Got it, I removed the tag and the mention of your presence! As for mental warfare, something may or may not come up in the next post or two.Krarolk T'manu Just a heads up. Jairdain is not on the ground but up in space totally out of the physical battle. If you're able to give her some form of mental combat, I'm all for it!
Oh dang. I actually wasn’t as specific as I thought. I’ll make a quick edit.Mig Gred
I see the stuff you're referring to.
"The other fighters kept trying to deal with the fighter swarms"
"He glared, then heard a familiar deep rumble of a TwinTail's ion-jets"
Which to me the former sounded like a continuation of what was going on before so I didn't really feel a need to acknowledge the continuation? Doesn't mean its not happening, though I will edit it in. In regards to the second, I didn't really take anything specific away from that so I didn't try and dictate what the Twin Tails were doing.
Aien Mueller
Ah, guess I got that mixed up! 'll probably edit to get the details right but I don't think it changes the outcome/actions of the post. C:
Yep. Just a small bit tacked on to the end of where the TwinTail’s are mentioned
okay, sounds good.Aien Mueller
Hey just a heads up, I'll be your direct opposition for the defence of the Epitaph. But just to note, the Bryn don't use the Kraemonen as the literal interior of the ship, all the Kraemonen would be underneath the plating, it'd for the most part look like an ordinary ship. Sort of. Just for future reference.