Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Starship Submission Modifications


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Submission Name: XQ4-B Platform
Link to Submission: Here
Reason for Modification: I feel as if it was massively overnerfed and would like to bring it back up to only slightly nerfed standards

Affiliation: Tenloss Corporation, Open Market
Manufacturer: Tenloss Corporation
Model: XQ4-B Platform
Modularity: Yes, the ships that can dock can vary in size, though anything smaller than a Frigate or larger than a Star Destroyer cannot dock at this station. Also, the ship can be connected at the base of the spire to the base of the XQ4-A's spire to create a 900x900x900m station that can handle both small craft and larger ships as a waypoint or transportation hub. The XQ4-B is, however, sold and operated as a stand-alone station.
Production: Minor
Material: Alusteel, Durasteel, and other space station construction components
Classification: Transportation/Customs hub, "Rest" station, Planet-to-Orbit relay point, etc.

Length: 900m
Width: 900m
Height: 450m

  • 30 Mass Driver cannons
  • 30 Quad Laser batteries

  • External docking space for 6-10 Frigates or small Cruisers
  • External docking tethers for 2-3 large Cruisers or Destroyers

Special Features:
  • Refueling stations on board ship
  • External docking stations for Frigates or small Cruisers
  • External docking tethers for large Cruisers or Destroyers
  • "Rest area" consisting of restaurants, sleeping areas, shops, etc.
  • Communications Array
  • Encryption Network
  • Escape Pods
  • Holonet Transceiver
  • Standard Shield Generator
  • Standard Detention Cells
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Tractor Beams
(Unless otherwise noted, 'Standard' denotes the civilian standard, not military standard)

Maneuverability: 17
Hyperdrive Class: None, though the ship can be installed with a temporary Class 10 Hyperdrive in order to have it delivered on site. After delivery, the hyperdrive is removed, but can be later reinstalled to place the station at a different location.

  • Large capacity for personnel and guests
  • Refueling capabilities
  • Capable of docking Frigates, Cruisers, and Destroyers
  • Can connect to the XQ4-A platform to create a 900x900x900m platform capable acting as a trading and transportation hub for both small and large ships.
  • Civilian station means that armor is a secondary, or tertiary, thought
  • The weapons are simple and very, very basic
  • The station is fragile as it does not have the same reinforcement structure a military station would have


With galactic travel on the rise and the need for more waypoints and general rest stations becoming more and more apparent, Tenloss decided to capitalize on the gap.

The XQ4-B Platform is the other half of the solution to the problem. Capable of docking Frigates, Cruisers, and Destroyers via docking ports or tethers to the station, the XQ4-B is perfect for acting as a transportation hub and rest area. The station features a rest area for passengers and pilots alike as well as restaurants, shops, refueling centers, and other such locations. The station is only nine hundred meters at the longest point, but most of the internal space is given over to docking areas, personnel areas, and rest/retail areas.

The main ability the station has is that it can connect and attach to its twin, the XQ4-A, to form a major transportation hub. The two stations connected make a double ended barbell-esque facility capable of acting as a larger waypoint station for both small and large ships. The connection must be done by specially trained crews with the assistance of tractor beams and takes at least a day to complete safely. Disconnection takes about as long as the connection, while strong enough to hold the two stations together with ease, is fragile and can be easily damaged by weapon fire, thereby breaking the joint and possibly sending both stations out of orbit or into each other.

The faults of this station are simple and typical of civilian stations. The armor is thick enough to prevent stray debris and starfighter weapons from penetrating, but is overall very thin and susceptible to heavier weapons such as capital weapons, concussion missiles, and bombs. The station is also very fragile as it is mostly open internal space for guests and personnel and is not designed up to military standards. The station does feature thirty capital grade weapons and batteries of point defense, but the defensive weapons are mostly to prevent larger debris and asteroids from impacting the station while the heavier weapons are designed mostly to dissuade pirates from attacking.

All in all, the station is hardly a front line installation, but perfect as a transportation hub or rest/waypoint station.

Development Thread: N/A
Intent: To create a basic, civilian space station with a unique ability that can function as a transportation hub or traveler's rest area.

Submission Name: XQ4-A Platform
Link to Submission: here
Reason for Modification: Again, I felt it was overnerfed and wish to have it brought up to the slightly nerfed level.

Affiliation: Tenloss Corporation, Open Market
Manufacturer: Tenloss Corporation
Model: XQ4-A Platform
Modularity: Yes, the ships that can dock can vary in size, though anything larger than a Corvette cannot dock at this station. Also, the ship can be connected at the base of the spire to the base of the XQ4-B's spire to create a 900x900x900m station that can handle both small craft and larger ships as a waypoint or transportation hub. The XQ4-A is, however, sold and operated as a stand-alone station.
Production: Minor
Material: Alusteel, Durasteel, and other space station construction components
Classification: Transportation/Customs hub, "Rest" station, Planet-to-Orbit relay point, etc.

Length: 900m
Width: 900m
Height: 450m

  • 30 Mass Driver cannons
  • 30 Quad Laser batteries

  • Hangar space for 96-144 individual ships between starfighter and light freighter size
  • External docking sections to allow between 6-12 individual ships between large freighter and corvette size

Special Features:
  • Refueling stations on board ship
  • External docking stations for large freighters/corvettes
  • "Rest area" consisting of restaurants, sleeping areas, shops, etc.
  • Communications Array
  • Encryption Network
  • Escape Pods
  • Holonet Transceiver
  • Standard Shield Generator
  • Standard Detention Cells
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Tractor Beams
(Unless otherwise noted, 'Standard' denotes the civilian standard, not military standard)

Maneuverability: 17
Hyperdrive Class: None, though the ship can be installed with a temporary Class 10 Hyperdrive in order to have it delivered on site. After delivery, the hyperdrive is removed, but can be later reinstalled to place the station at a different location.

  • Large capacity for personnel, guests, and ships
  • Refueling capabilities
  • Capable of housing personal ships and docking corvettes
  • Can connect to the XQ4-B platform to create a 900x900x900m platform capable acting as a trading and transportation hub for both small and large ships.
  • Civilian station means that armor is a secondary, or tertiary, thought
  • The weapons are simple and very, very basic
  • The station is fragile as it does not have the same reinforcement structure a military station would have


With galactic travel on the rise and the need for more waypoints and general rest stations becoming more and more apparent, Tenloss decided to capitalize on the gap.

The XQ4-A Platform is half of the solution to the problem. Capable of housing a large amount of personal ships within its hangar and a fair number of corvettes via external docking ports, the XQ4-A is perfect for acting as a transportation hub and rest area. The station features a rest area for passengers and pilots alike as well as restaurants, shops, refueling centers, and other such locations. The station is only nine hundred meters at the longest point, but most of the internal space is given over to hangar space and rest/retail areas.

The main ability the station has is that it can connect and attach to its twin, the XQ4-B, to form a major transportation hub. The two stations connected make a double ended barbell-esque facility capable of acting as a larger waypoint station for both small and large ships. The connection must be done by specially trained crews with the assistance of tractor beams and takes at least a day to complete safely. Disconnection takes about as long as the connection, while strong enough to hold the two stations together with ease, is fragile and can be easily damaged by weapon fire, thereby breaking the joint and possibly sending both stations out of orbit or into each other.

The faults of this station are simple and typical of civilian stations. The armor is thick enough to prevent stray debris and starfighter weapons from penetrating, but is overall very thin and susceptible to heavier weapons such as capital weapons, concussion missiles, and bombs. The station is also very fragile as it is mostly open internal space for guests and personnel and is not designed up to military standards. The station does feature thirty capital grade weapons and batteries of point defense, but the defensive weapons are mostly to prevent larger debris and asteroids from impacting the station while the heavier weapons are designed mostly to dissuade pirates from attacking.

All in all, the station is hardly a front line installation, but perfect as a transportation hub or rest/waypoint station.

Development Thread: N/A
Intent: To create a basic, civilian space station with a unique ability that can function as a transportation hub or traveler's rest area.

For the two submission edits, the only things edited were the size of both stations (bumping them up to the original sizes and, therefore, the size of the two connected [100m under 1,000m however]) and bumping the guns back up to the original amount.
[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

Hey Spencer. The ship was never approved. So its not a modification to anything in existence. Just changes to an old sub, but enough that seemed to warrent a fresh start. If you don't think so though, I can simply copy my new sub and paste it over the old one after it is brought out of archives. Let me know which you prefer. Either the way it is, or bring out the old one. Thanks.
[member="Ice"] If the ship wasn't approved and not a modification...what is it doing in the modification thread? Anything in archives needs to be second chanced to be brought back out. I'm trying to understand what you're trying to do here.

Edit: Either way, if you look at every other modification there is a dev thread attached. No exceptions.
[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

....What? The ship isn't in the modifications thread... I'm confused. I'm also not second chancing the old ship. Though it was never denied either, simply awaiting dev threads. A WIP if you will. The old ship however, was an assault class frigate. This is a support class frigate. Same pic but different ship in a lot of ways. It didn't make much sense to redo the old sub so much as apposed to simply starting fresh. I mean, if you really want me too, I have no problem doing that. Just let me know.
[member="Ice"] Okay.

Obviously I'm misunderstanding here. Please basically spell it out for me what exactly you want done. By the way it sounded was that you were trying to change the ship that's approved to the ship that is waiting for dev threads lol.
[member="Spencer Jacobs"] lol no worries. In a nutshell, ignore the old ship sub cuz the new one has so many changes as to not really be the same vessel. Ayden and I are currently in deliberations on my Shadow Raven sub that now has almost 250 posts backing it. No modifications, no second chances, no bringing out old subs. Simply Ayden judging a new ship design. (Though admittedly with the judges suggestions in it from the old one)
Submission Name: Dreadnought Cruiser Class II
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Historically it was a heavy power house and was dubbed a heavy cruiser. Minor alterations to some of its armaments are made to reflect it. In addition so its speed is more measurable on the new scale.


  • Long Range Quad Turbolaser Turrets x 6
  • Turbolaser Batteries x 12
  • Heavy Concussion Missile Launchers x 6
  • Quad Laser Cannons x 20
  • Flak Cannons x 8
  • Point-Defense Cannons x 8
Speed Rating: 14

Maneuverability Rating: 14
Submission Name: The Lethewalker
Link to Submission: Here
Reason for Modification: I alchemized it.
Modification: Add 'alchemical metal (superstructure)' to Materials, and the following paragraph to Description:

At the Battle of Chalcedon, the Lethewalker was tasked to disable several escaping slaver craft. One of them entered a decaying orbit; lacking support, the Lethewalker's only option was to attempt to use its two tractor beams and powerful engines to pull the far larger ship out of the gravity well, at the risk of ripping the tractor beam housing right off the hull. Rave decided to apply alchemy to the tractor beam housing and the superstructure elements that held it in place. Over the course of the battle, and for some time afterward, she applied alchemy to the entire superstructure. The hull plating remains alusteel-reinforced quadranium; the ship's bones, however, are effectively indestructible, greatly increasing the Lethewalker's collision resistance and overall durability.
The Admiralty
Submission Name: The Ghost Ship
Link to Submission: [x]
Reason for Modification: Updating the ship to new guidelines, changing the affiliation and modernizing it in general.

Image Source: [x]
Affiliation: Personal/ One Sith
Manufacturer: Excelsior Aerospace, Sienar Fleet Systems
Model: Derriphan-Class Command Ship
Modularity: Hanger and payload configurations, otherwise no.
Production: Unique

  • Nightshadow(over hull plating)

  • Durasteel(most systems)

  • Turadium(blast doors, bridge, recessed shield generators)

  • Standard Materials(electronics and other miscellaneous systems)
Classification: Command Ship

Length: 3000m
Width: 500m
Height: 1000m at tallest point, 500m average

Capital Guns

Defense Guns

  • Quad Laser Cannons (50)

  • Flak Cannons (30)

  • Point-Defense Cannons (65)

  • Antimissile Octets (20)

  • Point-defense collision-aversion pressor beams (10; starboard 10; port hangar 10; Bridge)

Special Features:

  • Advanced Navigation Systems

  • Advanced Targeting System

  • Advanced Sensor Array

  • Communications Array

  • Heavy redundant shield generators x2 (recessed and turadium plated)

  • Reinforced Hull

  • Ranger Transceiver

  • Directed Energy Receptors

  • Escape Pods

  • Holocron Vault

  • Life Support Systems

  • HIMS

  • Advanced Detention Cells: including five Universal Energy Cages

  • Tractor Beams

Maneuverability: 18
Speed Rating: 18
Hyperdrive Class: 1.0 (Class 10 backup)

  • It Hits Hard

  • It Can Take Punishment

  • Reasonable Hangar load-out

  • It’s really, really slow.

  • Maneuverability is another low-point, anything can outwing this.

  • Most of its armament went into capital guns, meaning that anything with speed is able to get into its defenses, without backup things won’t go well.


The Umbra is Carach’s personal command ship, refitted by Excelsior Aerospace and Sienar Fleet Systems during the reconstruction of the infamous Ghost Ship of the Corporate Sector. It received a modern armament, making it able to go toe-to-toe with most heavy-hitting ships of the Galaxy, a lot of funding, research and experimenting went into this ship. Through his position as the Voice of the Dark Lord the funding-part was realized, with credits flowing in from the One Sith.

Through his ‘acquaintance’ with Ovmar he managed to draw from many pools of knowledge to augment the ship. Ships like the Dzu’ari, the Astral Horizon, the Starfall, the Acerbitas all served as inspirations to the Umbra, the way they handled their weapon-to-shield capacities, the vast amount of power requirements and more.

In the end the Umbra is unique in many ways, its armament is heavy-hitting, but nothing original, its shield and hull strength is awe-inspiring, but it’s the way the ship can function as an extension of the owner’s will that sets it apart.

From the Old Submission: "The Ghost Ship of the Corporate Sector was first known as the Emperor's Pride, and was built to combat the incoming Clockwork menace in the mid-400's ABY. Taking a concept from a Sith Meditation Sphere he made the ship it's own entity, a being that could communicate through Force Based Telepathy and naturally sought out the most powerful Sith it could find as it's owner. The Sith Emperor believed, perhaps incorrectly, that by making it the Ship a sithspawn that was inherently subservient to the Sith it would remain to him rather than OMNI."

This continues to be the case with the Umbra, it's very much still its own entity, but after meticulous experimentation the ship is now truly Carach's ship. It will no longer run after the strongest Sith Lord, and continue to be loyal to Carach, a reasonable evolution from the Sith Meditation Sphere of old.

  • Minimum Crew: 0 (With 'Ship' Mind), 6,700 (Without 'Ship' mind)

  • Optimal Crew: 12,500 (With 'Ship' Mind), 23,000 (Without 'Ship' Mind)

  • Passenger Capacity: 12,000

  • Cargo Capacity: 25,000 Metric Tonnes

  • Consumables: 2.5 years
Old description
The Ghost Ship of the Corporate Sector was first known as the Emperor's Pride, and was built to combat the incoming Clockwork menace in the mid-400's ABY. Taking a concept from a Sith Meditation Sphere he made the ship it's own entity, a being that could communicate through Force Based Telepathy and naturally sought out the most powerful Sith it could find as it's owner. The Sith Emperor believed, perhaps incorrectly, that by making it the Ship a sithspawn that was inherently subservient to the Sith it would remain to him rather than OMNI. Continuing along with the trend of combating the droid menace with organic or force based creatures he opted to build old Imperial Shadow Droids rather than traditional fighters or bombers, removed all normal heavy warheads with "shadow" heavy warheads(warheads with no propulsion other than Telekinesis), and a mild Nightshadow coating over the helm to reduce detection at a minor rate(not to be used as stealth, but rather a little boost against sensor). Realizing the necessity of manpower he also forwent putting in a traditional army, instead filling the ship to the brim with Sithspawn.

Their are certain inherent problems with keeping up with large quantities of Silooth, Terentateks, Tuk'ata, Rhakghouls, etc. Number one, you have to keep them away from your normal crew in order to ensure their survival, and number two, you need to find a way to feed all of them. The first issue was solved by sealing the Sithspawn in habitats, while putting in emergency blast doors and methods to seal off bulkheads in case of a containment breach. The second issue was solved through time, pain staking searches, and ingenuity. The Sith Emperor ordered that all Gen'Dai that could be found in the galaxy be captured, contained, and sent to the Emperor. Once acquired he put them, armorless, in massive vats filled with as many Gen'Dai as he could find. As mere heads and masses of constantly regenerating tissue and muscles the Vats would, at random time intervals, grind out the bottom of the vat until sensors found a head. This grinded meat would then be sent through tubing and disperse from the ceiling into the containment habitats. As the war with OMNI continued and rations became more and more scare however the Sith Emperor decreed to increase production of the Gen'Dai meat, and ordered the crew to dine on the Gen'Dai as well, almost prompting a civil war aboard his ship. After a dozen men were sealed in the terentatek habitat however peace quickly resumed.

Despite the many precautions made to combat the nanite menace however, the war against OMNI was slow, wrought with pyrric victories, lots of fleeing, and what was deemed to a never ending cycle of taking down a few ships, taking back a planet or two, losing the planet, fleeing, taking down a few ships, taking a new planet, losing new planet, etc. Thus in his Hubris the aging Sith Emperor decided to attempt to make a new Sith Spawn, one he thought that he could control where others had failed. Able to feed off of the negative emotion of the Darkside, teleport from one place to another in the blink of an eye, change states of matter at will, the Withered Smoke would be the edge he needed to defeat OMNI. Though he was successful in creating a trio of Withered Smoke he was unable to control them, and the three overpowered him before engaging the crew. In the cross-fire the Sithspawn Habitats were released, and many of the crew were killed as a result, prompting a large increase in the Rhakghoul population, and at least a dozen, perhaps two, Withered Smoke to prowl the halls of the ship. Dozens of bulkheads were sealed, along with atmosphere being vented from this wing or other, making the inner workings of the the ship a veritable labyrinth of monstrocities filled with the occasional dropping of Gen'Dai muscle tissue from the ceilings.

For the next few months the Ghost Ship, still a sentient being, waged the war against OMNI and sought a new master. Not having the tactical mind or leadership necessary to properly wage the war however, the Ghost Ship often suffered critical system damages, until finally it could no longer fight without perishing completely. With no choice left the Ghost Ship fled to the corners of the universe and entered a state of hibernation for the next three hundred years, before awakening once more, sensing the presence of the Dark Lord of the One Sith. Through a mishap between the damaged hyperdrives and navigation systems however, instead of reaching the Dark Lord the Ghost Ship ended up in the Corporate Sector. Befuddled by this error the Ghost Ship attempted to get out of the Corporate Sector, but due to damages and errors found that it could only head from one planet in the Corporate Sector to another. After a while of jumping from place to place the Ghost Ship decided that it was finally time to stop trying to get to the Dark Lord, but instead cause enough death and destruction that the Dark Lord would come to the Ghost Ship.

Development Thread:
Intent: Creation of a suitable command ship for the Voice of the Dark Lord.
Who Can Use This: Darth Carach
Primary Source:

*All of this has been done with permission from the Levantines, I have talked it over with [member="Seydon of Arda"] before hand. Seeing as he's on his LOA now, [member="[/FONT]Ilias Nytrau"] can vouch that I ain't pulling things out of my backside.
Submission Name: Omen-class command ship (unique)
Link to Submission: [x]
Reason for Modification: Transferal of ownership; complying with rules
Modification: Change tag from 'New Order' to 'One Sith'

Link to IC thread transferal -> [x]


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Popo said:
Submission Name: XQ4-B Platform
Link to Submission: Here
Reason for Modification: I feel as if it was massively overnerfed and would like to bring it back up to only slightly nerfed standards

Affiliation: Tenloss Corporation, Open Market
Manufacturer: Tenloss Corporation
Model: XQ4-B Platform
Modularity: Yes, the ships that can dock can vary in size, though anything smaller than a Frigate or larger than a Star Destroyer cannot dock at this station. Also, the ship can be connected at the base of the spire to the base of the XQ4-A's spire to create a 900x900x900m station that can handle both small craft and larger ships as a waypoint or transportation hub. The XQ4-B is, however, sold and operated as a stand-alone station.
Production: Minor
Material: Alusteel, Durasteel, and other space station construction components
Classification: Transportation/Customs hub, "Rest" station, Planet-to-Orbit relay point, etc.

Length: 900m
Width: 900m
Height: 450m

  • 30 Mass Driver cannons
  • 30 Quad Laser batteries

  • External docking space for 6-10 Frigates or small Cruisers
  • External docking tethers for 2-3 large Cruisers or Destroyers

Special Features:
  • Refueling stations on board ship
  • External docking stations for Frigates or small Cruisers
  • External docking tethers for large Cruisers or Destroyers
  • "Rest area" consisting of restaurants, sleeping areas, shops, etc.
  • Communications Array
  • Encryption Network
  • Escape Pods
  • Holonet Transceiver
  • Standard Shield Generator
  • Standard Detention Cells
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Tractor Beams
(Unless otherwise noted, 'Standard' denotes the civilian standard, not military standard)

Maneuverability: 17
Hyperdrive Class: None, though the ship can be installed with a temporary Class 10 Hyperdrive in order to have it delivered on site. After delivery, the hyperdrive is removed, but can be later reinstalled to place the station at a different location.

  • Large capacity for personnel and guests
  • Refueling capabilities
  • Capable of docking Frigates, Cruisers, and Destroyers
  • Can connect to the XQ4-A platform to create a 900x900x900m platform capable acting as a trading and transportation hub for both small and large ships.
  • Civilian station means that armor is a secondary, or tertiary, thought
  • The weapons are simple and very, very basic
  • The station is fragile as it does not have the same reinforcement structure a military station would have


With galactic travel on the rise and the need for more waypoints and general rest stations becoming more and more apparent, Tenloss decided to capitalize on the gap.

The XQ4-B Platform is the other half of the solution to the problem. Capable of docking Frigates, Cruisers, and Destroyers via docking ports or tethers to the station, the XQ4-B is perfect for acting as a transportation hub and rest area. The station features a rest area for passengers and pilots alike as well as restaurants, shops, refueling centers, and other such locations. The station is only nine hundred meters at the longest point, but most of the internal space is given over to docking areas, personnel areas, and rest/retail areas.

The main ability the station has is that it can connect and attach to its twin, the XQ4-A, to form a major transportation hub. The two stations connected make a double ended barbell-esque facility capable of acting as a larger waypoint station for both small and large ships. The connection must be done by specially trained crews with the assistance of tractor beams and takes at least a day to complete safely. Disconnection takes about as long as the connection, while strong enough to hold the two stations together with ease, is fragile and can be easily damaged by weapon fire, thereby breaking the joint and possibly sending both stations out of orbit or into each other.

The faults of this station are simple and typical of civilian stations. The armor is thick enough to prevent stray debris and starfighter weapons from penetrating, but is overall very thin and susceptible to heavier weapons such as capital weapons, concussion missiles, and bombs. The station is also very fragile as it is mostly open internal space for guests and personnel and is not designed up to military standards. The station does feature thirty capital grade weapons and batteries of point defense, but the defensive weapons are mostly to prevent larger debris and asteroids from impacting the station while the heavier weapons are designed mostly to dissuade pirates from attacking.

All in all, the station is hardly a front line installation, but perfect as a transportation hub or rest/waypoint station.

Development Thread: N/A
Intent: To create a basic, civilian space station with a unique ability that can function as a transportation hub or traveler's rest area.

Submission Name: XQ4-A Platform
Link to Submission: here
Reason for Modification: Again, I felt it was overnerfed and wish to have it brought up to the slightly nerfed level.

Affiliation: Tenloss Corporation, Open Market
Manufacturer: Tenloss Corporation
Model: XQ4-A Platform
Modularity: Yes, the ships that can dock can vary in size, though anything larger than a Corvette cannot dock at this station. Also, the ship can be connected at the base of the spire to the base of the XQ4-B's spire to create a 900x900x900m station that can handle both small craft and larger ships as a waypoint or transportation hub. The XQ4-A is, however, sold and operated as a stand-alone station.
Production: Minor
Material: Alusteel, Durasteel, and other space station construction components
Classification: Transportation/Customs hub, "Rest" station, Planet-to-Orbit relay point, etc.

Length: 900m
Width: 900m
Height: 450m

  • 30 Mass Driver cannons
  • 30 Quad Laser batteries

  • Hangar space for 96-144 individual ships between starfighter and light freighter size
  • External docking sections to allow between 6-12 individual ships between large freighter and corvette size

Special Features:
  • Refueling stations on board ship
  • External docking stations for large freighters/corvettes
  • "Rest area" consisting of restaurants, sleeping areas, shops, etc.
  • Communications Array
  • Encryption Network
  • Escape Pods
  • Holonet Transceiver
  • Standard Shield Generator
  • Standard Detention Cells
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Tractor Beams
(Unless otherwise noted, 'Standard' denotes the civilian standard, not military standard)

Maneuverability: 17
Hyperdrive Class: None, though the ship can be installed with a temporary Class 10 Hyperdrive in order to have it delivered on site. After delivery, the hyperdrive is removed, but can be later reinstalled to place the station at a different location.

  • Large capacity for personnel, guests, and ships
  • Refueling capabilities
  • Capable of housing personal ships and docking corvettes
  • Can connect to the XQ4-B platform to create a 900x900x900m platform capable acting as a trading and transportation hub for both small and large ships.
  • Civilian station means that armor is a secondary, or tertiary, thought
  • The weapons are simple and very, very basic
  • The station is fragile as it does not have the same reinforcement structure a military station would have


With galactic travel on the rise and the need for more waypoints and general rest stations becoming more and more apparent, Tenloss decided to capitalize on the gap.

The XQ4-A Platform is half of the solution to the problem. Capable of housing a large amount of personal ships within its hangar and a fair number of corvettes via external docking ports, the XQ4-A is perfect for acting as a transportation hub and rest area. The station features a rest area for passengers and pilots alike as well as restaurants, shops, refueling centers, and other such locations. The station is only nine hundred meters at the longest point, but most of the internal space is given over to hangar space and rest/retail areas.

The main ability the station has is that it can connect and attach to its twin, the XQ4-B, to form a major transportation hub. The two stations connected make a double ended barbell-esque facility capable of acting as a larger waypoint station for both small and large ships. The connection must be done by specially trained crews with the assistance of tractor beams and takes at least a day to complete safely. Disconnection takes about as long as the connection, while strong enough to hold the two stations together with ease, is fragile and can be easily damaged by weapon fire, thereby breaking the joint and possibly sending both stations out of orbit or into each other.

The faults of this station are simple and typical of civilian stations. The armor is thick enough to prevent stray debris and starfighter weapons from penetrating, but is overall very thin and susceptible to heavier weapons such as capital weapons, concussion missiles, and bombs. The station is also very fragile as it is mostly open internal space for guests and personnel and is not designed up to military standards. The station does feature thirty capital grade weapons and batteries of point defense, but the defensive weapons are mostly to prevent larger debris and asteroids from impacting the station while the heavier weapons are designed mostly to dissuade pirates from attacking.

All in all, the station is hardly a front line installation, but perfect as a transportation hub or rest/waypoint station.

Development Thread: N/A
Intent: To create a basic, civilian space station with a unique ability that can function as a transportation hub or traveler's rest area.

For the two submission edits, the only things edited were the size of both stations (bumping them up to the original sizes and, therefore, the size of the two connected [100m under 1,000m however]) and bumping the guns back up to the original amount.
I think this was overlooked. Just checking and all.
[member="Popo"] Your edits directly countermands what the Judges and Factory Admin at the time approved. There is no additional Dev Thread or work on the subs though you are increasing the firepower by quite a bit. Without an added Dev Thread, I'm afraid i won't be changing the subs.

Everything else has been updated.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
The only thing I care about is the size of the stations and the link ability. The guns can stay the same if that's going to somehow unbalance the submission.

The guns were, if you notice on one of the subs, offered by an Admin at the time to bring up to standard. An offer I declined at the time as another admin had already approved the other submission with the nerfed guns before he could make the offer. I declined it figuring I could request a submission modification to bring the both of them back up to snuff instead of the super-nerf that they were given.

My request countermands only the Factory Judge in question who, at the time, was still learning the ropes per my understanding. Neither admin spoke up against the submission and one offered to let me un-nerf the submission, at least gun-wise.

I'd rather avoid a dev thread to un-nerf something that was nerfed at the start, but if that is required I'll happily write up a blog post for it in my spare time.

EDIT: forgot to clarify a part.

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