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[member="Triam Akovin"]
Just a tiny bit more persuasive But yeah, you're more like the classic rogue character, Aedan's kinda like a ranger/fighter, he's best up close but he's also pretty versatile, especially if you guys will get a hold of a vehicle, which are rare, but if you find one and get it running, it can really make things easier, and Verz is kinda like a grizzled paladin He's the best shot, and he can get you guys whipped up for combat, but he has some years on his account.
Overall you guys are like a band of cocky head-strong mercs who usually prefer to go guns-blazing, at least that's what I read from the bios So this should be pretty entertaining.
Alright, Second Group,
[member="Bluejay Ungolfen"], you're the grizzled veteran in this one, with biggest post count you get 17 positive and 17 negative bonuses, most of them focused around combat, you are the only one so far to get a bonus to Lore because of Bluejay's exceptionally good memory She retains the rumors and bits she hears about the land. Negative bonuses to Persuasion and Barter because Bluejay can't really establish the connection with people to get on their good side easily or take a good guess on what's what worth, and reductions to Spot, Search, and Listen, because Bluejay is slowly going crazy and seeing "ghosts"
[member="Aiden Krato"], finally somebody with clear charisma You'll be like the dashing rogue/bard of the group, your bonuses make you useful when interacting with NPC's, you get some Stealth bonuses from growing up in the Lower City of Coruscant as a messenger, but your negative bonuses give you some restrictions as to what you can do in combat, and your spot is limited when you are focused on task at hand, overall you get 12 positive and 12 negative bonuses.
-3 Heavy Arms, -3 Melee Weapons, -3 Unarmed, -3 Spot
You're more like the tech specialist rogue, awesome at engineering with some slicing to back that up, decent small arms skill for firefights and some unarmed combat in case a zombie gets too close. I really had a hard time coming up with good negative bonuses for you you get reduced Persuasion, that OCD can be a pain, plus talking to pretty women, not Eric's strong suit, I also took off from Leadership, I'm assuming after all the time by himself Eric's more of a Lone-Wolf, took off bit of Stealth, those zombies can always found him so easily and some Taunt, I guess you can't piss people off easily? 12 positive and 12 negative bonuses like Aiden and Listeri
[member="Listeri Dalane"], alright I put yours in, you get bonus to Rifles but reduction to pistols due to your character's preferences, piloting because he's a pilot dodging due to his physique, and knowledge of explosives, you get reductions to Persuasion due to his scars and Damage Reduction because of his poorer health.
+3 Small Arms (Rifles), +3 Piloting, +3 Dodge, +3 Explosives
-5 Damage Reduction, -3 Small Arms (Pistols), -4 Persuasion
How about for you four, you'll get to start in California, and your mission would be investigating a settlement going suddenly silent?
Ok, so here's the list of skills and explanations what they do, it should cover pretty much everything we would do in a thread, I hope? If there ever comes up something that doesn't apply to the list, I can always add it in. I entertained the idea of doing skill points, but I think I'll stick with just having Roll Modifiers, less stuff to write down and keep track of So what I'll do, like characters, objects and enemies will have +/- modifiers up to 5, for objects I'll roll just once to determine their difficulty rating against your skills, for enemies their modifiers will be used for each roll against you.
I separated the Skills into three categories, Combat,
Small Arms- Light and Medium Ranged Weapons, Big Arms- Heavy and Super Heavy Ranged Weapons Melee Weapons- Light, Medium, and Heavy, this also includes Bows and Arrows and applies to Blocks, Parries, and Ripostes Explosives- Disarming and successfully detonating bombs and grenades, for grenades both your Throwing and Explosives modifiers apply Piloting- Ability to correctly control a vehicle Unarmed- Hand-to-Hand combat Dodge- Not getting hit Taunting- Resisting or giving your enemies penalties to their rolls by pissing them off Leadership- Motivate your allies to give them bonus to their critical hits Tactics- Instruct your allies to give them Cover bonus to their Dodge rolls
Persuasion- Ability to connect with other person and agree with your point of view. Intimidation- Ability to intimidate the other person into agreeing with your point of view. Barter- Ability to correctly determine value of an object and trade it, it gives bonus when dealing with traders, and it can be used to identify object's quality. Lore- Knowledge of the land and it's history, it can be used to determine animal's type and weaknesses, position of locations, identifying an object, and whether plant life or animal's flesh is poisonous or edible.
And General skills,
Animal Empathy- Ability to connect with an animal, calming them down and befriending them, this skill also applies when trying to ride a mount. Medicine- Giving First Aid, conducting Combat Surgery, creation of healing ointments, as well as Poison, and it can be apply to use your knowledge of Anatomy to determine weak points of the body, applying the skill to your Melee, Unarmed, and Small Arms accuracy rolls. Spot- Ability to notice location of a specific detail on an object or building, anything outstanding in one's surroundings, or a hidden enemy. Listen- Ability to hear anything unusual in one's surroundings, eavesdrop on a conversation, or hear movements of a hidden enemy. Search- Ability to quickly look through a room or somebody's surroundings and pick up details, such as number of containers in a room, any unusual details, or any valuable objects in the room. This skill can be used to quickly loot a room. Engineering- Ability to manipulate physical mechanisms, such as picking locks, repairing vehicles and other machines, crafting weapons, armor, or other equipment, and repairing the objects in your inventory. This skill can also be used to drive a land-based vehicle. Slicing- Ability used to manipulate computers and their programmings, it's used to hack computer terminal, robots and cyborgs, unlock electronic locks, or sabotage cybernetic technology. Stealth- Ability to stay hidden, to remain hidden one must win against the opponent's Spot and then Listen roll. Environment can give additional negative or positive bonuses to one's Stealth rolls, depending on current position and the position of enemies. Stealth gives automatic Critical Hit when using Unarmed, Melee, Throwing, or Small Arms skills.
EDITED: [member="HK-36"] I wanted to add some more stuff to Eric, so I added a thing about colletting items, relics, and for mostly bladed items. So if you want to add a Search + thing and also make it that he is a horder it can balance out somewhat. it will also subtract more from stealth because of all the stuff he will be collecting.
Also will I have a normal left arm or the mechanical arm? if I have a mechanical arm then it could be added that I might have even less persuasion because I look different.
Just a few things that I might add. I want this thread to be a challenge for me so I want everything wrong about me in there. so that way I can figure out ways to overcome those difficulties.
Ok, guys, this should be final addition to the Dice Rules,
First of all, I know how all of us love them sweet, sweet loots,
To start with, Quality of Items
1-2 Worthless, Unstable, Violante, or Explosive Items That Will Probably Take Your Arm Off
3-4 Jammed, Missing Parts, Still Usable For Crafting
5-6 Damaged (Decreased damage dealt or armor value)
7-8 Usable
9-10 Advanced (High-tech equipment, bonus damage or armor value)
Looting Rooms,
1d20 + Searching - 1d20= Number of Containers in the Room Found
1d20 + Spot - 1d20= Number of Loose Objects in the Room, roll a 1d6 for each object to determine its quality
Looting Containers
1d6 for number of equipment found in each container, d8 for each equipment to determine quality, unless special container, use d10 then.
Looting Bodies
1d4 for number of equipment found on the body, use d6 for each equipment to determine quality, unless special enemy, use d10 then.
Roll a d20+Object's Modifier Determined by DM for the object's Difficulty Rating,
Then, roll a 1d20 + Barter - DR to determine its quality and value
Finally roll a 1d20 + Lore - DR to identify the weapon's model and make.
And now for our engineering and techy people,
When crafting or repairing, make sure to specify which materials you are using, whether spare weapons are taken apart for parts or loose crafting material in your inventory is used and how you are planning to use them.
Crafting Light and Medium Armor, Melee Weapons, Small Arms, and Throwing Weapons
Roll a 1d10 + Engineering to determine quality, anything higher than 10 is counted as 10.
Crafting Heavy Armor, Big Arms, and Vehicles,
Roll a 1d10 + Engineering, take results of that and then add them to 1d10 + Engineering - 10 to determine quality.
Crafting Poison, Medkits, Acid, Chemical Projectiles
Roll a 1d10 + Medicine to determine quality, then roll a 1d10 to determine number of vials/packs crafted.
Crafting Grenades, Bombs, Explosive Projectiles, Heavy Ammo.
Roll a 1d10 + Explosives to determine quality, then roll a 1d10 to determine number of explosives crafted.
Crafting Energy Weapons, Cybernetics, Power Armor,
Roll a 1d10 + Slicing, then take the results and add them to 1d10 + Engineering - 10, a different character can craft the cybernetics with slicing, and different character can put them together with Engineering.
I changed your Unarmed to Melee Bonus to go along with his favor of Bladed Weaponry, and I added +2 Search, and knocked down your Persuasion and Stealth by one more,
Just to balance things out, the rest of your team have also gained and lost 2 points,
[member="Bluejay Ungolfen"], I added one point to your lore and another to your dodge, I took one more away from your spot and another one from your listening skills, those flashbacks and hallucinations will really be getting to you
[member="Aiden Krato"], I knocked up your Stealth by one and added a Dodge bonus to you, in exchange I knocked down Unarmed Bonus and your Spot bonus
[member="Listeri Dalane"], I increased your Dodge and Explosive skills by one, so now you have four skills of +3 each, in turn I decreased your Damage Reduction and Persuasion by one
[member="Triam Akovin"]
I'll reply to all the threads I owe posts to, especially the guys I'm training and your group will be the first one to get its thread up, I'll also do another OOC thread for discussion and I'll post there complete Dice Rules with all of it in one place.
[member="Chupa La'Roi"]
It's alright, it was just a bit harder for me to determine the bonuses Well instead of Persuasion you get bonus to Intimidation, which is basically the same thing except you'll be scaring the crap from people into agreeing with you instead of making them like you :3 Which kinda seemed fitting for me since he's a big warrior Space Viking person, -2 Leadership was because he seemed like a bit of a Lone Wolf to me? I can change it to -2 Engineering or -2 Tactics if you want