Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Star Wars - Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Connor Harrison said:
A reminder how some of the fans reacted back in 1999 to a certain 'The Phantom Menace'. My how times change. Will it be the same for 'The Force Awakens'?

I love the lady that stated the Phantom Menace was a 'wonder of the world'.


Connor Harrison

There probably will be but I hope not.

It'll be good to see which publications / bloggers etc actually care enough about the franchise, the industry and the fans to keep spoilers and leaks away as best they can in reviews or initial feelings.

Gonna be risky on social media this week for everyone!

Connor Harrison

I'm unplugging from social media now the film has premiered in LA.

I've seen small Twitter comments from news websites and, thankfully, nothing but good. VERY good.


*feels sick with excitement and nerves*

So close. So close now.....!

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Vornskr"] I will give you only the best, with a toy lightsaber (crimson blade of course) atop the coffin as we blast you into space to drift into that galaxy far, far away. Hopefully you wont burn up leaving the atmosphere but we'll sort that out in time.
I don't know how I'm going to survive this next week or so. I don't even know when I'll be able to see the movie (my family never goes the opening week). All I know is that I'll have to stay off of my usual social media whatnots. I'm surprised Tumblr doesn't have the entire movie gifed yet.
Tumblr is generally surprisingly quick when it comes to giffing things. Give it a few more days and I'll be able to go through the whole movie- just without sound.
So much waiting...

I can't stand it!

Good reviews via twitter. Makes me even more excited. Some people ranking it top 3 all time in SW movies. It's killing me that it's so close!

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Vornskr"] It is indeed - Star Wars rules the world once more. :D

[member="Triampheus"] I hope you get to see it soon! Social Media is going to be a nasty place give or take a few days and people start spouting off plot points and things without thinking.

Connor Harrison

[member="Galatea Raste"] Good idea. Twitter also is dangerous.

I am looking forward to seeing legit, non-spoiler reviews from respected media outlets. Just really eager to see what the general vibe is!

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