Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Sword of Reclamation | Galactic Alliance Invasion of Brotherhood-held Empress Teta


Location: Cinnegar, landing platform
Allies: Maw/ Kybo Ren Kybo Ren
Enemies: GA/ Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Equipment: The Hunger, Kyrel's Armor, Necrochasis, Lightsaber

Kyrel could feel them out there, his unnatural senses could feel them from a mile away, the Hunger only pulsed with radiant dark energy, while the Jedi may not feel it, Kyrel could feel that the weapon while bowed to his dominance still behaved as beastly as ever. This battle would be the first in which Kyrel would tame the savage beast, and truly make it his own. His gaze lingered on the band of cannibal marauders that had prowled into the city. The occupation while useful he desired to draw the Jedi out. Instead of hunting them, he wanted them to come to him to truly test out the unruly forked-tip spear that roared to its Master, feeding more of his dark energy with every step he took in its impatience.

The Jedi felt his dark echo, he knew that much. The Wound in the Force could inspire fear in a single stance when he appeared before his enemies. He looked out and responded back in kind, and still the Jedi felt familiar and he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. He was snapped out of his pondering by the voice of his unorthodox brother Kybo Ren. Since arriving to meet him, Kyrel could tell the man, and even his men seemed to be unsettled around Kyrel more than usual. He only surmised that it was the symbol of his station that he held in his hand. The spear represented the shared resistance both Mori and himself felt. He said nothing of it, letting the man kept to his thoughts.

“Good, keep your men back unless…” He paused as he heard the escalation of screams in the distance, the loud crunch of bone and flesh breaking against blades. His men had already started to massacre in earnest, and only caused Kyrel to feed from it through the Force, the terror and the wanton slaughter pleases the Hunger as it started to nibble on the energy. “Do you know what the key to hunting Jedi is Kybo?” He started to speak as the violence only continued to escalate, soon smoke started to billow from the horizon of several buildings. “It’s the wanton slaughter of the weak and innocent. Without mercy, nor compromise… The pain is too much for the Jedi to withstand, they’re compassion is a weakness all too easy to exploit. Thus they come to us and therefore hunt themselves…”

He looked to the his fellow Ren, as he felt the Jedi approach to him, he didn’t move and only waited. His dark echo in the Force started to grow louder, as if sucking the light into the void inside leaving nothing but hollow emptiness. “Perhaps you care to join me in a demonstration of this weapon?” He said with a sadistic growl, taking delight in how his new weapon had unsettled him. “You could even kill one of the Jedi, it’s not often they meet the legendary Knights of Ren… Let’s give them a proper welcome.” He grinned underneath the mask, as he watched terror unfold across the city, standing still as a shadow.




The rippling of fabric in the night air was accompanied by the rattling of Mandalorian equipment. Gwyneira Krayt, a member of the Mandalorian Enclave, was allying the Galactic Alliance in striking back against the Sith… after long last. The cool night was dim and dark, but Gwyn's H.U.D. and cybernetic eyes allowed her to see perfectly. Furthermore, she had a remarkable skill in Force Sense, able to sense and feel things through the Force with precision from long distances. She could sense, even out here, that a high threat was within these towering spires. She even could sense which spire the Force Signature was in. The Dark Side radiated, with feeling of finality and a lack of future. If a Sith felt that their life was ending, Gwyn would be happy to end their suffering.

With her stealth tech fully covering her, she slipped into the prone position atop a building opposite of the Royal Palace. There were already several skirmishes taking place outside, so this would be easy…

She took aim with The Distant Chill.

She fired.

Charric bolts flew in from the sniper's perch as she took out the guards already in a state of panic outside. She never missed once, firing shot after shot of deadly Chiss blaster bolts at the armed soldiers. After they were all taken out, the courtyard silent, she pulled herself up, taking up her rifle and switching it to assault mode. She leapt down, using the Force to land her to the ground. She entered the building. This palace indeed was gorgeous. Beautiful architecture and wonderful displays of craftmanship and art… if only she was not being fired at, she could enjoy it more.

Decloaking, she initially used The Distant Chill to fire back. But the Assault Mode did not have that charric kick the sniper mode did. Gritting her teeth, she ducked behind a wall and slung it back over her back. She gripped her light repeating blaster and darted back out, choosing the faster firing method of taking out the Sith's pawns.

Eventually, she found herself standing at the doors of a long hallway. The Force Signature was close… The half Arkanian hacked into the scomp system with her Engineer Vambrace and opened the door. Long, purple rugs led to some brilliantly crafted doors. Yet, the image of the guards made her feel rage… They were wearing Mandalorian armor. Mandalorian Crusader armor! How dare the sacred armor of her people be tainted by Maw use! A growl rumbled in her throat. She entered the throne halls, letting the repeating blaster fall back to her side. She pulled her Borealis Pistol out in one hand, while pulling out an EMP grenade in the other. She approached, heavy footsteps resounding both from her beskar'gam and her one cybernetic leg. She hissed, <"How dare you?...">

She lifted the grenade back to throw it, to deactivate the armor, <"How dare you mock my people, revolting Maw karkers!!!">

The real fight was just beginning.

Dyans Keto Dyans Keto

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Nadja Keto



Royal Palace, Cinnegar
Galactic Alliance
Brotherhood of the Maw | Alars Keto Alars Keto , Darth Mori
Blaster Pistol

It had been a blessing that Dyans Keto Dyans Keto had made her way to Teta after the planet had been taken - Nadja had been a demure child and remained nearly as such well into adulthood, it was only the drive for revenge at the loss of a cousin and friend that drove her to fight to take back her home in the name of a family that had treated her like a bargaining chip. She glanced across the room at Alars Keto Alars Keto with an anxious smile, his question misplaced in her mind. Her confidence was in safety and any room where Darth Mori stood was one without any to spare. She was an usurper, at least in the eyes of the Alliance and the Maw's enemies, no matter her family's claim to the system's throne.

"I grew up in this palace." She said quietly, stooping low to secure the tracking band around her ankle - so her remains could be found if her body was lost in the chaos. "I don't want to leave." Nadja answered, though she didn't seem to agree with her own statement if the look on her face was anything to go by. "You're conflicted." The Sith interrupted, her attention focused on the two Ketos with a degree more interest than before. Of course she was conflicted, she could stay and surely die for no reason other than a vain attempt to hold onto power their family craved or she could leave and live to see another day in far greater shame than she'd arrived on the planet with. She had heard Val Aranda Val Aranda had taken up some sort of talks with the Final Dawn but with the chaos that followed Tython, and Tython itself, Nadja hadn't been able to make it off world to see her again -

Now she wondered if she would.

"Just lead us out of here and.. we'll figure something out." She grumbled, standing up straight. She knew the Sith with them a tad bit more than she would have liked to have admitted - the woman had borrowed her face to spy on some Eshan princess during a ball in return for offering her a way to get back into her family's good graces. This, of course, was the result of all of that; there wasn't a doubt in her mind that Mori imagined it would end with a discarded Tetan at her feet, just as she hadn't a single doubt that there wouldn't be any attempt to protect her if an assassin were to ambush them on the way out.

"Fear doesn't suit either of you." The Sith said as she slowly started towards the door, Nadja in tow.


Kybo Ren

Pirate of the Stars, Knight of Ren

Location: Cinnegar, Landing Platform
Allies: Maw/ Darth Mori Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof Ardana Vorco Ishani Sibwarra
Enemies: GA/ Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

“Do you know what the key to hunting Jedi is Kybo?” He started to speak as the violence only continued to escalate, soon smoke started to billow from the horizon of several buildings. “It’s the wanton slaughter of the weak and innocent. Without mercy, nor compromise… The pain is too much for the Jedi to withstand, they’re compassion is a weakness all too easy to exploit. Thus they come to us and therefore hunt themselves…”
Kybo nodded. He was a Knight of Ren too, and he understood to his core what the Shadow demanded in exchange for the power it bestowed on them, and why the Jedi and their faded icons would always fail.

"That be the way of things since time immemorial."
“Perhaps you care to join me in a demonstration of this weapon?” He said with a sadistic growl, taking delight in how his new weapon had unsettled him. “You could even kill one of the Jedi, it’s not often they meet the legendary Knights of Ren… Let’s give them a proper welcome.” He grinned underneath the mask, as he watched terror unfold across the city, standing still as a shadow.
Despite his vague misgivings, Kybo could not help but smile at the thought of killing Jedi.

"Aye, Lord Kyrel. We'll make the dogs cower in fear at the might of the Maw."

Location: Empress Teta, on the ground
Outfit: Beskar armour with tattered robes
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

It wasn't recruitment that was on the mind of the Sith, his views were no Jedi could make a good Sith Lord, they were weak and revealed their weaknesses already. No, it was exposing the true natures of the Jedi, how their views and lifestyle was flawed, that they were doomed to failure. Because no matter how much this Jedi was stating his actions were justice, it was revenge, if the Jedi committed to trying to kill him. Then the Sith Lord had already won, kill the Sith Lord and he would be able to twist the affair into a slippery slope into madness. Naga Sadow laughed,

Wallgof shook his head, he wasn't preparing to die this fight, but he was prepared to expose the fact that this holy, better than everyone Jedi was quite happy to murder a Sith Lord. Abandoning all mercy that the Jedi are meant to hold up high. "I only mock because you hold this lifestyle up but you always fail to maintain it. You Jedi slip, fall into temptation, start killing instead of defusing the situation, committing genocide. Your people are murderous and just as vicious as the Sith, but you lie to yourselves and view yourselves as holy fools with sticks up your rears."

Flicking his Lightsaber up, he blocked the lightning and sighed, behind his helmet there was disappointment. "Revenge is all this is. You are so lost in your emotions, you are more like the Sith you fight than you are willing to admit. Call this anything you like, but you have the intentions to kill me, therefore this is revenge. Justice would be arresting me and have me on trial surely, yes? But you want me dead, you want me to suffer, I could escape if you try to hold me on trial." His lips curled cruelly and could hear Naga Sadow cheering and laughing in glee in his ear.

He lifted his right hand up and blasted a powerful blast of red Force Lightning towards the Jedi Master. "Yes, yes. You can do Lightning very impressive but unless you surrender to the Dark Side completely, you will never compete with my power!" Wallgof shouted with crazed glee.



Location: Ship heading to Empress Teta
Equipment: Traveling Garments, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic , Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Jax continued to look at Empress Teta while the dropship made its final landing. He didn't pay attention to Driedi's prodding, his eye focused on the scarred world. Even though he wanted to show Dreidi that the Jedi were doing good things, that they were trying to help people. The Jedi weren't perfect, but they strive to do the right thing. However, Jax planned on not taking Driedi to where the fighting was fiercest. Partially because he didn't want Jairdain Jairdain to worry about her but mostly so Jax can leave Dreidi so he can face Carnifex alone.

The Jedi Master needed to steel himself, Dreidi is a kid a padawan eager to forge her own path as a Jedi. She didn't need to be burdened with Jax's issues. He wondered why he even bothered to be in her life in the first place. Jax wasn't Yuroic that much was clear and his relationship with Dreidi was a bit rough to say the least. "Can you feel the Dark Side Dreidi?" Jax said. "Millions of people used to live here, now look at it, it's a ghost town. I never thought I'd set foot on the planet again."

The Dropship landed near the palace as Jax headed directly towards it. "This is where we part ways," Jax said to Driedi in a rush. "Rendezvous back with the others, I need to do something."

Post: 2
Location: Throne Room, Royal Palace, Cinnegar
Objective: See Me in My Crown
Equipment: Gold and Black Krath holy battle Suit | Blood Blade (Dagger) | Krath Dire Sword | x2 Stiletto knives | Crown
Allies: BotM | Darth Mori | Nadja Keto | Alars Keto Alars Keto
Enemies: Galactic Alliance | Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla
Tags: Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla

x20 Personal Guard in Heavy Gold Mandalorian Armor armed with Krath Double swords
x2 Death Witches

Dyans jade eyes watched as the doors to the throne room opened wide and a Mandalorian came barging in. It wasn't exactly what Dyans was expecting she was expecting Alliance Commando's or a Jedi strike force. The Mandalorian spoke out accusingly towards her causing a curious look to cross the Empresses face. Had she wronged this Mandalorian on some personal level the voice didn't seem familiar to her and neither did the armor. However, it wasn't long and the female Mandalorian made her accusations clearer, the curiosity on Dyans face fade back to her stern look, she didn't even flinch as the woman raised the EMP Grenade.

Though it was a matter of seconds the silence seemed to linger forever between the guest words and Dyans finally speaking. "Ni mirdir Mando'ad draar digu?" Dyans spoke in fluent Mando'a her tone was stern as she asked her question to long Mandalorian. Had she forgotten her history and the Legacy of the Mandalorian people, Dyans had to wonder not many Mandalorians forgot there peoples past. Sure some Mandalorians tried to move past there history but the never truly forgot what it was and all there people had been apart of. Mandalorian heritage ran deep in the Maw from the sorcerer's of Rhand to even the Krath, Mandalorians were apart of it.

The middle and index finger of Dyans right hand lifted just slight up off the throne arm rest a signal for her soldiers not to attack just yet. Both the death witches at her side looked at her for a moment wondering what she was thinking. They could easily squash this single Mandalorian.

"Your anger is misplaced if you think this is mockery. The armor and how to craft it was a gift from Mandalore the Indomitable to my ancestors Satal and Aleema Keto because our people helped uplift the Mandalorain people when the rest of the Galaxy thought you were nothing more then barbaric warmongering animals." How so many had forgotten exactly what the Tetan Empire had done for the Galaxy. From those who forgot it was the Empress Teta herself that had led to foundations for the Republic being laid out. To the Sith who forgot Freedon Nadd had anointed the Keto family. Now to the Mandalorians forgetting that their joint crusade with the Tetans conquered half the Galaxy.

"Now here we are vod, my side picking up the crusade both our peoples started. It is I who is keeping to Haat, Ijaa, Haa'it of the pact our people agreed to over four thousand years ago. If anything, it is you who mocks your people." Jade eyes just stared at the Mandalorian that was about to throw the grenade. Dyans was already ready to cast a force bubble around the grenade the moment it was let loose to negate it's affects when it exploded. She didn't move though not yet she was waiting, she wanted to see where this young Mando's rage would take them.


Mando'a: "Ni mirdir Mando'ad draar digu?"
Translation: "I thought a Mandalorian never forgot?"

Mando'a: Haat, Ijaa, Haa'it
Translation: Truth, Honor, Vision

Mando'a: Vod
Translation: Comrade
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Issue #1 w/ Donne Toulemonde Donne Toulemonde

Lunatic Fringe
"Not through here." A hand from the shadows softly held the armored officer's shoulder and the sound of a dozen firearms being cocked resounded in the silence, all barrels pointing at the enigmatic transgressor.

The officer snapped a fist up and the guns were lowered, "Master Jedi..." he sighed, then hoarsely continued, "Shouldn't spook us like that."

"Find another way into the spire, Captain." Dagon Kaze stepped away from the shadows, silver threads of moonlight illuminating his face.

"Sith?" the captain guessed.

"Yeah -- I'll take care of it." the Jedi replied before force leaping to a nearby ledge. He glanced back at the special operatives, "I'll try catching up with you but don't wait on me. Extracting HVTs outta there is your priority."

"Roger. You heard the man, boys -- operation Kingmaker is a go." the captain nodded and his men surged forward ahead of him. "May the Force be with you, Master Kaze."

"May the Force be with us all." a faint smile curved his lips before he scaled further above the walls of the spire.

The outer masonry was rock solid and refined, which made it almost slippery. Whatever damage the palace had suffered during the Maw's invasion seemed to have been quickly repaired, at least at this part of the complex. The Cinnagar Royal Palace was a testament to Teta's ancient history and showed. What windows may have been shattered during the first battle of Empress Teta had now been quickly replaced with new ones, polished as clear as mirrors.

The raven-haired Knight followed the trail of the Force, sneaking inside the spire through a section which was still under repair. His feet silently landed on the marble floor inside; marble that had been scrubbed till it shone in the darkness. In the confines of the palace's incredibly high ceilings and walls lined up with columns carved to perfection, Dagon felt like a serf. He warily carried on towards the light, leaving behind the dark section of the spire under repair.
“Come and get it.”

The challenge echoed across hallways and chambers as the leather-jacket clad Knight silently emerged into view upon a mezzanine overlooking the source of the Force's corruption. Short silver locks fell right above her shoulders, her eyes like two full moons illuminating the light of the sun with hints of sulfur, the claws of the dark side. Her pale skin seemed natural, rather than the product of Bogan, pinpointing her as an Echani. Before she had been enshrouded in the impurity of the dark side, he would've found her charming.

"Yeah?" Dagon's signature bravado pumped his chest out, a cocky lopsided smirk plastered on his face before he leapt down from the mezzanine. The hilt of his saber materializing his hands, "You're not gonna leave if I asked you to, are you?"​



They returned with a vengeance.

The Sith, as always, were too arrogant and overconfident in their ambitions. And as always, such traits would always be their downfall. They overextended themselves at Tython, failing and their Overlord dying in their failure. They focused so much resources, surely they were at their most weakest. Time would not be given to these warmongers to recover from their loss as the Alliance and Jedi struck at one of the jewel worlds of the Core. This infestation would be driven back from whence it came.

The battle was furious as expected. He did not expect anything less from the zealots, and only a fool would debate against the achievements from the Maw. At some extent, it was inspiring how far they had come from the Unknown Regions.

The Alliance and Jedi prevailed at one of the hangars as Rhis accompanied Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo and his men pushed through to the occult corridors until they had come across an ominous door with a foul presence behind it. Only to be left alone to deal with what lay behind the doors. Didn’t take much to predict who was emitting that aura, but there was one in particular he was familiar with. The very Sith Lord he crossed blades with at Jedha, and ever since they have always crossed paths in these engagements.

Typical, but he had grown tired of this and only wished to see his emerald blade impale the Sith.

“I take my leave, Master Tafo,” leaving the blind Jedi Master to deal with the other two Sith in the room, Maestus Maestus and Darth Sorn Darth Sorn . The Nautolan stared down at Letifer, the Sith Lord igniting the crimson edge of his saber. Emerald roared out from Rhis’ lightsaber in response, ready to take blows at the Sith.

“The time for you and your ilk are at an end, Darth. Defeat is inevitable and it is your destiny,” taunting at Letifer, before rushing at his sworn enemy. Aiming a distanced, careful lunge at his chest; their duel would pick up pace and exchange powerful techniques. All it was, was just a simple attack to begin their battle.

Lord Letifer Lord Letifer
Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy | Freedom | Anonymous
Mongrel's Shadow and his widow; Matriarch of the Scar Hounds Tribe; Guardian of Mongrel's armour and sword
Objective: Help the Maw forces with intelligence information | Continue to rebuild the mental defences and the mind palace.
Location: Capital City, Empress Teta
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades | Promise of Freedom || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Special tags: The Manifold The Manifold (as Kallan) ? | Thomas Barran Thomas Barran
[ Come back… ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Mercy arrives back to the commanding tent and starts to analyse the data.
  • Keilara starts her work.

~ Mercy ~
There was nothing else so I could go about my business. The sword Thomas made was very heavy, it was for Asher and of course it was huge, compared to my height. At least as big as me and heavy. Of course I could lift it, but I didn’t know if I would ever be able to learn to use it in a battle. However, with that, I wanted to kill Thomas' father. After all, it was originally designed for that. I'm going to finish what my husband started. And it was personal now, an eye of an eye.

Back to the tent, which is further away from the battlefield. After realizing we were in love with each other, Asher always tried to stay me away from the open battlefield to take care of me. It was so very annoying, but I never told him. I preferred to be near to take care of him. Over the years, it has become easier to find a reason why I remained on his side. All this in such a way that no one suspected the reality.

After all, I was his advisor and unofficial bodyguard. I had to be by his side when I wasn't doing a reconnaissance or sabotage operation. But sometimes there were also personal missions; just like in this place, in that mental hospital. Thanks to that, Kallan was still alive. But he is not, and I’ll never be able to forgive myself for that.

I should have exercised better and more and slept nothing. There were only a few feelings present in me, guilt, grief, anger, and hatred; or a mixture thereof. I didn’t really care if we lost, maybe I would have even been happy to see the Maw burn, not just everything and everyone else. But I secretly hoped someone would drop a bomb on the tent while I was there…

… then I could finally be with him again.

I soon got back to the tent where I immediately looked at the data. It was clear and light on the monitors that the enemy was already in the city, and not only there, but also in the vast space station orbiting the planet. It all starts all over again, the same circles over and over again, the same cycle. But at least Asher was free…

<< Sir, this is Mercy. The enemy arrived from all directions, and the battle for Empress Teta began. >> I told him.

There may not have been a fight where Thomas was right now, but that will change in a matter of moments based on the data.


~ Keilara ~
I watched the snow for a few more moments. It was actually amazing and I really liked it. I don’t remember ever seeing this place in the snow. The mountains, yes, since they were always covered with snow, but the meadow? According to my memories, we were always here only in the summer when the flowers were in bloom and it was warm enough. Looking at the snow, my childish self grew stronger for a few moments.

I wanted to throw Kallan with a snowball. To have a snow battle with each other, to build a snowman and then make a snow angel. And at the very end, to snuggle and to cuddle with him under the blanket, which I had thought before, could have come. It was such an idyllic thought that I smiled involuntarily. It wasn’t possible, there was too much work left and a lot of work to be done.

But if we're done with everything; yes then it would be a great day. Because of the supposed cold outside, I didn’t open the window right now. I didn't want to wake Kallan. So I got out of the room more carefully and silently. Outside, I changed into season-appropriate clothes. I didn’t really know what to expect, since that wasn’t the reality, just a Mind palace. Even if it seemed very real.

I thought it will be winter, so I tried to prepare for that. Of course, I may be wrong, pretty much everything in a mind was unpredictable. That’s why I was a little worried and scared. But I had to stay strong; I promised Kallan that I would always take care of him, and someone had to take care of children if Mercy didn’t.

I took one last deep breath before pressing down the front door handle.

~ Then let's get to work… ~ I told myself.





A S H E S _ T O _ A S H E S



Revenant Squadron
Brotherhood of the Maw
  • Open

- Revenant lands and
secures the forward LZ

A pair of shuttles franked by a dozen starfighters sped down through the atmosphere of Empress Teta. The nimble ships ducked and wove between enemy turbolaser and ion cannon blasts, their skilled pilots finding a path through the impossibly thick hail of anti-starfighter flak. A quartet of starfighters shot ahead of the formation and blasted a flight of TIE fighters before they could even get close. Defended by their escorts, the shuttles quickly dropped to the battle-scarred outskirts of Cinnegar to deposit their passengers.

Revenant Squadron was again heading into battle.

Only this time, they weren’t escorting the shuttles - they were on the shuttles.

Tree Chaar was the first to dismount the lead shuttle, quickly bringing his blaster carbine up to the high-ready position. The heavy armour that encased the Umbaran and his squadron was a far cry from their typical flight suits. While the armour represented the latest development by industry leaders at the Republic Engineering Corporation, it felt as thin as flimsiplast compared to the heavy armour plates and reinforced starfighter shields that usually protected pilots during battle.

The rest of the squadron quickly dismounted the pair of shuttles. With their passengers delivered, the shuttles and their escorts took to the sky and sped away. Dozens of strike teams were being dropped across Cinnegar at key strategic points, each with a clear mission profile. For Revenant, their objective was clear - establish a forward refuelling point to keep the starfighters of the Alliance in the sky.

Chaar moved across the long-destroyed landspeeder lot. The Brotherhood had fortified the city’s spaceports, leaving the Alliance to identify and secure alternate forward landing zones. Scanning the area one last time, he dropped his heavy backpack to the ground and began to unload the equipment stored within. Revenant would have to move fast to establish the landing zone before Brotherhood forces arrived. They didn't have time to set up their kit and engage the enemy.

“Secure the area,” he called over his helmet comlink as he unpacked a portable comscan. Once powered up the small device would be used to coordinate landings and launches. Other members of the squadron began to unload their equipment. Revenant did not have much kit to work with, but they had spent weeks on Mechis III drilling. In a few moments they would have the temporary landing zone up and running, just in time for their fuel and armaments to be delivered for loading onto Alliance starfighters. “How long 'til comms are up?”





She stood in the throne room, glaring up at the Dark Sider with scorn. How dare she be talked down at like this! She had been her entire life, mocked and deemed lesser. She no longer took it, and being called a mockery of her adopted culture was a damnable offense. She stood, EMP grenade ready to be thrown, and scoffed.

<"I know of our history fully well. Which is why I'm shocked. The alliance, the trust, the gift, has been broken by you, has it not? For allying with the Maw, the Sith, and joining the Dark Side. Hypocrite! Feel the vengeance of the true Mandalorian Enclave!">

She chucked the grenade, <"No Sith! No Exceptions!">

Oops. The grenade did not work.

The force field surrounding the false crusaders caused the grenade's electric sparks to dissipate around the guards, ineffective. She lowered her hand, gripping her pistol. She lifted it and aimed a cyroban shot at the feet of the closest crusader, putting the pistol away and darting right for melee combat. Lightning flickered on her combat gloves. The crush gaunts brightly sparkled with electricity, doubling as shockmitts. She slipped into a Mandalorian Core fighting stance. If she dealt enough electrical damage to the armor, it could prove just as effective as an EMP grenade, just manually executed.

Dyans Keto Dyans Keto

Objective: Infiltrate Empress Teta
Location: Capital city
Tags: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble / Lord Odion
Attire: hoody and Jeans
It was only a matter of time before he returned here.

The alliance had successfully driven back the black cloud known as the maw and was pushing the brutes back from where they came. Their time for aggression was over, now they had to be truly tested in the defensive position. From the start, Maw's plan was never going to work. Their overconfidence and lust for chaos was the thing that contributed to the downfall. While they wanted nothing but slaughter, the alliance was simply defending her people from the darkness that threatened to consume the galaxy.

Silas had been there from the start. Even when it fell he knew deep down they'd get it back and today was going to be that day. However, another thing was on his mind than simply freeing the planet. The frightful truth of his ancestors from the mouth of Onrai Onrai still echoed in his mind, something which made him uncharacteristically nervous. He still hadn't told his master how he was related to unspeakable monsters, one day he'd need to say the truth but when? that thought alone worried him to the core.

Sitting by the window of the long abandoned apartment, he quietly peeked through the dusty curtains to the ghostly street below. He hadn't seen any Maw solidiers for awhile, but it was mostly have some alone time before they moved towards the palace. Since infiltrating the city, Silas had been keeping to himself and responding when neccassary. Being back on Teta was just... saddening

"Still quiet, many of the troops have probably moved to the center to set up defensive positions..." he said in a glum tone, his head turning to look back to his master slightly "It won't be easy"

Location: Forward Landing Zone, Empress Teta
Objective: Secure landing zones
Equipment: Alliance Marine armour, Tactical Air Control type. Rifle w/ grenade launcher. Explosive charge and detonite tape.
Tag: Lead: Tren Chaar Tren Chaar Three: Ran Serys Ran Serys Four: Shar Sieu Shar Sieu Five: Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos Six: Mylo Thorne Seven: Leon Gallo Leon Gallo Nine: Artemis Toth Artemis Toth Ten: Qellene Tyliame Qellene Tyliame Eleven: Zev Garallia Zev Garallia Twelve: Tristram Vos Tristram Vos

It was a strange feeling, to be transported instead of piloting. Shar could feel his hands and feet wobbling, knowing he was going into battle in a manner even more high-risk than being a pilot. The shuttle rattled as it dipped, descending to its target location. Through his helmet HUD, Shar could look out through the shuttle's hull cams, and watched the X-Wings do their magic, clearing the space around the shuttles of incoming TIEs.

<"Landing in thirty.">

Shar checked his weapon again, making sure it was loaded. He had not touched a gun in combat in a while, and he'd be damned if he was caught negligent. Stowed on his armour's pouches and backpack were comms gear and explosives. All inert at the moment, but ready to be used to destroy any obstacles if needed.

The shuttle thumped as it hit the ground, its doors sliding open. Following behind the others, Shar hopped off the shuttle and scanned his flank for hostiles, seeing only rubble and corpses. As Lead began setting up the scanner, Shar shuffled to the left flank, scanning for hostiles.

"Left side clear."

“Secure the area,” he called over his helmet comlink as he unpacked a portable comscan.

The Gossam slung his rifle over one shoulder and moved to the scattered wreckage- landspeeders and rubble- that marked out the rough perimeter of Revenant's deployment point. These positions would be used as cover, but other pathwats would be used to funnels hostiles into kill zones filled with Shar's explosives. As he lay his explosives, Shar also planted perimeter beacons, allowing landing craft to find the limit of their landing zone.
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Ishani Sibwarra

Alicio gestured his guards back as a form dropped from the rooftops. "Keep moving. Get the families to safety."

"Sir, we aren't leaving you..." The guard grabbed his shoulder, as if to pull him back, but he shrugged it off, looking at her with a stubborn determination, dark tones of the force singing around him.

"I will be fine, Lea," he said, his confidence overpowering. "Keep them safe."

The guard seemed to fight his words for a moment, before giving into the song. "You'll be fine. I'll keep them safe." Then, she added, "Be careful, Your Excellency."

So as the dark figure glided down, Alicio was ready to meet her alone. He gripped his blade a bit tighter, suddenly doubting his training. If he wasn't ready, he could die. That was a risk he was more than willing to bear.

But when he saw the face of his friend, Alicio deactivated his blade immediately, finding a stunned smile.
"Ishani?" He took a step forward, as if to embrace his friend. That sense of dread stopped him short, but didn't stop his sudden high spirits.

"I thought you died on Tython." Any more hope of catching up was dashed by Ishani's urgency, which he quickly adopted. He was predisposed to believe her. He would have, without question, were it not for the grim hum he had been tasting all day. It made him consider her words. What he had experienced.

"A way longer but safer... than the secret path we created." The path that had been successful already, the one Ishani shouldn't have known about. Alicio's tone was confused. "Towards the center of the city." Towards the fighting.

When the gargoyle had fallen, he'd tasted something familiar.

After a second of thought, the Count's face cracked with hurt, remaining still. "Ishani, I... I don't believe you."

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Tag: Ari Naldax Ari Naldax
Piloting - Torr'Chir
Eyes of Khoine
Pulsiva flight suit
2x Cartridge Revolvers
Retractable Neural Stinger

Accompanied by two squadrons of eight Chir'Shada Starfighters

All equipped with proton torpedoes and Witchfire Missiles

From the skies above Empress Teta, fifteen X shaped starfighters descended like predators and flew down low to the ground to minimise detection. The lead ship was painted in white and as it flew its image blurred and twitched, almost as if she was in a holoflick and someone had edited her in wrong.

"teiken kom oor 200 km, volg plan, roep vyandelike vegters uit, hou jou koppe koel. Vir die Nebula" "target is coming up in 200km, follow plan, call out enemy fighters, keep your heads cool. For the Nebula". The Nebula today had been handed a sector where the Alliance were amassing a ground assault against one of the Scar Hounds fortifications, lines of trenches, still in place from the last Invasion scarred the ground below as the Mawite fighters flashed though the air. Orbital scans showed it would be a perfect place to test their new Witchfire munitions, and as such, the force had come armed with many of them.

"So 'n skande om jou spyt te maak dat jy my nie op Mustafar my mooi een vermoor het nie" "Such a shame to make you regret not killing me on Mustafar my pretty one" she mused to herself as she thought of her encounter with Ari Naldax Ari Naldax . Maybe she would see her again, it seemed the force had plan for them. But hopefully she could wait until after Khione and her forces had incinerated a thousand or so Alliance soldiers.
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Aboard Gehinnom II



Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Equipment in bio.


The worldcraft blotted out the horizon over Cinnagar. Its enormous shadow deprived entire districts of sunlight. A pinnacle of engineering; a symbol of the Brotherhood. Although the Maw's corridor that had been carved into the body of territory the Galactic Alliance occupied was under titanic strategical duress, Gehinnom II was an exceptional candidate for serving as a military fortification, upon the walls of which the retaliatory surge of the reclaimers might be broken.

The apparent quiet is misleading, for the siege is already underway. In a small room, surrounded by mechanical noises, computers and neon displays stood the enigmatic
Dark Lord Ptolemis, working on collating and digitally distributing strategical information to others aboard the reformed Gehinnom. With the push of a white rubber button, he forwards a packet of useful intel directly to the personal datapads or other data devices of Lord Letifer Lord Letifer and select Maw-aligned operatives on board. The intel includes details on detected enemy infiltration units, virtual access keys for ease of traversal aboard the worldcraft, as well as a three-dimensional map of its internal layout, complete with secret passages and hidden walkways. Alone and in the deceptive calm of one of the many control rooms of Gehinnom II the Blasphemer continues his supportive work; requesting and feeding updates to other members of the New Sith Order nearby.

Until a red, blinking warning of critical danger takes over the main display in front of him, dipping the machinery-dense recess into a foreboding sense of imminent conflict. For a few moments, he stares at the muted screen in silence. Calculating his next move. Then, with a final click, he uploads any and all automatically registered information about the impacted boarding torpedo to station-wide Brotherhood channels, turns back, and exits the control room to confront the infiltrators... in person.

The Shadow Hand soon enters the first of a few elevators he needs to take before he can intercept the intruders.


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"A Jedi......" Darth Sorn stared at the blindfolded Jedi with a mix boredom and disdain. The fact that a blind Jedi was sent to challenge he and Maestus was an insult. The two of them strived for perfection and eternal life, this man was perfectly with being mutilated embracing their limitations imposed to them by nature.

"You know this man?" Sorn activated his Saberstaff twin dark red sabers simultaneously activated. Crimson sparks surrounding the exposed red kyber Crystal in the middle starting to glow.

"Your presence is a nuisance Jedi," Sorn said twirling his experimental saber. "You don't know the Dark Side holds, we've captured your worlds so easily and we can crush you like a Womp Rat clinging on for the last bits of life if we desired. Your rigid order is coming to end, to look at progress as something to be avoided is absurd."

With a wave of his hand, the ground began to shake under the Jedi's feet trying to put off balance. "Look at you, encased in that rotting sack of meat blinded. It's a fitting metaphor of your ignorance to power, it's under your nose but you choose not to grasp it instead you're content with being mediocre."

Maestus Maestus , Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo

Ashes to Ashes

Location: Cinnegar
Tags: Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Allies: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

She offered a soft smile, motioning towards the side hanger of her vessel. She hadn't planned for a trip for two, but it could be arranged. She seemed to always have a padawan hot on her heels after all. "Well it's very nice to meet you Jasper, but I must warn you, where we go will be very dangerous." She lead on, waving for him to follow, as they would enter into her vessel, seeing that the star fighter simply wouldn't work. Reaching out with the Force, she placed a request for the ship to begin launch for her star fighter, as nice as the 'Mi'la Van' was, in atmosphere flight had never been it's selling point. "This is my ship, it's a little different, though I imagine you can sense that on your own. It's a bit large, but it functions as a jedi academy. Useful for keeping training on the go." She said, as if Jasper attempted to reach out, he would indeed sense a semi consciousness from the ship, and it's aura in the Light, but there was a strange void in the Force around the woman with him. The Twi'lek merely continued through the ship, leading the new student into the confines of the hanger, revealing three star fighters, with one seemingly prepped and ready to go. "Hope you don't mind if I fly, I just quite literally met you so, rather important that we arrive in one peace." She smiled, as the cockpit hissed open, showing room for two with very little space to share.

Jumping into the pilots seat, she began to pre-flight check, and mentally commanded the hanger doors to open. She'd wait for the young man to be settled before taking off, and once they did, Mi'la brought them shooting out, souring up and into the sky, as flickers and bursts of missiles, lasers, and various star fighters began to trickle in around them. "There's a presence in the force on this world that calls to me, and that's where we are going. Hold on." She advised, banking the fighter through a cluster of explosions and narrowly clipping a communication tower that was at the start of a collapse.

Her path was set, unknowingly but determined, towards Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren and Kybo Ren Kybo Ren , as the Void in the Force would race towards the Hungering Maw. Two opposites, posed to clash. Her computer detected a pair of Maw fighters had now taken up following her, and with a bit of annoyance, she was forced into evasive maneuvers. "Jasper, can you take care of our guests? Dog fighting was never my thing." She requested, hoping that the young man could perhaps use the weapons systems of this ship better than her.

Mi'la had to ponder to herself as she navigated the glowing storms of blaster fire, if that just maybe, this had been a pretense for all of her struggles in the past several months. Only time would tell.
Y’sanne Stradd
Heathen Priestess, Reverend Mother, Priestess of the Dark Three, High Priestess of the Scar Hounds Tribe
Objective: To help her fellow Mawites.
Location: Capital city, Empress Teta
Equipment: 1x Su'arnr be Tracyn | Amulet of Many
Units: 2x Pontifical Palatini (members, not units)
Enemies: Davron Feln Davron Feln
[ Let There Be Night ]
<"ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Y’sanne senses Davron’s approaching and invites him.

After her speech, Y’sanne went further inside the castle to continue what she had begun. As she deepened into the meditation, she felt the consciousness of every warrior and marauder, felt in the Force, just as the woman's own strength reached theirs. All this, of course, would not have been possible without the gift and help of the Avatars. The Reverend Mother thought that her own strength came from them, they gave it to her; when the Dark Three received her into their graces, for in that moment she became more stronger than she was before.

Once she was fragile, a simple Ashlan Priestess, a healer Jedi knight. The Maw captured, tortured, broke her. The other Heathen Priests changed her bodies, and Y’sanne embraced the teachings of the Dark Three, the love and truth of the Avatars. So she was able to survive this process and become a priestess of the Dark Three. A more perfect creature by the will of the Avatars, to serve their will.

She was still a healer, although the rest of the Galaxy would say she is a breaker of minds, or a monster.

Y’sanne believed that by shattering and erasing the minds and personalities of others and then shaping them to exist now as persons loyal to the Avatars - well the woman would heal them. She heals them to see the truth so that they can embrace the truth and love of the Avatars. However, truth and enlightenment are never free. And the woman helped make sure the strong paid the necessary price.

The cycle could never be interrupted, it had to continue forever. And the priestess continued with pleasure. While meditating, she sensed something. A stronger Light Side presence in the Force. Which was approaching the palace. Another unbeliever, another blind person who has not yet seen the truth. Ironically, she didn’t even know how accurate her guess with blindness was.

She knew, felt this person heading for her. The Reverend Mother saw the pictures the Avatars sent her, some quick and short frames, a short vision. She took the necklace off her neck so that the effect of the Taozin amulet would not work. She didn't want to hide, even if she wasn't a warrior. Y'sanne was still concentrating, but opened her eyes. As long as she knows, she will maintain Battle Meditation.

Meanwhile, in a brief concentration, she reached out to the Force in the direction of Feln to send him a message. Invited him to herself; she was ready to break him, too, and receive him into the flock.

~ Come, my child, come! See and embrace the truth of the Dark Three, the final truth! ~ she whispered telepathically to the approaching Feln.

One day, the truth will be seen and felt by everyone…

… because that's how it had to be…

~ I'm waiting for you… ~ she whispered once more.



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