Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Stand With Me, Stand Against Me, or Stand Aside | NJO & SJC Assembly

Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Ryv blinked as Margaret accosted him with a lack of any tangible path. Her opinions were reflections of her abrasive nature, and much like her character, they lacked any tangible substance. He sighed and turned back to the words spoken by those who followed him to Commenor. Though his Padawan's question was harsh in comparison to what others said, Aelys held genuine concerns. Ryv knew his student did not fear death. He knew the thyrsian would take on the galaxy by his side if he thought it would bring about that lasting peace they both yearned to achieve. It was accountability the young man sought, both in himself and those before them.

The kiffar set a hand on his student's shoulder and squeezed. It took bravery to speak out to a room full of Jedi. That could not be ignored. Nor could Dagon's line of questioning. Thurion Heavenshield was a household name among the modern Jedi. The actions of Jedi like him, Romi Jade, and Coren Starshaser shaped many who now called his actions into question. Ryv wasn't any different than Dagon. He considered the elderly master one of his heroes, even after the fiasco that was the Core. At least Thurion had kept fighting. Be it honor or his oath, until Dantooine, no one could question his status as a Jedi.

Another Jedi Knight came forward. One Ehri, though, Ryv had no way of knowing that. He could only know what she chose to say, and what he heard did not impress. He looked her way and cleared his throat.

"We came here to mend the divide. No one has told you how to be a Jedi. No one demands anything of you. We only ask how we can help you. Yes, we've beaten the Sith. But like I said earlier, which I guess you must've missed, we've beaten the Bryn'adul as well. At Yurb. Without the Sith's help. If your only intention is to insult us for our clothing choice and tell us we're wrong for trying to understand those of your Order who makes the decisions, I don't know how we can better understand one another. Relationships of any kind require a firm understand of both parties. That often involves questioning one another, be it confrontational or not. We aren't condemning you. Like I said, just wanna understand why what happened, happened. And thanks to Master Thurion, I better understand his actions."

He looked to Thurion and nodded. "Thank you, Master. Your wisdom shines through when it is needed most. I can't help but respect someone who can own up to their mistakes."

And then, Laertia appeared from thin air. Ryv blinked.

"Ah yes, I forgot you can teleport right out of an Atrisian animation," he scratched his cheek and looked the woman in the eyes by the end of her speech. "All I have to say is I blame myself for every one of those Jedi's deaths. But, I think there is a misunderstanding here. I may ask people to follow me, but I don't make them. Every Jedi who went to Dantooine did so because they believed in what we were fighting for. It wasn't New Imperial expansion. It was the liberation of a planet where the S-Imps literally armed their civilians and turned them into a militia rather than evacuate them. I won't forget my fallen family."

Without wasting another second on the opinionated Laertia Io, Ryv looked towards Auteme and gave her a thumbs up.

Jedi Master Caltin's sudden outburst stopped Ryv from beginning anew. The kiffar listened to the big guy in silence. What he heard surprised him, as well as infuriated him.

"I don't get it, man, I really don't," the Sword scratched at the back of his head. "While we messed up by interrupting this meeting, every moment since we've shown nothing but respect to this Order and its masters. Yeah, we're upset. We want answers. We're gonna seek out those answers, not cause we're obligated to them as Jedi or whatever, but because we're people who lost loved ones on Dantooine. We watched our friends die, some cut down by Sith, others cut down right before other Jedi who could've helped them. If I'm doing something wrong here, please tell me. It just feels like we're being told to shut up and sit down cause we wanna know why things are going a way we don't like."

Ryv stepped through the crowd and stopped before Caltin. The man towered over Ryv to a point it was almost comical the difference in their size.

"This ain't about who's better or who's right. We all have room to improve, and we all can admit to our mistakes. I don't know how what we said was lost in translation, but I guess it was. What the hell do we gotta do to not be shouted out for just seeking out answers? Is the quest for knowledge, not a means of combatting the ignorance that drove us apart in the first place?"

Ryv moved towards the Assembly and released a heavy sigh. "If we're doing something wrong, tell us. We can be better. We want to be. But we want the same of you, too. Is that really wrong?"

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We all fall in parallel
He blinked several times. Master Heavenshield owned his blunder; but then, he was glad to hear that. No matter how things proceded, at least he could say that one of the Silver Jedi did right by his vows. The others however, lambasted them with accusations that they were being holier than though, and excusing Thurion's actions simply because he had other duties.

He supposed that was why Kings rarely, if ever became Jedi. It was a conflict of interests. He had a duty to his home and his people before he had one to the greater good. There was no harm in making that call; but in so making it, he broke the oaths he made to the Order.

No one would fault him, but they would expect him to follow through.

Between Midvinter and the Galaxy, he'd chosen Midvinter. That was where he belonged. Not here. He knew it. The New Jedi Order knew it. The Silvers seemed to firmly grasp him, like he was a pivotal piece of their collective puzzle, and without him everything came apart.

If Thurion was their glue, they would not long hold without him.

"Master Heavenshield," he said, "I respect you, and your decision. It takes a great deal to sacrifice something you care deeply for to protect something else of the same importance to you. No one here will chastise you for it; sacrifice is noble. It is our very lives. However..."

He smiled sadly at the man. Would he have had the strength to do the same in his position? No, he would not. But then, Taku wasn't a King. He was just a Jedi.

"I don't think I'm wrong when I say that when you made that decision, there was a finality to it."

He turned his attention from Thurion to the others. Ryv aired them out with his words; and so, Taku did not need to speak further on it. What he did need to express was how contemptable the sheer audacity flying around the room was.

"I said I was disappointed," he spoke, controlling the fury that threatened to make its way into his voice. There is no emotion. He exhaled audibly. "I asked why, and I caught attitude. If I leave here without answers, I have to guess. I have to fill in the blanks myself, and the assumptions that I've been making have made me sick."

Taku shook his head. "I don't want that. I want to know every Jedi here has my back, but if I've got to worry about any of you standing on the other side, next to Sith?" he closed his eyes. "Killing Jedi? No. That's not excusable. Get outraged. Come at me sideways, I don't care. I'm starting to make up my mind. I'll do it without you if I have to, but I don't want to. That's why I'm here."

When he opened his eyes again, he was biting back tears. He didn't waver. He just spoke. "I was disappointed before, but now, I'm just sad."

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She Left Behind A Legacy
She hadn't been on Commenor since...Veiere was King. And after the events at the Deneba Enclave and what befell the royal family, she had no intention of ever returning -- least of all after his death.

So, she was full on a wave of emotion that felt very conflicted when she emerged from on the other side of the entrance. The room was heavy with static that etched from person to person, but she didn't harbor or seek that which everyone else did necessarily. This was her first appearance amongst the order since she'd awaken from her coma; she was out for almost six months...and every day since gaining consciousness was its own journey.

Most times she faded in and out of the moment where she was going to-

She intended to make her appearance a silent one -- she snaked through a few bodies, weaving gracefully as she so normally did without much effort, but ultimately found her own sub section that wasn't near the front.

She had no idea the current state of things since she'd been down and confined to Hapes, and this was one of those chances to gain clarity despite how she cared little for large gatherings in this sense.

She swayed in her stance, digging a soft fist into her side to prop her arm up; she shifted her weight to one side.

So far, she picked up on some tension.
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Mishel Kryze

Mishel had followed who she assumed was Romi Jade. There was a woman she needed to speak with, kriff. It'd been a long time since either one saw each other and the last time, Mishel was the one swingin' a red glowstick in direction. Still pissed for having been left behind to the likes of Carnifex and Raaf for two years. Thankfully, death had a funny way of making you appreciate everything. "Don't worry, there's no onions on it," remarked Mishel as she quietly spoke to Romi handing the woman a sandwich. "Who knew there was a sandwich stand outside."
"They still arguing on how-to-Jedi?" She inquired and looked about the room. Mishel took a bite of that big delicious roasted bantha sandwich. She pointed to the sandwich she handed Romi. "Got you that nice grilled nuna on rye, with that smoked cheese they make a few planets over." Halfway into the bite she looked at the other Jedi. "It's two steps out the front door, just don't worry about the man yellin' about cabbages, again."
Much like Romi, Mishel wasn't about to pick sides, but unlike Romi. Mishel's rep meant jack in this group she was just an outsider. One of Coren's apprentices that like him was a powder keg. Mishel spent enough time around Romi to know when to shut up, usually. The only one that was missing was Mishel's other master Marakai Al'Orren Marakai Al'Orren . It was fortunate for the Force Master that she did have three very different masters to learn from. "The chips cost extra, and I forget what currency these folks take so I just handed them a few of that fancy new galactic standard."
"How you been Romi?" Another quiet whisper, Mishel mostly just wanted to hear what was being said and get a chance to catch up with Master Jade. "Also just where in the kriff have you been?" The younger of the two women just stood in a relaxed position, and ate her sandwich in a polite, delicate but quick manner. "Think you got time to show me that dual wield thing with the shoto?"
Mishel was only sure of a few things, one that people were mad that they didn't get a sandwich, two she might be recognized as an offspring of one Siobhan Kerrigan although the woman will continue to deny and disown Mishel until she rolled over in the Netherworld. Three, possibly for a few actions here and there in the past but mostly as Coren's apprentice. Rather, former apprentice, and if she were being honest it was good to have these kinds of talks. People needed to get whatever it is they had to say off their chest and the only way to heal and to mend is to let it out and work through it.
Romi Jade Romi Jade | @Open to Interaction

Tom Kovack

Sitting in silence on the sidelines during this clusterfeth of a third conference was proving to be an agonizing exercise. Tom fidgeted in his seat, jiggling his legs and twiddling his thumbs as attempts at starting a debate fell flat, people with no background on or knowledge of the situation wandered in and spoke rashly out of ignorance, and some of the Jedi were openly antagonistic and confrontational toward the other Order. Master Vanagor had called them children, well, the way this damned conflict was starting to look like a schoolyard feud taken too far certainly did fit the description.

Tom had already guessed that Starlin was only attending this meeting as a sort of penance for his actions at Dantooine—he had accidentally killed an NJO Padawan and “disarmed” (literally) several more with his lightsaber before losing his hand over a bag of questionable artifacts looted from the Enclave. Aside from Cotan, the one responsible for depriving Starlin of his hand, most of the people here likely had no idea what the boy had done. So when he saw Starlin get up and realized what he intended to do, Tom cringed.

Admit your mistakes, sure. Ask for forgiveness, certainly. But don’t dramatically prostrate yourself before these warmongers! At best you look like you’re trying to ride Thurion’s coattails! In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what you’re doing!

But what Starlin presented to the NJO on his knees wasn’t an apology or a request for forgiveness. “If that isn’t what a Jedi is supposed to be, then I don’t think I should count myself among the Jedi anymore.” He was offering to give it all up—perhaps admitting that some part of him wanted to back away and leave all this behind him.

Yet… that couldn’t be it. Starlin loved the Jedi, loved what they stood for, loved their legends and their rich history. He was defiant, still arguing for his side even while Auteme smiled benevolently and gave him the verbal equivalent of a pat on the head, as if he were a puppy that hadn’t quite been trained. Tom felt sick to his stomach, not to mention increasingly frustrated. No one was listening to anyone!

He hated this sense of impotence, of helplessness. Watching people run around in circles, solving nothing, saying nothing of actual substance. Something inside him just snapped. He couldn’t take it anymore.

Standing up, he approached the last person to speak—Takui. The long-haired, red-eyed Padawan had tears in his eyes and a cane at his side. Tom felt just the faintest twinge of reluctance to pick on him specifically, but shoved it down. He wasn’t going to rub the kid’s face in it.

You,” he began, pointing to Takui. “You used to be a Silver Jedi Padawan, right? But you switched sides. Was it because of this?” He crossed his arms over his chest as Takui responded. “I’ll try to answer your question. It’s tough chit even for me to understand. Nobody knows what really went on behind closed doors, but suffice to say, there never actually was an Elder Compact.

He glanced around the room, raising his voice. “You all do know that, right? Thurion admitted that he only fought at Dantooine to protect his homeworld. Starlin fought there because his master was fighting there, and he’s more loyal to her than to the Silvers. How many of the Silvers in this room actually fought for the Sith at Dantooine? I’ve counted three so far: Thurion, Starlin, and Laertia. Please correct me if I missed anyone. Now, you can make scapegoats out of them if it suits you, but that isn’t the Jedi way, is it? Poor Thurion just wants to go home and be a leader to his people, Starlin is confused and lost, and Laertia… I think she just hates you all at this point, to be honest.

Turning back to Takui before Starlin could offer a hasty rebuttal, Tom continued, “You’re crying and getting sick over something that doesn’t exist. There never was an official alliance with the Sith, only the suggestion of one—and a few people were happy to ride that suggestion all the way to its conclusion, certainly, but most of us didn’t. The Silvers here are angry and standoffish because you marched in here and demanded they answer for crimes most of them didn’t commit.

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Chaos. That's what had unfolded around her. That's what this meeting had fallen into.

Her silence thus far had allowed her to listen, to hear the Silvers out. Nothing they had done in the past weeks had sat well with her- she could see no real reason to side with the very evil the Jedi were destined to clash with, to allow that evil to fester and grow as they turned a blind eye. No reason to watch as fellow Jedi were cut down by that evil, or by those who shared the same creed as them. It was exactly the opposite of what she herself believed their duty to be; yet she had come ready to listen, to allow the crevasse that grew between the orders to be filled with understanding and enlightenment. She had hoped the vastly different groups could find common ground in their values, uniting them against common enemies.

It had been too much to hope for, it would seem.

The zeltron was proud of how her peers had expressed themselves. Question and concerns, ones that she knew were rooted in anger and sorrow, brought about in a composed manner. Some of the silvers had as well- the renowned master had admitted his shortcomings, and everything else would be left up to others. Though that seemed it for civility as the conversation took a sharp turn into pure contempt and condescension.

A deep sigh escaped her chest as Ryv and Takui tried to reason. It was now or never. The zeltron cleared her throat and took a step forward.

"Knight Khün, for those who don't know me." She started, voice resonating through the room. Her cobalt eyes found Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor first, expression blank. "I don't think you can equate searching for answers to a child whining about a piece of candy. We are trying to learn from the past. We're trying to understand your actions so we can heal the disconnect that's happened. No one wants to see the Jedi split in half, least of all me. But a member of your order cut down those of ours. Others stood by the very evil I have pledged myself to stop. You can't expect us to sweep things under the rug when our members have fallen because of some in your ranks, be it direct or indirect. Not without us understanding first."

The woman paused a moment, attempting to reign in the anger that was bubbling inside her.

"I won't hate you if you refuse to fight the Sith. I understand the Bryn'adul are a much bigger priority for you. Hell, I won't even hate you if you join with the Sith in that fight. It's not ever something I'll agree with, but it's something I kind of begin to understand- it helps you protect your people. However, our fight is with the Sith. Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy. That peace is threatened by evil, and I will not stand aside and let it propagate any longer. That being said, the next time the Imperials hit the Empire, I'll be right there beside them, as many of my fellows were last time. I don't wish to see you all on the other side of that battle, because I know I couldn't cut down another Jedi and live with myself."

Her eyes found Laertia Io Laertia Io a moment, before flickering back to the front of the room.

"Master Heavenshield, you don't know me, but I've heard the stories. It takes a really strong person to admit their mistakes, and I really respect that. I only wish The Concord not stand against us again, and perhaps consider consequences befitting for those who slew our members. You may not have known before, but I tell you now- the New Jedi Order will combat the Sith, until they fall. I ask we do not find ourselves on opposite sides of a war again."

The line was just about crossed.

This whole meeting had just turned into an emotion-fest. From that crazy witch Laerito admitting to killing Jedi, to Thruion making a show infront of everyone. He was all for people realizing their mistakes and moving on. But this just didn't feel right.

Pushing off of the wall he was resting one made his way towards the center of the room. Before stepping out he made sure that Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn was done with her piece, getting in all she wanted to say.

Giving a small nod of approval he walked ahead, placing himself in the center of the room. He looked around at all of the Jedi, or "Jedi" in the room. It was time they heard what was on his mind.

"Hey y'all, I'm Okkeus. Okkeus Dainlei. If any of you didn't see me at the Battle of Dantooine, well then you should have been looking up. My X-Wing was up there, blowing up Sith starfighters."

Pausing for a second he made sure he had the attention of the room.

"And if there were any Jedi flying alongside the Sith, I would have blown them up as well."

"Does everyone want to know why? Because Jedi who fight alongside Sith are no longer aligned with the light. I first hand know that this is true, becuase I was a Sith. Multiple times in fact."

Turning around from the crowd, he then faced the council. This message was going out to them. Some feelings were about to get hurt.

"When I was aligned with the dark side of the force, I cut myself off from the Jedi. But still my friends came to try and turn me back to the light. And when I became aggressive? They struck me down, like all Jedi are supposed to do to Sith. You think that teaming up with the Sith was a good thing, but ask yourself: Who was the real bad guy at the Battle of Dantooine?"

A heavy breath was let out. He tried his best to stay calm, but it was getting increasingly harder and harder.

"The Sith, who are killing innocent people? Or the Imperials, who are killing the Sith. This is why I chose to fly alongside the imperials, becuase they know who the true villain is. And so do I."

"Any Jedi who fight alongside the Sith are no longer consider Jedi in my eyes. They have betrayed the Order and should be dealt with."

Leaving a long glance at the council he eventually turned back around to face the crowd. He was more than expecting people to be upset and angry, but he didn't care. Sith would be dealt with soon enough.

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Huttaburger had been the floodgate holding his words. The paper wrapping crumbling between his fingers crackled with sharp, erratic rhythm before it was tucked silently into a ball. The waste was slipped into his jacket pocket, although every vindictive instinct tried to tell him to litter.

"Ay, yo, Heavenshield-!" Zaavik called out from his position at the egress of the gathering. He tilted his head up quickly in a crude, wordless greeting. "You saved Sunstrider from Carnifex, that's great. Although, from how I've heard it, Rurik Fel Rurik Fel implored you for a similar favor, didn't he? Offered to fight with you, for Midvinter, and to take down Carnifex as allies. So, uh, what happened there? Side by side with the big man Carni, you just, what, declare yourself Rurik's enemy? Fight with the Sith?"

Zaavik crossed his arms. "Real righteous of you. I'm sure when The Sith Empire make it to Midvinter, they'll remember that and only raze it a little bit. Maybe he won't take your wife as his three-hundredth concubine or whatever, either." He exhaled, shaking his head. "But somehow, I doubt it."

"Furthermore, I think that, you-" The Zeltron pointed to Master Vanagor. "Have brought up an excellent point, actually." Fiddling around in his pocket, he pulled out his holophone and tap-activated the screen. "If we don’t stand for those who need it, regardless of who they are, how can we expect anyone to stand for us? I think you're absolutely right to say that. And so, if I may, I've compiled a list of worlds that need or would have liked someone to stand for them."

His thumb stroked the screen a few times, tapping into the memo application to pull up the list.

He cleared his throat.

"Mandalore, Dac, Togoria, Ession, Thyferra, Junction, Concord Dawn, Dantooine, Alderaan, Gravlex Med, Kashyyyk, Muunilinst, Borosk, and even this very rock we plant our feet on, Commenor. You know what all these worlds have in common, don't you? They are worlds that have been, or currently are, ravaged by the Sith. Genoicde. Scorched Earth. Exploitation."

"Your own allies killed hundreds of Jedi in a ritual on Korriban, and we, the NJO, are few. That could have easily been our entire order, but to you, its just another number, isn't it? I get it, the Bryn are scary. They are a threat. Your intentions are pure, you aren't evil, I sincerely believe that. But you are misguided. If you stand with the Sith, you don't stand with those I've mentioned, and they aren't even the tip of this horrible iceberg. And, that being the case, you certainly don't stand with me either."

A deep breath.

"As far as I'm concerned, you can have my sword alongside you, where I want it...

Or, you can have it run through you, along with your genocidal friends. If they don't get you first, that is."

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"There is a stark difference here." Dair stated as he strode forward, moving to the middle ground between where the NJO stood and Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield had placed his lightsaber on the floor. Dair looked at it a moment, his face passive, before looking between Laertia Io Laertia Io and the man who was the King of his people. "The difference is the essence of what a Jedi is. There is no absolute about who a Jedi fights, only absolutes about why a Jedi fights. Those absolutes are that the Jedi believes they are saving more lives through their decisions than the alternative, and that a Jedi takes responsibility for their actions."

Dair knelt down before Thurion, the gesture came naturally to Dair. He'd knelt before the symbol of Thurion's house in the years he had taken a long vacation from the wider galaxy on Midvinter. Dair had stayed away from cities, though, choosing to remain in the village he'd been born in and stolen from as a child. Helping out there where he could while trying to find his peace.

Dair gently lifted Thurions saber with the force, presenting it to the man who had been his King, though the other likely didn't know it. Dair wasn't even certain if Thurion knew Dair, or that he was a Valkyri. It didn't matter. Dair bowed his head a moment, then looked up into Thurion's eyes.

"The difference between being a Jedi, Master Heavenshield, and choosing a darker path. You made the choice you saw would lead to less bloodshed. You took pains to make sure loss of life through your actions was minimized, and even endangered your agreement to save other Jedi from being killed or swayed to the dark side. You stand here, before people who are not of your Order, but are still your sibling Jedi, and are ready to receive judgement." Dair didn't look away as he spoke, though he knew that eyes were on him and people were probably wondering what he was doing. "There is a great deal of mistrust and dangerous emotions standing between the Silver Jedi Order and the New Jedi Order. There had been mistrust between the Jedi Order of the Republic and the Silver Jedi Order when I was younger, and a Padawan to Grandmaster Corvus Raaf. Master Raaf taught me that such mistrust should be bridged whenever possible."

Dair stood back up, if the lightsaber had not been taken then he would still hold it telekinetically.

"We all, Silver Jedi, New Jedi, and even those of us that choose not to have an affiliation, need to find understanding." He finally turned away from Thurion, looking over at Laetia. His face was still impassive, though it took more control to keep it so. "We need to not fall into the darkness of fear and anger, or let them guide our actions."

By the Force, was what this meeting? Everyone had an opinion he or she readily wished to share like teenagers on the Holonet. But sometimes, it was better to wait and listen. To stay calm and civilized, judge not based on the troublemakers, but on the few voices of reason. Granted, it was difficult to discern the tantrums from the actual questions, but as a member of the Silver Assembly, she would do her best.

As anti-climactic as it could be, TC-41 stiffly strode into the room. Her white protocol droid made no excuses as it barged through the crowd, photoreceptors focused on the white-haired Sephi. As usual, it appeared to be annoyed. No, downright frustrated. She knew for a fact that, despite being a protocol droid, TC-41 would fight a Rancor if it crossed his path. She swore that it had a few screws loose, although she considered that to be part of its charm.

Once it finally found its way to her, Sakadi began her series of swift and graceful gestures. She could've just as easily reached out to the Jedi present in the room, but she had a feeling telepathic communication wouldn't be appreciated at the moment.

"Knight Karis. The droid spoke once the floor cleared. "You are right. The Imperials armed their citizens. But they opposed the New Imperial Order entirely of their own volition. Master Sinvala was there, and witnessed this herself. You speak of liberation, but that was certainly not the case."

As instructed by the Sephi, the droid paused for a moment. She had seen it herself as she had attempted to break up fights all over the city. No matter what was said, the battle of Dantooine could not be justified.

"And Padawan Covack is right. Yes, the droid knew names. "There never was an official alliance with the Sith. The Silver Jed who were present on Dantooine acted on their own. They had reasons to be there, and most, if not all, likely with good intentions. Therefore it is important to recognize that what happened on Dantooine is not as black and white as some in this room claim it to be. It is nuanced and complex, and therefore the Silver Assembly will judge each case individually."

The protocol droid spoke on her behalf. And she spoke on behalf of the entire Assembly.

"As for your question, Padawan Aelys. We will judge those who identify themselves as Jedi killers, or those who openly admit their willingness to do so, very harshly. And we trust the New Jedi Order to do the same."

The protocol droid took a step back, indicating that it was finished talking.

(In advance, I'm sorry if I miss anything, but there's just too much to follow. Just assume it's just what Or'Fol's focusing on IC)

Tags: Takui Takui @Cotan Sar'andori @Zaavik Dagothi @Ripley Kühni @Okkeus Dainleii @Rhis Fistoi @Aelysi @Dair Cotarini @Autemei @Ra'syni @Mesh Zetnui @Caltin Vanagori @Pluperfecti @Sakadi Marathi Sinvalai Aveline Aveline Cuiléini Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Ehri Ehri Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei

Or'Fol looked at everything going on, sighing a little. It hadn't taken long for things to go crazy. The Master had hoped it would be a simple meeting but it became accusations flying and Jedi on both side claiming the other was wrong, or saying that they weren't. Then her heard Knight Ehri. A grunt came from the Herglic as he was about to respond, but Auteme beat him to it. The Master smiled a little at the Knight, having seen her often studying while he kept the archives. The Herglic would sigh a little, eyeing Ehri before speaking with that odd, stern softness that he could somehow pull off.

"Knight Ehri. As Knight Denko-Durren has said, insults like that will only make the divide worse. To insult one for their appearances is unbecoming of a Jedi, especially when around the galaxy one culture's... "bantha herder" as you put it, could be another's king, or protector, or even Jedi. Outside of the temple, I wear utility gear like most of my species because it is suited for such work."

He would then take another breath, the nostrils on his head flaring a little. He honestly wasn't sure he could answer everything, and he wanted to keep focus on what they were here for originally. The Concord's deal that never became, and the Jedi's presence helping the Sith. He had heard call that both working with the Sith were good and ill. He heard the worries of many on both side. The old Master would finally speak up though, his usual deep voice filled with thought.

"While I can't answer everyone here... I can speak to most of our thoughts on the war, and the Bryn'adul. But first, how many of you know about the Yuuzhan Vong War?" He would stop for a moment and look to everyone, checking to see how many knew. "The Vong struck the galaxy hundreds of years ago, destroying everyone and everything in there way. The Jedi, New Republic, and the Mandalorians of the time weren't about to stop them. They were shattered, leaving all of them as only remnants. Trillions, just gone. It took the combined strength of the Jedi, Imperials Remnant, New Republic, Mandalorians, Hutts, and many others to finally stop them."

"Don't take this as any of us agreeing with what the Concord decided, but... sometimes, protecting the Galaxy is a complicated task. You compare the Sith to the Bryn'adul, but I've seen the reports and heard the stories. The Sith are our oldest enemy, but I'm afraid our most important one to face has shifted. The Bryn destroy the habitability of worlds, destroy all who aren't their own kind, and would sooner glass a world than lose. While we did not agree to the alliance, we can agree that the Bryn'adul require a more... Vong-like approach to face them"
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We all fall in parallel
"I don't care that it didn't happen," he said curtly. "This isn't about semantics. The fact remains that the Concord went to the table. You had the choice to dissent, and many did not."

He crossed his arms. There was a lot of misplaced enmity. Even his head wasn't cool right now. He despised that feeling, but he wiped his eyes.

"Jedi are dead. People lost their lives. You're upset with me." He looked at Kovac with a grave expression. "Frankly, I'm not impressed with the responses. It sounds like you didn't handle the situation well, and that's fine- when you admit it, and don't try to shift fault to individuals. Collectively, the Silvers failed. That's what you've told me. I can live with it."

Taku offered a bow to the Silver Jedi Masters.

"I thank you for your time. Ryv, I'll be waiting for you all on the transport."

He took his leave.

@P Much Everyone.
Master Heavenshield's answer nearly swept him off his feet. Legs turned to noodles, his stomach churned and his breathing cut short. The legendary Jedi Master stood up from his seat towering even above the rather tall padawan and knelt down laying his saber on the floor. Dagon watched blankly as a tempest of emotions rolled within him. He tried summoning his lessons in tranquility but to no avail. As Thurion offered his answered to the young padawan, the raging emotions of dismay and sorrow were struck by a tide of rationality creating a flurry of confusion in his mind.

The tales of the beacon of the Light Side, Thurion Heavenshield, standing valiant against the endless reach of the Dark clashing against the understanding of the rationale of a man's duty to a cause that went beyond the Jedi. Dagon's own memories of him and his lost brother providing for themselves and their ill mother on Ruusan struck against his insightful education and responsibilities as a Jedi to the galaxy.

His mind tore itself apart trying to understand, one side trying to win over the other stuck in a what seemed to be an eternal deadlock.

He zoned out. Some Silver members lashed out seeing Master Heavenshield's act as if provoked by some form of mistreatment by the New Jedi, the latter retaliated. A protocol droid appeared from nowhere trying to provide a picture of what went down on Dantooine; it directly contended what he had heard from his peers from the New Jedi Order who partook in the Battle of Dantooine.

A cataclysmic cacophony that tore him further apart.

The Jedi padawan was no jury, nor judge - at least not to Master Heavenshield.

Only for himself.

Dagon's barely functioning attention caught a glimpse of fellow padawan Takui Takui taking his leave.

Absently, he followed without a word.

The time for talking was done.

He dreaded the idea of meeting a Silver Jedi on the side of the Sith someday and he knew not how he would act.

Actions spoke louder than words and his mind was ringing.

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Mathieu's eyes lingered on his mate, Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei in the distance. He was disappointed to see that his friend did not seem to notice his presence - but considering how many others were there and how thick the tension was, he could hardly blame the Knight. In the end, this was not really the place to reconnect for much more important talks were being held.

It was hard to tell whether he had been lucky or unlucky to find himself in the Assembly Chambers as the large crowd of people entered. On the one hand, there was plenty to see and hear, on the other, there was plenty of unfortunate moments. He had looked to Ryv, a person whom so far had seemed to wish to avoid conflict - discussion and talks were, as far as he knew, good and needed when fostering better relations. And from what followed, better relations were most certainly needed.

All did not seem to share the same spirit of wanting to discuss matters through calmly, however. Some were more argumentative, others demanded things and seemed outraged to say the least. It was not unique to one 'side' - from what he could see, there were escalating factors on both ends and it was probably the last thing they needed now. The Padawan's eyes shifted from speaker to speaker. Hearing what Laertia Io Laertia Io had to say on her own actions was horrifying. But that was not all - not even close.

Mathieu listened as Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn spoke, airing thoughts on how the Silver Jedi Concord shouldn't stand against her own Order - of course that was desirable, but how it could be demanded of one side when neither was infallible seemed rather righteous to him. Hopefully, he had misinterpreted something because at the moment, it did not seem like a sentiment taken from a place of peace and harmony. Responding seemed unrealistic, however, as many other speakers were eager to continue airing their thoughts.

What came next was what hit him the hardest. It was when Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei stepped forth to speak. Mathieu sent his friend a smile and a nod as he maintained his awkward spot to the side between the council and the guests. The Knight spoke of what it meant to be a Jedi and worse, his willingness to kill those whom he did not see as fellow Jedi. The Morellian recognised the sentiment and it reminded him of a side of his friend which he had hoped not to see again. He was about to approach the Knight when another, Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl started speaking.

Staying back, the Padawan listened to one of the most confrontative participants so far. When he first heard Master Heavenshield speak of his deeds, Mathieu had thought that they were understandable but this one showed no such sentiments. Eventually, it all became hard to listen to - for the speaker was so entrenched in his beliefs and had such an absolute and binary way of viewing the world. Mathieu glanced over to Ryv Ryv with concern clear in his eyes.

But then, a few less confrontative speakers came along, allowing for a moment of respite in all the conflict. It was time for Mathieu to step forth, first to approach his friend. With a hand softly placed on the shoulder of his mate, Mathieu spoke with a low tone "Okkeus, I would never want to kill you" He allowed his eyes to meet with those of the Knight before giving him a nod to finally proceed to speak to the entire chamber - he was in the centre of the room anyways, right?

"Hi all, uhm, I'm Mathieu" he was off to an awkward start and it didn't seem like it was about to improve "I just wanted to say that, I agree with the sentiment that Ryv has expressed. We want to mend wounds and divides, right? We won't do that from a place of anger or outrage - we can't heal if we cannot find harmony. Did anyone actually come here to get someone exiled or punished? I want to see civilians protected, the light upheld and life preserved." the Padawan was lost for words. For a few moments, he was silent, trying to find whatever it was that could best let him get off of the stage. Finally, he spoke "I think, that there is more that unites as than keeps us apart, and I think that is important for us to remember"

Faith is the heroism of the intellect.


Location: Commenor Gathering
Equipment: Conservator(Lightsaber), Vanguard(Backup Lightsaber)
Comm-link, Rebreather
Starship: Starlight Sentinel
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan (unless specified)
Seriously? Again? These “Jedi” are making it all about them! So concerned about getting answers that they do not allow themselves the chance to put themself in the position of others. Whoever taught this generation how to investigate needs to learn how to do so themselves. This guy Ryv, if he asked that question about how to be better, to begin with, he wouldn’t have ruined his message. Acting like they were the only Jedi who witnessed the loss of others, of colleagues, friends. They were like teenagers who didn’t realize that their parents were once in their shoes.

That set all of these Force Users on that road too. It really was a shame, especially since none of them seemed to realize that he was saying the same thing that they did. Fences needed to be mended, but they weren’t simply going to do it their way, they needed to learn how to compromise. Ryv trying his little appeal when he did only makes him look more childish, and that in itself was disappointing. At least the Zeltron girl tried to give an honest response to his comments, she wasn’t listening to him but she tried.

The Zeltron guy though just wanted to show the massive Jedi Master up and was comparing Jawas to Ewoks and to literally threaten him was not only unbecoming was a bait that Caltin was not going to take, not here not now. Whoever Knighted this kid did not deserve the title that they had gained. He was only concerned with his own beliefs, like many of them.

That was the center of it all, wasn’t it? Of course, he had already brought that up but that was neither here nor there. If they wanted to see and experience change, they needed to be it. Of course, telling them that was like telling a Sabaac dealer that he was doing it wrong. The big guy was just about to comment again when the Padawan Takui, one he originally thought to live his life with his nose buried in a book, not that there was anything wrong with this, made the best point of all and left the room. Caltin wasn’t annoyed anymore, he was just disappointed.

Actually, he’s almost right. “Jedi” aren’t dead… the Jedi are dead, save two of three of us. You want answers, you want to be treated as equals, then treat others the same way. You ruined your message with this little hissy fit. Do you really want to be better? Then be better, it’s as simple as that. BE the change you want to see. You’re so worried about who was lost, that’s honorable, what about those who are still here? Do they not matter? Are you only concerned about your feelings?

Holding his hands up as if to say "Relax", even emanating an aura of calm among the room, he straightened up. His tone was of disappointment, almost regretful and sad.

When I was a Jedi Knight, I had every issue you could think of with the council. Just like many of you, I felt that I and my fellow Jedi deserved answers from them at every turn. I also looked at them with concern that they were putting themselves on airs, but I “just wanted answers.” I didn’t hate anybody, but I didn’t like any of them for this, it changed little when I was granted the rank of Master. I stayed away from the Temples, choosing to stay in the field because I did not want any problems from, or for them or anyone. I preferred solitude and relying only on myself over being around my fellow Jedi.

Looking directly at Ryv, he continued.

I didn’t appreciate what I had. When I was frozen in ice on Rhen Var only to wake up eight hundred fifty years later, do you know what my first thought was? “What have I lost?” “What could I have changed?” I did not think about the fact that I was alive, I did not think about the fact that I could bring something to the Jedi, regardless of which faction of it would have me. No, I wanted and would have given everything to make it all right. When I came here, I realized that this is my second chance, and my opportunity to make things right.

Now abdomen to face with the Kiffar Knight, he actually walked in among the Assembly and looked out over everyone else.

You’re trying to be better, fine. You want mend fences, fine. I'm not "misguided" in what I said, you have no idea, but I never claimed to be an expert on anything that is going on here. I just spoke up because I did not like the way you were approaching this. You want to meet with them, do it, nothing wrong with any of that, don’t do it like this. Don’t continue the divide and create more resentment, do it right, no matter how respectful you think that you are being.

He gave a nod to Thurion and patted Desbre on the shoulder.

I think I’m going to go keep Taku company,

It was his turn to leave the room. Sure, he had more to say, a lot of it... but what was the point?



Aelys stood with the group of New Jedi placidly. After he had stepped forwards to voice his own query, it seemed as if the entire world around him began to light aflame. But in his typical fashion, he watched and observed silently. Who would heed the words of a Padawan, especially one as green as him. A new presence entered the room, and with how abrupt Laertia Io Laertia Io appeared and spoke, Aelys couldn't help but to look around, searching for reactions of the other Jedi.

She just admitted to slaughtering Jedi, didn't she? Shifty orbs panned through the room, curiousity getting the better of him to note if anyone else had recognized what just happened. But still, Aelys remained silent. His return to the Temple came after Dantooine, so there was little cause for him to take offense at the blatant disregard for dead strangers he had never met, regardless of what their titles were when they had been alive.

Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield stepped forwards to admit himself to the pleading gaze of Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze and the other members of the Masters Circle. Coming this far to Commenor -- not that far in hindsight, Aelys was doubtful that the Silver Jedi's assembly would accept the resignation of the former Grandmaster. Already a Jedi had admitted to killing Jedi and no one had even bat an eye. They care even less than I do. Huffing, Aelys actually smiled at that, as if the thought was somehow comical that there existed people who put less effort into being Jedi than him. On the ground he knelt in preparation for impending judgement, of which New Jedi like Auteme Auteme stepped forwards with Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive> to lower themselves with him. Blinking, he didn't regard either of them with a reaction.

Spawned from the harsh sands of Thyrsus and her warrior training regimens, Aelys would never kneel. Not for any Jedi or ceremony. Standing tall, ten toes -- kneeling was defeat. Weakness, an admission of ones guilt in this regard.

In quick fashion, the atmosphere of the room dropped with the likes of Ehri Ehri and Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor speaking. The first he couldn't see through the group of Jedi, but the second having the courtesy to at least maneuver to the centre of the room to admonish the New Jedi Order. Bobbing his head up and down, Aelys peered over at Ryv, "Did he just refer to the Sith as candy we can't have?" A dark brow arced up before his Master moved off to follow the large Jedi, a rotation of his head to follow. I guess that's why he's standing and doesn't get a seat like the rest of the Masters.

Others referred to the big Jedi too like, Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn . He hadn't met her before, hadn't even noticed she had been present with the Jedi, but, her words resonated with him. I'll feth up a Silver Jedi if I got to, he caught himself thinking while others went on to continuing speaking.

The Silver Masters started to address the room again. At that point, Aelys wandered forwards again, as the protocol droid referred to him. At which point, he gives a slow understanding nod. "Thanks Master... Droid..." Blinking, the bass filled voice of the Herglic Master filled the void after. Or'Fol Moric Or'Fol Moric gave reasonings, of which, Aelys listened intently.

"Silver Master..." The title trailed on, Aelys didn't know the Herglics name, or maybe he wasn't paying attention at the time it was mentioned. But still, he referred to him nonetheless. While he couldn't count many in the New Jedi as friends, the likes of Ryv Ryv and Takui Takui being lambasted by Jedi that fashioned them superior sparked a heat in him that prevented him from continuing his apathetic facade. "I'll be candid. You do not agree with the Concord - we don't either. But I request that you acknowledge that the Sith made it law to destroy their own cities and population centres in place of them falling into the hands of their own rebellion."

Sauntering closer so he could speak directly to the Herglic.

Both can be destroyed. Your Order needs not tarnish its name to protect the people of the Concord. You speak of Jedi and Imperials fighting to combat the Yuuzhan Vong... The New Jedi Order has joined with the New Imperials to destroy the Sith. Does the Concord control your Order? What prevents you from forbidding your Jedi from interfering?" His gaze snapped across the rest of the Silver Masters like Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Ammon Rane Ammon Rane , scrutinizing. "You would argue logistics and the betterment of fighting with the Sith rather than against them, rather than a war of two fronts... I did not hear of the Bryn'adul at Dantooine. But your Silver Jedi were. That is... The wrong front, isn't it?"
Laertia could do nothing but sigh as Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield told her to stand down. As she respected his pragmatism and his humble nature, she acquiesced, and made no further statements while the others talked. She was as unmoved as a glacier by the statements of Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei . The fact he was a former Sith changed absolutely nothing about the Galaxy's predicament. About each individual world's predicament. This was bigger than his past with the Sith. Any of their pasts with the Sith.

She grew sad but hid it as Thurion Starlin Rand Starlin Rand offered up their Lightsabers and words. She felt horrible about Starlin. He had followed Syd because Syd had followed her. And Laertia had chosen to kill rather than stand aside and lose the battle by inaction. She believed in her cause and was willing to kill to see it through, the same as Ryv Ryv and Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl , who clearly wouldn't offer up apologies for killing those they saw as obstacles any more than she would.

It had been eerie to her how little she was unsettled by the polarization in the room. Some Jedi voiced what she was saying. Others wanted her brought to justice. What, so they could crush the dissenters with her out of the way? No. She would rally whoever would follow her into battle to stop the Bryn'adul no matter who she had to team up with to get it done.

(Cutaway of Blue and the T-Rex fighting the Indominous Rex)

She simply stood silently away from Thurion and Starlin, but didn't lay down her Lightsabers. They were in service to a higher cause than loyalty to the Order, in the face of mounting opposition. Some voices gave encouragement that she wasn't a lone voice. She didn't dare think that would make them necessarily sympathetic to her...but at least some of them talked sense.

She tensed as a migraine started. The crystal in her black bladed Lightsaber suppressed most of the pain, but what got through still made her wince, clenching her organic fist reflexively to bear it. Hostilities erupted as Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor spoke, and she gave no reaction.

Zaavik's words to Thurion however, prompted her to finally speak.

"Master Heavenshield doesn't need my help to defeat you. But are you so callous you would crush Midvinter itself in the process? He 'is' Midvinter. You would do Carnifex's work for him."

She looked around.

"I bear no hatred for anyone in this room. And to answer your question..." she spoke quietly and calmly, turning to Aelys . "If Ryv had marched to Dantooine unopposed, it would have been the same as saying we were cool with his two front idea. But the truth is my actions at Dantooine were more to try and stymie and frustrate the New Imperial war effort against the Sith, by inflicting as much damage on their forces as possible, particularly their Force Users. Even if the Bryn'adul were not there, letting the NIO take it without meaningful opposition would have only emboldened them, and Ryv Ryv along with other NJO would have been more emboldened with their two front strategem. That Ryv and his supporters can still hold to this horrible idea amazes me, given the massive losses sustained at both Dantooine and Korriban, many of which would have at least been better served dying in battle against The Bryn'adul. The lives of all those planets currently under threat by the Bryn'adul matter more than my loyalty to this Order. Or its Code. A Jedi's life is sacrifice. If that is true, then I sacrifice my attachment to being perceived as a Jedi. If I must make the same bargains Thurion did just to save his own world, when I intend to save as many worlds as I can, I will make them. To do that, my blades are not yours to have, nor are they truly mine to surrender." she said quietly, hiding her migraine for the most part.

"I take no pleasure in any of this. Watching us fight about this. Those people didn't have to die at Dantooine. But 'not' opposing it would have been worse. What successes have we enabled the Bryn'adul to have by spending dwindling resources fighting our usual enemies like nothing is wrong? The Bryn'adul have only gotten stronger and more fanatical. Keep pointing to Yurb as a success. It was 'barely' a success. And do not forget the outright failure at Nar Kreeta before you tout it."

Mishel Kryze

Mishel finished her sandwich and looked at Romi Jade with that knowing look, a look that Coren Starchaser held about him. She had heard a lot of what was going on back and forth between the Silvers and the New Jedi Order. It was such a damn shame that they couldn't seem to understand anything of what they were saying. Back and forth again, semantics, the lot of them. Mishel listened as Aelys spoke his piece and so then she came forward dressed in an old Galactic Alliance fighter pilot jacket, a pair of Corellian flight pants with the blood stripes. Her hair swept back into a loose ponytail.
"Excuse me," interjected the neutral Force Master as she gazed upon the Silver Masters. Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield , Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala , Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin , and Or'Fol Moric Or'Fol Moric . She looked between them and any other of the Silver Jedi Masters present. Then a look toward Ryv Ryv and Auteme Auteme there was a quiet smile that she shared with them before she cleared her throat and addressed them all.
"I realize that I'm probably the absolute last person to have anything to say on the matter, but what we're missing here is the root cause of this entire meeting." She drew a breath and exhaled through her teeth, "and that is fear."
"Now, I know somewhere, some old codger of a Jedi is clinging to their code that fear is the gateway to the dark side, and you know what? If you let it fester, it sure as kriff is." Mishel looked away from the assembly for a moment and then turned toward Romi Jade Romi Jade before returning her attention the Silver Jedi Masters. "And there are people here who let that fear fester, rather than express it, rather than face it, they chose to internalize it."
"They chose to say I can do this without any help."
"And that wasn't true, was it?"
"Today we have a situation where Jedi have slain fellow Jedi, now take a moment to repeat that to yourselves. Jedi, have slain fellow Jedi and yet you're supposed to be protecting those who cannot protect themselves? Seems to me the Sith are more than capable of protecting themselves, or do I need to remind you of the three Sith who destroyed countless members of the Silver Jedi Sanctum on Ruusan?" A rhetorical question to be quite honest and it was one that sent a pointed look toward the masters of the Silver Jedi Concord. She paced back and forth, with a hand gesture here and there. Her tone was calm and serene, Mishel harbored no ill toward one order or the other.
"If the two orders present here are going to move forward with any semblance of cohesion then may I suggest that the next time. That you talk to one another as Jedi who wants to do what's best for those who live in this galaxy. It's clear you both want that, so maybe before you end up sending your respective burlap brigades at one another, seek each other out. Gain wisdom from one another, otherwise, you're only making the Sith's job of wiping out the Jedi and the Light, that much easier."
Mishel turned one last time toward Romi Jade, and gave a nod of her head. "That's all I had to say, thank you for your time."

She Left Behind A Legacy
Mishel Kryze

"Don't worry, there's no onions on it,"

She winced a bit confused, lurching back before scanning over only to do a double take. "Mish...?" -- wait -- was she fading again or?

"Oh m-" She reached out and pulled her in. This was one of those embraces she'd been waiting for; she hadn't seen her since she and Coren failed to talk her down and bring her home, and it was a heartbreak she'd always live with. It was hard when she heard of her death bu- kark stranger things have happened.

"I was so heartbroken over what happened -- I'm so sorry I abandoned you like that. I-" She pulled her in tighter, "How did you? When did you-"

she released, and took the sandwich "You know I can't eat this right? my figure...but I took a bad hit and it put me out for awhile. About Six months actually" She downplayed it, because she could hear Kyra now....and she didn't want to hear it from Mish either. "I'm still recovering but I needed to get away from Hapes for a gain some clarity. And, from hearing all of this...I think i've found my answer."


"When I get my strength back, we can do some training sure. Kale is a Knight I've got no one to trauma train." and there was her kittenish grin peeking through.


"Excuse me,"

"Mish!" she whisper-screamed.

The constant look and nod Mishel did to Romi provoked the blonde's eyes to widen as she stepped back.

So much for going unnoticed completely.

“We will judge those who identify themselves as Jedi killers, or those who openly admit their willingness to do so, very harshly. And we trust the New Jedi Order to do the same.”

Starlin was still kneeling as various people spoke, though his legs were starting to fall asleep due to the position. He shifted slightly, trying to relieve the pressure, and gnawed on his lip.

He had killed an NJO Padawan on Dantooine. It had been accidental—the Padawan had lunged at him, stupidly, and was impaled on Starlin’s lightsaber. The blade burned through him and his body hit the ground already dead. Even though it wasn’t necessarily Starlin’s fault… well, he still blamed himself. He should’ve been faster. Syd had taught him better than that.

Syd wasn’t here. Her absence was noticeable. But Laertia was here, angering everyone with her rhetoric, just like last time. Starlin winced at her harsh words. This conflict had hardened her heart even against her fellow Jedi. He wondered what they would do to her, and by extension to Syd.

Starlin wanted to keep training with Syd. She was his master. They had established a bond, a friendship that was genuine and natural. If she was no longer considered a Jedi in their eyes, well… that was what he really meant when he said maybe he shouldn’t count himself among them anymore. Syd and the partnership they had made mattered more to him than any faction.

Giving up the lightsaber she had helped him construct was a symbolic gesture; he had no intention of actually parting with it. He started to reach for it—

Only for a booted foot to suddenly appear and cover the hilt, barring him from touching it.

Starlin looked up, his eyes wide. “Tom?

Tom Kovack stood over him, looking more than a little bit spooked. He bent down and picked up Starlin’s lightsaber, holding it behind his back.

I know what you’re thinking,” Tom said. “Don’t throw it all away over this. Okkeus, Ripley, Aelys and all the rest of these NJO warmongers are full of hot air, so don’t pay their threats any mind. If the Silvers put you on trial, I’ll speak to the Assembly on your behalf. Hell, I may even be able to get Cotan himself to excuse you—he feels guilty enough about cutting off your hand as it is. Just don’t mention the details of what you did, and you’ll be fine.

Starlin blinked. “...Huh?

I’m saving your ass,” Tom hissed between his teeth, irritation creeping into his tone.

Wait, wait, wait—what I mean is, how did you know what I was thinking? Are you reading my mind? Quick—what am I thinking about right now?” At the blush creeping across Tom’s face, Starlin grinned. “Holy chit, man! That’s awesome! You can do mental stuff with the Force—I can’t even do that!

All right, settle down,” Tom muttered. “I can only read your thoughts and emotions because I know you well enough. Now, let's stay on topic. You don’t have to leave the Silvers or stop being a Jedi.

Starlin’s grin faded. “But back on Kashyyyk, you said

I was scared,” Tom interrupted. “We all were. Nobody knew what the feth was happening then. But now we know that it was all bullchit, and I am not letting you throw away your entire Jedi career because of bullchit. There’s no schism. We’ve all been wasting our time with this. I let you kneel very dramatically in front of everyone beside Thurion because I thought you were going to ask for forgiveness—that would’ve been very noble. Might’ve even endeared you to everyone. But instead you remained defiant.

I am defiant,” Starlin snapped, getting to his feet to face his friend. “I stand by what I said.

Do you intend to continue fighting alongside the Sith, then? Because they're oh-so-similar to the Jedi?

I… I’ll fight the Bryn’adul wherever I can," Starlin answered, his resolve wavering. He wasn't proud of how that part of his speech had sounded. He didn't mean that the Sith and the Jedi were alike in that there was no difference in their philosophy—he meant that they were sentient beings capable of growth, change, and most importantly redemption. The Bryn weren't redeemable; they just wanted to kill everyone. "Even if the Sith are fighting beside me.

You realize that, with there being no official alliance, they will consider you an enemy along with the Bryn? It’ll be within their rights to attack you. After all, it isn’t as if they were betraying an ally.” At the dejected look on Starlin’s face, Tom’s eyebrows rose, and there was a ghost of a rueful smile on his lips. “You were right—it would’ve been incredible to see the Jedi and the Sith banding together to defeat a common enemy, the enemy of all life.

It would’ve been glorious,” Starlin agreed softly.

But it didn’t happen the way you hoped, and you must accept that. Just like you’ll have to accept the fact that Syd isn’t perfect—although I think a case can be made for her being just as much a victim as you in this scenario.

Sighing, Starlin nodded. "Okay, yeah, I get it. I'll... see what the Silver Assembly does to me, I guess. I mean, I want to keep learning with them, really round out my training, at least..."

Tom held out Starlin’s lightsaber hilt for him to take. “You know, it would’ve been a lot easier to pull this thing to me with the Force rather than running across the room after Takui left just to step on it. Too bad my telekinesis sucks.

Mental powers are cooler. You can do Mind Trick and Telepathy and maybe even Battle Meditation.

Yes, but I can’t float the Holoscreen remote into my hand instead of getting up from the couch to pick it up, and I consider that a great tragedy.

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