Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Stand With Me, Stand Against Me, or Stand Aside | NJO & SJC Assembly

if they're watching anyways


Jedi | Just gon' tag ya in the post itself idk

Auteme wondered often if she worried too much. Then things like this happened.

Despite being one of the more prominent figures of the New Jedi Order, there were an abundance of moments where she felt she didn't fit in among them. The cadre of strapping young lads in cool leather jackets, messy hair, lightsabers on their belts, and looks of determination and resolve; her, with precisely none of those things. She was the completely fine thumb to their entirely sore body.

Her own attire was a step to the side from a Jedi's. She'd chosen a muted blue dress and formal sash in the style of Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra 's senatorial garb. No Jedi robes or armor or cool leather jacket. Perhaps she was beginning to identify more with her role as a representative rather than her role as a Jedi. With the turmoil in the galaxy, she'd begun to question if it really was right to leave great responsibilities in the hands of few -- especially those who hadn't been elected by the rest, or those who disagreed amongst themselves to the point of martial clashes.

But it wasn't like there weren't spots of light. Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala had saved her on Dantooine, and for that, Auteme would be forever grateful. Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill 's presence was always a welcome one. She knew he'd speak up and shed light on something they were missing, despite all his claims that he didn't like people much. And Ryv Ryv was someone she trusted to lead the New Jedi. For all his crusading (and arguably, warmongering) he wanted the best for the Jedi and the galaxy.

Her gaze swept over the Silver Assembly, and for a moment she thought back to Coren's meeting aboard Peace. It was the first time they'd formally met, and she'd ended up being among the most vocal against what the Concord had done. Here she wasn't sure if they'd have the same success.

"Auteme Denko-Durren," she said, giving a respectful bow when it was her turn to introduce herself. The respect and intent was there, but still that worry burrowed into her mind. She glanced to Ryv, and gave a small nod. No words. Just trust and support.

Be careful. Be safe.
A Light Shining in Darkness
Jedi of every creed, species, and alignment entered the council room; and Wyatt followed in suit. There was hope to be had, that Ryv and the others may yet hold the Jedi together - but a nagging anxiety drove itself deep into Wyatt’s mind. Was this division not, in some part, his fault? Even if it was, could he make it better?​
His hood was raised for anonymity, not that the Jedi couldn’t be found by the discerning eye. It was simply a good measure to not stir controversy, whether he convinced himself of that or not, he would do his part in supporting Ryv - because it was not his place to lead anymore, only hope others could do what he could not.​
Let tomorrow be a bright light than yesterday, he thought to himself. Let this be the last meeting full of Jedi politics.​


Location: Against the wall, next to Caltin​
Equipment: Simple Jedi Robes, inherited lightsaber, light-filtering lenses, aquata breather, Hush style comlink, liquid cable launcher, stim pills, food/nutrient pills​

Desbre leaned against the wall watching the proceedings. Her arms were crossed over her chest. One foot rested against the wall itself. Her jaw was set. Her brow remained lowered in a troubled expression. The last assembly she'd seen like this had gone terribly awry. She couldn't help but feel a storm brewing now. But at the same time, she was grateful to have Caltin next to her and to be at his side. So far he'd been a steady rock, reassuring as a boulder she could put her back against. But more than that they'd been through several scrapes together already, and he was as dependable as anything. Sepan... Tol Amn. They came back to her frequently. But more than that, he didn't baby her and trusted her to have his back just as much. Some might have felt pressured by that, but to her, it was a relief. They looked out for each other, regardless of whether or not it was a Master-Padawan thing.

Watching the last meeting of various Jedi had been a serious blow to the spirit. They were all Jedi. Or supposed to be, but very quickly the whole thing had broken down into squabbling and posturing over who was right and who was 'the enemy'. Namely, the Jedi from the GA seemed to decide that anyone that had a difference of opinion was almost as bad as the Sith or Bryn'adul. At least that had been her takeaway. The matter wasn't so black and white. But more so it grated and chafed that these Galactic Alliance Jedi wanted to condemn the Silvers for something that, for the most part, they had no control over or say in. If they wanted to target anyone, they should have been rattling their sabers at the government. Not the Jedi themselves.

But more than that, they were failing their own code, operating out of anger, fear, hate, and mistrust. And ego. The tenets of the dark side. They were losing their way, and they didn't even see it. Which made it all the more dangerous and seductive. Especially, as they were so convinced their way was the only way.

Jedi shouldn't be fighting Jedi. Even if they had different goals in mind.

But moreover, the bigger picture was completely lost to many of them it seemed. The Sith were a problem, to be sure. But they weren't xenocidal and unrelenting and without reason. Not like the Bryn. The Sith could at least be reasoned with, negotiated with. They didn't wipe out everything they touched. They weren't a threat to all life.

But she was only one voice and an unknown. None of them would give a flying frell what she had to say.

More worrisome was the supposed "Sword of the Jedi" Ryv who had incited much of this schism and warmongering. His presence alone created more division. They didn't need a firebrand stirring up more trouble and more conflict. She blamed much of what happened at the previous gathering on him. He'd sought to polarize bot the Galactic Alliance folks and the Assembly folks. It was deliberate. That wasn't keeping the peace or being the protector most Jedi swore to be. He didn't have anyone's interests at heart but his own.

As Autume entered, she inclined her chin some. Her expression softened a bit. Her mind went back to a prior lesson with the woman. She wasn't much different in age from Des but already had accomplished so much. Her mind went back to the day she'd learned Force Light. She had only been able to reproduce it in tiny little fits and starts, but more so every time. That day she'd had much more success despite how painful it had been to dig into old memories. At least there seemed to be a cooler head. Or so she hoped. Des hoped to catch Autume's gaze. If she did, she would give the other woman a nod and a somber, faint smile. In a space like this, it was all the greeting that could be spared for now.


"Today, we will be heard!"

Ehri's face was inscrutable from behind her Baahis, her mask. The young knight peering at the school of ill-dressed outsiders as they made their way towards the chambers of the Assembly, seemingly led by the even younger black-haired man who had seemingly been doing all of the talking until this point. Arms folded over her chest, she watched with a hidden sense of curiosity, and slight irritation, as the Jedi apparent at the front of the crowd pushed open the doors to where the masters were currently present. Inspective, cat-like eyes slyly gliding from place to place, only able to be seen from the gap between her mask, the Nahkisan's attention momentarily drifting from the intrusive gathering, to her fellow Silver Jedi, only now consciously making herself aware of the fact that she had not been the only one whom had unfortunately been caught up in this distraction.

Calm, collected, and as.. Begrudgingly interested in this debacle as even Ehri had to admit she herself was, it would appear that- On the surface at the very least, the consensus among her fellow bystanders was not openly against their supposed visitors. Taking a few cautious steps forward, which did not take long to advance into a more comfortable pace, she begun to trail behind the rest of the wave that was making its way at varying paces into the assembly hall. All the while internally cursing to herself on the arrogance of the bantha-herders that stood among them, those who had the gall to approach her Order, in one of its grandest temples, with such accusation in their hearts. It was certainly easy for them all to mount their high orbaks, make claims of their own purity, and deride practicality when they were nice, and tucked away in the Core from those monsters at the gate--

Pausing in her progression into the assembly, the knight took a small number of steps to her right-hand side, finding her own spot of solace near a particular pillar positioned at the back-end of the room, before she closed her eyes, and as the confrontation between those from the Alliance, and her Masters began, she quickly derided herself for allowing her own thoughts on the matter to get away from her. Thumbs rolling back and forth in the palms of her clenched hands before she stopped them cold, an all too regular occurrence whenever the huntress had a weight on her mind. Hazel eyes however would nevertheless visibly open in between the slit of her Baahis once more, and the young Jedi would cool herself. Thinking now how it was almost humorous how such a potentially historic, and impromptu meeting would occur on her one rare trip to Commenor of the year. Typical.

Letting out a sigh perhaps as quietly as she possibly could, as to limit her presence in the room, the bottom of her mask only slightly raising at the whisp of air, her attention now was drawn away from her own immature feelings on the matter, and back towards the topic at hand, in reality.

"The Assembly recognises the Alliance delegation; you may state your business,"

Here we go.

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Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Ryv met Thurion's bow with one of his own, though the kiffar's attempt was far clumsier than the Jedi Master's. He shifted a bit and offered the same bow to the rest of the Assembly.

"Thank you, Master Heavenshield," Ryv said as he offered an apologetic smile to the other gathered masters. "And thank you to the rest of the Assembly. I'm afraid I am not familiar with all faces present, but uh, hopefully, that can change with time. We've had the opportunity to work together in the past, be it Kintan, Yurb, or Korriban, so it definitely isn't impossible."

The Jedi Knight shot a cursory glance at those gathered behind him. He felt dozens of eyes on him, many of which bore conflicting emotions. His Jedi were firm in their resolve. This meeting would grant them much needed answers and provide them a path going forward. But that wasn't all that the empath felt. Fear permeated the room—fear of what could come to pass if a compromise was not agreed upon by both parties. Pointed looks joined the unsure as disgruntled Jedi stared him down. He represented a division among the Jedi. They did not trust him, nor did they want him here. Could he blame them? This encounter made him as uncomfortable as it did them. The weight he bore, the chosen voice among so many dissatisfied Jedi, felt far too heavy for any one man.

"If only Starchaser were here," he muttered.

Ryv looked back to the Assembly and cleared his throat.

"We are not here to sow dissent among the Jedi. I know some of you look at me and see a break from what it means to be a Jedi. I wear a jacket instead of robes. I fight beside Imperials in hopes of destroying the Sith. History is long enough that you can cite it and argue any point or any direction. So, I'm not here to argue about history, nor what a Jedi should be. I'm here, alongside so many of my family, for answers. Why was the Silver Jedi Order quiet when the Concord openly supported the Elder Compact? Was it fear of the unknown? Loyalty to a government you've served faithfully for so long? I'm not gonna judge people for the why or how anyone did what they did. That's not my place. I want to mend the divide between the Jedi. To do that, I know I need answers. I want to understand you all so, so badly."

His hands balled into fists as he spoke, each of them trembling as he continued. It was not anger that guided the Jedi Knight's words. An inner turmoil raged within him, one born of years of resentment. Yet, his desire to understand them was not fabricated in that moment. He wore his emotions on his sleeve before them all, willing to part with his own emotional security for the betterment of all involved.

"For so long, I hated this Order. Founding members abandoned the Core to the One Sith, and later the Sith Empire. For the last five years, I've fought for my home. I've faced down criminals, corrupt senators, and Sith assassins who've meant to only do harm. And you know what? During that time, I was on the war front too. I crossed blades with numerous Sith Lords, lost my arm twice, and faced innumerable threats because I believe it is the only way to bring about lasting peace. I think, to call myself a Peacekeeper, I must also call myself a warrior. I must stand in the line of fire to protect the lives of innocents."

"From all that fighting, I learned to just let go. I've seen good people, both Imperial and Alliance, cut down by the Crimson Saber. I realized, regardless of creed, I can let go and forgive those who've hurt me. That's true of the Silver Jedi, too. At Kintan and Yurb, I watched your people fight for their homes. When I clashed against Tathra Khaeus, it was beside Beltran Rarr. I respect what it is the Silver Jedi Concord represents to this galaxy, and I want to support that. I would lay my life on the line for any person, planet, or Jedi under your protection because I genuinely believe most of you would do the same for me. And knowing all that now, I do forgive you. I forgive you for what happened to the Core almost two decades ago because there is so much more work to be done. By all of us."

Tension escaped him as his trembling ceased. He relaxed his fists, fingers splayed at his hips.

"I'm not here to ask you all to fight a war. There are other things Jedi can do to help make a difference in the galaxy and banish the shadows looming overhead. Healers at the war front? Support for refugees fleeing Bryn'adul space? Already, the Galactic Alliance and First Order unite to alleviate the tension on your borders. We're here for you."

"I'm not gonna take up all the time, don't worry. There are a few people behind me who also have something to say, and I don't plan on stopping them, but before I pass the mic, I've got something for you to all think about over the course of this meeting. What would it take to unify against the threats of the galaxy? What can the New Jedi Order do to show you we're in this together? Bryn'adul or Sith Empire, we'll be there. New Imperial Order turns around and starts genociding their people? We would lift our sabers in defense of those in peril."

Ryv turned away from the assembled masters and looked to those gathered behind him.

"If you've got something to say, nows the time. Don't shout, don't pick a fight. Like I said, we're Jedi, all of us. Respect our hosts," he stepped aside and crossed his arms.


Rane had learned much during the meeting. Among them, that Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion was a pleasant boy with a bright future. He had been through a lot. The broad-shouldered Kel Dor had been content to listen. He had been gone for a long time. Judging by the state of the galaxy, too long. Yet his work with the Silver Shadows had been valuable, even if it made his concerns for the future deepen.

Even among the Silver Jedi his face was not known by many. He owed that to his line of work over the last few years. It did not help that that a significant portion of his face, including his eyes, were covered up by a faded silver mask. Those who had dealt with Kel Dor off their homeworld Dorin, however, knew to expect it.

Then the delegation from the New Jedi Order took the floor. There were no shortage of onlookers, and the open doors saw to it that the crowd had somewhere to gather and peer in without fear of intruding on the meeting. Rane gave the man who introduced himself as Ryv Ryv Karis a smile and a courteous nod. After all, he had begun his speech with 'good afternoon' followed by a proper introduction. Good manners would never be turned down, nor fail to be reciprocated so long as Rane could help it. However, even if Ryv had glanced his way in that moment, there was still a chance he might not have caught the smile. It was a tricky thing to properly convey through his mask.

The words the man spoke were troubling, and would surely be properly examined by the collective. Rane glanced over to the empty seat of Eloi Graix Eloi Graix . Though he did not mince his words, Rane found the wisdom of his former master invaluable. Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield was the first to speak, and he welcomed them on their behalf. He had little to add after the words of Or'Fol Moric Or'Fol Moric , and so remained silent. Introductions had been done away with, and soon the delegation would lay their questions before them in more detail, he imagined.

These were hard times. The malice of the Dark Side left none untouched, in one way or another. It would seek to corrupt them, twist them to its own devices and turn them against one another if they let it. None would be laughing then save for the twisted ones. However, even if their enemies were still out there, their empires still standing, it was as if he could sense the winds were changing. A new dawn was upon them. From the ashes of conflict they would rise anew. It was time the Jedi were reminded who their real enemies were. As Rane looked upon the faces who stood before him, he knew it was not them, and he knew he was not theirs.

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"Grey" is not a crack about my hair color.
"I don't want to be rude," Margaret began. She wasn't technically lying; she really didn't want to be rude. It was just sort of a function of her existence. "But if you've lost your arm twice, maybe it's time to try a different approach."

The Knight had spent the last several minutes changing bandages, spraying bacta, and applying her foul smelling paste to various wounds. The paste was a concoction of her own devising, several different extracts of useful plants, toxins isolated from venomous bugs and snakes, and a few other little goodies, emulsified in a base made from a relative of the horseradish. The aroma was harsh and astringent, and it stung like hellfire when first applied to a wound, but it would stop bleeding, relive pain and inflammation, and it was a damnably effective antibiotic. Once again, she was sure there was a metaphor here, but she was too distracted to chase it down.

She hadn't intended to speak up at all. Margaret wasn't the sort to involve herself in others' affairs especially if those others were Jedi. It just wasn't how she rolled, as the kids might say. But the state of the attendees was, frankly, shocking. Nearly everyone had something wrong with them. Burns, cuts, and bruises were ubiquitous. Several of the attending Jedi had far worse injuries in various states of healing. More than one had no business being outside of a bacta tank, much less on their feet. If you combined the uninjured bits of everyone here, she thought, you might be able to scrape up a whole padawan, and maybe a half of a master to teach them which end of a lightsaber to hold.

"They say the definition of insanity is to keep trying the same thing over and over, expecting different results. By that measure, pretty much everyone here is stark raving mad. You all look like hammered bantha droppings, and some of you smell like it, too. We Jedi have been banging our heads against various walls since the dawn of civilization, and to what result? There are children here with prosthetic limbs, because some damn fool decided they should be thrown into the breech somewhere, and someone with a red lightsaber decided to make them pay for it."

As if to illustrate her point, the biohazard incinerator coughed out a cloud of pungent black smoke as it choked on a knot of bloodstained bandages.

"We're not soldiers. We're only supposed to be warriors when there's no other recourse. I'm not going to pretend to have all the answers, because I'm just as much an idiot as the rest of you." She tapped a finger on the side of her skull. The durasteel plate that had replaced bone in that spot made a dull thunk sound. "All I'm saying is, maybe, just maybe, we should reconsider our current methods. Unless you like losing limbs, in which case, you do you, I guess. I don't kinkshame."

Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield | Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala | Pluperfect Pluperfect | Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin | Or'Fol Moric Or'Fol Moric
Takui Takui | Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor | Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl | Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn | Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei | Creuat Creuat | Aelys | Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive> | Auteme Auteme | Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest | Mesh Zetnu Mesh Zetnu | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Ryv Ryv
Ehri Ehri | Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Starlin Rand Starlin Rand | Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion
We all fall in parallel
When Ryv spoke, everyone listened.

There was dissension. It was a rift between the two, and the Sword sought to mend it with his words and actions. Taku could not quite glean where exactly the animosity came from, but it swirled around the man at the epicenter and flowed through him. Ryv was a linchpin.

It felt like the room hinged on Karis. If he was assailed or compromised, any hope of this situation going well tanked immediately. Taku had some faith, but the longer that things went on the more it deteriorated.

Ryv had more hope than he did by far.

Another woman spoke, someone he didn't know. She seemed a bit crass, but Jedi came from all walks of life. He had learned that lesson early on.

When the floor opened, he took a breath. Taku looked around to the others to see if anyone had their thoughts collected. He had his cemented long before this meeting.

"Evil flourishes when good men do nothing," he raised his voice and stood up. At the back of the room, he didn't expect anyone to turn and listen. He didn't wait for them to do so, either. "When the Concord made their decision, many people were faced with a choice. It was a choice between home and the right thing. I can't fault anyone here for making the decision to defend their home. I used to think that way, back before I became a Jedi."

Takui took another breath. Sometimes it was hard to do the right thing. There were people who would not like what he had to say. He was ready for the eyes to settle on him. He braced for the enmity.

"As time went on and I learned, I came to understand better. Things got put into perspective. A Jedi is unique. We give up any chance at a normal life. We forego attachment, because life is ephemeral. Life is precious because it's ephemeral."

He gripped his cane tightly. "So, given the choice between the right thing and something you care deeply for, I firmly believe that a Jedi knows what decision that they have to make."

With a sigh, he concluded his small speech. "I have lost a great deal of faith in the Silvers over this."

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Dagon pushed himself off the wall reluctantly just as Takui ceded the floor. He drifted closer to where the Sword of the Jedi had just been. The presence of the Silver Assembly felt both soothing, yet also heavy. The padawan's steps were light, his heart was pacing. He looked up at the assembly with shortness of breath and a lump in his throat. Tales of the legendary feats of Jedi Master Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield flashed through his mind - childhood stories he cherished deeply.

"Master Heavenshield--" Dagon started, lost his words briefly as he looked up at the Jedi Master, then boldly found them, "Are the stories true?"

He never believed it.

He refused to believe it.

"Were you there on Dantooine?" he swallowed. "Side by side with the Dark Lord?"



Aelys peered over his shoulder, watching as Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze spoke out in apparent reverence for Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield . His features pulled back into a disgusted sneer, turning his head and giving a sweeping gaze of the Silver Jedi's Masters Circle. Deducing who the other Padawan spoke to by following his gaze, Aelys' gaze dropped as he gave him a quick up and down appraisal. If what Dagon had said was true, Aelys' opinion of the Jedi Master was already made.

Still, he held more respect for Ryv Ryv , than any other Jedi in that room. And when his gaze swapped to land on the Sword of the Jedi, Aelys' visage settled back into his typical facade of calm neutrality. The words of his Master the only ones that he truly retained in his mind. Ryv was a fighter. One that stuck to his guns no matter what adversary he came across. He hadn't been under his tutelage for long, but, Aelys made his observances quickly and his judgements came quick. Whether it was insight by the Force, or he was just good at initial reading of people, he trusted the Jedi Knight more than anyone else in that room.

He was also the only one he truly knew, apart from Takui Takui who he had noticed was present too. A Padawan who also held his respect. When he had spoken, it had been then that he realized it was friends in the Silver Jedi that he had left behind when he came to the Coruscant Temple. A glance shot over to the rest of the New Jedi Order cadre to find him, shooting an upwards nod in his direction if he met his gaze.

At that moment, he stepped forwards to speak once the floor was clear.

"Master Karis fought against a member of your Order who cut swathes through the New Jedi Order on Dantooine. I can't really speak for the other Jedi in the room, but for my own sake, if I'm going to get killed by a Silver Jedi, I'd like to know if there's going to be substantial consequences? Or will my death be settled with a slap on the wrist and swept under the rug, a trend that seems to be normal per this Order's track record."

His right hand raised, scratching the back of his clean shaven nape.

Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl Auteme Auteme Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Creuat Creuat Kaleleon Kaleleon Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive>
Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Or'Fol Moric Or'Fol Moric Ammon Rane Ammon Rane
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Celendis Astraia Celendis Astraia Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan Ehri Ehri
Wearing: Hoodlum's Leathers

Armed with: De Lifte Crystal (Dual Vent)

Vorpal Saber

"I will say what many of you would no doubt say if 'I' had been struck down at Dantooine..." said a feminine voice with a noticeable contralto to Aelys as it's owner teleported into the chamber in front of everyone...

She was clad in her pitch black biker leathers with silver spikes, two Lightsabers dangling from her belt, one being a dark gray Darksaber type, the other a faceted, obsidian dual vented Lightsaber. Her gray eyes, one cybernetic with a faint glint of gold light at the center, sweapt the room, messy, punk rock type raven hair covering the scarred, tombstone pallor of her scalp, pale like the rest of her.

"They were professionals who knew the risks. They made their choice and now they are dead because of that choice..." Laertia said flatly and coldly amid the shocked gasps, the stares of outrage at her presence. Oddly, despite having fought against the NJO at Dantooine, she ironically resembled more how NJO Jedi dressed than Silver Jedi.

"Did I wish to kill them? No. Their blood shall haunt me. But I won't stand aside while the NIO drags Ryv Ryv and his friends into their feud with the Sith when a greater enemy is threatening every living thing that isn't one of them. Now, I'll be the first to admit...I am not a stellar example of what you look for in Jedi. But I know War. I know War very well. I know enough about war to know a War on two fronts will leave the Defender in such a war--and make no mistake, my estranged peers, you are the Defender--in an extremely ruinous position even if they 'win'. How many Jedi lives were senselessly lost at Dantooine? Or that disaster at Korriban?" Laertia asked, her words and posture not matching her street criminal looks as she moved a tad closer to a wall, hands folded in front of her. She spotted Starlin Rand Starlin Rand but made no gesture to him.

"How many of those Jedi who died because of me, specifically, would have been better spent against The Bryn'adul? How many of those Jedi that Karis convinced to follow him to Korriban would have been better used repelling the Bryn'adul and their city devouring worms? They're plotting more genocides as we speak. Actively wiping out whole societies. Yet Ryv and his NJO will not cease the fight even temporarily, no matter how much sense it makes. Others expect those like me to take the Right of Denial if we refuse to support senseless campaigns that waste lives needlessly. Do not judge Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield so quickly...he was thinking of his people, his world. That meant shaking hands with The Devil. How many of you would do the same if the Bryn'adul were at the doorstep of your world? Ask the refugees who flee into your space if 'they' would have cut a deal with the Devil for their people...I suspect the more idealistic among you would be greatly disappointed by their responses...if not terribly unsurprised in secret."

Laertia then turned to Ryv, specifically...

"I certainly didn't enjoy spilling the blood of your comrades. But if someone wants to ask who should be held responsible for what happened to members of the NJO at my hands...they should look to you as much as they will me. I own what I did there, even though I make no apologies for it. As much as you will own all the Jedi lives who march behind you as you lead them into the maw of a wheat thresher."

Margaret the Grey Margaret the Grey

Takui Takui

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga

Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion

Auteme Auteme

Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl

Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei

Creuat Creuat

Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala

Or'Fol Moric Or'Fol Moric

Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill

Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Ammon Rane Ammon Rane

Kaleleon Kaleleon

Ehri Ehri

Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan

Celendis Astraia Celendis Astraia
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"Don't mind if I do."

Cotan reached out and took the fries offered to him by Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl , watching the others walking on in to the place. He even glanced over at one young man in particular, after noticing a quick jolt of terror running through the Force; when he noticed Starlin Rand Starlin Rand in the back of the hall, he quickly looked away. Don't want to antagonize the kid.

It looked like he had a new hand already, though. That was good.

What wasn't so good was some of what he could feel in the room beyond that. Tension, anger, and mistrust. Not unexpected, but still not anything enjoyable to deal with either. I wonder how much of that is directed at me, for cutting off a Padawan's hand. Still, he'd been trying to go for the least damaging options possible, and moreover the Padawan attacked him first, but none of that meant that he didn't feel bad about it.

While he hadn't much been intending to speak up during most of this—moreso here just to give more of a sense of legitimacy to the group airing their grievances—there always seemed to be something that cropped up that made him feel the need to open his mouth.

"A greater enemy."

The disappointment in his voice could not be more evident, especially after the previous meetings that many of these Jedi had been at.

"Mistakes were made, by everybody, in dealing with the Bryn'adul. Had we been more perceptive, paid greater attention to what was going on outside our spheres of influence, we could have noticed them and dealt with them much sooner. But to accept the help of one group of genocidal warlords in dealing with another doesn't prevent a war on two fronts. All it does is it makes it look like we're supporting the actions of the second, while giving them greater time and opportunity to plot how to destroy us, whether it's stabbing us in the back, abandoning us in the middle of the fight, or any host of other options. Their only goals are the subjugation of the galaxy, outright destruction of anything that refuses, and to either kill or convert every last one of us in this room. Not to protect and safeguard the people of it, and if history has shown us anything, it's that they're just as happy as the Bryn'adul to default to ending everything if it looks like they can't be in charge of it. Getting us to fight each other? That plays right into both of their hands."

He turned from Laertia, looking over to Thurion. Knowing that the man had been on Dantooine as well, right beside the former Emperor, right beside somebody who would happily destroy everybody on Midvinter just to hurt his ancient enemy, left Cotan with quite a bit that he wanted to say.


All the same, beyond what he'd just said, and what he'd said in the last few meetings of this sort, there wasn't much he could put to words. He certainly didn't want to pick a fight here, with Uncle Thurion, of all people.

"Asha's doing well. I'm sure she'd want me to tell you she says hello."

Thurion looked to the other members of the Assembly with worry in his eyes. The situation was already getting tense, voices were raised as questions demanded answers. It would not do to let everyone speak at once, or there would be no clear answers to anything.

There were inquiries being made as to Concord's stance in the NIO vs. TSE conflict, the abandoned so-called Elder Compact which had proven much too controversial to fully realise, as well as fundamental questions such as what it means to be a Jedi.

It wasn't until Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze asked him a question directly regarding his own actions during the Battle of Dantooine that he attempted to speak up, only for the headstrong Laertia Io Laertia Io to let everyone know her stance on the matter, as she too had participated.

"Laertia," the veteran Jedi finally spoke as he rose from his seat, prompting the hall to go quiet. "Stand down."

Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor addressed him as the others went silent, mentioning someone he elder considered family. Before he would offer answers to the others, he stepped over to the young man and offered a pat on his shoulder. "Thank you, Cotan."

Turning to the others in the room;

"I shall offer my side of the story regarding Dantooine, and leave it to all of you gathered here this day to render judgement whether my actions warrant praise or punishment. Yes, I was present at the Battle of Dantooine, when Imperial troops descended upon the Sith. But before I go into the reason for my presence there, we will require context."

"I have been a Jedi all my life, since I was seven years old. I have always conducted myself according to my master's teachings. I have strived to do good wherever the Force guides me. Relatively recently, I held my brother as he passed away, asking that I lead our people into the future. I said to him, 'I am a Jedi, I cannot wield political power'. In the end, however, I accepted, because I realised it was my duty to provide leadership to our homeworld."

"Midvinter lies on the very edge of the known galaxy, to the east, surrounded by the Sith Empire and the Bryn'adûl. Our capacity to defend ourselves against any of these two juggernauts is limited, and not even the aid of my fellow Jedi would be enough to fight off both threats. So, in the capacity of being King, I approached the Devil I know rather than the Devil I don't. The deal meant my homeworld would retain its independence, but I would have to appear beside the Sith in a battle of their choosing. Dantooine came under attack shortly after."

"Yes, I stood beside Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , my greatest nemesis, against the forces of the New Imperial Order. None of us could have imagined the Galactic Alliance would join the fight, or I would not have accepted. During the battle I was forced to strike down several Imperials, but never did I face Alliance soldiers. When a pair of brave souls in the form of Imperial Knight Rurik Fel Rurik Fel and Jedi Padawan Oceiros Sunstrider Oceiros Sunstrider appeared to challenge us, I made the decision to stand between Sunstrider and Zambrano in order to spare the young man a fate crueler than death. Kaine even attempted to sway him to the dark side, but I would not let him succumb to his darkest desires. I would rather let him strike me down than watch him abandon his Jedi vows."

Nearing the end of his testimony, Thurion positioned himself at the center of the room, kneeling before the Assembly. Reaching behind him, he presented his lightsaber and placed it before him on the floor.

"I have offered all the explanation I can on the subject of my appearance on Dantooine. It is not something I am proud of, but in the defense of my homeworld, my reputation as a Jedi is a small price to pay. If my expulsion from the Order I love will repair relations between my Jedi brethren, it is an equally small price to pay. I entrust my fate in the hands of the Force."

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Quill coughed in the silence after Thurion spoke.

"Sounds like a textbook conflict of duty," he said, loud enough to be heard. "A kind of conflict of interest. There are ways to sort that out so it can't happen again, not in the same way at least."

His Odion Syndrome was especially bad this afternoon; the presence of this many people was almost deafening in the Force. His piece said, a small seed planted, he slipped out of the chamber and left.
"Grey" is not a crack about my hair color.
That was a troublesome idea: a Jedi standing side by side with a Sith. Not just a Sith, the Sith, the one big bad that everyone with a lightsaber that wasn't red considered the pinnacle of bad guy. By all accounts, it shouldn't have happened, but from the sound of it, there hadn't been much choice.

Margaret didn't give a damn about politics. Even someone as clueless as her could read the room and tell that the divisions here went much, much deeper than Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield 's brief alliance with the Edge Lord of the Sith. For a bunch of Jedi, there was a looooooot of bad blood here, and she didn't even begin to understand how servants of the Light could become so hopelessly entangled in personal feuds. Well, that wasn't entirely true. She knew exactly how it could happen, because most of the Jedi she dealt with on a repeated basis treated her like the Rodian stepchild of the Light. How many other Knights were there, pushing 50? Certainly none who were passed on promotion because no Temple worth the name would grant them the rank of Master.

But this went deeper. There were schisms here older than anyone in the room, feuds inherited from previous generations that were left simmering on the back burner until, finally, they had a chance to boil over.

Margaret had no place here. She had no business involving herself in their affairs, especially if the stakes were as high as everyone seemed to think. That would be like tossing a vial of nitroglycerin in an unbalanced turbine, just to see what would happen. So naturally, she walked right up to the kneeling Master, and popped a squat next to him, her knees popping audibly.

"So, quick question: if you hadn't allied yourself with the Dick Lord of the Sith, would more people have suffered and died than if you had?" she asked, pitching her voice in a stage whisper that carried around the courtyard. "Because that's really the crux of the matter, from where I'm standing. If, on balance, your actions helped the greatest possible number of people, then anyone who's honest with themselves might could see themselves making the same bargain in your shoes. If not, you made a karky warky, and we're not allowed to do those on a galactic scale. I personally can't think of a punishment more severe than pulling a life sentence of community service to the entire galaxy, but since we're all already doing hard time on that one, I'm sure someone here will have a more creative idea for balancing the scales."
“What would it take to unify against the threats of the galaxy? What can the New Jedi Order do to show you we're in this together?...”

Good question. Starlin didn’t want to admit that the situation might already be broken beyond repair—that wasn’t the Jedi way. Jedi didn’t give up, they didn’t give in. Although sometimes they did have to admit defeat and own up to their failures. Still. It was a question of doing what was right rather than what you wanted to do.

But it’s not that simple, remember? The people in this room can’t even agree on what’s right and what’s wrong anymore.

He found himself wishing that he hadn’t banished Tom to the other side of the room. Having at least one other person in his tiny little scrap of a corner would be nice, especially a more intellectual sort like Tom who could actually string together a few coherent sentences while being stared at by a massive crowd of warrior monks in varying states of distress. But Starlin knew going it alone was better for him in the long run. He needed to learn to speak up without someone else there to automatically back whatever came out of his mouth.

Yet people weren’t talking. A few folks had said their piece, but they might as well have been yelling at a brick wall or whispering into the void. There was no actual debate going on, no back-and-forth discussion so far. Looking around, he saw a lot of people who either didn’t know what to say, didn’t know how to articulate their feelings into words, or were afraid to say anything. He could sympathize with all three categories of people. The tension in this chamber was thick enough to need a knife to cut through. But they had to speak up, or else this whole thing was just going to stagnate and fester.

Starlin could’ve jumped in as Laertia did, rushing to defend Thurion’s actions at Dantooine. He had seen the King of Midvinter with his own eyes, standing beside Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex in battle. It was… one of the coolest things he’d ever witnessed, but he understood Dagon’s horror at the mere idea of their generation’s Luke Skywalker fighting alongside their generation’s Palpatine. Starlin wanted to give Thurion himself a chance to respond first, though—to own up to it and provide an explanation. Nothing Starlin could say would mean anything until Thurion had a chance to—

“...I have offered all the explanation I can on the subject of my appearance on Dantooine. It is not something I am proud of, but in the defense of my homeworld, my reputation as a Jedi is a small price to pay. If my expulsion from the Order I love will repair relations between my Jedi brethren, it is an equally small price to pay. I entrust my fate in the hands of the Force.”

Starlin’s heart sank. He looked at Laertia, stubborn and defiant; at Cotan, who avoided his gaze; at Tom, an unreadable face in the crowd. Then he averted his eyes, staring at the floor, feeling as if the walls were closing in on him.

He was still an apprentice. Not a knight. Not yet. But if Thurion was… if his reputation as a Jedi was gone, shattered due to his participation in the events at Dantooine, what did that mean for Starlin? Starlin, whose career as a Jedi hadn’t even begun?...

His eyes still glued to the floor, he felt himself rise to his feet and start to walk forward. As Jend-Ro Quill spoke briefly, Starlin slowed his pace a little. But then Quill got up and left. Starlin resumed his march toward the center of the room where Thurion was kneeling as Margaret was talking.

He unhooked his lightsaber from his belt. Clutching the hilt in his hands, he remembered his master in the dark tunnels beneath the archives on Zeffo, her gaze keen as she watched him construct the weapon, offering guidance wherever necessary. The image was quickly replaced by that of her on Dantooine, tears running down her cheeks as she rushed to his side after his hand was cut off, ready to kill the one responsible until he pleaded with her to stop.

This was the hardest thing he had ever done. Which wasn’t saying much—after all, he was just a kid. His eighteenth birthday was just around the corner. But if, on the eve of his becoming a man, he had to give up his future…

As he knelt down and placed his lightsaber on the floor a short distance away from Thurion’s, he found that he could no longer think about what he was about to lose. So he shut off those thoughts and just sat there. A brief explanation came robotically out of his mouth. He still refused to meet anyone’s eyes.

I was at Dantooine too. I fought alongside the Sith because… because I wanted to fight an enemy I knew couldn’t be saved. The Sith… are too much like us. But the Bryn are nothing like us. There’s no reasoning with them, no chance of redemption. We’re Jedi—we’re supposed to be the guardians of peace and justice. This was an opportunity to have some peace, even if it only lasted a moment.

He raised his head, seeking the eyes of Ryv, or whoever on the NJO’s team who was willing to look upon him now.

If that isn’t what a Jedi is supposed to be, then I don’t think I should count myself among the Jedi anymore.



What was it the elders always joked about? How certain things weren't good for their blood pressure?

Whatever the saying was exactly, Ehri could certainly see it beginning to apply here.. Just the tone of the newcomers. She couldn't explain it. Still contemplating whether to speak out or not, despite the fact that she had seemingly brought herself away from the brink of such an action just minutes prior. Then again, that was minutes prior to what she had just heard from these intruders. Eyes darting back and forth around the room as Jedi after Jedi took their turn to make their thoughts, and grievances known, she decided that now would be the best time to make her increasing dissatisfaction with these Core-types known.

"You people can't be serious." She abruptly spoke, with only a scoff to precede, quickly filling the small gap of silence that had risen following the knight Starlin's own contribution, as she was now unable to remain silent. The anger in her tone surprising even herself, as she begun feeling a dozen or more pairs of eyes fall onto her at almost the same exact time.

Having started impulsively, and without any speech concocted in her head, like perhaps some others had arranged, she couldn't help but feel the pressure to continue, to push on, and make the attention given to her time at least somewhat well spent. Teeth lightly grinding against one another before she took in a slight breath, paused, let it out, and continued with what she was now trying to say.

Seeing Master Heavenshield on his knees like that.. It wasn't right.

"You come into our temple, frankly looking like a bunch of bantha herders, and start venting about what you think of us?" Her voice had risen, only slightly, but it was noticeable all the same. Taking a second before she continued, she regained control of her tone as best she could, though as always, her feelings were strong, and her opinions likewise. She knew there were masters in the room, and that they'd likely disapprove to some extent, but surely she could not have been the only one offended by this intrusion? Perhaps not, as Laertia and Starlin's own comments could have indicated.

"Perhaps we aren't perfect. But we do what is necessary, regardless of what it is, and right now we have literal monsters at our door. It's easy for you to criticize when you're acting as if you lack an understanding of what kind of threat we're dealing with here in the Silver Order."

Ehri had never been a public speaker, and typically speaking before such large, and important crowds would have been daunting to the young knight in many respects, but her inability to allow her thoughts on the matter to go unsaid for any longer had found itself overpowering that basic aversion. Glad for her mask in this situation at least, doing its best to hide away her face from the inspecting gazes of the crowd, her voice echoing around the now otherwise quiet hall. Fingers still restlessly flexing from the confines of her balled fists as she kept her arms tightly crossed over her chest, unsure of what to do with herself when all eyes were on her.

And so she continued to speak, the continuing silence of the hall giving her the permission she required to do so.

"The Sith can be beaten, we've done so countless times in the past. Even when they win.. We always find a way to defeat them in the end. But if these monsters get what they want there won't be a galaxy for us to liberate afterwards. However I'm beginning to think that acting indignant, and having my fellow Jedi on their knees asking for your forgiveness is more important for the "New Jedi Order"... I've said my piece."

The void of conversation rose again, waiting to be filled by another speaker. Had she made the right choice? Or had she in some ways only made things worse? Perhaps they already were worse. Regardless of the consequences, Ehri couldn't allow such a patronizing attitude to go unchallenged, whether it be intentional or unintentional, it didn't matter. Looking up at the ceiling, likely as a method of distracting herself from the immediate aftermath of her own colorful contribution to the non-existent debate, she suddenly realized something.

"And I apologize for my tone." She quickly added, line of sight returning down to eye level, as she moved to get that clearing remark in before the next voice rose, and gave a slight bow of her head to the crowd, showing her appreciation for the time given for her. Maybe apologizing wasn't what she truly felt to do, but it was expected of any respectable Jedi when in such high-standing company.


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if they're watching anyways

As usual, the meeting was a rollercoaster. As the first few New Jedi padawans spoke she'd held onto a little hope. They were airing their grievances in a respectful manner; Takui, Dagon and Aelys. Takui had grown so much, Dagon was as inquisitive as any good scribe should have been, and Aelys's fears were warranted. No one wanted to be killed by another Jedi. No one wanted to be part of an order that had one.

And yet, as usual, she showed up at the meeting.

To quote the famous Syd Celsius; attempting to debate with Laertia Io was "like screaming into a vacuum". It was worse, now, that Laertia had proven herself a Jedi killer more potent than a great many Sith. Auteme could picture the bodies. Auteme could hear the cries and whimpers of pain from the few who had survived the woman's assault. Auteme could still see the blazing pillar of light that returned the Jedi to nothing. The New Jedi Order were so few; every loss brought so much pain and sorrow, and there were no shortage of moments when the memories of those luminous beings made her want to hide in her room.

But every day she got back up, using those memories as fuel to be better. Sometimes she wanted to be worse. For a brief moment when she looked to Laertia she believed herself close to hate; and yet, she couldn't. Even such a stubborn woman could be forgiven -- in time, and not as a Jedi. She hoped the Silver Jedi Council would recognize Laertia's admission of her crimes and exile the woman. Auteme did not reply to her, knowing she'd already spent enough words for a lifetime in an attempt to change the woman's mind.

Thurion, though, was far more mature. He understood the weight of his own decision and was willing to accept the consequences. He'd come to that realization on his own -- Dagon's question had been only the barest of inquiries, but Thurion was willing to leave himself open and vulnerable, acknowledging both the fault and his own ideal. It was easy to point to the flaws in others, but it took a great deal of wisdom and strength to admit one's own. Wisdom and strength befitting of a Jedi Master.

Auteme started forward, but other Jedi chose to move first. Jend-Ro, as ever, slipped in a few wise words before disappearing. The greying Jedi made a good point. Who was to say that his decision had been the wrong one? He'd chosen his people over the Jedi of another Order. Unlike Laertia, no one had died because of it, and he'd stayed true to his word and his ideal. Starlin Rand, someone she knew only in passing, admitted his own wrongdoing as well. Then...

A girl who looked to be Auteme's age spoke; as quick to pick a fight as Laertia, and with just as poor an understanding. Auteme glanced to Ryv for a moment -- he'd admitted his own past dislike for the Silver Jedi and his reasoning for it. But just as readily he forgave and he hoped to move forward. This girl was threatening to stall the progress they were trying to make.

Auteme breathed deep. She stepped forward with a grace far from that of a bantha herder and looked to the girl.

"Insults only serve to deepen the divide. We're here to make amends, and I don't believe any of those who have spoken before now have spoken with the intent to demean or divide." Arguing now would serve little purpose.

Auteme focused instead on Thurion and Starlin. She walked forward and knelt beside the both of them -- they were not below her, and she refused to look down on any Jedi. Any person.

"I believe our esteemed colleague-" she glanced to the greying woman, "Has spoken the truth. There is no right decision except for the one that you yourself deem correct. Meaning and value only exist where we give it.

"For me? I see you as wise for knowing the consequences of your actions and strong for acknowledging them to those you do not know well. You chose your people over another Jedi Order, and over the Imperials you fought. Stand by that choice. It's not wrong to choose the duty to your family and your people over your duty to the Jedi. If that means exile, then so be it -- I trust you to make that decision, and I trust that you'll listen to others who advise you."
She smiled to him; kind and warm as ever.

Her gaze turned to the padawan next. "Starlin -- I do not know you well, but from what you have said, you know you have room to grow and make amends. Your journey is just beginning and there is more time than you realize to make the changes you wish to see. We would be fools to tell you what a Jedi should be. Take your time, atone if you feel it necessary; but to me, you are still a Jedi."
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Faith is the heroism of the intellect.


Location: Jedi Gathering
Equipment: Conservator(Lightsaber), Vanguard(Backup Lightsaber)
Comm-link, Rebreather
Starship: Starlight Sentinel
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan (unless specified)
Ryv Ryv | Pluperfect Pluperfect | Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala | Or'Fol Moric Or'Fol Moric | Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion | Ammon Rane Ammon Rane | Margaret the Grey Margaret the Grey | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Starlin Rand Starlin Rand | Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive> | Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl | Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt | Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei | Celendis Astraia Celendis Astraia | Kaleleon Kaleleon | Aelys | Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill | Creuat Creuat | Takui Takui | Auteme Auteme | Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga | Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan | Ehri Ehri
Auteme Auteme
~"All is going to be fine. Relax and listen."~

That’s it, that was the last straw and Caltin could not stand by and listen to this garbage anymore. He tried his hardest to be patient and let all of them speak, but he was not going to let the name “Jedi” be dragged through the Rancor scat like this anymore. Times change and this was indeed not his generation of Jedi, but there was a time when it meant something to be a part of this gathering. None of them seemed to care about what it truly meant to be a part of this, they were worried about what was in it for them. Grudges that could have been let go in a day were held for a lifetime and that was unacceptable.

What happened on Dantooine? Really? Why did someone stand with Sith? Who the frell cares? They’re here today, they’re not affected negatively by it, that is what matters. All of the childish actions and reactions were proof positive that the only Jedi in the room were he and Desbre standing next to him. It’s not that Caltin enjoyed the thought of this, but really it all seemed to be “I’m right, you’re wrong. Agree with me, or you’re my enemy. Really?

At least the girl … what was her name? Wynter? Spryng? It didn’t matter at the moment, at least she was a bit of a calming voice and one of reason. The thing is many of those gathered had closed their minds and ears to it. They were not going to just sit there and hold their little grudges, even if they were afraid to say something. Caltin did not care, he could be expelled from the Silvers and it would not affect him one bit. He was Knighted and granted the rank of Master by the “old” Jedi Order, back when the Jedi were indeed the peacekeepers and all of them, no matter what Temple they called “home” were together, one unit.

My turn.

Looking up, and putting a hand on Desbre’s shoulder in a way she would know as “it’s going to be okay”, he surveyed the room. The point was made, but they seemed to be brushing it off as many of these Force Users usually do. So many of them more concerned about what happened to them than anything. This was… well… it was ridiculous.

She was nice about what had to be said. I won’t be.

What’s wrong with you? All of you? Are you such whiny little children that you need to come in here complaining that another got the candy and you didn’t? That is what you are coming off as right now. It does not matter what happened in the past, the past is like your posterior, behind you. Yes, learn from it, but leave it there. Don’t any of you get that? Do any of you honestly think that because you call yourself “Jedi” that it makes you better than the person standing next to you? I don’t.

Walking to the center of the room, not giving a flying frak about any looks that he might or might not be getting, Caltin continued his admonishment.

Light? Dark? Neither side is right you know. The Force is not split into a Yin and a Yang, it is just the Force. Jedi came about because some blessed with an awareness of the Force chose to follow a desire to learn more about the Force, the “Dark Side” came about when some believed the best way to learn and evolve was through strife. Check the history texts, I did. Sith? They are just named after the race that was the result of horrible experiments by an even more ancient race. They had no choice, those who call themselves now do.

Walking around and among them all, he couldn’t help but look as if he was wondering if they really were as… well as dumb as they were acting.

This is all about what you believe in and what you want to get out of life, the Force assists you in this. That is what the Force is, not just “Light Side” or “Dark Side”, it’s our choices. So what if a Jedi stood with a Sith against the Bryn? So what if a Jedi defended a Sith against another Jedi? If he is doing the right thing is that not what matters? If we are protectors of the galaxy are we not supposed to protect? Regardless of reciprocation, appreciation, or even acknowledgment? If we don’t stand for those who need it, regardless of who they are, how can we expect anyone to stand for us?

This isn’t about the Bryn, or the Sith or anything or anyone but us. We are who we are because that is what we do. That is what being a Jedi is about, not this namby pamby “ You’re not doing what I want so I’m going to hate you” crap that most of you are exhibiting. I don’t care about the looks any of you are giving me either, if you search your feelings and not just your ego, you will know that I’m right.

Now hanging off of one of the central pillars, the big guy didn’t let this go. He waited awhile to bring this up and the floodgates were indeed open.

I’m not defending them, not by a long shot. They need to learn how that a big part of leadership is that attitude is reflected by it. I would have done the same thing if I was prepared to, but I only recently recovered fully from my malady. The difference is if I was in their position I would have explained my position beforehand. Many of them brought this on themselves and you have a right to be heard, but you’re blowing it by making it about you and not the state of the galaxy. This is not what a Jedi is, or a Jedi does.

Looking at each and every individual, both in the chairs and standing, he couldn’t believe that any of it had come to this.

We’re not meant to be “better” than each other, but we are meant to be better than this. “New Jedi Order”, “Silver Jedi Concord”... two sides of the same damn coin. This like a primary school cafeteria and who is sitting at the “cool table.”

Walking back over to the wall next to Desbre, he leaned against it in the same spot he was before and crossed his arms. Still annoyed, but settling down the massive Jedi Master just looked around the room in disappointment. Sure, many of them were acting professionally, but their thoughts betrayed them all.

My Padawan and I, we are not Jedi because we have to be, we are Jedi because we choose to be. Our choices are what makes us who we are and being a Jedi means that we should not be like this. I’ve been a Jedi, been one for a long time. Are you one? Or are you just Force Sensitive?

He stopped for a moment, sucking on his gumline when one more thought popped into his head.

Oh, and I’m not sorry for my tone.

He didn't make eye contact with her, his eyes were still on the room, Caltin was settling down as he spoke to Desbre again through his mind.

~"Think I got my point across?"~


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