Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Star Wars - Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Connor Harrison

Actually makes me emotional watching that.

How breath-taking are those opening few seconds with the crashed X-Wing and Star Destroyer...and that music?

Oh my god.

Connor Harrison

Vanity Fair features new look at our leads!


Connor Harrison

Funny how the omitted Poe and Leia, you'd have thought they'd make a big reveal for her along with Han and Chewie.

Luke I gather IS going to remain a mystery in his appearance I bet.

Connor Harrison

New commentary from JJ on his view of 'TFA' :

“There are a few specific references that are kind of my own little stupid, secret ones,” Abrams admits, “But what I realized early on was it was all about point of view – meaning it’s not like you just objectively throw in a star field or a spaceship or a desert planet or whatever the thing.

The question is, who is that person in that experience? Why does it matter to them? What are they desperate for or afraid of? For me, you could reference all the stuff you want, but the experience of the audience in this is that they’ve got to be sitting with someone who happens to be on-screen going through these experiences. And then that’s not just a desert planet; it could be the most desperate place in the world. Or that’s not just a spaceship flying by; it could be the greatest, most heroic moment of your life.

That, to me, has been the constant struggle: to make sure that none of these things are treated like either they’re a museum piece and we’re trying to honor them or they’re gratuitous and thrown in because, well, it’s a ‘Star Wars’ movie, so you’ve got to put these things in. Everything has got to be essential to the characters in the film.”


Well-Known Member
I didn't read what the current topic being discussed is, but I have one crucial question that will affect my opinion of you:

Is anyone else excited to find out if we get new renditions of the Imperial March? I want more Imperial March.
I just googled 'Snoke' and it returned images of Snooki (chick from Jersey Shore).

I, just....what.

Looks more and more like he'll be apart of the First Order.

Connor Harrison

[member="Sygne"] I can certainly imagine him in a throne room or command station, seated much like the Emperor, but more of a Grand Admiral Thrawn-esque character.

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