Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Sword of Reclamation | Galactic Alliance Invasion of Brotherhood-held Empress Teta

Kybo Ren

Pirate of the Stars, Knight of Ren

Location: Cinnegar, Landing Platform
Allies: Maw/ Darth Mori Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
Enemies: GA/ Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

"TO battlestations, you scurvy dogs! The foe will not be long for ambling across hyperspace! Get to your weapons!"

With Kyrel Ren came the other Knights of Ren, including Kybo and his pirates. Armoured and armed, he had brought a sizable contingent with him. The Maw had to stop the Alliance's brazen counterattack immediately, before the thin volume of space the Brotherhood controlled in the Deep Core receded further. A retreat back along the line would be possible, but would easily dissolve into infighting and panic.

And it would do our new Dark Lady a lot o' favours if she can grab a win so quickly...

Kybo shuddered at the thought of Darth Mori. She had been... merciful, when she decided not to pursue any punishment against Kybo after his little stunt on Exegol. Bad judgement, but he told himself that the duel ending almost immediately after was partially due to it. And had thus kept the chaos in the pits below to a minimum.

Though there was the matter with Kyrel...

Kybo could feel the master of the Knights through the Force, a great beacon of hate and hunger. Kybo easily navigated toward him, and he saw his master, a great spear in hand, its points seeming to glow in the dim station light. The pirate did not like it. Neither the void of its presence in the Force, nor the symbolism of the master of his order accepting his new place beside the new Dark Lord. Yes, better than being destroyed, but only the Abyss knew what she did to him and the Hunger to get him to follow. That damned Hunger...

Kybo kept his pace steady as he approached.

"M'lord, I have sent my men to secure the landing bays. As ever, I am ready to assist."
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Post: 1
Location: Throne Room, Royal Palace, Cinnegar
Objective: See Me in My Crown
Equipment: Gold and Black Krath holy battle Suit | Blood Blade (Dagger) | Krath Dire Sword | x2 Stiletto knives | Crown
Allies: BotM
Enemies: Galactic Alliance
Tags: Open

x20 Personal Guard in Heavy Gold Mandalorian Armor armed with Krath Double swords
x2 Death Witches

Two lines of ten soldiers each line one side of the long purple Coronation Carpet that led to the throne. The guards wearing full heavy golden Mandalorian crusader armor and hold Krath Double swords at there side. The purple Coronation Carpet led to a gold and obsidian throne and upon it sat a woman with Jade eyes. She stared straight forward towards the doors her face holding a stern and regal look. She knew who was coming and what they wanted, all around the Palace and out into the city of Cinnegar the sounds of war coming to this world once more could be heard. The Tetan people ravaged by war like they had not seen in generations.

First, they were liberated from there chains of the Galactic alliance that made them vanish into near obscurity. Yet their deliverance had not been all the Silver Queen had hoped for, she freed her people from what she had seen as the enemy delivering her people right into, he sith hands. There was little she could do to stop them from enslaving and taken her people off world taking them to gods know where. To say the least her relationship with the Maw had been rocky on personal level for the last few months. Had she had more time perhaps she could have worked out her issues with Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis and maybe even Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen . Then Tython happened and the leadership of Maw feel into new hands in the aftermath which meant no deals pervious had to be honored. In this she saw her various relatives pick camps within the Maw instead of sticking to the throne and asserting their dominance.

She saw visions of it all collapsing around her and now the Alliance came back for their vengeance wanting to return the bloodshed tenfold. She knew they were coming knocking and she waited for them at the door. She wasn't going to let her world and her people go easily and if some how they managed to come out the victors this day she would bring a reckoning on those who stood in the Krath and Tetan Empires way. She vowed to herself in this moment that those that did not kneel before her and accept her rule would beg for death when she was done.

She continued to stare forward at those doors waiting for the enemy to arrive at the gates, she almost had to wonder if it would be the alliance or sith that would come for her. Though she wanted to crack a slight smile at the thought of her allies coming after she remained poised and ready. Then Two Death witches came up beside her on each side of the throne. One spoke to her. "Several of your relatives are preparing to leave the world with here sith allies." Dyans thought this over for a moment before giving them her answer.

"Let them, if they don't have the vision and ambition let them run. Let them suckle on the teet of the sith until they rot away or are thrown away. I will fight until their nothing left to fight for. I have waited centuries to revive the Tetan Empire today it will die or be realized." Her jade eyes continued to stare at the gates awaiting the villains coming to take her birth right.

Maestus Fury
Dragon Shield Talisman

Darth Sorn Darth Sorn
Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo

She was indeed in the lab, deep in the bowels of Gehinnom II. She was securing the current lot of slaves and prisoners. Returning them to their cells after she was finished with them. Her research here was minimal in comparison to home and Sorn's lab. But vital, none the less.

She heard orders being shouted over coms. And she could feel as warriors, Maw and Light Side alike, drawing their last breaths. Such things invigorated her. She locked the last cell then inhaled deeply.

He was here.

Aaran Tafo was here. It had been many years since they last face one another. But she would always remember him. Did she have a soft spot for the Jedi? Perhaps a fondness of sorts. When he was prisoner on Gehinnom, she recalled their time together. She idly wondered if she could get more of his blood this time, for it would prove invaluable in her work.

She removed the apron she had one in hopes of keeping the underlying robes free of blood and ichor. Alas, she failed. There was a blood made outline of the apron on her robes. She shrugged slightly and glanced about the lab.

She strode across the room, towards the door. Firmly in place, she awaited her prey.

Location: Boarding the worldcraft
Allies: GA, I guess.
Enemies: Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis , Maw.

In her dreams and visions, Elpsis' vision was not impaired. She could see as normal. For someone who had grown accustomed to perceiving the world through the patterns of the Force, it could be disconcerting. But her dreamspace was not an ordinary one. For she was just that – in the void of space. She was not looking at the vast nothingness, she was standing in it, surrounded by stars and a myriad celestial bodies.

"It has been some time." There was a soft, melodic voice and suddenly a being manifested beside her. She knew that voice all too well, but this form was different.
"Are you changing shapes to confuse me?" Elpsis asked dryly. The Entity was as pale as a sheet, the head was devoid of hair. Though superficially human in build, the Entity moved with an inhuman grace and elegance. Appearance was ghostly, rather androgynous and almost ethereal, an effect only enhanced by all-white attire.
"I told you: what's in a face? Or a name?" the Entity, whom Elpsis had once called the Red Lady, remarked. The old term still fit in one manner: her almond-shaped, slightly diagonal eyes were as red as the great ruby that glistened on her throat. "We've been watching you; you've grown stronger."
"You here to give me guidance...or just more cryptic talk?"
"You don't need guidance, child."

Elpsis stared into the vast nothingness. For a long, drawn-out moment, there was silence. "I'm the last one standing. Upholding a legacy I don't give a fuck about, fighting the battles of a megacorp I can't stand. Because...because it gives me some tiny chance to do what's right. The galaxy sucks, what else is new. So I do my duty, so I fight."
"My child, you think you were tested on Tephrike, but your trials will only grow more intense. You walk a thorny path. Do you want to know where it leads?"
Elpsis stared into twin orbs that were like red stars. "I think I do."
"Oblivion. Look." Before her eyes, Elpsis beheld a solar flare. She could feel sheer, incandescent heat rushing over her body. "When you are in the midst of battle, how do you feel?"

The feeling was becoming more and more intense. She beheld a star go supernova. The shockwave was incredible. "Like wild fire," she said almost in a whisper. Incredible heat blossomed inside her. The glowing cracks inside her flesh burnt brightly, consuming and reforming at the same time.

"A wildfire you are, but a much needed one. To wash away the vile and decadent, and promote new growth by burning away the old. In the fire of creation, all life is unmade and remade. You will burn out young, but when your light fades, know that death is not the end."

A new star was being born within the clouds of dust. Realisation dawned upon her. "It's the beginning. And what will become of me?"
"You will be who you will be. We are our choices."
"Then...I choose to fight. In this cycle, and the next. Peace is a lie, there's only preparation for the next fight. Life is eternal struggle." The moment you stopped struggling, you became decadent. She had seen it with her mothers - one more marked and pathetic than with the other. She had seen it with nations. That would not be her. Never her. "I won't run from it."
The Entity touched her cheek, craddling her face. "Not all is set. Be brave when you face your destiny. And you're not as alone as you think." Then the Entity was gone.

The boarding torpedo lacked weapons and shielding. But it had shield-bypassing technology and, as it was just demonstrating, exceptional speed. Said speed was used to quickly burst through the fathomless void of space. Towards the Maw's latest, super-sized toy. Not that Firemane could really judge the idea of wanting a ginormous worldcraft. They had built one, too. It was not...edgy though. Just a vanity project.

Conditions in the torpedo were cramped, especially with some other people in it. Elpsis could deal with that. Battle was being joined in space, but she was calm amidst the eruptions of turbolaser fire that lit up the darkness of the endless void. Once the torpedo connected, it would smash against the hull of the station, its field disruptor momentarily bypassing the defensive shield. Mag clamps and plasma mining laer would bore a small hole into the station. Enough for the commandos to slip through.
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Location: Spaaaace! (Heading to Empress Teta)
Outfit: Padawan Garb
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Dreidi's head bobbed gently in time with the music blaring into her ears, she wasn't sure who the band was that she was listening to but the music was deep, hard hitting and very much her style. It was helping too. This was the first warzone she was heading into since the collapse of the CIS. Her memories flashed back to then, the orbital bombardment, the destruction, the searing pain. She had to spend ages in a bacta tank to heal the wounds from that battle, she had stuck around during the orbital bombardment to ensure that everyone got off the planet. That was after ensuring her niece was no longer on the battlefield, she remembered the fear she felt when she realised that Kristyl Arenais was at the battle. Breathing in deeply and slowly, Dreidi tried to push aside those thoughts, those fears. Her training was a lot further now, her skills a lot stronger now. She wasn't someone that people needed to protect and she needed to show that she was capable of fighting, that she could hold her own on the battlefield. Otherwise, however would she be able to advance as a Jedi and a Nightsister.

Eventually she felt her heartbeat slow as her breathing calmed and her mind focused on the blaring music in her ears. It was a welcomed distraction from everything else. Unfortunately, she knew that she needed to remove her headphones and engage with the soldiers and warriors moving around and getting into position. She had been brought here to help and remaining withdrawn, ignoring everyone around her wasn't going to do anyone any good. She finally rose up from her feet and looked around the place, there was one man she needed to meet with one. One person who dragged her out here and wanted her to help fight the Sith now that the Jedi had the ability to keep the Tython momentum moving forward. Jax thought it would be a good idea for the Padawan to see the Jedi in action and that helping them could be a step towards the positive changes that Dreidi was constantly going on about there needing to be.

Removing her headphones, she could hear and feel the energy of the room, it was charged and everyone was on edge. Everyone here was heading down to the surface to face the Sith and battle them on the ground. There was always a different feeling leading a fleet into battle and being on the ground, seeing the chaos up close at least that was how Dreidi assumed it was. She felt it was probably easier to dissociate when fighting in space than it was when you were on the ground, hearing screams, seeing death and the destruction. She knew that the memories she had of her first taste of war would never leave her.

Moving around, she wasn't wearing armour or even looked like she was a front line soldier type but that was mostly due to the fact that the armour always felt stiff, rigid and uncomfortable. She rather avoid armour and enjoy the flexibility and freedom of movement her current attire allowed her. She was also from the look of things, the youngest person around heading into this war. Dreidi wasn't sure if that was true since judging age was tough but she definitely felt the most out of place amongst everyone around here. She kept thinking about whether coming to this battle was the right idea and what Asaraa would say about this all if she knew, likely try grounding Dreidi and flip out that she was willing to do something so risky and dangerous when her training was still fairly early on. Spotting Jax, she sighed, it seemed he was also deep in thought but there was something else going on there but she didn't probe to far to figure it out.

"Oi! Jax, get your head in the present. You brought me here for this, seems I am more ready for this fight than you are." Dreidi rolled her eyes, she enjoyed taunting and teasing the man. She felt it was deserved with everything that happened between them. "Ready to get in a dropship and hit the ground?" Dreidi questioned, looking at him, there was a little concern since she knew he was a Jedi Master but if he is was this out of it on the ground then she was going to be in big trouble if any Sith Lords decide to target them.​
“If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.” – Niccolò Machiavelli

Caltin did not see the Sith Lord who would take down his former Padawan leap at her. He was busy putting a TIE into Force Stasis with one hand and backfisting a would-be assassin with another. That was the problem with getting a reputation, you get a reputation and others want to make their names off of it. Such is life though, as he sent the air superiority fighter into another, they both fell towards the ground. Before they hit, he saw her fall, the Sith’s blade exiting her back.

The fiery explosion and noxious smoke billowing from the wreckage did not stop the massive Jedi Master from walking through it to meet his foe. He did not hear a word the man had said, and frankly did not care to. Caltin was going to meet him blade and blade so that Holly, nor Wood for that matter, would not have died for nothing. They were Jedi Knights and knew that they wanted to be where they were, and he would honor their sacrifice just as he honored their choice, but this would not go unanswered. This was where he would show why he did not fear the dark side though… “Justice… not Vengeance…” That mantra allowed him to remain focused but not cross any line.

You done karked up now.


Tags Allies: TEAM LIGHTSIDE! / Anyone wanting to interact!
Tags Foes: @
Darth Wallgof/ TEAM DARKSIDE!


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
Fighting was not Sorn's first love.

He found fighting to be tedious and a waste of time which could be spent on his research on the Force. Yet with the Sith low on troops and on the heels of the Tython blunder, Sorn was summoned into battle. Pathetic, the New Sith Order will suffer the same fate as the old at this rate. Their overambition will lead to their downfall and it didn't help that there was once again infighting amongst the Sith. "We're not going to last any longer if lose to the Jedi Maestus," Sorn said walking by her side his Sith Armor glistening against the light.

"Teta is our foothold into the core worlds," He continued. "If we are to maintain our stranglehold into their trade routes, we must hold Teta at all costs. Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis incompetence lead to us being on the defensive, we need to clean his mess."

Maestus Maestus , Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo

Carnifex looked up, staring blankly at the desiccated branches of the dead tree. A ring of stone had been erected around the base of the tree, soil poured in to give the roots something to latch onto as it grew. But those long dead arborist's faith had ultimately gone unrewarded, the tree had died and was slowly rotting away. Though its decomposition was slow, the tree itself had died a relatively quick death. When the Brotherhood came to Empress Teta to conquer and to burn, they had destroyed the tree through the sheer malignancy of their presence.

As did all the worlds they trampled beneath the march of their armies. The Dark Side could not create, it was incapable of such action. It could only take hold of what already existed, twisting it and warping it into new gruesome forms. So these worlds that were consumed by the Maw in the war did not prosper, they could not prosper, it was antithetical to the Darkness. Carnifex reached out and placed a hand on the rotting wood, feeling the slow entropy of decay within the trunk.

"Such is the fate of all worlds," He whispered, allowing the power of the Dark Side to flow through His arm and into the tree. Darkness overtook the tree, the wood collapsing in on itself before falling down into dust. He then looked up to the open sky, the ash of war wafting through the air as the battle raged further out of control. He could sense His son coming down through that carnage, on a direct path towards the palace. His arrival was imminent, he would come into the palace in the pursuit of justice.

And when he did...

Carnifex would be waiting.


Location: Empress Teta, on the ground
Outfit: Beskar armour with tattered robes
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

The Jedi Master was focused on bringing down some ships and being dramatic as possible, it seemed corny to Wallgof and even Naga Sadow rolled his eyes at the whole affair. Wallgof breathed in deeply, Naga Sadow was sated with the kill of a young Jedi Knight, it was blissful seeing one more light fade from the galaxy. It was intoxicating feeling the growing darkness, the Force was building and connecting to him on a stronger level. Some Sith was using Battle Meditation as a way to boost the morale of the Sith on the ground and fight harder than they could normally. It was interesting and appreciated since Wallgof was unsure how to initially fight this behemoth of a man.

Twirling his blade in his hand as he smirked over to the Jedi Master, "your attachments are blinding you. Seems you are less Jedi and more murderous psychopath." A crooked smile etched on his lips as he stepped forward, "perhaps you should be the one with a red Lightsaber, maybe you are more Sith than I am. I mean, you did just do a load of murder for show, those people did nothing to you and they could be soldiers forced into war." Holding his Lightsaber in a fencing pose as Wallgof tilted his head.

"Your desire for revenge will fail this time Jedi Master." Smirks as he settles into the fighting pose, waiting for his opponent to strike.


One of the simplest pleasures Donne knew was the sound her boots made upon marble. There was a satisfying depth in the way the heel bit into the floor, creaking a mix of a click and clock sound. If either of the two sounds had been more powerful, it would throw the balance entirely. However, the boots clekked along the marble hallway sequestered away in the depths of the Palace complex at the centre of the planet.

Donne and her troopers had been tasked with preserving the integrity of the rear defences of the complex. Their positions were sturdy and a significant assault would have to be made to drive the defenders from their post. However, these were Sith adherents; unlike the Maw, they valued their lives.

She stood, reaching out, feeling the waves of energies that flowed through the system. The coming conflict would be bloody, no doubt but the Force would guide her to victory, she was certain of it.

She stood and waited.

“Come and get it.”

Location: Empress Teta
Objective: Ashes to Ashes
Post: #1

"ETA, 2 minutes!"

Valery heard the pilot's voice through the onboard comms of the shuttle but offered nothing that could be considered a response in return. She had withdrawn into her own mind ever since the fleet dropped from hyperspace, and focused on keeping herself centered. Not that long ago, the Maw had invaded Empress Teta, her home at the time, and ravaged the planet on their war path to Tython. Images of her daughter crying while she was being evacuated were still vivid in her mind, and she'd never be able to rid herself of them. But despite all that happened, she felt calm.

She understood that many came here with a desire for revenge, she could feel it in the soldiers that filled the troop transports, and perhaps in some Jedi as well, but the past wasn't fueling her intentions. The road ahead for the Jedi was one of liberation, not revenge or destruction, and she was more than ready to put herself at the forefront of this conflict to spearhead the Galactic Alliance into a better future.

On Tython, it had resulted in another clash with Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren , who had now grown into an entirely new kind of monster, and on Mustafar, this conflict had led up to her second battle with The Shadow Hand, Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis . Today, her battle against the Dark Side brought her down to the Palace district, where an even greater darkness was waiting for her.

"Stand by to disembark!"

Valery drew in a deep breath and felt the shuttle vibrate heavily as it descended down to the surface. Others around them were under heavy fire already, and the explosive shockwaves of anti-air weapons were making it difficult to stand. But as one of many, they pierced through the first line of defenses and touched down seconds later. Heavy doors opened and without even a second wasted, soldiers moved out to engage the Maw defenders.

Along with them, Valery stepped up towards the palace but she knew the clash up ahead was one she had to confront alone. Those around her could secure a perimeter but she wasn't going to send a single soul up against who was waiting inside. Her presence was already a heavy weight on her mind, so with the hilt of her lightsaber drawn into her hand, she followed her senses and move to intercept it.

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Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
Location: Gehinnom II
Opposition: Maestus Maestus Darth Sorn Darth Sorn
Equipment: Azoth Talisman of Iron Fists

The battle for the hanger took either an hour or a minute. Life or death battle had a tendency to blur one's perception of time, respites felt like an instant, while waiting was an eternity. But through some blood, sweat and faith, the hanger was secured, the Jedi's blade swinging one last time to finish off the commander present.

Orders were barked, rudimentary defences were set up, the hangar was secured, teams were split up. The Jedi leading the largest one that would go deepest into the worldship's hold. Where the largest bulk of the tagged prisoners were being held. Either an obvious trap, or perhaps a bit of fortune given to them by The Force, a larger crowd of people waiting to be rescued.

He kept up a punishing pace, again acting as the bulwark as he charged through the narrow corridors of Gehinnom. Carving his way through the rotten halls, the narrow confines being an absolute nightmare to face any melee combatant in, much less one that was all but impervious to small arms fire.

And as he suspected, the bulk of the forces were elsewhere, dealing with other boarders, other threats. Those aiming for command centres, power supplies, security control rooms. All far more pressing positions to defend than sacks of easily replaced meat.

There were times when an opponent's lack of basic decency was to their advantage. There was still resistance, still guard patrols to deal with. But when the leader of the squad had the uncanny ability to see through walls and cut down men faster than the eye could follow, such resistance was a trifling thing.

But he knew his luck would run out soon, he could feel it. The Force pulled him deeper and deeper into the bowels of the ship, before eventually stopping in front of a rather large door with a pair of fairly dark presences behind it.

Maestus. Seems that despite her master dying on Tython she had managed to survive. And here he thought that as Solipsis' first apprentice she'd be the one running things when the old man kicked the bucket. Was it due to lack of interest? Doubtful, a Sith doesnt turn down power. More than likely it was as he feared, this new Dark Voice of theirs was a powerhouse.

He softly clicked his tongue and turned to one of the soldiers accompanying him, in their hands an auto-picker ready to open the door and deal with whatever was inside. Only to be stopped with a wave of Aaran's hand.

"I'll handle this. Keep going, do not wait for me." He said, his tone brokering no argument, receiving a nod in return, more orders were barked as the squad set off, moving to free some of the still living prisoners of Maestus.

With a loud hiss, the door opened, revealing the Jedi and Sith to each other. Eyebrows rising from behind a pair of sunglasses in mock surprise. As if he had bumped into an old friend in the middle of the street.

"Maestus." He said, giving a slight nod in greeting before turning to Darth Sorn. "Maestus' lackey." He said, his tone never wavering from practised politeness, the same tone he used as a diplomat, when speaking to ambassadors, senators and when negotiating agreements.

"How about for the sake of nostalgia, you stay put here for a bit. Its a mess outside, I cant imagine you want any part in it."

He stepped forward, waving his hand as the door shut behind him, a crunch then ripped through the air as he damaged some integral mechanism of the door, preventing it from being easily opened. Trapping himself in the lab with the two Sith.

He doubted they'd take the offer, they never did. Basic pattern recognition would indicate that she'd throw out a few barbs, maybe a speech or two about how Jedi and Sith were the same and then attack him.

But hey, he had to try.
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Maestus Fury
Dragon Shield Talisman

Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
Darth Sorn Darth Sorn

She waited, albeit impatiently, for the Jedi to reach them. She paced the floor while Sorn spoke. Scowling.

We will deal with them. We have no other choice now.

Her words were cut short as she felt it. Felt him. Ah her old buddy. The door currently separating them was thick enough to prevent her from hearing him. But he was there, just the same.

Maestus bristled in anticipation. She still remembered. Their first meeting. His trick with the sand. Aaran was a cunning and formidable foe. Maestus knew not to trifle lightly.

And then there he was. She smiled faintly at him, even dipped her head slightly in respect.

Aaran, always a pleasure. I'd ask if you come here often, but we both know the answer to that. Why, though. Why are you here? To save the lives of the prisoners and slaves on this hunk? You can't stop the machine, Aaran. You're only one man.

She rolled her shoulders, and flexed her hands. Her eyes moved over Aaran's body, intent and assessing. She knew he was blind, but she also knew it hampered him not. It had been sometime since they had faced one another. Would this time end other than a stalemate?

Lifting a hand, she held her palm open. The longer and more ornate hilt hanging on her belt swiftly smacked into her palm. Like magic, it activated. A 6 meter long coil of burning crimson plasma erupted from the hilt.

The lightwhip hissed as she turned and twisted her wrist this way and that. When Aaran slammed the door shut, she smirked. She snapped her wrist, the whip lashed out. It directly hit the control panel for the door, destroying it.

Shall we, my friends?



Lord Letifer | New Sith Order
Gehinnom II
Maestus Maestus | Darth Sorn Darth Sorn | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | Creuat Creuat

"The blunder is yours."

His broken vocabulator screeched wildly over the comms, distorting his already harsh voice as he spoke to the two Sith Lords in the adjoining chamber from the laboratory. One was famously once the apprentice of Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis and the Warlord of the Chosen, the other, a face unfamiliar, one that had fought in a few shared battles but had yet to make a name of his own among their number. From the bridge of the construct, at the center of Gehinnom, Lord Letifer chuckled aloud full of vigor and hate. The defeat he had suffered at the hands of Darth Mori had left him broken for sometime, scarcely clinging to life after his failed attempt to seize the Throne of the Sith for his own. He had been spared, recognized as an essential cog in the machine yet left to suffer the indignity of failure. Even in this moment of regret and shame, he considered himself leagues above petty blame or squabbling. With the ascension of Mori to the throne and the quelling of the Warlords, there was peace and redirection.

The Brotherhood of the Maw would continue their war, refreshed and redirected. While temporarily caught on the backfoot, they would have to double down on their efforts to ensure their gains would not be lost. But instability? There was little of that outside the norm, words of ignorance when spread could have a terrible effect on the masses. He'd have no issue adding another lightsaber to his collection from the already surmountable list garnered during the Sith Schism. After all, such was the way of the Sith, only the Strong could survive.

"You know little of what you speak, it'd be best to quell your tongue before someone removes it. Tython was within our grasp, if you were actually there you would know it."

He watched the two whilst surveying the ongoing security display and gazed over as Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo entered. A Jedi, he had not seen this one since the burning of Jedha's enclave, he was a skilled lot and would need dealt with immediately.

"We must get the remaining slaves and material offworld to Exegol, do not allow this Jedi to interfere with our operations."

Letifer cut comms and turned, sensing the presence of one nearing whom had garnered his eternal ire.

" Creuat Creuat "

He extended his arm, lightsaber screaming to life with it's roaring crimson edge.

"Come to me, let us end this."

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Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn

The Future screamed at Alicio.

It was a new sensation. Usually, his precognition was a melody at the back of his mind, or a passive lens in front of his eyes. It had never warned him as it did now, blaring into his ears, filling his mouth with the taste of bitter flowers.

The Count looked up, seeing a falling statue, and cried out "Move!" The Alderaanian soldiers dove out of the way, without question.

The guerilla fighters and refugees didn't have that trust. They looked up instead.

Alicio had the time to hook a small child under his arm and out of the way before they were crushed, but others were not so lucky. One rebel was entirely flattened by the falling stone, and a man had lost a foot under the gargoyle's wing, pinned to the ground. Others worked to lift the heavy statue, trying to free the man. Alicio cast his senses out, feeling with the Force where the danger was coming from, where it would be safe.

And he tasted something familiar. Alicio frowned, staring up to the rooftops, the sense of dread only growing.

"There!" One of the Alderaanian's followed the Count's gaze, spying Ishani, and opening fire with her blaster carbine. The other Alliance guards formed up around him, brandishing their own weapons. Alicio shook off the sense of familiarity, and activated Introspect, determined to become the center of attention as the refugees and rebels continued their escape.

The blade shone with a
cool blue, save for the center, where it was injected with onyx black.

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“Your anger gives you great power. But if you let it, it will destroy you…As it almost did me..” – Henri Ducard

“This guy must be new…” he thought to himself.

“Recruitment” an old tactic, but quite entertaining to a certain degree. He never cared about “Dark Side” and “Light Side” to tell the truth, he chose who and what he was, always has. So these cheap little barbs were quite meaningless, the thought he was out for “revenge” was laughable, he was out for justice. There was no honor or meaning in the way either of them, especially Holly had died, been killed, slaughtered. No, he was going to give meaning to that, but that did not mean he would cross any lines.

That is one thing I have always found entertaining about you Sith. You complain about “Jedi Weakness”, yet when we show you an inkling of what we can do… you mock our way of life. It’s always been funny to me.

Slowly he began to walk towards this killer, no doubt a truly dangerous foe and looking to be even more potentially powerful than he let on. The big man was not stupid and would simply notstorm into a fight like this until he had more details. He could, however, play to his strengths.

Make no mistake. You are going to realize the weight of your mistake today, but "revenge" is as childish as your attempts to get under my skin. I've seen this play all too many times.

Summoning the flow of energy in his body and his mastery of the elements, the big man brought down a powerful bolt of thunderous lightning behind the Sith.

Might want to watch yourself… It looks like rain is coming.


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island



The Day of Reclamation was at hand. A day that had come as poor timing for the Brotherhood and for the Ketos themselves, having only recently securing the Royal Throne of Teta as their own since the days of the One Sith. The Krath were in danger of being ousted from their homeworld once more, suffering from the shadows of eternity while the righteous sullied their righteous image and history. The MAW's leadership had stabilized in the aftermath of Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis 's death, signaled by the rise of the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Mori, yet they had yet to recoup the losses left in the wake of Tython. Caught on the backfoot, there was little preparation could do to truly ready them for the inevitable counter attack from the Alliance so close to Coruscant itself. They had stretched into the very heart of the Galactic Alliance, surely there was nothing their enemies would not give to see them repulsed back into the depths from which they came.

"Where is the Empress? Is she not preparing for departure?"

He spoke with his eyes averted from the bodyguard from whom he spoke to. Alars gripped his Sith amulet tightly, letting his finger rub along the ridge of the ancient relic, exploring it's edges with a troubled mind.

"The two of you don't have much time left."

His eyes rose up from the object of his obsession, standing near the window with a view overlooking the vast landscape of Cinnegar was the Dark Lord herself. She spoke with an air of disinterest, aloof of the problems plaguing that of the Krath and those who benefited the most from the capture of Empress Teta. She warned them of what was to come, without worry, without care, as if her very presence wasn't unnerving enough.

Alars remained silent, knowing his place was not to speak out to one of such power. He looked to his cousin, to Nadja Keto.

"What say you cousin?"

His gaze averted to the throne, to the symbol of Tetan authority. Time was indeed running out.


Ashes to Ashes

Location: Cinnegar
Tags: Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Allies: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
It was as she neared her ship that Mi'la felt it, an echo of the force, a familiar void that she had recognized within herself now rippled out from across the world beyond. This one however, was twisted, evil, intent on feeding on life. Another one? She thought to herself, pulling her force presence within, and outwards, her own ripples traveling to clash with this ominous evil that she felt. The Force had seemingly found her a role in this battle, though she only hoped she was strong enough to face it.

It as she reached out she became aware of others, the first coming to mind was Amani Serys Amani Serys , though she had to assume her friend had another purpose to play in this upcoming fight. The second however, she felt approaching her, and she turned to find Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el approaching her. There was a touch of the force within the young man, and Mi'la managed a small smile as she moved to meet with him. "Well, hello there young man, shouldn't you be getting into the shelters with the others?" She inquired, eyeing her freighter, then back to the young man, only to find a saber hanging on his belt. She paused, nodding with small smile.

"Apologies, you're a padawan, yes?" She questioned, then frowned, as that power she felt was only growing stronger. "I'm Mi'la Undari, Jedi Knight. If you're looking to help, I'd be more than happy have your aid." She stated, pondering if this might be a bad idea, bringing a padawan into the upcoming fight, but she knew all to well how strong it was in some to try and help.

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Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren
Allies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

As Jasper approached the freighter, a lavender skinned Twi’lek came into view. It became immediately apparent that she was a Jedi, wearing what the exile could easily identify as sentinel attire. She first assumed him to be a civilian. Jasper didn’t mind that. He wasn’t exactly dressed the part of a Jedi padawan. It didn’t take long for her to notice his lightsaber.

"Apologies, you're a padawan, yes?"

“Y-yes,” Jasper replied, trying to come off as confident as best he could. “I am.”

The woman introduced herself as Mi’la Undari, a Jedi master. To the exile’s surprise, the master extended an invitation to join her with little hesitation. He was caught off guard by how straightforward she was.

“Y-yeah!” he nodded. “I can help. I was just on my way to figure out where I was needed anyways,” he paused for a moment, slightly palming his face. He probably should’ve lead by introducing himself. “Oh, right. I’m Jasper Kai’el. Should’ve started with that. Pleasure to meet ya.”

Ishani sighed in frustration as she witnessed the mild carnage she had caused. She’d hoped she would kill several people with the gargoyle, but no. Most of them were still alive, many even unscathed.

To make matters worse, one of the soldiers started firing at her. Ishani ducked out of the way, but one of the shots hit the ledge she was balanced on. The alley proved too narrow for her to spread her wings to their full span—attempting to do so in order to break her fall only succeeded in penning her in, unable to turn around.

She glided down to ground level, landing in the midst of the bodies and the shattered remains of the statue. Hearing the growl of a lightsaber, she summoned her blade instinctively.

Only one person remained in the alley, the refugees and soldiers having fled. And it was one of the last people she wanted to see at that moment.


If the Count had thought this might be some sort of trick and the woman standing before him wasn’t really Ishani Sibwarra, her blurting out his name probably killed those hopes. Apart from the fact she was wearing battle armor and now sported a pair of leathery batlike wings growing from her back, she looked no different from the last time he had seen her.

As the shock of seeing him wore off, Ishani’s expression shifted into a grimace. It was obvious Alicio was trying to save the refugees, and that was going to pose a problem. She didn’t like the idea of killing people she knew. Alicio was (or had been) a friend. Her first instinct was to try and cover up what she had done (or tried to do) by feigning ignorance. So she pretended she was on his side, whether it was convincing or not.

Don’t ask about the wings, it's a long story and we don't have much time,” she said. “I’m here to help. Those people are going to get killed out there. I know a way that’s longer, but safer.” She pointed behind her, toward Silas Fogg and the ritual circle.

Hey, just because she planned to spare Alicio’s life didn’t mean she was giving up on her goals.


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