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Suffer the Consequences of Your Actions [Republic/Mandos]

"That is all, Grandmaster. I will contact the Mandalorians. May the Force be with you." He gave a faint bow at the waist before cutting the line and sighing. He paced the length of the communications room for several moments, finally pausing near the window to look at a sky turned ephemeral blue by the flickering energies of the shields.

Inhaling deeply, he wondered how many Republic ships were in orbit, right now, acquiring target on the Mandalorian vessels. He wagered a staggering sum. It was a bold move for them to come here, and he doubted it would play out well.

How they answered his next message would be the watershed moment of this standoff. Peace, or war.

Peace... or war.

He was, either way, standing squarely at the center of a defining moment in history. His shoulders, so usually hunched in an aggressive posture, straightened themselves as he righted his back. The weight had never been heavier... but he'd rarely felt so - he laughed to himself a little - young.

Turning his head towards the communications officer, he gave a nod. @[member="Mia Monroe"] would be contacted. "The Grandmaster will meet with either Mandalore or his chosen representative... on Anaxes. He will bring no fleet, only the shuttle that will take him to said planet." He did not feel the need to tell them what would happen if they decided they were going to stay around and avoid taking the deal.

It went without saying that sending both the Chancellor and Grandmaster was a fundamentally bad idea, and so they would have to make do with just the one. Or not. He didn't anticipate this going over well.
"May the Force be with you, Master Preacher" he said before the line went dead. Quickly, the Grandmaster fished out his datapad and relayed a message to a good friend of his, just in case... Informing them of the situation.

He headed to his ship, and informed the technical workers in the hanger bay of the situation, as well as plans if the Mandalorians decide to... Not go away.

@[member="Sarge Potteiger"]
Mia was silent for a moment as she contemplated the Jedi's message. Everything in peace and war was about compromise and sacrifice. She had made her move, the Jedi had responded, but she still had had no word of any importance from the Senators. Who truly controlled the Republic? The Jedi? She spoke softly in response to the Jedi.

"I will meet him, but ony if the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor are also present. This fleet, will remain above Coruscant until we have reached an agreement upon Annaxes and I have returned to them."

Your move, Jedi.

@[member="Sarge Potteiger"]
"I will see if the Grandmaster will be willing to bring the Vice Chancellor along, however, considering your hostile actions, separating our entire power structure from our capital is a move that will not be made. That is the best you will get. And you will not, I repeat, will not leave your fleet in orbit. You may bring a token escort fleet with you to Anaxes, but we cannot abide a fleet clearly prepared for war hanging over our capital."

He sent a brief, typed message to @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] asking about the Vice Chancellor. He'd know soon enough.

@[member="Mia Monroe"]
"Vice Chancellor and Chancellor, Jedi Master" she repeated. "If all of them are not there, then I will not be going. This fleet is staying precisely where it is. You have my word no shots will be fired without my order."

@[member="Sarge Potteiger"]
"Frankly, Mandalorian, I don't care about your word. What I care about is a population of a trillion people looking up to the sky to see Mandalorian ships squaring off against the Republic fleet. That is what I care about. I care about making sure our entire power structure doesn't get taken in one swoop, because their safety is of the utmost importance to the Republic.

What I care about Mandalorian, is you taking your fleet out of our airspace; no more, no less. You will get the Grandmaster and the Vice Chancellor, but the last thing I need is for the Chancellor to go along so that you have our two heads of state and the head of our Order, alone with someone who isn't even the Mandalore.

No, the Chancellor will stay here, where he has his safety guaranteed. You have exactly one hour from now to remove the fleet from orbit or we open fire. This is non-negotiable.

You are at this point, however, testing my patience. Vice Chancellor Fenn and Grandmaster Dragonsflame will be at Anaxes awaiting your representative. If it is so disagreeable to you that you don't get what you want exactly where you want it, we have nothing further to discuss."

@[member="Mia Monroe"]
Rygle Larraq sat quietly on what he was beginning to think of as his wartime throne and listened to the conversation between the Field Marshal and the Jetti. Typical of the Jedi, they assumed themselves to be superior. To always be in the right. That their way was not only the best way, but the only way.

They were no different than the darjetti.

Larraq watched various viewscreens and holoprojections that displayed the fleet, the planet, and the space around them. The fleet had arrived in a basic cluster formation and had maintained that formation after arrival. Sipping his coffee, Larraq amused himself over the fact that the Mandalorian fleet had taken no single action other than to simply arrive at Coruscant. And yet the Republic and their Jedi parasites were already squirming under the pressure.

Perhaps a bit more pressure would loosen their sphincters enough to pry out the stick that kept them feeling so superior.

Not wanting to possibly interrupt @[member="Mia Monroe"]'s diplomatic work, Larraq began typing up orders for the fleet using his datapad. The fleet would adjust its formation. The Mythosaur would move from the front of the formation to the heart of it. Slightly ahead and to either side of the Mythosaur, the twin Kandosii-type Dreadnoughts would assume escort positions with a trio of Keldabe and Kyramund Battleships in front of and slightly below the Dreadnoughts. Beside each Dreadnought was a pair of Jehavey'ir Assault Ships. The Pygmy and Nexus cruisers were to move forwards and take shelter under the ventral shadow of the Mythosaur. The Kad'ika Light Cruisers formed a V-formation that stretched from one Kandosii to the other, but was just far enough above the two ships to not block the Mythosaur's fire arc. Azalus Flak Frigates, Ulu'uur Sensor Frigates, and Yai'vhey Corvettes scattered to key locations beside the Mythosaur and throughout the fleet. Three wings of three Haran'uliik Light Frigates and three wings of three Nebula Corvettes moved themselves to key locations within and on the flanks of the formation.

Larraq finished the orders and sent them to the commanders of each ship on a secure and encrypted datastream. Larraq felt the Mythosaur shift slightly as she moved back and felt the gravity fluctuate slightly as the tight formation of ships scattered further apart. The adjusted formation slowly came into shape on various viewscreens and holoprojectors on the bridge. Mia looked quizzically at him for a moment at the shift in formation, to which he simply shrugged. "If the goal here is to make them feel the pressure of war, you should order a volley of missiles armed and open missile tubes. Opening Hanger Bay doors would be a nice touch as well." Larraq said absently as he returned to watching his datapad. He did not like taking a back seat on a military operation, but he could hardly argue the matter right now. The Mand'alor wanted diplomacy at the barrel of a gun. Perhaps the man thought Larraq only capable of destroying things?

And somehow Larraq doubted his actions at Dromund Kaas had made a good impression on the Mand'alor. Then again, he had been on the planet when Larraq had made the sky fall.

Glancing at his datapad and the information pouring into it from the rest of the fleet, Larraq added to Mia; "Their fleet is coming."
Sabrina had recently joined the red legion, in hopes to prove her loyalty to the mandalorians. She had to go through some training, when she joined, some if it felt weird. During her training, when ever she was near mandalorian`s, she wore her helmet, as she did not want to be recognized, as that may jeopardize her in the future.
She actualy hated her training, being told what to do, by people who where not her equals. Also the armour they where given, it felt really fething heavy, and their was no way she could do her acrobatics in it. Her rifle skills, where poor but did improve over training, their where even a few jokes about hanger doors. Though she was lot better with their pistol, though it was more just point and shoot. She actually liked the pistol training, to point one day she may incorporate one into her own armour, may be on a wrist.
Her new general @[member="Aedan Miles"], marching up down, she wonder if even new who she was. Well who she pretending to be, so she could help the free houses of serenno. Though their was obvious thing about her, in the middle of this legion, she was shortest by six inches at least. Though she was happy that she finished some of her training, before she joined, it made a few things easier. Their they all stood waiting for orders, part wonder what those orders would be.
@[member="Mia Monroe"]
Mia chuckled. "I thought the Jedi were supposed to be calm." she replied softly, it was clear that she had pushed enough buttons for the time being and more demands would only result in bloodshed. She listened to Larraq behind her, still not confirming what she was going to do wih the Jedi. She cut the feed and let them waiting, turning to face the Rally Master.

"There is only a certain amount of pressure we are able to give before something explodes, Larraq, the goal is not make it explode but to make a point. If we push too hard we may as well declare war now and raise hell and that is not the point of this. You can pull back to Alsakan and I can head to Annaxes for the negotiations and we can still get what we want without bloodshed. The day will come for war, Larraq and today is not that day. That being said, what can you spare for an escort? I don't trust these people as far I can throw them."

@[member="Captain Larraq"]
"Oh, I am calm." The Jedi said, sounding exactly as calm as he ever had. In fact, he almost sounded friendly, although it was clear the friendliness was more than strained at this point. With the link cut, the Jedi let his shoulders slump a little as he moved to take a seat in a nearby chair.

Leaning forward, he rested his forearms across the edge of his knees and clasped his hands together, wringing them thoughtfully for a few moments. Finally, he drew in a deep breath and let the Force flow down and through him to take away the stress of being on the brink of war.

With his inner calm restored, the outward was renewed in total, leaving a serene smile placed upon his face for the moment. It was time to wait for what the Mandalorians had to say. "Grandmaster @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]." He said into the comm on his wrist, "They want the... Vice Chancellor to come along. I believe Fenn was our last; you may wish to take him with you, should they accept. Preacher, out."
Josh looked down at his com and gave a nod.

"Fenn's close enough" he said, taking a breath. The Grandmaster was in his ship, set to take off soon. "These Mandalorians will probably try something, but yeah I'll get Yusan to come with me" he said.

As he cut the link, Josh quickly sent out a message to @[member="Yusan Fenn"] to meet him in the Temple's hanger bay.
Yusan checked his datapad and read it carefully before sending one to Carliah, reading "Carliah meet me at the Temple hanger bay, fast or else you are going to need to get to the bunker without my help." He powered it down and headed to the airspeeder he had ready before starting it up and heading to the Jedi temple without a second thought, he hoped Carliah would arrive there so that there was a chance of getting her off the planet without the worry that the Mandalorians would shoot her down, and that was something he would never let happen. @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Larraq sighed with obvious displeasure at how the situation was progressing before responding to @[member="Mia Monroe"]. "Personally, I say we point our weapons at their planet and wait for them to panic and shoot first. We have enough firepower to reduce this planet to glass and fight our way back to Mandalorian borders. I suggest we sit tight and force them to bring the diplomats to us. But if you want to run off to play diplomat, I will take command of this fleet and hold this planet hostage until you are returned. I trust the Republic and their Jedi no more than I trust the Sith that still haunt the shadows of this galaxy."

Larraq took a sip of his coffee and then continued. "But since I know that you'll not listen to the voice of reason, I suggest you at least take a large enough force to fight your way back to us if the need arises." It had been thousands of years since any but a Mandalorian had seen the Jehavey'ir Assault Ships in action, and Larraq seriously doubted any but the oldest Jedi records would remember the exact threat that the Kandosii-type Dreadnought posed. "Take a Kandosii, two Azalus, two Jehavey'ir, and all nine Haran'uliiks. It's a big enough fleet to be threatening on its own, but small enough that they will feel safe behind two or three Star Destroyers. Oh, and take the Pygmy-class Cruiser. The Red's on board want a chance to prove they are good enough to be Mandalorian. If you end up needing exfiltration, they'll give up everything to get you home."

Carliah Dakrone

Walking the Path to Redemption
Carliah got his message and raced off to the hangar. She was already nearby and it didn't take her long to get there. She had originally intended to evacuate but at the last minute decided to stay behind. She wanted to be as close to Yusan as possible. She reached the hangar and waited patiently for Yusan to arrive. She tried not to appear nervous as she waited. She held a vibrosword in one hand, but the weapon looked severely out of place in her hands due to the swollen, obviously pregnant stomach. She rested her free hand on her stomach, feeling the twins kicking around. She almost cried. She was terrfied.
Yusan arrived and first looked for that of @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], his head snapping to the area near the ship where he saw the master, but first he saw @[member="Carliah Dakrone"] who he waved over as he got closer. "Josh, good to see you again, i think that this will be a good get away from a slightly tense place dont you think..." He avoided talking about Carliah, though his expression made it clear why she was here, he was bringing her off the planet himself, that way he could be sure that there was no threat of a trigger happy Mandalorian harming her.
"No, Rally Master we do not. Their planetary shields are up and we are smack bang in the middle of their territory. While we might have the upper hand for the first leg of the battle, we will not in the long run. And you, are not the voice of reason, you are more bloodthirsty than a Garhoon." She smiled, it was not meant to be an insult, more a jest.

"Preliat," she said softly turning her attention to him "What do you think?"

@[member="Captain Larraq"] @[member="Preliat Mantis"]

Carliah Dakrone

Walking the Path to Redemption
Carliah came running over and practically tackled Yusan. She hugged him tightly for a few minutes before letting go and looking up at him. "If you do anything to get yourself hurt, I will NEVER forgive you," she threatened. It wasn't true of course, but she was extremely worried about him. She took his hand in hers, holding it tightly as she stood next to him. She felt a little safer with him next to her, but the threat looming over them was still rather daunting. Being pregnant had made her much more fearful, not for herself or her own safety, but for the safety of her and Yusan's children who had yet to be born. "Josh if you let anyone hurt him... I will kill you. Nothing is more dangerous than an angry pregnant woman... Especially an angry pregnant women who just found out the father of her children is injured... or worse dead." She growled, turning to face the Grandmaster. @[member="Yusan Fenn"]@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Larraq looked at @[member="Mia Monroe"] and was confused for a moment. "You really think planetary shields can stop me?" Larraq asked as he stared at her. "You didn't look at the cargo manifest, did you?" Larraq said as he pulled up the information on his datapad and held it out to her. "Mandal Hypernautics has been busy."
Stray stay along side @[member="Carliah Dakrone"] staying quiet, his purple eyes were fearful as he did not understand what was going on. he looked around some shaking as he still stay quiet.
@[member="Mia Monroe"] @[member="Captain Larraq"]

Preliat turned to Captain Larraq, polar opposites of each other, but respectful in their own right. Preliat was a savage monster, leaving hordes of dead enemies where he went. Larraq was a brilliant strategist in space, and also with his words. And when Preliat heard that he had something in his manifest, he took notice. He remained still for a moment, his eyes turning towards Coruscant. Mia was a force sensitive, she could feel the savage rage boiling inside the young man. He placed his hand on the console of a nearby station, his crushgaunts laid across the metal.

"We wait for their diplomats. I could care less if a horde of Republic troops fell today, or Jedi. But I don't want to risk Mandalorian lives when we don't have to. Besides, we may get something out of this. But if it comes down to it..."A sinister shade of gray, caused by the shadows of space, crossed the Rally Master's features as he turned back to Mia and Larraq."We will remind them of why they are to be afraid of the Mandalorians."

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