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Starship Submission Modifications

[member="Darth Carnifex"]
[member="The Slave"]

[member="Janick Beauchamp"]
Your modification field should state the exact field(s) that need to be changed so I can review what your requested changes are and either approve or deny your request. Please resubmit your modification request for the Compellor-class in the same format that you used on your other character subaccounts.

[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
[member="Cathul Thuku"]
Submission Name: The Blade of Fate
Link to Submission: Click
Summary of Modification: Upgrading the armament and defense
Reason for Modification: Looking back the armament and defenses for this particular unique battlecruiser are actually pretty underpowered, so I wanna bring it up to snuff and make it more balanced
Modification: Change both the Armament and Defense ratings to Extreme
Submission Name: Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, "Chimaera"

Link to Submission:

Summary of Modification: Change of Onwership to [member="Cedric Grayson"]

Reason for Modification: Passed on to Cedric Grayson as the son and heir of Cyril Grayson, by Veiere Arenais and former liege lord of the 501st Stormtrooper Legion.
Thread of Exchange is here.

Modification: [member="Cedric Grayson"] to resume all claim over the "Chimaera".
[member="Darth Carnifex"]

Reviewing your starship this is my proposal:

Upgrade both ratings to extreme and provide another weakness or drop your speed or maneuverability to very low. Or Upgrade one rating and leave the other. You are really only out of balance by a single rating. If you want extreme for both you need to give me something in return.

Viera Valorious

Submission Name: The Underwood
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Deletion of Submission
Reason for Modification: After being inactive for a long time, I've decided to completely reinvent a character I never got far with. Having a completely different origin and different goals, it no longer makes sense for my character to have this ship.
Deletion of Thread
[member="Viera Valorious"]
We don't do deletions, but it has been archived.

I also realize this was a trivial modification request, but in the future please keep your requests for the period of time that the factory is open. We'll be open again after the new year.

Viera Valorious

[member="Nadja Keto"]
My apologies, I didn't realize the factory was closed for posting requests. I just figured my request would sit until it opened again. Thanks for the speedy reply and enjoy the holidays!
Submission Name: ANS Hereafter
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Change of Ownership to [member="Mazik Stazi"]
Reason for Modification: Command of the Hereafter has been assumed by Commodore Stazi in the wake of Zark's death on the Itsukusk during the Blockade of the Hydian Way. As such, the current affiliation is no longer accurate.
Modification: Please change the affiliation from "Galactic Alliance, Zark Pulsar" to "Galactic Alliance, Mazik Stazi", as well as edit the intent to "for use as Stazi's flagship".
Laira Vereen said:
Modification: Please Change Squadron Count to 12 please. All the Ratings will work out for a Minor Production Vessel under the new template once that's done.
The strengths, features, and carrying capability for troops in this submission (specifically a sensor stealth system and the capacity/size to carry a squadron of troops while still performing the function of a starfighter) is balanced by your current ratings. By increasing your squadron count I am undoing that. Per the factory judge that requested your rating be lowered in your submission in the first place, I will echo that the squadron size should remain lower than the average rating of 12.
[member="Nadja Keto"]

Alright, but now-a-days Lower ratings in one field grant Higher ratings in another, which is not represented in that sub. Also 6 is an inbetweener. Perhaps 8 with a Defense of Moderate would be a fair compromise.
Laira Vereen said:
[member="Nadja Keto"]

Alright, but now-a-days Lower ratings in one field grant Higher ratings in another, which is not represented in that sub. Also 6 is an inbetweener. Perhaps 8 with a Defense of Moderate would be a fair compromise.
8 would be fine.

Yes, lowering a rating allows you to raise another, but adding special features (in previous iterations of the template) or advanced features (in the current iteration of the template) also need to be balanced against by ratings. This is stated in both the 4.0 and 5.0 templates and has always been judged this way.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Submission Name: Tyzzeph-class Gas Miner
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Company change
Reason for Modification: Company has changed
Replace manufacturer with "Defiance Consolidated Multipurpose Manufacturing"

Submission Name: Massassi-class corvette
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Company change, affiliation change
Reason for Modification: Company has changed, ship is out of date and no longer in service with original faction
Replace manufacturer with "Defiance Consolidated Multipurpose Manufacturing"
Replace affiliation with "Open Market"

Submission Name: Eightgun-class Assault Fighter
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Company change, affiliation change
Reason for Modification: Company has changed, ship is not exclusively affiliated with the company
Replace manufacturer with "Defiance Consolidated Multipurpose Manufacturing"
Replace affiliation with "Open Market"

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