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Star Wars - Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Darth Vornskr said:
Really gives me vibes of the Nazi dress for some reason, which just adds to the fascism inherent in the First Order's aesthetic.
Indeed, that would be keeping with the way the Empire is designed. His coat looks like a German officer's jacket.

It also looks like he has a cuff title reminiscent of those worn by the German army and Waffen SS.
Example of a Waffen SS cuff title, in standard practice to be worn on the left sleeve six inches up.


The appearance and placement is just like General Hux's coat.

I absolutely love it.

History was always one of my favorite things to read about and study in my free time, especially German history from the ye olde Germanic tribes to Nazi Germany, so I read a lot about the Nazis.

Although I don't consider myself a real expert on the subjects, I just like to read.

[member="Darth Immortus"]

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Vornskr"] I agree - a strong Nazi officer vibe from his look, with that jacket too. Even the shot of the First Order all stationed out before him on the podium harkens back to that 1939 era of the Nazis. Such much fantasy rooted in so much fact.
Connor Harrison said:
Just a great nod to Darth Revan's look I think, from our Kylo Ren.

I do not think it is a proper nod. Honestly a lot of masks look very similar. Mandalorian ones have been similar looking. It is rather generic in the Star Wars universe.
Connor Harrison said:
agree - a strong Nazi officer vibe from his look, with that jacket too. Even the shot of the First Order all stationed out before him on the podium harkens back to that 1939 era of the Nazis. Such much fantasy rooted in so much fact.

The scenes are probably an homage to what I believe is referred to as the Triumph of Will.

Connor Harrison

[member="Selena Halcyon"] That's the imagery, yeah.

And ok maybe not an obvious nod and intentionally done, I just like the similar style of mask used and the design. Kylo is going to be a super villain I think.
Darth Vornskr said:

I absolutely love it.

History was always one of my favorite things to read about and study in my free time, especially German history from the ye olde Germanic tribes to Nazi Germany, so I read a lot about the Nazis.

Although I don't consider myself a real expert on the subjects, I just like to read.

[member="Darth Immortus"]

I've been studying German military history for several years.
Selena Halcyon said:
The scenes are probably an homage to what I believe is referred to as the Triumph of Will.
It indeed reminded me of this too. This was actually the Nuremberg Rally, which was an annual event. Triumph of the Will was a 1935 movie by Leni Riefenstahl that showed footage of the Nuremberg Rally. Regardless of what you feel about the propaganda, it's actually widely considered to be a fantastic movie. Check it out.

Back in the similar scenes in Return of the Jedi, Lucas said he was influenced by the Soviet May Day parades. But the whole aesthetic has always seemed so obviously taken from Nuremberg to me. I'm willing to bet that Lucas saw Triumph of the Will on at least one occasion and was definitely influenced by it.

Connor Harrison

Yeah I felt that was pretty....bold.

From what I read this isn't an official poster, it's just an exclusive promo for those at D23. But with that image on Finn and the saber (looking much like the Anakin/Luke hilt), then Disney may need to take the next step in marketing to satisfy those with BIG questions about his place in this.
Yeah this picture doesn't look like a full legit Star Wars movie poster. It has a lot of the right stuff, but it does not have everything that I would expect given all the other outstanding Star Wars posters.

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