Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Starship Submission Modifications

Submission Name: The Aurora Hawk
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Updating and modifying components, adding a new resin lined turadium saferoom vault, connor nets, upholstery from levithan leather, terentatek, and taozin nodules.

As discussed Here, here, and here, and here. Leather gained here.


Image Credit: Here
Intent: To provide a home for Chloe Blake
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: CEC / Silk Holdings / AEL
Model: YZ-1200
Modularity: Extensive
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel

After an incident grounded the original Aurora permanently, a YT-2000, Chloe spent the small fortune she had collected throughout various jobs to procure the Aurora Hawk, utilizing freelancer jobs with the Protectorate to maintain, upgrade, and transform the Aurora Hawk into her home. However, the subject of hubris for the Warden is in a retrofitted cabin that she utilizes as the archive of her collection of ancient star maps. Here, she also maintains the various knick-knacks that she has collected throughout her many years living a bohemian lifestyle.

While the Aurora Hawk does maintain several small modifications, her most recent upgrade, without question, transpired during Chloe's and Jorus's time with Omega Pyre and the ODF. The Protectorate had been decommissioning old armament designs, one of which was a high-concept but unsuccessful battle walker called the Wolverine. Its land speed was exceptionally low, and the design was otherwise unimpressive, but a certain number of Wolverines boasted a double-blind hibridium cloaking device. When Jorus sought and received permission from his superiors to upgrade the Gypsymoth from Omega Pyre's decommissioning yards, Chloe aided Jorus with the venture by providing the Wolverine's official schematics, and tearing apart and gutting several of the Wolverine battle walkers of their cloaking devices. Through much trial and error, Jorus and Chloe were finally able to make a cloaking device work while mated with the Gypsymoth's systems.

Chloe took the remaining salvaged cloaking devices she'd personally gutted and also managed to duplicate the device to work while mated to the Auroa Hawk's systems. There are still various numerous technical challenges; the power sacrificed during operation is partially covered by the removal of two of the original four assault concussion missile launchers, but significant power redistribution is still required in order to operate the cloaking device. As the walker in question was considerably smaller than the Gypsymoth and even more notably than the Aurora Hawk, Chloe managed full inclusion within the cloaking field by linking eight of the small cloaking generators together so as to slightly overlap their effect radii. However, the cloaking devices require a great deal of maintenance. When one fails, which is fairly often, a portion of the ship becomes detectable, often reading as a partially-powered derelict or simply a smaller vessel.

Recent upgrades of the Aurora Hawk using Silk Holdings Shipyards have allowed the Warden of the Sky to deal with pirates and the like when patrolling. A Force Cylinder during her time in the Vagrant Fleet allowed the young Warden the ability to attach to any shipframe and allow access to it, thereby coming to the aide of any freighters in distress. Since Chloe normally travels by herself, the installation of slave circuits via access to a wrist comm has allowed her a measure of independence when needing the Aurora Hawk for situations requiring a quick getaway.

Investment in secondhand or display models at a reduce cost of Silk Holdings QQ Modular Add-Ons and Components have greatly secured the Aurora in a number of methods. The first being the QQ-C15 Silkworm Hypertransit Package, providing a new class 0.5 hyperdrive, advanced hyperspace sensors, the best hyperspace navigation system in the business.

Other upgrades of the QQ line included: QQ-C1R-C3 "Crybaby" Defensive Decoy Module, great for luring away pirates or the wrong patrol. The QQ-543N/53R Cap Drain Module, providing limited protection against stray ion fire, and significant protection against EMPs and Connor Nets. The QQ-45H/310T Countermeasures Module, an innovative, non-volatile chaff-flare projector. And finally the QQ-4U85 Tractor Shroud, the best defense against tractor beams.

The entirety of these replacements and additions have reduced her cargo capacity by 55 metric tons.

Her latest and greatest modification has been bringing it up to snuff with upgrades with energy-absorbant leather from Leviathons of Corbos, Terentaktek hides, (traded with ATC for items found on Esk), and Taozin Skin Nodules.

Much like the Calrissian, approval and work has been done by AEL, AEI, and Silk Holdings to get the Aurora reupholstered. The cockpit seats and other furniture are upholstered in energy-resistant and energy-absorbent leather from Leviathans of Corbos. This reduces some internal damage due to adverse circumstances, such as splash damage, fires, or gunfights. Taozin skin nodules, also contracted to AEL, are present inside each of the cockpit seats, rendering unrecognizable the Force signatures of those seated in the cockpit. The cockpit and all interior compartments have an anti-spalling coating. Several automated anti-decompression blast doors are present throughout the ship.

Further additions are among the airlocks, where much like the Calrissian, the anti-breach countermeasures are as follows. Should someone attempt to cut through a hatch, four wide-angle riot gun stun emitters, each equivalent to a Czerka HeadBanger, will put all concerned into a two-day coma (perhaps six hours if armored).

However, the most important addition is the new turadium vault addition with Nullification Resin Echani Graphite Pill Containers secured throughout it on the second deck, formally the secondary cargohold. During her time with Ember Rekali, Chloe spent sustainable time helping him in the Lost Jedi City to maintain, catalog, and secure some of the nastiest Force artifacts found that were now under Mandalorian care. This is where Chloe became skilled with nulification resin, its production, use, and how to apply it.

Seeing that echani graphite serves just as well as phrik and can be a sturdy substituent for storage during her long excavation travels, she desired to make these containers a bit more sturdy for holding down anything nasty she may come across.

The process served to produce enough pillboxs and barrels she secured herself into the smaller cargo hold of the Aurora she had retrofitted to be a small secured vault, forming a sort of circular storage units for her use.
The metal is so exceptionally tough that it renders even lightsabres less effective. The inside of it has been completely covered by nulification resin, so as to null any force artifacts contained therein. Complete with self-contained air recirculators, inertial dampeners, rations and a distress beacon, this 'inner hull'-slash-safe room is designed to preserve life even if the rest of the starship is destroyed. It can also function as a meditation chamber.

Classification: Freighter
Role: Smuggling, Expedition, Personal Ship
Height: 17m
Width: 28m
Length: 52m
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Quadex Power Core
Hyperdrive Rating: Silk Holdings/Eshan Drive Yards Class .5 ( A partially integrated class-10 backup hyperdrive)

Minimum Crew: 1 or 0 ( Via Slave Circuits)
Optimal Crew: 6

  • Two Dual Laser Cannon turrets
  • Two Forward Ion Cannons
  • Two Concussion Missile Launchers
One snub fighter or shuttle (Reduces cargo hold by 75%)

Non-Combative Attachments:
  • Communications Array
  • Escape Pods (x2)
  • Long-Range Sensor Array
  • Holonet Transceiver
  • Connor net launcher (4 net canisters)
  • Medical Bay
  • Omega Pyre Cloaking assembly - scavenged along with Jorus Merrill in Gutting All the Wolverines (Chloe - finished)
  • Smuggler's Compartments
  • Standard Deflector Shield Generator
  • Automated anti-decompression blast doors
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Force Cylinder
  • Slave Circuits
  • Advanced Navigational Systems - QQ-C15 Silkworm Hypertransit Package - a class 0.5 hyperdrive, advanced hyperspace sensors, the best hyperspace navigation system in the business
  • QQ-4U85 Tractor Shroud
  • QQ-C1R-C3 "Crybaby" Defensive Decoy Module
  • QQ-543N/53R Cap Drain Module
  • QQ-45H/310T Countermeasures Module
  • ECHO Copycat: Hallucin > An advanced electronics add-on for smaller starcraft, Hallucin transmits a false Friendly ID to all craft in sensory range.
  • Thrust Trace Dampers
  • False Telesponder Compatibility
  • Tractor Beam (Ventral, Stern)
  • Encryption Network
  • Nullification Resin Echani Graphite Pill Containers
Passenger Capacity: 14
Cargo Capacity: 345 metric tons (100 tons smuggling space)

Primary Source for Upgrades to match that of the Calrissian:

Submission Name: Aegis Class Heavy Drop Ship
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Switched to Republic and Omega Protectorate Production
Modification: Wording in end Paragraph needs to also be changed to Omega Protectorate and Galactic Republic were assigned 15 a piece.

This was changed a while back, not sure why it hasn't reflected. - I missed it there. Republic and OP were assigned 15 a piece.
[member="Aaralyn Rekali"]

Though i recognize this is your submission, it was originally fielded as a Omega Protectorate affiliated vessel. Due to this i just need a quick okay from the head of OP that the split usage is fine.

I ask for this mostly because i did the same when some of my products for Titan shifted to use by other factions.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Submission Name: XQ4-A Platform, XQ4-B Platform
Link to Submission: Here and here
Reason for Modification: I derped real hard and forgot to edit the height to 900m (it's supposed to be 900x900x900m in size). The rest of the submission was edited, but the actual listing section I totally missed somehow. Spotted it when I was adding it to the company marketplace page.


Length: 900m
Width: 900m
Height: 450m

Should be-
Length: 900m
Width: 900m
Height: 900m
Submission Name: Hammerhead Frigate
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Due to the frigate class being underused and ill-effective as it stands the entire line in service has been refit with better weaponry and also inertial compensators in accordance to the new Republic initiative following the battle of Manaan.

  • [SIZE=12pt]Long Range Heavy Dual Turbolaser Turrets x 3[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Long Range Heavy Dual Ion Cannon Turret x 1[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Turbolaser Batteries x 4[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Ion Cannon Batteries x 4[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Quad Laser Cannons x 24[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Point-Defense Cannons x 12[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Non-Combative Attachments:[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Communications Array[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Encryption Network[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Holonet Transceiver[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Standard Detention Cells[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Tractor Beam[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Inertial Compensator[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Standard Deflector Shield Generator[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Standard Life Support Systems[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Standard Navigational Systems[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Standard Sensor Array[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Escape Pods[/SIZE]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Submission Name: The Chimaera
Link to Submission: Here
Reason for Modification:
-Completion of restricted materials objective to justify existing dev thread - kill here, confirmed here, dev thread here
-Acquisition of Roche event reactor here


New Manufacturer:
Iron Crown Enterprises Lwhekk Shipyards (modified)

Additional reactor:
Unique Verpine reactor (Roche reward)

Additions to Non-Combative Attachments:
Stygium cloaking device
Gravitic modulator
Thrust trace dampers
Heavy deflector shield (armored generators)
Heavy backup deflector shield (armored generators)

Remove Non-Combative Attachments:
Alchemy lab
Shield generators (4)

Reduce cargo capacity:
10,000 tons

Reduce passenger capacity:
1400, plus 300 GT-F0 anti-boarding droids

Adjusted Weapons loadout:
Exchange 44 turbolasers for 44 Raptor ACES Heavy Shieldcutters.

New Hangar loadout:

New Description:

The Chimaera began life as an obsolete Kuat Drive Yards Invictus-class Star Destroyer, thoroughly reworked by Sienar Fleet Systems to create the flagship of the Sith Empire. Outwardly, apart from its weapons counts, the Chimaera is identical to a stock Invictus-class, and can generally pass unnoticed in regions where leftover ships of that class are common. It has been named in honor of the legendary flagship of Grand Admiral Thrawn, with reference to a mythological creature known for implausibility and the integration of disparate components. The relatively narrow spaceframe has required certain sacrifices. For example, the stock Invictus carries a prefabricated base, which the Chimaera does not. Its consumable stocks are also considerably smaller, and its passenger capacity has been nearly halved. The integration of Sienar components and design philosophy into a KDY spaceframe has caused both difficulties and successes. The difficulties doubled the expense and the construction time of the Chimaera; its refitting was begun not long after the conquest of Mon Calamari, but the ship was made operational only shortly before the Battle of Roche.

In Roche's aftermath, the ship vanished with its Empress, Ashin Varanin. Through a convoluted series of events involving Varanin, Warren Valik, Aleidis Ijet, Boolon Murr and the spirit of Ashin's grandfather Shule/Je'gan Olra'en, the ship was eventually reclaimed and refitted by the Fringe, and served as Varanin's command ship since the start of her tenure as Grand Admiral. It was fitted with a cloaking device on the orders of Sargon Vynea, and its hangar was reconfigured to hold LACs. Its substantial alchemy laboratory was removed, along with most of its cargo and passenger capacity, to make room for the Roche reactor that once formed the heart of the Starfall. The reactor, along with the Chimaera's lack of fashionable hypervelocity guns and long-range turbolasers, serves to stabilize the ship's power state immensely. There is no question of capacitors running dry, shield recharge rate faltering, or energy weapons losing effectiveness or firing rate. The Chimaera may not be the most powerful ship around, but its systems are reliable in the extreme, giving it a reflection of its owner's endurance and durability.


(+) Due to two event reactors, the Chimaera has an immensely stable power state and heavy redundant shields to match.
(+) The Chimaera is capable of carrying a loadout of LACs, allowing a one-shot force multiplier effect through HELIX warhead saturation.


(-) Unlike pretty much all modern command ships, the Chimaera has no long-range turbolasers or hypervelocity guns. Its light energy torpedo launchers, each shot comparable to an interceptor's concussion missiles, are its only weapons capable of engagement at very long range.
(-) The Chimaera carries zero starfighters, and its defensive guns are heavily biased toward anti-projectile use. In many circumstances, it requires dedicated carrier and anti-fighter support.
(-) Though the Chimaera's armor is fairly thick and its spaceframe is solid, it has been in many battles and is the result of several refits by widely variegated manufacturers. It must rely on shields for the bulk of its durability.
(-) When using a standard gunship/dropship/heavy dropship loadout, the Chimaera can support fewer craft than other ships of its class.


Submission Name: CIS Languor-Class Elite Starfighter
Link to Submission: [x]
Reason for Modification: I made these things exclusively for one this, which was subsequently neglected and eventually disbanded. There was supposed to be an IC contract for these but it never occurred since Guy and I both left SWRP for a time. These were never used and not listed on the manifest. They are being repurposed for the Pancake Empire where someone will actually give a feth about them, use them and enjoy them. An IC thread will be going on for that later on when I make my Paecian.
  • Affiliation to the Paecian Empire (#001-015), Cordelia Seija (#016)
  • Model to Languor Paecia Elite Starfighter
  • Topic Title to Languor Paecia Elite Starfighter
  • Fix the picture [link]

Submission Name: Arcrystal-Class ID/CS Shuttle
Link to Submission: [x]
Reason for Modification: Thread is still titled "TIE/CS"
Modification: Topic Title to Arcrystal-Class ID/CS Shuttle

Submission Name: Stargoddess Fighter
Link to Submission: [x]
Reason for Modification: Gave my unit to Cammy in exchange for personal developmental help with a top-secret ship (I didn't forget about that, by the way, Cam!)
  • Countess Xyhn ~> [member="Camellia Swift"]

Submission Name: Aniri-Class Orbital Shuttle
Link to Submission: [x]
Reason for Modification: Transfer of ownership as per this thread.
  • Affiliation to The Paecian Empire and Arcrystal-Mnana
  • "Who Can Use This" to Paecian Command

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