He was not wrong, far above him, a skylight was broken. At his feet, broken pieces of glass sat atop almighty cracks that had spread through the stone floor. There was evidence of something heavy landing, and then moving deeper into the palace.

Luther looked around in dismay. True, he had found the schematics to tunnels beneath the palace. But that was more of a novelty at the time, he had never thought to memorize the plans. ‘Looks like I have no choice’ he thought. Hopefully whatever gargantuan beast made these tracks knew where it was going.

Luther followed the trail of destruction, unknowingly retracing the steps of a certain group of Mandolorians…

Darben and his forces were making a push forward, firing down all foes in their path. They fell before the, but losses were on both sides. Darben tried not to look at them, the battles all around he tried to avoid focusing on. What he focused upon was firing, not focused on the fallen. The bodies, the casualties of war. That he would think about after, if he even thought about it at all. The sergeant took charge, as Skirae just kept quiet for now.

They pushed onward to the garrison as tasked by [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]...However. Everything went wrong before they could even reach it. Another ambush, and this time they were ready. Fire from high ground, pinning them. Grenades and blaster fire exchanged. Darben kept himself low. They had to get there. They had to-

Something landed by him. A beeping, and his eyes widened. As soon as he realized what it was, he went running. An explosion, his life flashed before his eyes. Then, black.
Equipment: Saberstaff, Obbligatto sith sword, Regalia, Royal Cape,

Right then, this wasn't how she had planned things to go. [member="Kyrel Ren"] was giving threats, [member="Silfe Sosuri"] was shooting a blaster, [member="Lady Kay"] and [member="Effie Duanna"] were well out of her short reach, and there was the X factor of [member="Xevek Rakama"]. Her mind had to run through every option she could conceive to turn the situation to her advantage, maintain control of the board's Queen. She couldn't very well allow one of the others to take control, no no no. So... she would have to pacify the situation, somewhat. Which meant keeping everyone from killing one another for five moments.

So first, she reached out with the Force, and flicked her wrist slightly. If Silfe wasn't ready, she'd have her arm flung to the side, the weapon thrown across the room. If she managed to hold onto it, at the least she would find her aim far from useful. In the same motion she stepped between her and Kyrel, using her regal cape to stop the blasterfire. The vitafiber fabric was able to disperse the energy without burning, or getting seriously harmed. She undid its clasp and gently tossed it to the side, so it wouldn't get torn, and withdrew Obbligato from its sheath. The blade, as always, hissed and whistled as it moved, unnatural sounds to the untrained ears.

"Come now, we are civilized men and women, I assume. We can at least pretend to go through the motions, can we not?" Yes, her mind raced under the veil of trained thought, hidden from all but the most intense of reading. Kyrel was an ally, she was a Sith, she had to convince him of that much. At least for now..

"Considering the situation, I presume you are here to collect Kay. I assure you, I have it quite handled, if you would have the tact to put away your weapon for a moment. There's no point in so violent an entrance to a spider's den, perhaps we could attempt this all again?"


Allies: Commenori and friends
Enemies: First Order, Sith and their friends.

Einon frowned slightly as he overheard the roar over his commlink. What was worse was the message that [member="Dorin Arkx"] gave him afterwards. 'Lock it down' and 'Don't let it escape'. If the hunter was that worried about whatever Sith Warbeast he had just spotted, well, Einon should ve worried too.

He quickened his pace through the sewers, knowing that he had to make it as fast as he could. Ten minutes might be too long. The stinky water splashed all around him. Thank the Elders there was light. Navigating in pitch black would be awful.

He moved quickly at a run, his heart and lungs pumping quickly. Einon was no Force user, so he had nothing to draw strength or speed from but his own self. Only right now did he wish that was different.

Minutes later, albeit longer than he had wanted, Einon arrived at the second generator. He picked out his commlink and signalled Dorin. ~I'm at the second generator now. I turn it on, the shields will cover the district.
Is the threat inside the area?~
Regardless of whether or not Dorin would be trapped too, he had to prevent the Warbeast from attacking the populace.
Seto Du Couteau, Ren
Location: Commenor,Chasin City First Order Embassy
Objective: Protect First Order Embassy and Await Evacuation
Equipment: Lightsaber (Emerald Color) Lightsaber (Ruby Color)


Seto ducked into another alley, his eyes widened with curiosity of the appearance of armed troopers, their insignia neither Sith or First Order. Great. He moved deeper into the alley and out around to a different street. The Embassy not far now, unfortunately he could sense not anxiety but eagerness, certainly not from any civilians he had felt with the Force thus far. Cautious steps forward and careful Force manipulation of his presence he reached his Embassy, now only a clear dangerous stretch left.

Great. Seto mused on his next plan, the front entrance of the Embassy obviously looked like a firing range, further more it came clear to him that not including his set of armor in his equipment crate had been a poor choice on his part. Hindsight aside, he moved forward and his right hand clasped his bag tightly. Perhaps it's a good thing I just look like a tourist. Seto peered around himself and planned for a different way to get inside the Embassy.

His eyes traced several tall buildings, and while many do not directly overlook the Embassy, he could technically Force jump himself within the walls and land comfortably enough. Maybe a broken bone or two. He weighed the option before he turned around noticed a sewer cap, while he was not City or Government Employee with access to the tunnels, his lightsabers certainly granted him a degree of leeway.

You know what, that's going to be a hard pass on that option. Seto bitterly tossed that idea aside, while he a decent recollection of the underground works of the First Order Embassy; He had promised himself that not another suit needed to suffer the same fate as his other suit that dared such a journey. A shiver and a shake of his head later Seto steeled himself for perhaps his only solution. He lowered his arms, his bag swung lightly as he walked ahead.

Now his free hand smoothed out his vest and suit, the larger coat waved slightly as a small gust of wind swept through, Seto now approached straight to the First Order Embassy. A list formed in his head of all that could go wrong, and perhaps such as it was Seto indeed made a poor decision by such temptation of fate. Just like any other game of Sabacc. Seto wearily thought to ease himself as his expression shifted to a rather nonchalant, eyes a rather a bored stare before he finally paused to see two figures up ahead.

The stark contrast between the two alone made him wonder why he even bothered to come here at all, his right hand gripped tightly his bag and Seto sighed. Got to deliver these gifts. Eyes narrowed and his ears perked up to the voices in front of the Embassy gates. Seto already knew the Guard that monitored the Holo-Security cameras made way to get the young Ren his clearance. The larger man dressed in what Seto would call Mandalorian Battle Armor, and what more the older lady nearby appeared practically ready to fall over with a single gust of wind.

Seto considered the two, he looked forward and focused towards the fortifications beyond the gate and took notice of a particular voice from the First Order guards holding the defensive line. He raised up his left arm and turned to face one of the Cameras, with a nod his identification and encryption code verified the gate opened slightly to allow the young Ren through.

The Force around him flared, hair slightly rose as the wind whirled around him, Seto stepped through as the gate behind him quickly closed, perhaps a tad too quickly. The Guard did loose quite a bit of credits to me. The young Du Couteau now headed straight for the fortifications, the arrival of a Ren would have calmed down some nerves but the fact alone that the Knights of Ren were needed proved to everyone in the Embassy that their situation indeed turned dire.

[member="Rexus Wenck"] @Kyli-DT 6767 [member="Konstantin Makarev"] @Micah

[member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Cenn Kothari"] [member="The Event"]
Allies: [member="Omari Vyken"] | [member="Konstantin Makarev"] | [member="Kyli DT-6767"] | Dergan Twigg | [member="Micah"] | [member="Seto"] Du Conteau
Possible Hostiles:[member="Cenn Kothari"] | [member="Alexandra Feanor"] | [member="The Event"]
Objective: Link up with the Embassy.
Location: Service Tunnel #542

"Get a wriggle on!" Rexus grunted as he pulled himself from the tunnels access point. The squeeze through was painful to say the least, with every inch. Twigg clambered up behind his superior, but the final push out required Wenck to slip an arm down and pull his hefty associate up. The ex-stomtrooper grunted as he took on Twigg's weight, before the eight foot tall behemoth managed to gain his footing.

"Cheers for 'at." Twigg drawled, setting himself up. "Felt a little tighter going out than it did did headin' in." He mused. Rexus rolled his eyes, and stood tall. He checked his armour for any scarring, and then Tiwgg's. Few grimy scuff marks, but considering they had been in a sewer? Not too shabby.

"Could be 'cos of all the sandwiches you had on your bloody smoko." Rexus drily replied, before breaking character, and allowing himself a short chuckle. He reached for his rifle, and unclipped it from his powered armour. "Now come on, we have people waiting for us." Twigg nodded in agreement, and the duo set off down the empty streets. About two blocks away, was when the first noise of something being up precipitated. "Somethings up." Rexus whispered, before ducking down an alley. He peaked out.

It was a strange scene. Congregated in and around the embassy perimeter, a mixture of civilians, Manadalorians and, so it seemed, some form of armed presence. Not ragtag like the civilians. But cold. Hard. Military. They looked almost like First Order regulars. White clad armour. But something was off. He could tell they weren't friendlies, or Sith Empire regulars. No. They were something else entirely. Rexus scowled, and went behind the wall, "Command, Alpha's Three and Four. Do we have an ID on the presence around the Embassy?" He inquired, before then turning to the expertise of Kyli. "Alpha Two, you've got eyes in the air, what's happening?"

Kyli DT-6767,
First Imperial Embassy, Chasin City
First Imperial Personnel: [member="Luther Ando"], [member="Rexus Wenck"], [member="Konstantin Makarev"], [member="Omari Vyken"], [member="Kyrel Ren"], [member="Seto Du Couteau"], [member="Primat Ren"]
Authorised Targets/Hostile Combatants (Lawful OR Unlawful): [member="Amari Deechi"], [member="Lady Kay"], [member="[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=georgia][SIZE=12px]Effie Duana"], [member="Einon"], @Caedyn Arenais, [member="Lauri Törni"], [member="Kaine Australis"], [member="Tom Taff"], [member="Dorin Arkx"], @Stardust Australia Skirae
Unlawful/Unauthorised Targets (Subject to Change): [member="Alexandra Feanor"], [member="Robert Praxon"],

"Alpha-Two this is Control, message; Card Red: You're cleared to engage all contacts who cannot be identified on casual observation as an unlawful target, over." The crane rattles violently and Kyli breaks not her focus from the scope feed projected across visor; studying the Mandalorian Man and the Elderly Woman who presented themselves at the front gate they were clearly no First Imperial to the Death Trooper who knew all authorised personnel would have produced their papers on demand no, though she couldn't quite distinguish the conversation even with her augmented senses Kyli can see the man and woman waffle their mouths meaninglessly to the Section of Stormtroopers who guarded the kinetic-restrained Durasteel door of their embassy.

"Control this is Alpha-Two, Roger, Over." Now she had authorisation from the local Commissioned Officer-In-Charge the First Order's very own Angel of Death could be unleashed upon Chasin City's ruffians, rioters and rebels. Kyli had been given the level of discretion she'd come to expect as a Death Trooper, anybody who was obviously a noncombatant trying to stay out of the violence or allied contact would be safe from the reaper's eyes the same could not be said for any others including those who now knocked on the proverbial door of her temporary home. Rexus's voice cut into Kyli's ear canals with an obnoxious whine causing the young warfighter to wince in pain those sharpened senses were often a double-edged sword. Removing their helmets and the protective aural dampeners within them is out of the question in a combat environment.

Kyli rangefinds the distance between her perch and the embassy's gate with a faint red laser that lances across the distance from a tiny eye above the scope's lens. "Alpha-Three this is Alpha-Two, Message: There is one combatant and a noncombatant at Zero-Alpha's gate. Security will detain them if they do not depart, Rendezvous on my IFF transponder position." Pausing for a moment Kyli turns her rifle's scope in the Palace's Direction and briefly studies the foreign soldiers gathering around it. "Control has given us clearance to engage, I'll cover you." The end of Kyli's statement is followed by two quick and absolutely deafening shots sending two crimson lances out across the Sky piercing straight through a pair of landspeeders in the street Adjacent to Rexus and Twigg sending them exploding violently into tibanna fireballs that consume the unsavoury occupants entirely. "Now get moving." Kyli's voice coldly commanded the pair, the rifle's barrel vented plasma violently from its' barrel dribbling down from the crane down towards the Garden surrounding its' base.

Shot after shot rings out from the tall crane, each discharge finds their mark on an armed individual in the embassy's Adjacent streets as Kyli's body pivots and turns steadily with subtle shifts of bodyweight leaving the unarmed and innocent unscathed in a beautiful display of precision marksmanship. Those who dared to issue a response didn't hear the immediate rebuttal, because they were dead. A swift victim of the several-million credits worth of biochemical and cybernetic augmentations that had turned Kyli from a competent sniper into some nigh-omniscient vulture that reached down to mercifully end those who threatened the First Imperial Citizens within their Embassy with War's chaotic symphony.

Exhale, Squeeze, One, Two, Exhale, Squeeze, One, Two. Inverse tan, one-point-five equals fifty-six degrees. The Railgun's scope re-calibrates the projectile's trajectory as Kyli's neural interface feeds it information from her thoughts. "Alpha-Three this is Alpha-Two, Message; Relocating to firing position Reek outside our Loc, over." Kyli's abdomen curls inwards raising the rifle's barrel at the Durasteel Rope tethering herself capriciously to the tall construction crane standing loftily above the Embassy. Aiming the twenty-kilogram rifle at the rope Kyli's finger pulls the trigger back into its' receiver severing that harness and sending the Death Trooper down towards the street in a free-fall. Tiny thrusters on the Death Trooper's armour push upwards with Kyli landing one-hundred and twenty-meters below with but a small bend in both knees with the gel-layer hardening for an imperceivable milisecond; distributing the fall's force harmlessly before proceeding towards the motor pool in a jog painstakingly slow for one so augmented.

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