Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Star Wars - Episode VII: The Force Awakens

[member="Oka Osaa"]


Its been sixty years xD Nah, now its a thing called the First Order (Galactic Empire wannabes with cooler looking Stormtroopers) and the Resistance (Basically the Rebels, just far more established as a military, now).

Also, there are no more Sith, it seems. They were, at last, destroyed. But so were the Jedi, basically. The Force is in balance, I guess, if by balance you mean end the thousands of years of war between Jedi and Sith by just having both end up getting slaughtered by basically a third factor. But now, there are new bad guys who basically worship Vader called the Knights of Ren, who are the 'Sith' of the FO. Luke went into self-imposed exile due to how powerful he was in the Force: He started losing control of it how OP he was, so he ran from everything.

Basically, the galaxy is similar to Chaos, in which there is a great, well, power vacuum, except its only two major factions we know of that are fighting (Resistance and First Order) over it while everyone else, neutral or naw, is caught in the crossfire. Oh, and Boba Fett officially survived, as stated by Luscasfilms and, I believe, J.J. Abrams.
John Cardlan said:
Luke went into self-imposed exile due to how powerful he was in the Force: He started losing control of it how OP he was, so he ran from everything.
This is 100% speculation.

John Cardlan said:
Basically, the galaxy is similar to Chaos, in which there is a great, well, power vacuum, except its only two major factions we know of that are fighting (Resistance and First Order) over it while everyone else, neutral or naw, is caught in the crossfire. Oh, and Boba Fett officially survived, as stated by Luscasfilms and, I believe, J.J. Abrams.
It is largely believed that the Republic probably still exists.
My prediction is that Kylo Ren is Han and Leia's son. I predict that Han and Leia were together for a while but have since split up by the time Episode VII happens. Perhaps Kylo grew up under the tutelage of Luke Skywalker himself but became obsessed with the Dark Side and other so-called "forbidden" parts of history. Basically like a sort of teenage rebellion thing.
I still believe that the Knights of Ren were Luke's original attempt to create a New Jedi Order after ROTJ, but eventually they delved too deeply into dark lore and turned on him (perhaps even being influenced by the esoteric Snoke?).

Connor Harrison

And this is why Luke possible retreated away, hiding somewhere to protect himself and others? Only when it's clear he has a chance to help repel evil, does he come back out to the galaxy?

So many theories!

Luthian Omondon

sᴀɴᴛᴀ·s ᴄᴏᴍɪɴ· ᴛᴏ ᴛᴏᴡɴ
Out of all honesty, I think Finn is gonna die ( or be exiled / lost and whatevs). Once Finn kinda disappears or fake dies, he meets Luke Skywalker and becomes his apprentice or something. Then Rey ends up having the force and ends up being Hans and Leia's kid. I haven't seen any tv spots (I've avoided Youtube and TV for two months now o . o ) but as far as I'm aware Leia nor Rey have been in the same scene together.

I have one theory that may be wrong, but I honestly think that Kylo Ren is Luke Skywalker..

NO MATTER! THE HYPE IS REAL! I have my force awakening pants ready for the theaters. I'm seeing it on the 17th rather than the 18th ^ . ^

Connor Harrison

[member="Luthian Omondon"] I won't say a word for or against your theories if you've done well to avoid TV spots! :D

Not long now. 17th for me too... 00:01am. :p

Here are some more pics to keep us going....








Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Vornskr"] :(

I'd hug you but wouldn't want to tarnish our reputations here.

I wonder how it will take with the critics....the savages.
[member="Luthian Omondon"]

Not to crap on your theory, but if Kylo Ren ends up being Luke, that will be an epic fail. Mark Hamill has already gone on record saying the movie has an epic moment, like when Vader reveals to Luke who his father really is.

If Ren is Luke, that's not an "Oh my Force!" moment, but more of an "I thought Lucas signed over his rights?" kind of moment.

Same goes for that ridiculous Jar Jar theory.

Connor Harrison

A new international trailer, with nothing we've not really seen before except a couple new shots; nothing to give narrative away IMO.

Just worth it for the awesome dark music in the opening 20 seconds alone!

Connor Harrison

A reminder how some of the fans reacted back in 1999 to a certain 'The Phantom Menace'. My how times change. Will it be the same for 'The Force Awakens'?


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