The Widow
Submission Name: Hana-Class Refinery Station
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Danger Arceneau won ownership of the Hana Class Refinery Station at the SSB Auction. Thread here
Changing ownership and affiliation to Danger and Arceneau Trade Company.
Image Credit: Trade Station 03
Intent: To create a deep space manufacturing facility.
Development Thread: Abandoned : The Discovery | Abandoned : Anyone Got A Map?
Manufacturer: Orginally : Ithorian SkyYards , Modified by : Salacia Consolidated
Model: Hana-Class Refinery Station
Affiliation: Danger Arceneau - Arceneau Trade Company
Modularity: Minor(interior equipment)
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel, Transparisteel. Various other minor components.
The Hana-Class Refinery Station was salvaged in what was once Horde space. Being beat up by the asteroid field for some time, the station had good bones but needed repair. This lead Salacia Consolidated to modify the station into a manufacturing and refining hub rather than restore it to its former glory as a floating way point. Salacia was cautious to haul the station out of Horde space, beginning the repairs over a more neutral location in Protectorate territory.
The station serves many roles : refinery, manufacture and distribution. The interior is all business, maintaining a plethora of equipment used to turn raw materials into desired goods and products. Currently the station is outfitted to turn raw minerals into solid metals along with the production of droids. Should a buyer feel differently, the station could easily be arranged and retrofitted to a variety of manufacturing materials.
An interior hangar system serves as a drop-off and pick-up location for many smaller ships. A docking arm extends from the station, allowing for large vessels to load/unload their goods. In addition, the Hana-Class can be moved to where the owner sees fit, providing they have enough time an energy. The station cannot move on its own, simply remaining in orbit above a planetary or moon location until towed away to the next area.
During the Southern Systems Business Bazaar Expo, Judah Dashiell placed for auction the Hana refinery station. Danger Arceneau became the winning bidder, and now has the Hana Refinery station in her sole possession.
Classification: Space Station
Role: Refinement and Manufacturing
Height: 350 meters (highest point)
Width: 250 meters
Length: 600 meters (longest point)
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Fuel Cells
Hyperdrive Rating: N/A
Minimum Crew: 150
Optimal Crew: 450
Armaments: None
Hangar: Available interior space for vessels up to 175 meters to enter. All other vessels use the extended docking arm for loading and unloading of goods.
Non-Combative Attachments:
-Molecular Furnace(x4)
-Self-Regulating Droid Maker (x1)
-Holonet Receiver
-Deflector Shields
-Sensor Array
Passenger Capacity: 1,000
Cargo Capacity: 25,000 Tons
Consumables: 8 Months
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 10 - The station needs assistance to move, a very lengthy and time consuming process.
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Danger Arceneau won ownership of the Hana Class Refinery Station at the SSB Auction. Thread here
Changing ownership and affiliation to Danger and Arceneau Trade Company.

Image Credit: Trade Station 03
Intent: To create a deep space manufacturing facility.
Development Thread: Abandoned : The Discovery | Abandoned : Anyone Got A Map?
Manufacturer: Orginally : Ithorian SkyYards , Modified by : Salacia Consolidated
Model: Hana-Class Refinery Station
Affiliation: Danger Arceneau - Arceneau Trade Company
Modularity: Minor(interior equipment)
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel, Transparisteel. Various other minor components.
The Hana-Class Refinery Station was salvaged in what was once Horde space. Being beat up by the asteroid field for some time, the station had good bones but needed repair. This lead Salacia Consolidated to modify the station into a manufacturing and refining hub rather than restore it to its former glory as a floating way point. Salacia was cautious to haul the station out of Horde space, beginning the repairs over a more neutral location in Protectorate territory.
The station serves many roles : refinery, manufacture and distribution. The interior is all business, maintaining a plethora of equipment used to turn raw materials into desired goods and products. Currently the station is outfitted to turn raw minerals into solid metals along with the production of droids. Should a buyer feel differently, the station could easily be arranged and retrofitted to a variety of manufacturing materials.
An interior hangar system serves as a drop-off and pick-up location for many smaller ships. A docking arm extends from the station, allowing for large vessels to load/unload their goods. In addition, the Hana-Class can be moved to where the owner sees fit, providing they have enough time an energy. The station cannot move on its own, simply remaining in orbit above a planetary or moon location until towed away to the next area.
During the Southern Systems Business Bazaar Expo, Judah Dashiell placed for auction the Hana refinery station. Danger Arceneau became the winning bidder, and now has the Hana Refinery station in her sole possession.
Classification: Space Station
Role: Refinement and Manufacturing
Height: 350 meters (highest point)
Width: 250 meters
Length: 600 meters (longest point)
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Fuel Cells
Hyperdrive Rating: N/A
Minimum Crew: 150
Optimal Crew: 450
Armaments: None
Hangar: Available interior space for vessels up to 175 meters to enter. All other vessels use the extended docking arm for loading and unloading of goods.
Non-Combative Attachments:
-Molecular Furnace(x4)
-Self-Regulating Droid Maker (x1)
-Holonet Receiver
-Deflector Shields
-Sensor Array
Passenger Capacity: 1,000
Cargo Capacity: 25,000 Tons
Consumables: 8 Months
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 10 - The station needs assistance to move, a very lengthy and time consuming process.