Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Starship Submission Modifications

Submission Name: TIE/Reaper Starfighter
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Change faction affiliation of ship design
Reason for Modification: Faction disbanded (major)

  • Manufacturer: Developed by the Wolfe Design Bureau / Produced by the CSA
  • Model: W.D.B. TIE/Reaper interceptor
  • Affiliation: Commenor Systems Alliance, The Shrouded
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Durasteel hull

Submission Name: Admonitor-class Pocket Star Destroyer
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Change faction affiliation of ship design
Reason for Modification: Faction disbanded (major)
  • Manufacturer: Developed by the Wolfe Design Bureau / Produced by the CSA
  • Model: Admonitor-class Pocket Star Destroyer
  • Affiliation: Commenor Systems Alliance, The Shrouded
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Durasteel hull
  • Classification: Light Cruiser / Picket Carrier
  • Length: 500m
  • Width: 102.8m
  • Height: 61.2m
  • Armament: Very Low
    - 90
    - 120 Quad lasers
    - 1 Ventral-mounted Railgun Turret (low-caliber)
  • Defenses: Low
  • Hangar: 1 Squadron
  • Maneuverability Rating: Moderate
  • Speed Rating: High
  • Hyperdrive Class: 3
Submission Name: Luke Skywalker's X-Wing
Link to Submission: Luke Skywalker's X-Wing

Summary of Modification:
Change of Ownership

Reason for Modification:
The Starfighter has since been exchanged from the former owner to Veiere following the Purchasing Auction here.

Change of Ownership from [member="Miss Blonde"] to [member=Veiere Arenais]
Submission Name: Sovereign-class Star Destroyer
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Changing Ratings | Removing some clutter
Reason for Modification: Update with the times | Neaten up

Intent: To provide the FWC with a Destroyer of the Line
Image Source: Here
Canon Link: Not Applicable
Restricted Missions: Not Applicable
Primary Source: Alor-class Dreadnought | Pellaeon-class Mk II Star Destroyer

Manufacturer: ArmaTech Industries | Mandal Hypernautics
Model: Mk3
Affiliation: Closed Market | Free World’s Coalition
Modularity: Yes
  • Non Combat Systems can be exchanged
Production: Minor
Classification: Ship of the Line
Length: 1,500 Meters
Width: 750 Meters
Height: 350 Meters
Armament: Average
High (Full Power to Weapons)
Point Defense: Moderate
Defense: Moderate
Very High (Full Power to Shields)
Hangar: Low
  • Squadrons (4)
  • Freighters, Shuttles, or Drop Ships (3)
Minimum Crew: 1,115
Optimum Crew: 12,435
Passenger Capacity: 5,000
Cargo Capacity: 15,000 Metric Tons
Consumables: 18 Years
Maneuverability Rating: Average
Low (Stealth Drives)
Speed Rating: Average
Low (Stealth Drives)
High (Full Power to Engines)
Hyperdrive Class: 1.0
Backup Hyperdrive Class: 8.0

Sensor and Targeting
  • Jack of All: The Sovereign-class includes minor Ewar Support, Long Range Support, Anti-Fighter Support, and Close combat capabilities. While it doesn't excel at any of these, it is able to provide these services to a fleet.
  • Limited Stealth Capabilities: At long ranges the Sovereign is able to shunt a portion of its speed and maneuverability in order to be partially stealthed. This doesn't affect specialized sensors like Mass Detectors and Electromagnetic Sensors and is far less effective against powerful advanced sensors. This also makes it difficult for more basic targeting systems to get positive locks at long range.
  • Support Interdictor: The Sovereign has a single streamlined Gravity Well Projector, compared to the four found in an Immobilizer 418. This means that the area it can effect is 1/4th the area of a standard interdictor.
  • Electronic Warfare Suite: The Sovereign is supported by an Electronic Warfare suite, capable of hampering long range targeting systems. While its capabilities are less than a dedicated Electronic Warfare frigate, is a support weapon that it is able to use to hinder enemy artillery ships while the Sovereign makes its approach.
  • Power Converter: The Sovereign holds some of its power in reserve, able to funnel it towards one of its primary systems in combat to increase either its firepower, defenses, or speed.
  • Master of Nothing: The Sovereign-class is out matched in any field by a dedicated specialist ship. It doesn't have as powerful an Electronic Warfare suite as a Jahaatir-class Frigate, as large an Interdiction range as an Immobilizer 418 Cruiser, isn't a dedicated stealth ship and even standard sensors are able to pick it up at standard range without issue, and its weapons aren't dedicated to long range or close combat.
  • Aft Armament: Other than the primary armament of Hypervelocity Cannons and Binary Fusion Ion Cannons, none of the Capital ship weaponry is able to fire to the rear arc.
  • Unassigned Energy: Until its energy reserves are assigned by the Captain, the vessel simply does not make use of the excess energy, reducing the ships overall effectiveness.
  • One Super-Charged System: The Sovereign is only able to super-charge a single system at a time with its power reserves.
The Sovereign-class is simple. It was designed to do it all for extended, long term, all-purpose operations. ArmaTech designers boasted that long after the One Sith's empire falls, the original line of Sovereign-class Star Defenders will have yet to require replenishment. While the ship specializes in nothing and is outclassed by specialist ships in numerous categories, it is able to operate independently without struggle, unlike its predecessors. Because of the numerous systems included into the Sovereign-class it is able to operate as a small fleet's command ship, however in larger engagements, it forms a solid line with enough support on its own to assist in virtually any role.

What allows the great lengths of extended operations is the use of a small Molecular Furnace, used to process waste for conversion into ammunition, war materials such as battle droids, and repair components for the ship, its complement, and its ground based units. This very small Molecular furnace is buried within the bowels of the ship, replacing the need for a trash compactor or waste disposal service. It is of course limited in its capacity to produce, unable to create whole starfighters or tanks through the conveyor and construction systems that operate along side it, more fit for producing a few companies of battle droids between engagements, replacement parts for starfighters and minor damage to the ship. Given enough time it could theoretically produce enough material to repair major damages, but it could be years given the size of the furnace and thus major repairs should be done at a repair station. Along this same vein, the ship makes use of a Solid Fuel Converter, designed to convert virtually any matter into power for fuel cells. When the molecular furnace is not in use, waste and trash is rerouted to this system to allow for replenishment of the ship's fuel cells.

Propulsion and Stealth
As the Sovereign is required to fulfill so many combat roles, including reconnaissance and system monitoring, it was deemed necessary that the vessel have limited stealth features. The Sovereign's drives are able to be baffled, at the cost of a great deal of speed and maneuverability, decreasing the likelihood that its efflux will be detected. The Sovereign also includes a sensor mask, able to hide the Star Destroyer's sensor signature at long ranges, reducing the likelihood of target locks being obtained on it at those ranges. The more advanced the sensor or targeting computer, the less effective this system is, even at long ranges. Specialized sensors, like mass detectors or electromagnetic sensors are not affected by the sensor mask.

The Destroyer's primary drives are two powerful Predator Interdiction Drives, capable of effecting the speed and maneuverability of other nearby ships negatively in short burst by using a gravitic field emitted from the drives. This is small and low power, not enough to pull ships from hyperspace, but enough to cause a some alteration in their speed and maneuverability at close range for short thirty second bursts every five minutes or so. This allows the Sovereign's defense guns to fire upon slightly more sluggish fighters and interceptors. Supported by four maneuvering thrusters, the Sovereign is capable of making quick adjustments for a Star Destroyer of its size. Additionally, the ship features a full set of Mandal Hypernautics propulsion systems, all of which are unable to be used at the same time as the drive bafflers.

Armor and Shielding
The exterior armor of the Sovereign is made from an AR-0B Damage Reduction Armor combined with Mandalorian Steel alloy, designed to absorb enemy fire and impacts and protect internal systems. It is only barely superior to standard Mandalorian Steel armoring, however. This is layered in a dual Horizontal and Vertical armor pattern, over a compartmentalized internal hull structure allowing the vessel to take damage without severely reducing its combat profile, and reduce hull degradation in combat and prevent massive pressure loss in sections of the ship, keeping more of the vessel operation in the event of a hull breach. The Sovereign has a durable, resilient Hull, made primarily from Mandalorian Steel, combined with traces of agrinium, honeycombed throughout the ship, with a high-density frame. The ship makes use of a high-density Mandalorian Steel Belt Armor lining for the interior of the hull, surrounding the superstructure of the Destroyer, covering the internal regions of the Reactor, Furnace, bridge, ammunition storage structure, and the main turrets. The inclusion of agrinium provides very limited resistance to EMP and Ion weaponry for the ship, normally simply reducing the wide spread electrical issues caused by either.

The Sovereign is protected by a dual layer shield array. The outer shield layer is a Retribution Ray Shield, equipped with a rapid shutter systems to allow weapons to fire out unimpeded and to disable the Dovin Basal 'shield grab' attacks made popular during the Yuuzhan Vong War and the resurgence of the One Sith. This outer layer's Ray shield is able to return some of the output it absorbs and lashes out at the ships damaging it with a portion of the energy, though it is less resilient than normal. This energy dissipates over time and distance, with the maximum damage at close range being about half. The inner layer is an Thermal Deflector Shield, comparable to standard shielding, designed to be top of the line. The long recycle rate of the Thermal Shield would normally prevent it from being able to be used on a vessel with so many Mass Driver weapons, however, by using a series of Shield Emitters, similar in design to the Aegis Receptor Node, around each weapon system, it is able to divert power around the weapon as it fires. These controls are tied to the weapon firing controls, diverting power around the weapon system right before firing, and returning afterwards. While still slower than a standard shudder shield, it allows the Thermal Shield to be used without disabling the entire system for a lengthy time.

Sensor and Targeting Systems
The Sovereign's sensor orbs are standard for a ship of its size and class, powerful arrays designed for detecting enemy craft. It uses a Dedicated Energy Receptor, Electro-Photo Receptor, Phased Tachyon Detector, and Aural sensor in conjunction with a Full-Spectrum Sensor array. Its targeting systems however are much more complex, featuring a series of Precision Holo-Targeting computers fitted with backup targeting lasers with updated processors and enhanced Threat Analysis Grids. These computers are able to filter more data than standard computers, capable of greater accuracy than standard computers.

Communication and Miscellaneous Systems
The Sovereign makes use of a full communication suite, including comm lasers for LOS communications, a Holonet Transceiver for instantaneous galactic communications, and a Ranger Transceiver for monitoring subspace frequencies. The network is segregated from the ship's primary systems that control the ships necessary functions, receiving and processing all wirelessly received signals on a separate network from ship operations. Socketguards protect the computer systems from slicing, though skilled slicers are still able to overcome this obstacle. The LOS communication lasers are used if communications are jammed, the system suffering severe static, or if the receiving ship has lost communication. The lasers suffer from lag over great distances, but are reliable and difficult to disrupt. They simply require clear line of sight to the target.

The ship also includes a distress beacon, capable of broadcasting through the holonet, normally using an All-Clear signal that if disrupted will alert nearby allies of trouble, though this feature can be adjusted depending on the region of space the Ship is operating from. The Sovereign includes a single Gravity Well Projector as opposed to the four used by the much smaller Immobilizer, designed off the Mon Mothma and Elegos A'kla with a streamlined form, lacking the large hub of the Immobilizer. This was to allow it to function as an interdictor, while still conserving space for its numerous weapons and support systems. Because of the single projector, the Sovereign is unable to drag whole fleets from hyperspace on its own, and relies on its Hyperwave Signal Interceptor to detect incoming ships so that it can properly position its Gravity Well. Small ships, such as frigates, ships with extremely fast Hyperdrives (less than 1.0), and ships traveling with slower Hyperdrives (More than 6.0), are often able to slip through its notice or be detected to late to allow the crew to react in time with enough accuracy to be effective.

The Sovereign's support weapons include an array of powerful Electronic Warfare systems, using their Jamming Beam Projectors systems to provide the ship with some protection from long range artillery, while being capable of firing at long range and being resistant to Electronic Warfare itself. A tertiary weapon included in the Sovereign is the Missile Deactivation Transmitter. Capable of effecting missiles at long range, the transmitter fires a condensed beam of data at the missile, detecting its guidance frequency, and deactivating its guidance, propulsion, and detonator. At Long Range the transmitter can be used against twelve missiles effectively before they reach the ship, at Standard Range the transmitter is effective against six missiles, and for targets at Close Range, the transmitter is only able to track and fire against three missiles before they are able to strike the ship. It is set to target approaching missiles only, and its automated targeting system will target the closest threat in order of precedence, with Assault warheads taking precedence, then capital grade missiles. It will not target anything smaller than a capital ship missile as there would simply be so many, it would be a waste of time and allow larger missiles to close in on the ship. More advanced guidance computers are more difficult to disable taking a longer time, reducing the amount of missiles that can be engaged, with weapons like the Ram'or and ACS Cluster being practically immune to such a weapon due to their use of numerous internal warheads that are either unguided or independently guided.

Weapon Systems
The Sovereign-class uses a pair of Repeating Hypervelocity Cannons as its long range armament, supported by ten long range Turbolasers and ten long range Ion Cannons. These weapons are specially calibrated for high accuracy across long range and each use a pair Targeting computers, with their programming meshed allowing for enhanced precision at long range.

For its primary armament, the Sovereign has six Dual Hypervelocity Cannons and two Dual Binary Fusion Ion Cannons, the powerful weapon systems allowing the ship to be brutal at close range. Four Energy Siphon cannons Supporting these are twenty batteries of over-sized, heavy Deck Cannons, using the dual Ion/Mass Driver cannon set up to increase the likelihood that the mass driver rounds are able to slip through deflector shields, though this isn't guaranteed. Split Particle and Ray shields are more effective against these weapons, as each one is only effected by half the weapon system. The Sovereign uses Helliod Missile systems, granting the vessel the ability to fire sixteen assault warheads or up to sixty four standard capital ship grade warheads from its launchers. These use G-003 Tri-Trackers in conjunction with their targeting computers to enhance the warheads' capabilities and effectiveness against countermeasures.

Supporting these is an extensive set of Point Defense Weapons all known for using Hi-Track computers similar to the Ranger-class Gunship of old. Certain weapon systems favor firing upon specific targets, the Point-Defense cannons favoring starfighters and bombers, the Witch Fire CIWS favoring missiles and interceptors the weaker bolts are more effective against, the Light Turbolasers set for use against gunships, freighters, and strike corvettes, while the Ra missile turrets, connected to G-003 Tri-Trackers, are less specific in their targeting, useful against all craft.

The Sovereign features a single Ventral hangar, however instead of a large opening presenting an obvious weakness against heavy weaponry, the actual hangar is enclosed with a launch bay to either side, facing Fore. The diagonally arranged launch bays allow the ship to quickly release and collect its fighters, featured a pair of smaller openings instead of a single larger one. These openings are small enough to be sealed at the hull and at the hangar entrance with heavy Turadium blast doors. Inside the hangar, it is arranged in two levels with the middle of the top level cut out. Each squadron is held in its own mechanic bay, so that flight crews are able to work on, repair, and rearm squadrons independently. The Sovereign also features a pair of loading bays to either Port and Starboard containing additional drop ships and shuttles for troop deployment, allowing it to attach to mooring towers, replenishment ships, and other capital ships for the exchange of supplies. These can also be sealed by turadium blast doors when not in use.

Submission Name: Vigilant-class Star Defender
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Changing Ratings
Reason for Modification: Update with the times

Intent: To provide the FWC with a Command Ship
Image Source: Here
Canon Link: Skytop Station
Restricted Missions: Not Applicable
Primary Source: Skira-class Heavy Cruiser

Manufacturer: Alderaan Engineering
Model: Mk2
Affiliation: Closed Market | Free World’s Coalition
Modularity: Yes
  • Non Combat Systems can be exchanged
Production: Limited
Classification: Command and Control Destroyer
Length: 1,200 Meters
Width: 350 Meters
Height: 325 Meters
Armament: Average
Point Defense: Moderate
Defense: Moderate
Hangar: Moderate
  • Squadrons (5)
  • Freighters, Shuttles, or Drop Ships (4)
Minimum Crew: 870
Optimum Crew: 4,335
Passenger Capacity: 2,000
Cargo Capacity: 6,000 Metric Tons
Consumables: 15 Years
Maneuverability Rating: Average
Speed Rating: Average
Hyperdrive Class: 1.0
Backup Hyperdrive Class: 8.0

  • I Hear You: The main role of the Vigilant-class is to receive, intercept, and decrypt communication transmissions from radio, subspace, and hyperwave allowing it to monitor enemy communications and movements.
  • Data Processor: The Battle Analysis Computer and HIVE Droid Processors are designed specifically to process the enormous amount of data collected by its communication systems, catalog and codify what it find. These also double as a data relay, allowing the Vigilant-class to be used as an intermediary for sending and receiving tactical and strategic data.
  • Moderate Weapons: While the Vigilant can fight as long range support, anti-fighter, or as a brawler, it does not do any of these things very well.
  • Aft Armament: The Vigilant has very few capital weapons, only a handful of its deck cannons, able to fire in the rear arc.
The Vigilant-class was designed by Alderaan Engineering as its premiere Star Defender model intended for command and support operations rather than a line destroyer like many existing examples. Instead the vigilant focuses most of its operating power into its support role, where it excels in monitoring and intercepting communications, establishing contact with troops, starfighter squadrons, and other fleets in the area. However unlike most military vessels, the Vigilant-class seems to be designed half as a Patrol Destroyer and luxury yacht, featuring an elegant appearance with a curving split prow, ivory and gold colored plating exterior. Its interior features militarized areas, however the command decks and several passenger compartments designed with similar luxury features, white oval corridors, meditation pools, gourmet food processors, and luxury service droids. Its Staterooms are easily on par with even the finest star yacht’s luxury. The starboard side of the ship features a nacelle as an observation suite, akin to the Profundity's construction with glasteel viewports lining the bottom of a large congregation room. This nacelle has its own life support, power supply, and local area shielding though it has no real importance to the ship's function.

The Vigilant uses a military grade deflector shield array as its primary line of defense, using a sectional facing shield projector rather than the large domes of classic Victory and Imperial-class Star Destroyers. Its shield system is a shutter shield, designed to counter the dovin basal ‘shield grab’ attack, but also allows its shields to rapidly close after firing its Hypervelocity guns. To counter electronic warfare the Vigilant-class features enhanced targeting and sensor computers to cut through jamming beams and signal distortion. The vessels frame is a lightweight high-carbon alusteel compound to soak kinetic impacts and stress from acceleration and maneuvering. Its armor is an alternating vertical/horizontal Bronzium-Agrinium alloy with turadium reinforcing. Gold-Bronzium alloy and ivory colored plating cover the vessel to exemplify its regal appearance.

Offensively, the Vigilant-class is only mildly armed, roughly on par with any other Patrol Destroyer but split between several weapon types and combat roles, reducing its effectiveness in any one role but allowing it to support a fleet as an artillery destroyer, brawler, and anti-starfighter. Its primary armament is a pair of Mark 74 Hypervelocity cannons featured dorsal and ventral of the ship, able to fire to the fore of the vessel. Two dual Binary Fusion Ion Cannons and two dual Hypervelocity cannons support these with two port and two starboard mounts able to fire forward and split into the dorsal and ventral arcs. Two Energy Siphon cannons and ten batteries of oversized deck cannons form the bulk of its close range weaponry. A large array of point defense weapons are spread evenly across the hull of the vessel providing full area coverage in each weapon arc.

Operational Systems
The primary purpose of the Vigilant-class is to act and operate as a mobile listening post, much like a Skytop Station that moves. Thus it makes use of several powerful communications transceivers, subspace rectennas, long range hyperwave signal interceptors, an interrogator module, and HoloNet relay systems designed to intercept, receive, and transmit communications across large swaths of space and territory. These communication systems are located in two large domes along the vessel's spine with sensor dishes, rectennas, and communication arrays dotting the superstructure of the ship. This can be used to gather strategic data on an enemy by listening to their troop coordinations and fleet movements, defensively to predict and detect enemy fleets moving nearer to allied strongholds. It also allows the Vigilant-class to collect tactical data, collecting transmissions from enemy command ships allowing allies to possess sensitive data during a battle. As with all things, this aspect has its limitations primarily that communications have to be decrypted and ciphered before it can be useful.

Secondly, the Vigilant uses its communications systems to benefit its allies. With a listening post able to intercept and decrypt transmissions from many light years away, the vessel also contains the ability to establish secure connections with allies across star systems to allow real time tactical data transmission from one fleet to another acting as a battle coordinator for large scale campaigns.

All of this is fed through a data processing bank, a series of integrated, inter-linked super-tactical droid processors similar and based off the H.I.V.E. Processor of Mandal Hypernautics, the bank boosts the calculation capabilities of the Battle Analysis Computer linked to it allowing for increased speed and accuracy of targeting algorithms and filtering of sensor data, but most importantly vastly increases the speed and capability in which it deciphers intercepted transmissions. When used properly, the HIVE-enhanced Battle Analysis Computer is able to identify, track, and predict the movements of numerous ships across several star systems simultaneously.

Submission Name: Saber-class Orbital Defense Station
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Changing Ratings
Reason for Modification: Update with the times

Intent: To provide a Planetary Defense Station similar to the MAC
Image Source: Here
Canon Link: Not Applicable
Restricted Missions: Not Applicable
Primary Source: Not Applicable

Manufacturer: ArmaTech Industries
Model: Mk2
Affiliation: Closed Market | Free World’s Coalition
Modularity: Yes
  • Non Combat Systems can be exchanged
Production: Minor
Classification: Orbital Weapons Station
Length: 400 Meters
Width: 400 Meters
Height: 1,000 Meters
Armament: Extreme
Point Defense: Average
Defense: Moderate
Hangar: Low
  • Squadrons (2)
  • Freighters, Shuttles, or Drop Ships (2)
Minimum Crew: 255
Optimum Crew: 895
Passenger Capacity: 250
Cargo Capacity: 5,000 Metric Tons
Consumables: 1 Year
Maneuverability Rating: Average
Speed Rating: None
Hyperdrive Class: None
Backup Hyperdrive Class: None

Sensor and Targeting
  • Precision Targeting Computer
  • Ion Cannon: It’s a series of ten really big, really scary, fixed mount Ion Cannons.
  • Maneuverable: While the station is stationary, having nothing other than maneuvering jets, the jets it does have are very effective, allowing the station to rotate and reorient on its axis very well.
  • One Gun: The Saber only has a single capital weapon system.
  • Stationary: The Saber cannot move or change position on its own, and must be towed.
  • Power Drain: When firing all weapons simultaneously, the strain on the reactor and the power draw, cause the shields to power down for the full sixty second recharge, and causes non-essential systems to be powered down for the duration as well.
The Saber-class is the space equivalent to a Mandalorian sitting on a porch with a shotgun. In perfect practice a Warden-class Frigate or a series of Vigilance Mines detects an incoming ship, providing the Saber with its estimated point of reversion, allowing the Saber to reorient itself in that direction. The enemy ship reverts to realspace, and from extended range, the Saber unleashes a powerful, normally non-lethal "Feth Off" volley at the enemy ship. Particularly large ships are most vulnerable, unable to turn or move quickly, while smaller ships maybe able to escape the "Warning shot". In true Mandalorian fashion, the ten binary fusion cannons are able to maul the shields of large ships without destroying it, getting the point across that they don't actually want to be in that particular system. Or the ship can use "Lethal" Heavy Long Range Hypervelocity Cannons to tear the enemy's heart out with its destructive fire power.

Armor and Shielding
The Saber utilizes relatively light armor and hull plating. The exterior of the hull is Mandalorian Steel plates laid over Matrix Armor. Its not able to be thick or overly heavy plating due to the massive size restraints from the weapon and power systems the Saber had to include to fulfill its role.

The Station utilizes standard Deflector Shielding, no more or less powerful than anything that would be found on a heavy cruiser. It features a suite of Cap Drains and a Hydrostatic shield allowing it to survive in nebulae and other dense space phenomena as well as minor resistance to EMP and Ion weaponry. This allows it to be deployed in odd places such as gas giants, the Transitory Mists, and the Hard Roil.

Other Systems
The Saber isn't designed to be a sensor station, but it does feature a capital ship grade Full Spectrum Sensor Suite. The long range targeting computers required to be effective at the range its weapons are capable of firing at require precision programming, upgraded targeting computers, and enhanced processors. The Advanced targeting computers are synchronized with the station's maneuvering jets and thrusters, allowing the fixed mount weapon system to fire accurately. Additionally, the advanced Precision Holo-targeting Computers, based off the computers of the Venator-class and Anakin Solo are able to make the tiny adjustments needed for extended range combat. It features a standard communication suite, and a Sub-space communication Monitor.

Weapon Systems
The primary weapon systems for the Saber is a set of ten fixed-mount fire-linked Heavy Long Range Binary Fusion Ion Cannons built into the long spire of the station. These weapons are incredibly powerful and the power draw is enormous. There are two firing modes, both holding significant combat roles.

The first, Feth Off Mode, fires all ten cannons' ion plasma rounds in ten seconds. This causes the shields to power down, the stations lights to flicker, and the cannons to simultaneously ruin someone's day. The sheer destructive force of ten Heavy Long Range Binary Fusion Ion Cannons firing at once is a difficult storm to weather, however, those that do will realize the stations is almost completely inert for the next fifty seconds. Shields won't reactivate until then, its weapons are recycling, and its reactor is straining to recover.

The second, much safer, more reliable mode is Continuous Fire Mode. This keeps all ten cannons cycling through, each firing in sequence so that the rate of fire is continuous and constant, putting all ten cannons' fire power across sixty seconds, keeping the rate of fire up and consistent. In this mode, due to the lessened power draw (only two cannons being active at any given time) the shields are able to be maintained, and lights, and non-essential systems are able to remain active during firing.

An alternate version using Heavy Long Range Hypervelocity cannons is available and works in the same way, with the same power requirements and strain on the station, but instead of firing packets of heavily ionized plasma, it fires tungsten carbide slugs. These are much more destructive against starship hulls, and when deployed, Sabers are often used in pairs, with a Binary Fusion Ion Cannon model and a Hypervelocity gun model, allowing those ships that do not heed the warning to suffer the consequences.

Because of the size of the weapon system, it is extremely dangerous to things the ship is able to rotate and reorient quickly enough to track. Normally these are heavier cruisers and Light Star Destroyers, but sometimes its able to make lucky shots on smaller targets.

Supporting this weapon are ten batteries of Point Defense Lasers and Witch Fire CIWS, as well as ten EM field generator turrets, spread evenly across the support ring around the spire.

Submission Name: Bes’drahr-class Battleship | Iron Dragon
[SIZE=10.5pt]Link to Submission: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Here[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Summary of Modification: Changing Ratings[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Reason for Modification: Update with the times[/SIZE]

Intent: To provide the fleet with a proper tank ship
Image Source: Here
Canon Link: Not Applicable
Restricted Missions: Not Applicable
Primary Source: Not Applicable

Manufacturer: ArmaTech Industries
Model: Mk3
Affiliation: Closed Market | Free World’s Coalition
Modularity: Yes

  • Non Combat Systems can be exchanged
Production: Minor
Classification: Heavy Battleship
Length: 850 Meters
Width: 250 Meters
Height: 200 Meters
Armament: Average (Moderate if Super-Heavy Weapons are Primary Batteries, High if Super-Heavy Weapons are Secondary Batteries)
Point Defense: Average (High if Vulcan Cannons are Primary Batteries, Extreme if Vulcan Cannons are Secondary Batteries)
Primary Batteries
Secondary Batteries
​Other Weapons
Defense: Extreme
Hangar: None
Minimum Crew: 435
Optimum Crew: 1,250
Passenger Capacity: 500
Cargo Capacity: 3,000 Metric Tons
Consumables: 10 Years
Maneuverability Rating: Average
Speed Rating: Average
Hyperdrive Class: 1.0
Backup Hyperdrive Class: 8.0

Sensor and Targeting
  • Tank: The Bes'drahr is designed with a complex, heavy, layered armor component with shields and compartmentalized hull structure. It is designed more than able to take punishment, get knocked around and keep on trucking, and has even been known to be bisected and continue to participate in combat, though at reduced capacity. It can take punches well above its weight-class, but it isn't indestructible.
  • Missile Attractor: Using Sensor control mechanism technology based on the aging Canderous-class Assault Tank, the Bes'drahr can actually trick nearby (Close Range) Missile Guidance systems into diverting to target the Bes'drahr itself, as well as some droid fighters and automated weapon systems. This allows it to force fire towards itself, though it can be dangerous as the system doesn't discern friend from foe weaponry.
  • Piercing Resistance: The hull is specifically designed to be difficult to penetrate with Mass Drivers, Missiles, and hypervelocity rounds, and when punctured it is made to limit the number of systems affected.
  • Split Guns: Not all of its large guns are able to fire in the same arc, all of them restricted due to placement. Only half are able to fire forward or aft.
  • Aft Armament: Other than the Secondary batteries, the Bes'drahr has no other weapons able to fire in that arc.
  • Mid-Range Shields: Unlike most Heavy duty defense ships, the Bes'drahr uses weaker shields with a quicker recharge time.
  • No Complement: The Bes'drahr trades what hangar it could house for extensive armor and hull reinforcing.
The Bes'drahr-class Battleship is the original warship produced by ArmaTech in cohesion with Mandal Hypernautics. It was built to be a self-sustaining, hard hitting tank of a ship, designed to take the brunt of enemy fire power and continue operating, continue drawing firepower and surviving it. Its much more survivable than it is damaging. Designed to operate as the centerpiece in a single ship or escorted cruiser unit, the Bes'drahr is self-reliant. Repairs, rations, ammunition, all produced within the bowels of the ship. Much of the vessel uses redundant shielded cabling and wiring, many of the systems involved are automated to reduce crew requirements, and decrease the possibility of casualties while the ship participates in combat. To compensate for the small crew and troop capacity, the ship has internal defenses included Ray Shielded doors, stasis fields, concealed ceiling mounted automated gun turrets mounting ACS Hellstorm Blaster Cannons or Dual Hyperion Squad Automatic Weapons at choke points and corridors, barricades that can lift from floors, are implemented to hamper and deter boarding actions within the thin corridors. The Citadel section of the ship is also able to seal itself off completely as are the much smaller internal armored compartments to protect themselves from boarding crews.

What allows the great lengths of extended operations is the use of a small Molecular Furnace, used to process waste for conversion into ammunition, war materials such as battle droids, and repair components for the ship, its complement, and its ground based units. This very small Molecular furnace is buried within the bowels of the ship, replacing the need for a trash compactor or waste disposal service. It is of course limited in its capacity to produce, fit for producing a company or so of battle droids between engagements, replacement parts for vehicles, and damage to the ship. Given enough time it could theoretically produce enough material to repair major damages, but it could be years given the size of the furnace and thus major repairs should be done at a repair station. Along this same vein, the ship makes use of a Solid Fuel Converter, designed to convert virtually any matter into power for fuel cells. When the molecular furnace is not in use, waste and trash is rerouted to this system to allow for replenishment of the ship's fuel cells. It makes heavy use of Mandal Hypernautics DRD droids and VCE Engineering Droids to assist in the repairs the vessel will surely need, and allows the vessel to operate as a small scale fleet tender for replenishment and minor repairs for patrol groups and other similarly sized units of ships.

The Battleship's primary drives are two powerful Ion Drives, powered by a dual Firestorm Isotope-5 Reactor. The dual reactors provide enough power to all systems, but are individually smaller than a standard reactor for the ship would be. With one built in the aft section of the ship and the other in the Citadel section of the ship, they provide a level of redundancy for the power supply systems of the vessel. Each of the five sections of the vessel contain a small auxiliary generator for maintaining constant power supply to life support, running lights, and other necessary systems found in the ship. Its sections also maintain capacitor banks that are slowly charged when not in combat allowing a section of the vessel to sustain power if it was separated from the main reactors or if they were disabled somehow. These can provide power for twelve hours of emergency systems only or fifteen minutes of complete combat capable energy to the weapons and subsystems. Additionally, the ship features a full set of Mandal Hypernautics propulsion systems to provide some short term utility to the craft.

Armor and Shielding
The hull of the Bes'drahr is arranged into five main sections; the prow, midships-port, midships-starboard, the citadel, and aft; built in these sections and designed to decentralize the important structures within the vessel. Each section has its own ammunition storage, targeting computers, capacitor banks, auxiliary generators, and weapon systems for when the ship inevitably suffers heavy damage. As it was built to sustain terrible incoming damage and continue to limp onward, the hull and armor of the Bes'drahr is its primary feature. The exterior armor that covers all five sections is made from AR-0B Damage Reduction-Mandalorian Steel alloy plates designed in a vertical/horizontal dual layer pattern laced with trace amounts of agrinium. This plating is only barely superior to standard Mandalorian Steel plating, however and uses agrinium to limit the widespread effectiveness of Ion and EMP weaponry so that a few well placed shots do not disable the vessel in its entirety.

Within the hull, each section of the ship features a secondary armor plating consisting of high-density Mandalorian Steel-Agrinium All or Nothing armor around its essential systems, reinforced with a crossweave of ultra high-carbon Molecularly Bonded rebar to reduce missile and projectile penetration. The Internal structure is highly compartmentalized and decentralized outside of this All or Nothing armor layer, allowing a single compartment being blown apart to have little or no effect on the combat capabilities of another. This separates weapon operations heavily, rather than decks containing numerous batteries exposed to one another, individual batteries are completely separate to prevent catastrophic damage to one another and reducing pressure loss from hull breaches and hull degradation through combat. The Citadel, the primary command section of the vessel featuring one of the reactors and the main weaponry is constructed with a layer of belt armor completely encompassing it, allowing it to close itself off from the rest of the ship if need be via thick internal plating and very large blast doors. The frame of the vessel is made from Honeycombed Mandalorian Steel, creating a powerful, durable frame designed to sustain the stresses of repeated bombardment by enemy craft.

The Bes'drahr is protected by a dual layer shield array, though it is not necessarily very powerful. Instead of focusing on high powered shield systems, the Bes'drahr uses lower power shields with a much faster recharge rate. The outer shield layer is a Retribution Ray Shield, equipped with a rapid shutter systems to allow weapons to fire out unimpeded and to disable the Dovin Basal 'shield grab' attacks made popular during the Yuuzhan Vong War and the resurgence of the One Sith. This outer layer's Ray shield is able to return some of the output it absorbs and lashes out at the ships damaging it with a portion of the energy, though it is less resilient than normal. This energy dissipates over time and distance, with the maximum damage at close range being about half. The inner layer is an Thermal Deflector Shield, comparable to standard shielding, designed to be top of the line. The long recycle rate of the Thermal Shield would normally prevent it from being able to be used on a vessel with so many Mass Driver weapons, however, by using a series of Shield Emitters, similar in design to the Aegis Receptor Node, around each weapon system, it is able to divert power around the weapon as it fires. These controls are tied to the weapon firing controls, diverting power around the weapon system right before firing, and returning afterwards. While still slower than a standard shudder shield, it allows the Thermal Shield to be used without disabling the entire system for a lengthy time. Supporting these shields is an Anti-Concussion Field generator, providing the vessel with a secondary defense against missile weaponry, while not effecting other projectiles, and operates much like a secondary particle shield. This allows the ship to lower its thermal shields and not completely expose itself to missile batteries straight to the hull. It works like a dedicated deflector shield, and thus is effective against specifically explosive projectiles, but nothing else.

Sensor and Targeting Systems
The Bes'drahr's sensor orbs are standard for a ship of its size and class, arrays designed for detecting enemy craft at both standard and long ranges. It uses a Dedicated Energy Receptor, Electro-Photo Receptor, Phased Tachyon Detector, and Aural sensor in conjunction with a Full-Spectrum Sensor array. Its targeting systems however are much more complex, featuring a series of Precision Holo-Targeting computers fitted with backup targeting lasers with updated processors and enhanced Threat Analysis Grids. These computers are able to filter more data than standard computers, capable of greater accuracy than standard computers.

Missile Attractor System
One very unique function of the Bes'drahr is its ability to draw enemy fire. Using a series of Sensor Control Mechanisms similar to the Canderous-class Assault Tank, which rather than disrupting or dispersing missile weaponry, it can actually attracts missiles, as well as some less advanced droid fighters and automated weaponry, to the Bes'drahr, marking it as their primary target. More advanced missiles are less likely to be effected, but most standard missiles fired nearby, from Nano missiles to Assault grade, may have their target-locks overridden and target the Bes'drahr instead. While this is dangerous for the vessel, and prevents itself and other friendly ships at close range from firing warheads, it offers a protection for its allies from missile barrages while it takes the brunt of the assault. Droid fighters and automated weapons are similarly effected, while some basic targeting computers may glitch to continue to mark the Bes'drahr as the primary target and have to be manually changed.

Communication and Miscellaneous Systems
The Bes'drahr makes use of a full communication suite, including comm lasers for LOS communications, a Holonet Transceiver for instantaneous galactic communications, and a Ranger Transceiver for monitoring subspace frequencies. The network is segregated from the ship's primary systems that control the ships necessary functions, receiving and processing all wirelessly received signals on a separate network from ship operations. Socketguards protect the computer systems from slicing, though skilled slicers are still able to overcome this obstacle. The LOS communication lasers are used if communications are jammed, the system suffering severe static, or if the receiving ship has lost communication. The lasers suffer from lag over great distances, but are reliable and difficult to disrupt. They simply require clear line of sight to the target. It can make use of an All Clear style Distress beacon, meaning that its distress beacon, rather than broadcasting only when something goes wrong, sends transmissions of its location at all times, so that if the transmission is interrupted others are quickly alerted to the disturbance. Alternatively, it can use its distress beacon normally, especially when making moves into unknown or enemy territory.

Weapon Systems
The main batteries of the Bes'drahr is a set of four modular turrets, two ventral, two dorsal, that provide the bulk of the heavy anti-capital ship weaponry. These come in the form of Vulcan Gatling cannon turrets firing numerous oversized flak shells in rapid succession primarily for providing anti-starfighter fire, however Vulcan cannons are also known to be effective against corvettes and frigates. Quad Super-Heavy Mass Drives firing massive armor piercing-explosive slugs that excel at ripping through starship armor and hulls, peeling them apart shell by shell. Triple Super-Heavy Turbolasers with the fire power of six turbolaser batteries each which given their immense size are sometimes able to open small holes in enemy shields as they compensate for the concentrated firepower. Aligned with these, is a secondary modular battery, two port and two starboard, with the same options for construction. This allows a Bes'drahr to be altered to fit a given engagement or campaign prior to conflict. Some are built for heavy capital ship combat, others for balance, and some to tear through enemy fighter swarms.

Heavy deck cannon batteries support these amidships, using ion blasts and mass drivers in sequence in an attempt to bypass weaker shield units. This is not guaranteed, but the chances of delivering the mass driver round to hull increases as shields become weaker after they sustain damage. Energy siphon cannons are used to damage and drain enemy shields while resupplying a portion of that energy to its hosts shield units.

Finally, the Bes'drahrs missile batteries consist of eight Heliod Missile launchers or eight Alor-style Warhead launcher turrets. The Heliod, which include a fast rack reload system and a variable warhead size launch pad allow them to fire a single assault warhead or four capital grade warheads at a time and rapidly reload varying types of ordnance without sacrificing their rate of fire. It provides a level versatility to the payload the Bes'drahr is able to fire at enemy vessels for very few sacrifices. The Alor-style warhead launchers, based off those made popular by Mandal Hypernautics are capable of loading four assault warheads at a time, which it can fire in a single salvo. Once dry of ordnance, these turrets can turn perpendicular to their mountings which will allow for a fresh payload of ordnance to be loaded and readied to fire after a few minutes as additional warheads are transferred to it from the ammunition storage systems. Each turret is able to support Assault Concussion Missiles, Assault Proton Rockets, Ram'or Assault Missiles, ACS Shipbreacher Missiles, Homing Cluster EMP Detonation Missiles, Advanced Homing Cluster Missiles, Homing Assault Intruder Missiles, among other options.

Supporting these is an extensive set of Point Defense Weapons all known for using Hi-Track computers similar to the Ranger-class Gunship of old. Flak cannons form the main group of defensive fire, stuttering out explosive fragmentation shells to damage starfighters and cut down missile weapons, CIWS favoring targeting missiles and interceptors where the weaker bolts are more effective against, while the Ra missile turrets, connected to G-003 Tri-Trackers, are less specific in their targeting, useful against all craft.

Submission Name: Warden-class Sentinel Frigate
[SIZE=10.5pt]Link to Submission: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Here[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Summary of Modification: Changing Ratings[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Reason for Modification: Update with the times[/SIZE]

Intent: To create a Monitor Frigate
Image Source: Here
Canon Link: Not Applicable
Restricted Missions: Not Applicable
Primary Source: Not Applicable

Manufacturer: ArmaTech Industries
Model: Mk3
Affiliation: Closed Market | Free World’s Coalition
Modularity: Yes
  • Non Combat Systems can be exchanged
Production: Limited
  • Durasteel Hull
  • Starship Components
Classification: Monitor Frigate
Length: 300 Meters
Width: 100 Meters
Height: 80 Meters
Armament: Low
Point Defense: Moderate
Defense: Average
Hangar: Average
  • Squadrons (1)
  • Shuttles, Transports, Freighters (2)
Minimum Crew: 375
Optimum Crew: 810
Passenger Capacity: 80
Cargo Capacity: 600 Metric Tons
Consumables: 10 Years
Maneuverability Rating: High
Speed Rating: Moderate
Hyperdrive Class: 1.0
Backup Hyperdrive Class: 8.0

Sensor and Targeting
  • I See You There: Outfitted with a wide variety of sensors and detection equipment the ship specializes as an early warning ship and Stealth Detection Ship. It also has the ability to real time relay its sensor data to another Capital ship it is with Data Relay Systems.
  • Interdictor: It features a single Gravity Well Generator (Compared to the Four on Immobilizer's) allowing it to cover a relatively small space with an Interdiction Field.
  • Weak Armament: For its size, its under-gunned. It is meant to be a sensor ship paired with larger, more heavily armed vessels.
  • Non-Damaging Weapons: The Warden focuses on determining the location of and disabling cloaking devices and stealth systems of stealth vessels in a system. Other than Ion Weaponry, it is unable to damage vessels in combat.
The main weapon on this craft is its so called Nebula Cannon. It is known that no matter the cloaking and stealth aboard a ship it cannot pass through a cloud of dust and gas without disrupting that cloud. So, as a way of counter larger stealth ships ArmaTech modified a Hypervelocity Gun to fire large amounts of ionized dust and gases in a 15 degree cone as a way of detecting, and highlighting stealthed ships for a fleet. The ionized dust shows up on sensors easily and adheres to ships struck with it very well, lowering the effectiveness of sensor negators immensely. These means ships without True cloaking devices that rely on sensor negators and paint are the most vulnerable to this weapon as they will appear on standard scanners and sensors once outside of the cloud. This weapon is completely harmless unless a ship were parked mere meters from the barrel, and even then only against small, sub-capital ships. The Dust cloud continues moving until disrupted, so other ships are able to visually see the point where the cloud is disrupted. While useful in detecting stealth based capital ships, it is less able to detect smaller ships given the relatively small size of the target, and the weapon's fixed position.

Range: Long Range Hypervelocity Gun
Rate of Fire: Hypervelocity Gun equivalent
Damage: None (If a Starfighter is parked literally right in front of the barrel, its going to get knocked around)

The ship's other weapons are evenly spread across the hull. It primarily uses its Ion Cannons and Point Defense Ion Cannons to fire at ships that are now visible on their sensors.

Support Systems
The Warden features standard shield systems, as it focus on support much more than offense or defense its power is drawn elsewhere. It features a form of hydrostatic fields allowing the ship to be used in aquatic warfare. These does allow the ship to hide in oceans if necessary, or set ambushes from there. The ship features advanced sensor equipment with exceptional long range active scanners, and advanced passive sensors for close range.

The system includes four suites of full-spectrum transceivers, aural sensors, hyperwave signal interceptors, emission tracers, Sonar systems for atmospheric and aquatic use, and communication interceptors, allowing it to detect most ships by processing space phenomena and sensor data from every spectrum of light, heat, and electromagnetic spectrum. These are featured in four clusters on the ship, and gather data, processing it through the very powerful Battle Analysis Computer. This allows the sensors suites to detect the minute differences that might be caused due to electronic interference or space phenomena such as gas clouds, ion clouds, solar flares, and the like, reducing the effects of Sensor masks. The suite is also adept in detection efflux trails, ion trails, and heat transmissions in local space, making it difficult for non-baffled drives to move undetected in its line of sight. Boosting this system is a Phased Tachyon Sensor Array used for visual targeting at extreme distances with little to no lag, though for this to be useful it must first lock onto a sensor signature. It features a Crystal Grav Trap to detect visually cloaked ships or ships using stygium or hibridium cloaking devices. The ship can detect magnetic signatures using its complex sensor and scanner systems, allowing it to detect most stealth ships it might encounter. The ship can use these sensors to detect the subtle differences in the local magnetic field of the celestial body caused by a stealth ship, providing it with a general location of the enemy ship.

Although much smaller than the average interdictor, the Warden features a single Gravity Well Generator, rather than the four found on the Immobilizer and Interdictor-class Star Destroyers. This Gravity Well Generator, combined with a Hyperwave Signal Interceptors, S-Thread Monitors, and Gemcutters similar to those used in the Imperial Hyperspace Security Net, able to detect cronau radiation from ships exiting hyperspace nearby. These allow it to detect the majority of incoming ships, draw them out of hyperspace and fire upon them with the Nebula Cannon. There are a few ways around being detected like this. Small sub capital ships may slip by undetected, ships using special Hyperdrives, reverting outside its sensor range, or reverting behind a planetoid or major celestial body relative to the Warden. The ideal scenario is the enemy ship is pulled from hyperspace and painted with the Nebula Cannon, but smaller stealth vessels such as corvettes, or high traffic systems severely hamper this strategy. In addition it cannot use the Crystal Grav Trap and the Gravity Well Generator at the same time.

The Warden doubles as a coordinator for small fleets, and so, it features a Battle Analysis Computer and Data-Relay Systems. The Battle Analysis Computer is used to collect the data from its multitude of sensors and scanners, to predict enemy movements, targets, plot enemy courses, analyze their tactics, and provide statistics of the enemy commander based on the information it was able to collect. It then sends this data to other ships it is accompanying, allowing the battleships, dreadnoughts, and destroyers to act upon the information it analyzes. This requires the ship to be able to use its sensors and communication devices in order to work properly and there is always a delay in human actions. The information has to be relayed to the ships, then to the officers, then they adjust based on its data. This means that while it increases their effectiveness, it isn't an instantaneous way for a Destroyer to fire upon a stealth ship the Warden has detected and analyzed. It simply increases the likelihood they are able to fire upon it effectively as they are able to ballpark the enemy ships location.

Its communication and wireless receivers are kept on a segregated network from the majority of the ships functions, specifically the necessary system for combat and flight functions.
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
Submission Name: Lothal-II-class artillery carrier
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Change of heavy long-range tractor beam model
Reason for Modification: Archival of the sub associated with the heavy long-range tractor beam model


  • Manufacturer: Ringovinda StarYards
  • Model: Lothal-II-class artillery carrier
  • Affiliation: Open Market
  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Durasteel hull




  • Long-range firepower

  • Long-range tractor beam (can be used within long-range turbolaser range)

  • Ability to penetrate shields

  • Large cargo capacity

  • Strong hull

  • Can land on planets

  • High resistance to slicing attempts
  • Concentrated firepower in few hardpoints
  • Vulnerable at close range (especially to a squadron of corvettes in anti-capital ship roles)
  • Slow, ponderous
  • Repulsorlift generator failures must be repaired in orbit
  • A stray shot at the hangars' hypermatter reserves can gut the ship
  • The tractor beam is easier to escape beyond standard turbolaser range
Description: The Lothal-class artillery cruiser underwent modifications based on battle experience, where it was found that the space allotted for missile launchers could be better used for additional attack craft squadrons, bringing its total hangar complement to four squadrons in their enlarged port and starboard sides. In addition, a host of systems are in place to help protect against asteroid impacts, such as those experienced on Ossus, for which the Kreelan explosive reactive armor is designed. Also, the suite of weapons was overhauled, including 420mm HVCs and new heavy long-range turbolasers and ion cannons, alongside solar ionization cannons that allow them to bypass shields, and a limited set of smaller, rapid-fire weapons for short-range engagements. However, to make way for additional weapons, and thanks to the reactor drain they cause, engines had to be downsized, hence making it much slower than the original Lothal.

Nevertheless, as with its predecessor, the Lothal-II is best used in a support capacity, staying at a fleet's back. Due to how its main battery is concentrated in its limited number of hardpoints, the artillery carrier is vulnerable to a pack of escorts that can close range and evade its array of long-range weapons, thanks to its limited amount of short-range firepower. Also, if a stray shot somehow hits the hypermatter or ordnance reserves inside the hangar bay, it can potentially gut the ship along with it.

A few important notes on the heavy long-range tractor beam: even though it can effectively be used within long-range turbolaser range, due to beam dissipation, beyond standard turbolaser range, it is best to be used on unpowered objects, such as planet-killing asteroids.

- Consumables: 2 years
- Crew: 1,700 (skeleton: 600)
- Passengers: 4,000
- Cargo: 75,000 tons

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
Submission Name: Ironjaw-class Star Destroyer
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Change of Name, Change of Image
Reason for Modification: Going to use the name Ironjaw for a different vessel, and update the image to match the new IE style.
Modification: Replace all instances of "Ironjaw" with "Ironmaw" (15 including the Topic Title)

Update image with this one.

Submission Name: Ironjaw II-class Star Destroyer
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Change of Name, Change of Image
Reason for Modification: Going to use the name Ironjaw for a different vessel, and update the image to match the new IE style.
Modification: Replace all instances of "Ironjaw" with "Ironmaw" (21 including the Topic Title)

Update image with this one.

Submission Name: Ironjaw III-class Star Destroyer
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Change of Name
Reason for Modification: Going to use Ironjaw for a cruiser.
Modification: Replace all instances of "Ironjaw" with "Ironmaw" (21 including the Topic Title)

Fiolette Fortan

Name of Submission: TIE/RB XIX Reign II Heavy Bomber-type
Link to Submission: (x)
Summary of Modification: Removal of Restricted Item
Reason for Modification: To have the submission in line with factory standards
Modification: Remove Impervium from materials list.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Submission Name: The Foundry
Summary of Modification:
Reason for Modification:
  • This is to further flesh out The Foundry as per its function as a mobile Workshop location.


  • 1x Escape Pods

  • 4x TIE Engines (Salvaged)

  • 2x Tractor Beams

  • 40x Smugglers Hatches (Lead Shielded to prevent scans)

  • 1x Standard Sensor Suite

  • 1x Nav Computer

  • Metal recycling unit (new)

  • Smelting unit (new)

  • CNC milling machine (new)

  • Ammunition press (new)

  • Ammunition moulds (new)

  • Plating moulds (new)

  • Other miscellaneous milling equipment (new)

  • Firing range (new)

  • Rigger Table (new)

Valessia Brentioch

Submission Name: Muhktiar-class, Anti-Starfighter Corvette
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Adding Primo Victoria Shipwright as a Manufacturer
Reason for modification: This is to add, additional mass-produced items for PVS
Modification: Please add Primo Victoria Shipwright (x)

Submission Name: Conyers-class, Science Frigate
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Adding Primo Victoria Shipwright as a Manufacturer
Reason for modification: This is to add, additional mass-produced items for PVS
Modification: Please add Primo Victoria Shipwright (x)
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
Submission name: Compellor-class battlecruiser
Link to submission:
Summary of modification: Addition of a set of self-sealing hypermatter tanks
Reason for modification: To reduce the operational hazards of using the ship


Port view


Bow view


Aft view


Topside view


Underside view


  • Manufacturer: Ringovinda StarYards
  • Model: Compellor-class battlecruiser
  • Affiliation: Galactic Alliance/Outer Rim Coalition
  • Production: Semi-unique (1 per writer)
  • Material: Durasteel hull, quadranium frame



  • Long-range firepower
  • Can fly long-distance flights in non-straight trajectories in hyperspace or Otherspace
  • High resistance to slicing attempts
  • High resistance to mass driver/HVC attacks
  • High resistance to ion/EMP attacks
  • Stealth long-range MIRVs
  • Molecular shields
  • Once the armor takes a hit at one place, it creates a chink in the hull at that place
  • Slow, ponderous
  • Otherspace operation is very dangerous
  • Command ship: if a Compellor was to go down, a fleet may lose coordination due to the presence of prominent chain of command figures onboard, especially true in Otherspace combat
  • Limited point-defense ammunition
  • Exposed command tower: even though it's less of a problem than on Victory-class and Imperator-class ships and its numerous variants produced, due to the shield generators being inside the superstructure, it's still a problem with the Compellor
  • Exposed underside hangar bays
  • Exposed tailfin
DESCRIPTION: The Compellor was born from schematics seized from pirates operating in the Kathol Rift. As such, the Compellor contains three ventral hangar bays, capable of servicing two full wings of fighters (12 squadrons) with the layout of the heavy hardpoints being similar to other wedge-shaped battlecruisers in service: the dorsal hardpoints are more reminiscent of what's in use in the Procurator-X, with the big guns placed along the centerline on the top and underside, and the smaller dorsal batteries being positioned some distance away from the superstructure. Also, the point-defense concussion missile launchers are placed in banks of four, enabling a single bank to be able to fire at targets in any direction. Due to the operational requirements of operating in the Kathol Rift, the Compellor is equipped with an HIMS, which allows it to fly through obstacles in hyperspace, as well as a Otherpilot navicomputer, which allows it to take non-linear routes through hyperspace and Otherspace. In addition, its Otherdrive allows it to fly, patrol and fight in Otherspace without waiting for a hyperdrive malfunction, with all the hazards Otherspace flight represent. Oh and with the Qektoth threat looming large, since the action on Ancora, it was decided that the Compellor would be equipped with molecular shielding as well as Kreelan explosive-reactive armor, with the unfortunate implication that an enemy hitting the Compellor at that same point will be firing at a chink in the armor.

However, the Compellor is not without its weaknesses: as with most ships of that size, the Compellor is very slow, and also features exposed ventral hangar bays, as well as an exposed tailfin. Nevertheless, the Compellor is capable of bringing in two corps' worth of troops for a system campaign, or even a sector campaign, and also with the ability to provide care on a large scale, thanks to its vast array of medical equipment onboard. Finally, since Compellors are expected to serve as command ships regardless of whether or not they are deployed in Otherspace, if a Compellor goes down in combat, the fleet under its care will quickly fall into disarray, especially more true in since the Otherspace naval doctrine of the Outer Rim Coalition, who placed the first order for Compellors, places the onus on deploying a small number of elite capital ships in Otherspace engagements. Also, for increased safety, the Compellors feature self-sealing hypermatter tanks, limiting the potential damage a hypermatter leak can deal to the ship.

Consumables: 2 years
Skeleton crew: 12,000
Optimal crew: 40,000
Passengers: 50,000
Cargo space: 7 million tons
Submission Name: Ossus-class shield gate
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Archival
Reason for Modification: Ossus has been abandoned by the Silver Jedi Order; the terms for First Order ceasefire includes the dismantlement of the shield gates
Modification: Archival

Submission Name: Elaine Thul's personal transport
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Adding a self-sealing hypermatter tank to the special features
Reason for Modification: To reduce the operational hazards of using the ship


Submission name: Immobilizer 421-class interdictor supercarrier
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Adding a self-sealing hypermatter tank to the special features
Reason for Modification:To reduce the operational hazards of using the ship

Submission name: Immobilizer 420-class interdictor carrier
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Adding a self-sealing hypermatter tank to the special features
Reason for Modification:To reduce the operational hazards of using the ship

Submission name: Immobilizer 419-class interdictor carrier refit
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Adding a self-sealing hypermatter tank to the special features
Reason for Modification:To reduce the operational hazards of using the ship


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