Gehinnom II
Darth Sorn
Azoth Talisman of Iron Fists
The battle for the hanger took either an hour or a minute. Life or death battle had a tendency to blur one's perception of time, respites felt like an instant, while waiting was an eternity. But through some blood, sweat and faith, the hanger was secured, the Jedi's blade swinging one last time to finish off the commander present.
Orders were barked, rudimentary defences were set up, the hangar was secured, teams were split up. The Jedi leading the largest one that would go deepest into the worldship's hold. Where the largest bulk of the tagged prisoners were being held. Either an obvious trap, or perhaps a bit of fortune given to them by The Force, a larger crowd of people waiting to be rescued.
He kept up a punishing pace, again acting as the bulwark as he charged through the narrow corridors of Gehinnom. Carving his way through the rotten halls, the narrow confines being an absolute nightmare to face any melee combatant in, much less one that was all but impervious to small arms fire.
And as he suspected, the bulk of the forces were elsewhere, dealing with other boarders, other threats. Those aiming for command centres, power supplies, security control rooms. All far more pressing positions to defend than sacks of easily replaced meat.
There were times when an opponent's lack of basic decency was to their advantage. There was still resistance, still guard patrols to deal with. But when the leader of the squad had the uncanny ability to see through walls and cut down men faster than the eye could follow, such resistance was a trifling thing.
But he knew his luck would run out soon, he could feel it. The Force pulled him deeper and deeper into the bowels of the ship, before eventually stopping in front of a rather large door with a pair of fairly dark presences behind it.
Maestus. Seems that despite her master dying on Tython she had managed to survive. And here he thought that as Solipsis' first apprentice she'd be the one running things when the old man kicked the bucket. Was it due to lack of interest? Doubtful, a Sith doesnt turn down power. More than likely it was as he feared, this new Dark Voice of theirs was a powerhouse.
He softly clicked his tongue and turned to one of the soldiers accompanying him, in their hands an auto-picker ready to open the door and deal with whatever was inside. Only to be stopped with a wave of Aaran's hand.
"I'll handle this. Keep going, do not wait for me." He said, his tone brokering no argument, receiving a nod in return, more orders were barked as the squad set off, moving to free some of the still living prisoners of Maestus.
With a loud hiss, the door opened, revealing the Jedi and Sith to each other. Eyebrows rising from behind a pair of sunglasses in mock surprise. As if he had bumped into an old friend in the middle of the street.
"Maestus." He said, giving a slight nod in greeting before turning to Darth Sorn.
"Maestus' lackey." He said, his tone never wavering from practised politeness, the same tone he used as a diplomat, when speaking to ambassadors, senators and when negotiating agreements.
"How about for the sake of nostalgia, you stay put here for a bit. Its a mess outside, I cant imagine you want any part in it."
He stepped forward, waving his hand as the door shut behind him, a crunch then ripped through the air as he damaged some integral mechanism of the door, preventing it from being easily opened. Trapping himself in the lab with the two Sith.
He doubted they'd take the offer, they never did. Basic pattern recognition would indicate that she'd throw out a few barbs, maybe a speech or two about how Jedi and Sith were the same and then attack him.
But hey, he had to try.