Tathra Khaeus
Going back to your post you make another reference to the relative speed that the Epitaph is moving. (And yes, I see that you've edited the crashing part of your post.)
The Warship itself rocketing downward through the remains of the Concord vessel, some of the crew of the bridge thrown from their stations.
So while yes, you do mention is slowing down:
The Epitaph began to push through the city shield, losing a sixth of its speed as it pierced through the blue veil.
What is the relative speed of rocketing? Because that sounds pretty friggin fast. So what is losing a sixth of the speed of pretty friggin fast? Probably still a little on the fast side. So I really think I can be forgiven for assuming that something that was described to be
rocketing and
crashing hit pretty hard. You're making it sound like I'm just completely disregarding your post, but these are the words
YOU WROTE. Clarity is super important in invasion posts.
And for added reference, if we look at your submission for the ship in question we have: a speed rating of:
- Ready for some Speed, Schutta: For a vessel of its size, the Burrower is an incredibly fast orbital descent vessel. Using the Errindak to propel itself downward into a descent, crashing into the surface.
Can we see the overarching theme here? If not, it's
So if you want to write that the ship landed smoothly, you're going to need to be very specific about
how smoothly. Otherwise, based on what you wrote, I feel that it's only fair for those of us reading to assume that it's moving
pretty darn fast.
That all being said, if you want to go back and edit your post to add some clarity about exactly how fast it impacts the ground and what
you feel would be the appropriate level of damage inflicted therein, I will be happy to edit my post accordingly.