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Invasion Sword of Reclamation | Galactic Alliance Invasion of Brotherhood-held Empress Teta

Narrator of The Galactic Alliance



The Galactic Alliance will reclaim and liberate the Brotherhood of the Maw-held Empress Teta
// START: JUNE 24 - END: JULY 8 //

Valiens Nantaris

"This is not just a fight to survive, nor to defeat the Brotherhood. It is an assertion, a reclamation of our values, the very soul of the Alliance. We've lost our way in a forest of deception and selfishness; we must cut through, and forge our nation's path anew."
- Auteme Denko-Durren, Senator of Epoch




The certainty of THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE MAW’s future has been shaken. After a long campaign between light and dark, DARTH SOLIPSIS’ attack on TYTHON failed. THE GALACTIC ALLIANCE and their allies defended the ancient planet and Jedi homeworld to the very last moment and emerged victorious.

Now, the ALLIANCE is poised to extend that victory and weaponize the opportunity.

Already THE ALLIANCE has cultivated momentum on Batorine, strategically crippling strongholds in THE MAW’s war machine and testing the grounds of THE MAW’s ability to react and further providing concrete assurance of suspicions of instability.

With many of THE MAW’s figureheads and leaders destroyed on TYTHON, THE ALLIANCE seeks to use this discord and potential internal power struggle to their advantage. Alliance High Command and The Senate set their eyes on the planets within The Core that had been lost while THE MAW carved their way to TYTHON.

EMPRESS TETA is the first world to benefit from the reclamation and liberation campaign. And is the testing ground for THE ALLIANCE’s new approach and THE BROTHERHOOD’s nascent leadership.



Parked overhead Cinnegar, the great Gehinnom II eclipses the skies. With its strategic positioning, an all-out attack on The Brotherhood over the capitol could be devastating to the world beneath. The tactics for engagement have to be more subtle to protect the non-military targets below. The Galactic Alliance’s forces are deployed in strike teams to board and disable the massive ship while the fleet keeps it distracted.


Finally able to re-emerge into Teta’s space, the Alliance’s navy is prepared for a delicate engagement. It is the fleet’s duty to ensure Gihennom II’s attention remains up and above the city, suspended over the scape of a great city below that probably couldn’t survive further destruction.


As strike teams are dispatched to disable the looming shadow overhead, small, incognito teams find unique ways to access military targets within Cinnegar to evacuate and secure the city’s palace to retake the crown from the Keto family. These teams must be surgical and precise, working around The Brotherhood with limited detection and benefitting from the support of rebellious citizens.

  1. Gehinnom II - Positioned over Cinnegar
  2. The Royal Palace

Y’sanne Stradd
Heathen Priestess, Reverend Mother, Priestess of the Dark Three, High Priestess of the Scar Hounds Tribe
Objective: To help her fellow Mawites.
Location: Capital city, Empress Teta
Equipment: 1x Su'arnr be Tracyn | Amulet of Many
Units: 2x Pontifical Palatini (members, not units)
Enemies: Davron Feln Davron Feln
[ Let There Be Night ]
<"ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Y’sanne performs the preaching.

Y’sanne rarely left Mar’Zambul, or the Maw's core worlds in the Unknown Region, as her work was more needed there. Although her abilities made her a strong priestess, the number of Heathen Priests was not very high, so it was more important to stay home and continue to break the slave-soldiers' body, mind and soul. The Maw always required reinforcements.

But she was here on Empress Teta today because another fight was in their way. Another important fight.

Due to the death of Dark Voice and the defeat, on Tython, she felt the need to serve the Dark Three here, on this planet. The Reverend Mother spent most of the day meditating while communicating with the Avatars. Whether she really talked to them, heard them or just her own madness played with her, we’ll probably never know…

But the time had come, Y’sanne was at the Cinnegar’s palace. She was made from here to give a speech for the Maw's flock before the invasion and fighting began.

”Brethren in Spilled Blood, Bringers of the Great Change, hear my voice!“ she started.

She paused for a moment, spreading her hands and wings, looking down on the warriors, the marauders in the square and gathering there. Her speech was broadcast on countless holo projectors in the city, the planet and in the Maw's fleet so that everywhere, every Maw warrior and Marauder could see and hear her and gain strength from her words, and from her very presence.

”Not so long ago, Maw achieved a huge victory over Empress Teta. All this won the liking of the Avatars. Tython was a mixed success, and the losing of the Dark Voice, or other leaders, was a test. A test on the part of the Avatars because they feel that your faith has weakened in your direction. The Dark Three will bring the Galaxy to come, you have to believe in it, you have to give your blood and your life for it. For the victory. It is our job to bring the future the Dark Three wants. You don't have to be afraid! You are all familiar with the teachings of the Sculpture of the Hidden Maw. You do not have to be afraid of impending death, as this serves the purpose of the Avatars. And those who lose their lives during their service will go to paradise, to the Dark Three's side, where they can experience all of the Galaxy to come's wonders, before us, before everyone. Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis hasn't left us either, but he watching over us from there, next to our gods, how we continue what the Avatars and he want.“ here she paused again for a few moments, then looked through the crowd before continuing. ”That is why we need to fight today better and more fierceful than ever. The Avatars are hungry, it’s time to feed them with the souls of our enemies and show that we are able to carry on the legacy of the former Dark Voice, which is now also the legacy of Darth Mori. And we, all of us, will never let down our gods, who will smile at us today and in the future for our results what we are going to achieve today!“

Here she raised her hands as if to pray or beg her gods, her Avatars. She closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them, now she was using combat meditation to increase the Marauders fighting spirit, so both of her eyes were completely black.

”Paint the streets and the planet red with their blood, and make the Dark Three hunger subside with the souls that you have sent to them. Now go children of the Maw, martyrdom and paradise await everyone! WAR! DEATH! REBIRTH!“

She shouted the name of the Dark Three, and her words were repeated many times by the Marauders of Maw; as a form of warfare drug used to drive themselves into the impending fighting…


Marauder of the Scar Hounds Tribe
Objective: Kill everyone!
Location: Surface, Empress Teta
Equipment: 2x Geysa Hybrid Pistol | Assault Rifle | Armour and weapon (weapon is lightsaber resistant) || OPBC-01m
Allies: Nyaeli Nyaeli
Enemies: Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan | Iris Arani Iris Arani
[ Valley of Death ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Spindly listened to the Heathen priestess’ speech.
  • Spindly starts the battle.

Spindly was not present at the previous battle of Empress Teta, she was still deep in Maw space, involved in the plunder of another planet. But now she was here, after they retreated from Tython. Ok, that’s not entirely true, it was just her and her team that didn’t have to go any further to Mar’Zambul or just Exegol. To tell you the truth, the twi’lek woman didn’t mind.

On Empress Teta... it was as if luck, or rather the Avatars, smiled at her again. There were a lot of materials here from which she could make new weapons or just improve her old and damaged armour. And even in her helmet, one or two parts had to be replaced, but by now everything was perfect.

Of course, she attended the pre-attack preaching held by the Heathen Priestess who spends most of her time in Mar’Zambul with the Scar Hounds Tribe. The girl wasn't really broken by the death of their Warlord, The Mongrel. Spindly was fighting on the Tython at the side of the new warlord, seeing what he is capable of. She knew the Tribe's future was in good hands.

And since she saw the Avatars there, the twi’lek thought the death of The Mongrel was just a test for the tribe. And their hero warlord was the Maw's greatest martyr, who is already on the Avatars' side and watches his legacy prosper from there.

At least she thought that.

Spindly would probably have been broken if she had known the reality. That their late warlord had turned away from the tribe and the Maw, and not even the Avatars could find his soul to punish him for his treachery, because Eina had hidden Asher from them…

But since she didn't know about it, she didn't have a headache. Rather, she said another prayer to the Dark Three. The young twi'lek asked War for a great battle, a glorious and good martyrdom from Death, and a new life in the Galaxy to come, in the paradise from Rebirth.

And the fight and the war arrived, and that's why Spindly lived and existed to fight for the Maw and the Avatars.

”For the Avatars, for the Maw! And for the Scar Hounds!“ she shouted enthusiastically as she threw herself into the fighting on the side of her fellow clan members.



Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy | Freedom | Anonymous
Mongrel's Shadow and his widow; Matriarch of the Scar Hounds Tribe; Guardian of Mongrel's armour and sword
Objective: Help the Maw forces with intelligence information | Continue to rebuild the mental defences and the mind palace.
Location: Capital City, Empress Teta
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades | Promise of Freedom || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Special tags: The Manifold The Manifold (as Kallan) ? | Thomas Barran Thomas Barran
[ Come back… ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Mercy is speaks to Thomas.
  • Keilara recognizes they are at Empress Teta again.

~ Mercy ~
I didn’t want to be in this place, everything reminded me of him. I was happy here; the happiest days of my life. Not only did I survive the fight with that creature, but he also said yes to my question. Back then, I wanted those minutes to last forever when we told each other our vows and became husband and wife. Even now, I wish it had lasted forever.

I would have given anything to listen to me, I wish he had been able to do what we both wanted. To go away and start a new life. We could have lived the life we did in that alternative reality. Then we would be living happily away from the war and everyone would think we were dead.

My hand squeezed tightly to the grip of Asher's sword. The pain was still not relieving, it was the same as then. Nevertheless, I complied with Kallan’s request and said two things every day, which was good that day. It was usually that he could be with Keilara, or they were both getting stronger. Anything good that brought it forward to me to be with Asher. Or yes, I got another day closer to my death. I think he wasn't happy for the answers.

I knew how I felt in the other world, in the alternate reality, when I was pregnant that I was so happy for them, how happy I was with Asher. Now I felt nothing but to protect them. I just missed Asher's smile, the gleaming in his eyes as he looked at me and saw me smiling. It was always such a pleasure for him. I remembered how he reacted when he found out he was going to be a father, how happy he was, how tenderly he reached my belly, how he held me tight and he kissed me.

I was alone now. I listened to the witch, priestess' speaking, standing next to Thomas. I was not a believer, I never was. I was never really interested in Maw; I served Asher from the first moment because he saved me, he freed me from Ziare's mind, I mean his command freed me. And he was no longer alive. I was only here because I couldn't escape because of Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha . The time has not yet come.

After Mustafar, I told Thomas what my battle was with the Taskmaster. I talked about the secret war between the two of us and also that he wanted the children for himself and wanted to make new Mongrels from them. As the priestess spoke, I spoke softly.

”Here at the Empress Teta I asked him to be my husband shortly after you handed the sword to him…“ I told him.

My voice trailed off in pain and tears flowed down my face. There were only tears, no trace of blood in them anymore. One of my hands slipped involuntarily to my growing belly. I missed him so much, I wanted him to be a part of his children’s lives…

”I will go back to the command tent, from where I will provide you with data during the fight…“

After that, unless Barran holds me back, I'll head back to do my job…


~ Keilara ~
The day I died in his arms on Tython, I thought I would never see him again. At most in the next life, compared to this, I could wake up in his arms every day, in our common home. The home still meant Mercy’s mind, but now I didn’t have to be afraid of he will disappearing if something happened to Asher. He was here now, he must have been here. And I was happy that we got another chance.

At the same time, I felt guilty and remorse that we could be here for each other while Mercy was suffering from her husband’s death. I think maybe this is called the guilt of survivors? Possible. However, it also hurt me that Asher was dead as I knew Mercy’s feelings and memories. It was still a little confusing.

Kallan and I continued to work on repairing the Mind palace, as Mercy didn't care much. She dealt only with what it took to survive out there in reality. What wasn’t too much, because she was still in deep depression. I didn't know how I could help her.

I got out of bed carefully in the morning, making sure Kallan didn't wake up. As always, I put up his shirt and went to the window. However, this morning, not that greeted me, to what I expected.

~ Come on, Mercy! ~ I sighed silently.

She didn't want to make things easier for me. The meadow was still out there, it was intact, but the whole mind palace was under a thick snow cover. This is that kind of time when you have to be with your partner, the perfect snuggling time, under a blanket in front of a burning stove, a mug of hot chocolate in your hand. It would be a great idea, just like that, to watch a series all day. But it couldn't be, a lot of work was still waiting for me or us today.

I looked at the reality of why Mercy was in such a bad mood, even worse than usual. A moment later, I already knew and understood. Empress Teta. Their and our engagement and the weddings. Why was she here at all? Why did she torture herself even more?

~ Oh Mercy… ~ I breathed.



The last thing that evil wants...


Location: Cinnagar

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, HK-88 (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." – Thomas Edison
The battle was raging in the sector and skies over the Princess Teta system and Admiral GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. was again bringing in his battlegroup. They were there to assist the Galactic Alliance the best way that they could and if it meant getting his hands on some Final Dawn tactic education and tech scanning, all the better. He was a conversation for another time though as they were going over tactics as well as sector scans and intelligence gathering.

Master Jedi Caltin Vanagor was, again, with them but he had already left the bridge. His mission was on the ground and he was in a Shuttle that he was not used to so this was going to take some extra effort. As he flew past the SJDF perimeter that was set and made way into the battlezone, the massive Jedi Master was immediately dodging weapons fire. Luckily he was in a transport that was designed for use by a Jedi (technically Force User, but G.A.L. won’t sell to Sith), and many of the controls were imbued with the Force. One, two, three TIEs were down before ground fire began to come in range.
Flak was filling the night sky and as strong a pilot, and in the Force that he was, between the flak from the ground, the cannons of capital ships from above and fighters was just too much. The ship was hit in the engines, he and his crew (Jedi Knight twins “Holly” and “Wood” were going down. Wood and Holly each found their own airlocks to jump out of, Caltin was aiming the ship for an AA gun before Force pushing out the cockpit canopy and jumping out. Pulling his lightsaber out mid-air as he watched the ship slam into the weapon, igniting the Permafrost blade and bifurcating the wing of a Maw TIE on the way down. Wood was killed on landing by a team of assassins, Holly was surrounded by another, she was wounded and not within reach of her lightsaber.

This made him angry.

Caltin Vanagor was not the Jedi he once was, he did not go around getting mad at everything under the sun like he used to. That being said, he did not bury his head in the sand when it came to the emotion, the big man knew what he chose and what he ignored. Ignoring the feelings of “rage” and “hate” and “vengeance” are difficult but following “determination” “will”, and “justice” were more important. They seem to be nothing more than synonyms on the surface(in a manner of speaking), but they are meaningful because they are a symbol of choice. He chooses to attack the Sith in the manner he does because it is the most effective for who he is, combat oriented, aggressive.

The assassins who would try to kill Holly were about to see the magnitude of their failure when they gained sight of the massive Jedi Master bearing down on them. As one would attack with a lightsaber, their weapon would be cut to pieces by “Conservator”, Caltin’s weapon. As another would go to kick or punch or however they were trying to attack (he never gave them a chance to complete it) found a hand on their chest, crumpling their clothes and throwing them into a nearby building. Much of the rest of the impending fight went this way, much to the awe, and unadmitted fear of Holly.

Relax, kid. We’re fine.

... is my undivided attention.


Hey yo, Eli!” Starlin shouted into his communicator over the sounds of battle. “I’m gonna get your planet back for ya!

His apprentice Lief Lief was still recovering from a months-long coma and couldn’t be there to liberate his homeworld. But that didn’t mean Starlin couldn’t be there to fight on his Padawan’s behalf.

The Jedi Knight had taken an extended break from star warring in order to focus on training his student. Personal issues had likewise kept him away from Tython—which he would regret to his dying day, since that battle had claimed the lives of both his mentor and a good friend. To say this battle was him compensating for his absence in previous campaigns was an understatement.

A legion of marauder aspirants were cut down by Starlin’s blades or struck by deflected blaster fire. The Silver Dragon breathed fire upon his enemies, twisted durasteel rubble into deadly projectiles, and generally caused a ruckus as he made his way toward the palace.

ALLIES: GA | Iris Arani Iris Arani
ENEMIES: Maw | Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco | Nyaeli Nyaeli
ENGAGING: Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco | Nyaeli Nyaeli
GEAR: In bio

To say that she was nervous was an understatement. This was where she lost her Master, this was where she nearly lost Kyell… She saw the damage the last battle caused from the amount of wounded she had to help nurse back to health. And now, as she stood by a viewport on an Alliance Star Destroyer, fear gripped at her soul. The Brotherhood of the Maw. She knew they existed, she knew how dangerous they were, but she had never seen them or their handiwork.

All that changed as she saw the enormous structure hanging above the planet.

”It’s all in your head, Ara. You’ll get through this. You’ve suffered worse.” She tried to reassure herself as she clutched her lightsaber tightly against her chest. ”The Maw, the Sith, those schuttas got nothing on what you went through. They got nothing on what you survived. Underworld laughs at posers.” She continued to talk to herself as her green eyes continued to stare at the ship.

Her job was supposed to be simple, but she still had no idea on what she was supposed to do. The thought of what was coming yanked her attention too much. She wished Sol'yan Sol'yan was with her, or even Valery Noble Valery Noble just to have someone to tell her that everything would be alright. She told Kyell she was going, she even gave him her swoop gang jacket to hold for her. A smile formed as the memory played through her mind again.

”You better hope I don’t catch you wearin’ it when I get back.” Her head lowered as she looked at herself. Her robes, her lightsaber… she looked ready. ”I wouldn’t mind that, though…”

Turning away with a deep, shaky breath, Ara set out to find her partner for the day. Iris, of all people. At least it was someone she knew and trusted. Plus she was used to this kind of thing. :: Yo Iris, where you at? We’re supposed to be rolling out soon. :: She called over her commlink in hopes of finding the girl on the massive ship.

But perhaps a bathroom break was needed. The sight of that massive ship wasn’t exactly helping her confidence…


Ashes to Ashes

Location: Cinnegar
Tags: Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Allies: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
To think she was back to actually doing this stuff, it was a tad unreal. Flexing her hands in the gauntlets, Mi'la had to take a moment to center herself as she felt the flickers of death all about her, watching as the madness was to soon engulf the world. Eyes closed, she pulled herself inward, her presence in the Force pulsing like a heartbeat, though Mi'la rose and straightened out. Eyes fixated to the skies above, she knew that they would be coming soon, and when they did, she would have to muster every ouch of strength that she had to spare. Hopefully, it would go better than the last time she had tried this.

She began to walk towards her ship, knowing that she had several fighters that might come into play, though she had no real idea where she would be needed. Dialing into her comm frequency, she would tap into the defense network, and begin the flight protocols for her starfighter. If nothing else, the Force would lead her into harms way, and she would make the most of it. Just as she had before, she would continue to do it again.

Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
Location: Gehinnom II
Opposition: Maestus Maestus Darth Sorn Darth Sorn
Equipment: Azoth Talisman of Iron Fists

No emotion. Peace.

The core tenant, the first line of the Jedi code. Many would interpret it as an instruction for Jedi to be stoic and unmoving, to not allow their passions to cloud their judgement, with the most cynical claiming that it reduced them to nothing more than coldly logical droids.

Aaran never believed that. Emotion was an integral part of life. He always felt that the first line was a simple piece of advice, that regardless of what one felt about a situation, one's feelings could not change it. Only your actions, we are not our thoughts and feelings, flashes of anger, bitterness and other grim feelings do not make us who we are. But how we act upon them is what matters.

Hence the most important part of that first line being about Peace.

Because it wouldn't matter how worried or calm he was, flying in a metal box and breakneck speeds, cannonfire powerful enough to reduce a man to ash flying all around him. His feelings would not impact the situation around him, all panic would do is unbalance his mind. And probably cause those in the shuttle with him to panic.

He could feel the gazes on him, eyes darting to the saber at his hip, the emblem of his order on his jacket's shoulder. None of them know him personally, but recognise him by reputation. Part of him hated it, never truly wanting any form of expectations to be placed upon him. But he also knew that a reputation tended to give one's words weight, making it matter more when it was needed.

Pulling up his commlink, he spoke into it, his voice a soothing calm, a sharp contrast to the chos on the other side of the shuttle's hull, opening up a link to the other squads in each of their own shuttles. "This is Commander Tafo, Ensure all locators are synced. Speed is our ally here, we cannot afford any delays."

A series of affirmative beeps were returned to him, his own locator confirming that everything was lined up and the signals were being received from the other shuttles that were accompanying him. Locators were being prepared, the routes were planned out, all ensuring that there was not a single wasted movement. This was after all, a mission of search and rescue. The men and women following him into battle are a mix of Tetan Rebels and Alliance Military, all intent on taking advantage of the chaos of the ongoing battle to liberate as many people as possible from the captivity of the Maw.

The plan was simple enough, one team would remain to secure the hanger while several others would split off towards where slaves were held, banking on the guards being directed to more critical resources such as fuel, ammo, weapons and other such sensitive facilities during an active attack, leaving a non-critical supply such as slaves less guarded.

They would be freed from bondage, brought back to the secured hanger where they could then be shipped back behind Alliance lines.

"Be ready, landing in twenty seconds." He called out again over his commlink. Sparing a glance, towards the brave men and women sharing the shuttle with him. He could feel their emotions rapidly being brought under control under a wall of discipline, or of simple blind hate towards those who took their loved ones from them. Gently, he reached out with his mind, brushing against their psyches, reassuring them, offering peace and a solemn promise that he would do whatever he could in order to save as many people as possible.

The seconds counted down in his head, he could feel the shuttle manoeuvring into position, racing impossibly fast to avoid missiles and point defence turrets, shaking slightly as one explosion got just a bit too close for comfort. Boots clacking on the floor panels as he made his way towards the exit ramp of the shuttle. Sparing one last glance at the squad assembled behind him.

"For those we cherish." He said, giving them all a sombre nod, recognising why they fought, his hand coming to pull his saber from his belt as the shuttle shook one last time, reentering the atmosphere of the hanger bay, guns giving a brief volley of covering fire on the defenders inside before it began to rotate and dislodge its passengers.

"For Empress Teta." He said, as the hiss of the ramp was heard, the cabin rapidly shifted in pressure as the exit ramp lowered, presenting the rescue squad with a mob of frenzied warriors, assembled lunatics and maniacs the Maw had brought under their banner. Some charging forth to meet them with melee weapons, others more intelligently remaining behind cover and opening fire.

With a familiar snapping hiss, his saber ignited, the golden blade drawing the eyes of many. The wielder rushing forth to act as the tip of the spear, sword flashing outwards to send a volley of plasma back at the attackers, roaring at the top of his lungs to galvanise the other fighters who were descending from their own shuttles and joining the fray.


"Keep digging... There!"

The imperious voice of the slavemaster called down to the myriad of workers chiseling away in the darkness below the Cinnegar Royal Palace. Ever since the Mawites had wrestled control of Empress Teta away from the Galactic Alliance, the Dark Lord had seeded the underbelly of the royal palace with His servants. In the grimy darkness, they had begun to excavate the lower levels of the palace. Tirelessly, day after day, they toiled in the lightless mire. They hadn't been told about what they were searching for, only that they were to dig and dig without rest.

Those that died from exhaustion or were too enfeebled to continue were removed and discarded, fresh workers cycled in to replace the fallen. Conditions continued like this until, at last, they struck something work reporting back to the Dark Lord. When He'd arrive, the workers had prepared the area for easier access by widening the excavation zone and setting up floodlights for illumination. As He descended, the Dark Lord could feel the presence of what He had been searching for.

Then, there, at last.

An unearthed chunk of carbonite. He moved to stand next to it, reaching out with one hand and placing the tips of His fingers against it. He waited for a few moments, reaching out with His feelings, until He could feel the stirring of a nascent consciousness lurking within. Taking one step back, the Dark Lord called for the diggers to carve it away from the rest of the rock. Precision cutters sliced into the carbonite, extracting the bulk of the carbonite and transferring it onto a hoversled. That hoversled was then elevated out of the excavated pit and the carbonite placed into a sealed container, which was then locked and pressurized.

Carnifex led the procession out of the palace depths, walking through the halls with a smattering of guards at His back surrounding the sealed container. But as they passed by a few of the large stained-glass windows overlooking a courtyard, the Dark Lord looked and saw that the Alliance had arrived. Among them was His son, Jax Thio, and it went without saying that he had sensed Carnifex as well.

Very well.

"Come, my son," spoke Carnifex through the Force, "Come and face what you fear the most."

Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari , Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren

Jasper couldn't believe he was doing this. Some might have considered it rather abrupt, considering he still had yet to un-exile himself. He thought that too... at least until he went to see what was left of Tython. It was a sight that washed over the young man a heavy sense of guilt and sorrow. Realistically, one individual wouldn't have changed the outcome of that battle. That didn't make him feel any better. The exile sat on the top of his vessel, the Philosopher. He gazed up at the sky, where the impending forces of the Maw would surely appear. The atmosphere was palpable; A calm before the storm. Jasper knew all too well that this wouldn't last. His heart raced as he pictured the incoming battle in his head. Would Empress Tetta suffer the same Tython? The exile wasn't sure. This wasn't an outcome he could manifest, at least not through his actions alone. That didn't mean he wasn't going to try.

Jasper turned his head, his eyes catching that of a freighter to the left of his ship. It easily dwarfed the philosopher, appearing well over twice it's size. Was it some sort of transport? he wondered. Perhaps it was a personnel transport or an improvised dropship. Regardless, he had a feeling that checking it out might get him where he needed to be. The exile knew he couldn't sit around forever. Jasper leapt off the Philosopher and began to approach the freighter.
Amani had been absent from the last conflict at Empress Teta; At that point she was still hiding from galactic affairs, keeping her distance in the Outer Rim. After the Maw made a move on her homeworld, though, she realized that was no longer an acceptable decision.

And so when the call for a Tetan reclamation was made, Amani was all too eager to fulfill her commitment as a Jedi. Consider it payback for the scarring of Tython.

Cinnagar's Royal District had unsurprisingly become the focal point of the invasion effort; Wrest control of the capital, and the rest of the planet would follow suit. So that’s where the Jedi knight found herself, scouring the streets for whatever Maw presence tried to intervene, while still earning the chance to win hearts and minds with the evacuation of any stranded civilians.

“Starlin?” Amani called out, leaping into the fray behind her fellow Jedi. A hail of blaster fire exploded towards her, only to be absorbed harmlessly against a Force barrier, “It’s been a while. You remember?” The barrier dissipated, and she began tossing a collection of marauders about like ragdolls until they no longer posed a threat.

“Pretty sure we’re gonna need a better plan than charging straight through the bulk of their army, by the way.”

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Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn

Alicio wasn't supposed to be here.

That had been made abundantly clear to the young nobleman. Not only was he the last living male of his House, with the entirety of the Organa name's future on his shoulders, but he had also just accepted an enormous responsibility from Faith Organa Faith Organa . He knew his life was irreplaceable, in more ways than one.

But of course he went to Empress Teta anyways. He couldn't sit by and watch as countless more Tetans lost their lives in the largest struggle of the decade. This time, he wouldn't show up afterward with relief and kind words. This time, he'd be in the fray.

This time, he'd put his life on the line to save others.

The young Organa gasped a bit as he slammed his back into stone, pressing himself as much into the shadow of a alleyway as he could. A small Maw patrol jogged past, thankfully unaware of his presence. After casting his senses over the area, and ensuring they were safe again, Alicio gestured with his hand, and a squad of four bowl-helmed Alderaanian soldiers came out from hiding, followed by armed Tetan renegades, followed by a small group of civilians. Families, with children.

Through coordinating with rebel sects in the city, forces from Alderaan had cut an escape corridor through the front lines. Through it, they could ferry families away from the battle, and the threat of the Gehinnom II's collapse. Alicio's team had been successful so far, sneaking back and forth with escaping Tetans. But something felt off this time.

Staying low, dressed in dark attire, Alicio led the entourage towards the outskirts of the city, mind extended, lightsaber deactivated in his hand. A wave of all-encompassing dread had ensnared his heart, and while he didn't know the source, he knew he had to keep moving.

They were counting on him.

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Location: Empress Teta, on the ground
Outfit: Beskar armour with tattered robes
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

The Sith were gathered on the planet after the devastating loss on Tython, it was a loss that should never have happened. The Sith were on the aggressive and they had been dominating in many areas but now, now things had been drastically reversed. So much so that even he had heard the death of the leader of the Brotherhood of the Maw, some kind of Darth, Wallgof rarely paid attention to names. They were names of the weak, the unworthy. Instead, Darth Wallgof came to the planet, determined to demonstrate that he was worthy of becoming the supreme leader of all Sith, however, things were not going well for the Sith Lord. Whispers of Naga Sadow clouded his message and caused him to question what he is doing around here and whether or not he was even in the right location to provide the message that he wanted to bring.

Naga Sadow was determined to inform Wallgof that his efforts were futile and that if he wanted to truly gather an army for the destruction of the Jedi then he should be hunting stronger Sith, Sith dedicated to the pure ideals that he had established millennials ago.
"I don't need your criticisms, they are not helping during the public speeches!" Darth Wallgof growled deeply as he stumbled through the alleys of the streets. "Continue this and everyone will refuse to join me because they will think I am too mad to be an Emperor and then neither of us get our way!"

DO NOT QUESTION MY MOTIVES WALLGOF! I MADE YOU AND I CAN UMAKE YOU JUST AS EASILY! THESE SITH HAVE ALREADY LOST TO THE JEDI, THEY HAVE REVEALED THEIR WEAKNESS AND USING THEM WILL ONLY WEAKEN OUR CAUSE! Naga Sadow screamed into Darth Wallgof's ear, determined to force the Sith Lord to bend to his will and abandon the members of this slowly crumbling Sith faction, or at least that was how both of them were seeing the destination of the faction. Before he could think something out about the next rant that he wanted to do, ships dropped out of hyperspace and he could sense the burning sensation of the Lightside.

"Jedi are here, will you work with me on killing them and not get in my karking way?!" Wallgof asked in a heated growl towards Naga, who rolled his eyes, staring at the Jedi coming down in their drop ships.

KILL ONE AND I WILL ACCEPT THAT YOU ARE WORTHY TO TAKE CHARGE OF THIS BATTLE, OTHERWISE I WILL ASSUME CONTROL! Wallgof begrudgingly accepted the terms of the Sith Lord's offer. Following the descent of a dropship, he arrived to see a Jedi surrounded by Sith Assassins surrounding the young Jedi. It seemed to be a slam dunk of a battle but then some Jedi Master hulking man came and destroyed the Sith in mere seconds. The Sith Lord shook his head, even Naga Sadow had nothing to say at the humiliating defeat of these Sith Assassins, they should have been better, they should have killed at least one of them. Stepping from the shadows, the tortured soul of Wallgof was hiding from the Force until he plunged the Lightsaber through the chest of the Jedi called Holly. Killing her instantly.

His presence was then free the sense, the turmoil, the imbalance, the pure insanity that exuded from the Sith Lord as he stood there, guiding the Jedi softly to the ground.
"There's just something about the way a corpse falls to the ground. It is so... Beautiful don't you think Master Jedi?" Wallgof had a smirk etched on his face, his eyes wild and staring at the hulking figure as he rose to his height with his Lightsaber in hand at the ready.




LocationRoyal Palace, Cinnegar
EnemiesGalactic Alliance - Valery Noble Valery Noble
AlliesBrotherhood of the Maw | Alars Keto Alars Keto , Nadja Keto

She stood at the window, staring out across the wide expanse that such a vantage point afforded her, while the two Ketos moved to gather their personal affections while she waited. The fate of the planet was sealed before the first shot had been fired - the Brotherhood of the Maw had created a machine of destruction that enabled their fiery path into the heart of the galaxy but it was unsustainable. For all of the territory they had managed to cross, for all the resources they had taken, those that had led the Maw had also believed everything would end at Tython.

They hadn't expected to be shouldered with the burden of holding territory, much less defending themselves from an angered coalition.

"The two of you don't have much time left." She said passively, entirely disinterested in the plight of the two aristocrats. Though they and others may have presumed her decision to personally accompany them in their quarters before they fled the planet was out of some form of value she had in them staying alive and well, the truth of the matter was that she anticipated a strike team of capable Jedi being sent their way. Whether the two, or any of their retinue died, was of little consequence in the grand scheme of things to the Sith but using them as bait to lure out more dangerous individuals to gauge their status as a threat and eliminate those that she could, early, was paramount.

Already she could feel the shift in the winds as a vengeful Galactic Alliance closed in on Cinnegar.

The Brotherhood was ready to stall as long as they could to make this a pyrrhic victory if they were to fail, directed to kill indiscriminately, but her thoughts remained on the future - one which did not need Teta to sway the scales in her favor.


The Sith alchemist Silas Fogg stood in the middle of a ritual circle—which is to say, an elaborate symbol drawn on the ground. Surrounded by glowing runes, he looked annoyed. “We don’t have enough.”

Ishani, concentrating on killing any Alliance forces who got too close to the ritual site, paused briefly to shout back at him. “Don’t have enough what?!

Silas sighed. “It’s too early in the battle. Not enough people have died yet. We need more deaths to feed the ritual, or else it won’t be powerful enough.”

Unleashing a volley of arrows from her energy bow, Ishani grimaced. “Well, what do we do? I can’t wait around until things get worse than this!

A Jedi broke through her defenses, easily diverting her arrows with a wave of his hand. Ishani cursed and dropped her bow, summoning her blade just as he fell upon her.

“Civvies would do nicely,” Silas suggested. “Perhaps you could target some refugees. They are no doubt unarmed—it would be an easy task to round them up and execute them.”

Refugees?! Are you serious?!” Ishani bellowed over the clash of blades. The Jedi was fast, he was strong, and he was rapidly overwhelming her with his powerful blows.

“Yes.” Silas adjusted his cloak. “I am. And anyway, what do you care? You don’t know them. You’re the one who wanted this dark ritual done—why are you surprised?”

Ishani was too busy fighting for her life to respond. Just when it seemed the Jedi was getting the upper hand, she threw a handful of sleep sand into his eyes. The startled Jedi blinked, suddenly overcome with an overwhelming lethargy, and before he could call upon the Force for strength, Ishani had plunged her blade into his gut up to the hilt.

Is that good enough?” she asked breathlessly as her opponent fell, bleeding out at her feet.

“No,” Silas replied, watching dully as the runes on the ground flickered faintly at the boost in power. “We need those refugees still.”

Ugh, fine! You’ll have your bloody refugee souls!” Heaving a sigh, Ishani turned to leave—only to pause. “Who’s going to cover you while I’m gone?

With a flick of his wrist, Silas erected a Force barrier around his position. Ishani cursed him.

You could’ve done that the whole time I was here! Force, I wish it was Khayyam helping me instead of you!

"Khayyam wouldn't have lasted two minutes in all this chaos. He's too old for this sort of thing." Silas smiled thinly. "He doesn't have much longer to live, you know. You should learn to appreciate me more. Soon I'll be the only one left to teach you all our secrets."

Still muttering under her breath, Ishani spread her wings and took to the skies. It didn’t take long before she found a group of refugees among the alleys of the city. Swooping down, she landed on a nearby roof, watching as they made their way through the warzone, guided by some soldiers wearing stupid-looking helmets, a few Tetan rebels, and a black-clad figure who wouldn’t have looked out of place among the Sith.

Her only goal was to kill as many people as possible within the confines of the city limits, where their deaths would feed the ritual. The manner in which they died did not matter. Ishani’s gaze traveled upward, toward a gargoyle hanging on the corner of a building directly above the approaching band of rebels and refugees. A little loosening with the Force, and it toppled down on top of them.

1st post






Beskar Brodie-Helm

Durasteel Cuirass
Fragarach-Model Heavy Disruptor Pistol
Beskar Romphaia

Rusty Old Fairbairn



Darth Mori Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco
Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn



Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa




<"Brethren in Spilled Blood, Bringers of the Great Change, hear my voice!">

Of all the warriors of the Maw who had gathered before the majesty of the Scar Hounds' very own Reverend-Mother, the majority who turned up for the speech were loyal to the power of Rhigar and Mar'Zambul, yet all who were present were devoted to the same faith that glued them all together, regardless of the growing number of sects and cults resting beneath the original tri-theistic tree. All would show face to draw strength from a living wonder, finding the will to fight on after their collective failure to conquer and destroy Tython together, with all searching for that same aggression that instilled fear in the hearts of all who dared oppose them as they marched on the Galaxy at large. All would listen together, kneeling on all fours with their faces looking to the floor in complete proskynesis to the Three Avatars, all embracing their fates together.

All but the Bloodhound, and the Tribal Matriarch - for none could know the salvation they found in the swords they would wield that night.

<”Not so long ago, Maw achieved a huge victory over Empress Teta. All this won the liking of the Avatars. Tython was a mixed success, and the losing of the Dark Voice, or other leaders, was a test. A test on the part of the Avatars because they feel that your faith has weakened in your direction. The Dark Three will bring the Galaxy to come, you have to believe in it, you have to give your blood and your life for it. For the victory. It is our job to bring the future the Dark Three wants. You don't have to be afraid! You are all familiar with the teachings of the Sculpture of the Hidden Maw. You do not have to be afraid of impending death, as this serves the purpose of the Avatars. And those who lose their lives during their service will go to paradise, to the Dark Three's side, where they can experience all of the Galaxy to come's wonders, before us, before everyone. Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis hasn't left us either, but he watching over us from there, next to our gods, how we continue what the Avatars and he want.“>

Reminded of the highs and lows, the words would stir the crowd in ways they never knew was needed so badly, though as Barran knelt with the flat of his Romphaia's blade resting on the rim of his Brodie-Helm, (set solemnly in prayer to Rebirth and the spirit of his mentor) he would look out to see for a moment, thinking on the sword he forged for his mentor as Y'sanne's words continued to cut deeper with every passing second. Even the setting sun seemed to be feeling the same pain, fading into the cloudy grey with what seemed to be no hope of return, and as the Bloodhound looked out to the horizon, even he would agree it looked like a big ball of fire was just melting into the ocean - symbolically bidding the world one final farewell.

Yet Barran knew it wasn't the sun itself that would die and return a changed orb, as the one-eyed Woad had endured this process before it, but rather, it would be far more likely that a healthy sun would return the next day to find the entire face of the planet (and all who remained to scurry or chase others across it) had changed in it's absence, as it had so suddenly before. However, despite how wrapped up he was in the past and the uncertain future at the time, the symbolic nature of this musing wasn't lost on Thomas either, a stark reminder of the intensity of the turning tide and of how intense it was the last time it turned against him.

<”That is why we need to fight today better and more fierceful than ever. The Avatars are hungry, it’s time to feed them with the souls of our enemies and show that we are able to carry on the legacy of the former Dark Voice, which is now also the legacy of Darth Mori. And we, all of us, will never let down our gods, who will smile at us today and in the future for our results what we are going to achieve today!.“>

The Heathen-Priestess was right after all, but the Warlord was more steadfast in his beliefs than ever, assured that the fresh focus on theocratic zealotry (and on their training in the high-gravity madness of Mar'Zambul) would be enough for his subordinates to weather the storm, enough that the strongest marauders among them could survive long enough to realise their true potential. For as long as Mercy and the Tri-Lunar clique were willing to reap the whirlwind of the gusts they had sown on Tython, as much stronger responses would be expected in retaliation for their daring attempt to destroy it, though the consideration of how far they had come (and all they had survived already) would provide further assurance they could survive for the long run, long enough that the Mongrel's children could perhaps know what it meant to taste true freedom.

'Here at the Empress Teta I asked him to be my husband shortly after you handed the sword to him…'

~=Let it fuel you, Mercy.... Let it bring out the Mercy I saw after Tython.=~

~=The fury in the eyes of that Mercy alone is a force to be reckoned with.=~

Though sadly a true freedom Barran knew he was much too cursed to see them enjoy, fated to die before he could ever get a chance to embrace the wonders of the thereafter, the miracle of a quiet, peaceful completed cycle. It couldn't be anything more than a hopeful dream, but even in the honest assessment of his chances, that dream was enough for the Bloodhound - enough to fight like a rabid dog until the bitter end.

'I will go back to the command tent, from where I will provide you with data during the fight…'
Gladdened of her presence, more so than before, and made more apparent with the sword Kala'myr had brought with her; the Matriarch was beginning to earn reverence, and in being honest with the Warlord on the Taskmaster's intentions, was beginning to earn the Bloodhound's begrudging respect. Besides the eventual, though bloody accord between them, the sword itself had contributed in this matter, as this was no ordinary sword, this blade was that which was forged for the Mongrel - a rallying standard for all who would draw courage and strength from it's presence on Empress Teta.

<”Paint the streets and the planet red with their blood, and make the Dark Three hunger subside with the souls that you have sent to them. Now go children of the Maw, martyrdom and paradise await everyone! WAR! DEATH! REBIRTH!“>
Tapping the sword against the front rim of his helmet, the one-eyed Woad whispered,'For War, my hand guides this blade to strike first.', inhaling shakily through his nostrils and exhaling with a shudder as he let the grief strengthen his mind, his heart and his soul for the fight ahead. Then just after another moment or two in complete silence, letting the wind and the ocean waves take precedence in blissful peace as his perfect state of fighting flow was gathering within the focus, the Bloodhound dropped the Romphaia forward and continued,'For Death, I offer my life's blood with absolute conviction.', closing his eyelid as the flat of the sword sank into the sand in front of his knees. It was clear that nothing else in the world mattered to Barran at that point, leaning his head down until the helmet clinked against the flat of the blade for the second time, savouring the moment of tranquillity as the first droplets of summer rain began to make their way to the shoreline.


Then, as his head and torso rose to stand, the Bloodhound grabbed the long, leathern grip as he concluded,'For Rebirth, I stand - and tread the path - with no doubts or fear in my heart.... Come what may, I endure it all for the Dark Three.', with a low outward swipe that sung against the rainy westward gusts. Looking out to sea once more, Barran then switched hands from his adopted low guard for a surreptitious upward slash at the air, biting against the rising intensity of the storm as it sprayed ocean saltwater and droplets of rain his way, sheathing as soon as he was sure of his control over the gravity disparity. Light though everything was on Empress Teta in comparison to Mar'Zambul, overcooking his lot with careless commitment to full-strength strikes, as likely as it was for someone like Thomas, would become a problem in the event he started to get carried away.
Careless fingers lose grip, careless fingers throw swords away at the most pivotal moments of a Scar Hound's lighter-gravity fight.

The subtleties will guide my hands...

I will dance my opponent's dance.


Quiet enough. Though we'll see how that goes after-

Turning around to look on his handiwork, the Bloodhound chuckled to see the obvious outline of the Scar Hound skull carved into the sands of the Coral Coast, and largely enough that several GADF and NJO vessels would spot it in the latter halves of their dropship-descent. However, despite the obvious,"Come at me!", signal to any and all who would catch a glimpse, this particular offering was for one in particular, hoping very much to fight one of the very few Jedi to survive a fight with his mentor, the Atrisian. The one who was there when the great-sword was presented to Barran's Warlord, the one who braced, endured and threw everything back, the last of her kind to live and tell the tale.

The new Warlord was confident in his ability to fight Force-wielding powers, but of all the opponents he could have picked after his scrap with the Sith Pureblood on Mt. Geran, the one-eyed Woad knew the speed and agility of the Atrisian was on different level entirely; a particular quickness that could only be gained from specific training, that which may have contrasted completely to the training-philosophy that Thomas had been thriving on. But he knew for a fact, and especially in studying the reports on her duel with the Mongrel, that neither speed nor agility would be the issue, it was the precision that Barran knew he needed to watch out for. This was no ordinary Jedi, and despite the Bloodhound's gluttonous propensity for eating up punishment, chances to exert dominance in pain-threshold would be few and far between this time.


Attacking in a storm - they're adapting.

Learning to wield terror.

Smirking under his gasmask, Thomas would find at least some appreciation for the Core-Worlders' newfound resolve, seeing the Galactic Alliance still had teeth enough still to confidently stand toe-to-toe with the Maw, an aggression akin to that of the experienced mercenaries the Scar Hounds had been fighting on Tython and Mustafar alike. The Jedi were all finally out for blood, and for the first time, the Bloodhound could feel it in his bones; the creeping realisation that divine retribution was seeking their ilk, the slow-building pressure of adrenaline, all readying Barran from head to toe for the worst. The sort of fear that his ilk sowed, as great and insurmountable as their efforts had been before, were expected to reap the terror of the onslaught that awaited them, though all would stand bravely in acceptance of the odds they would be facing.

For many among the Brotherhood's strongest tribes, this was inevitable, and the majorities within those tribes were relishing their next high-stakes salvo against the Core-Worlders, relishing the fact the battles would only get more destructive as time passed. Existential threats existed on all sides by then, and for as long as the Galaxy was adapting to the Maw's war on it's greatest factions, the strength of their enemies' attacks would serve as ever-greater means to reflect this fact. The Brotherhood of the Maw, though wild and untameable as they were, would have existential threats of their own to contend with for as long as they pushed out from the Unknown Regions.

And I'll leave my mark on every - last - one o' them!
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Location: Empress Teta
Equipment: Traveling Garments, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic , Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

After what felt like a long time traveling around the Galaxy reconnecting with the Light Side of the Force. Jax was ready, he was ready to listen to the whispers of his father and come back where it all started: Empress Teta. As much as Jax wanted to stay away from the Alliance as they begin the long campaign to retake the core planets that the Brotherhood took over. However, Carnifex continued to speak to him urging him to come back to him, to face his destiny. The Jedi Master though tired and weary was nonetheless mindful of the pitfalls that Carnifex could employ onto him.

And what fitting place than in Empress Teta where it all began. It was almost something from a Holodrama but Jax knew the real-life implications of what would happen if he came back. Carnifex could easily turn Jax to the Dark Side, it would be easier for him to take over Jax's mind and corrupt him against the NJO. It was why Jax had to go but no matter what method he tried, be it meditation, purification, or just seeking advice from others Carnifex still dominated his mind. It was then Jax realized that there was no choice but to face him. He realized that he was being a coward all along, if his half-brother: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble could be free of Carnifex, why couldn't he?

Was Jax falling into a trap? He couldn't be sure but what Jax did know was that he could not hide from whatever destiny Carnifex had in store for him. "Come, my son," he could hear Carnifex speaking to him through the Force, "Come and face what you fear the most."

"You don't have to wait long," Jax spoke back through the Force. "I'm tired of hiding from you father, I'm coming after you."

Jax learned throughout his travels the hard that sometimes facing your demons is the only way to win. Dare, and the man yields but Carnifex is not a man but a wound in the Force. An entity willing to consume all. "I'll never fall to the Dark Side," Jax mumbled to himself. "Let's have this dance once more father but it'll be the same result."


Location: Cinnegar, landing platform
Allies: Maw/ Darth Mori Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr @Y’sanne Stradd Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
Enemies: GA/ Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Equipment: The Hunger, Kyrel’s Armor, Necrochasis, Lightsaber

This truly was a time of tribulation for the Maw. Tython was a test on which some could call a failure, or a success. For the Wrath of the Maw it changed him. His duel with both Valery Noble Valery Noble and Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble had caused him to embrace a new side of death, one of endless hunger that made the cravings before dull in comparison. He emerged from another grave stronger than before, and kept his pursuit of those that left him for dead. First it was Tython, not long after he was brought to Batorine, where he and his Knights of Ren attempted to hold out. He recalled with anger how he was forced to retreat from Kahlil when he found himself outnumbered during the duel. His hate for the Nobles, the Jedi, the Sith, and even the Force is what kept him going. A dead man fueled by endless hunger and spite.

Now he had been driven back to a place that was the stepping stone to conquest. Unlike before, he emerged as a new kind of monster. The occupation laid out by the cannibal horde of the Crimson Hands, and other other tribes of Scar Hounds, and Bloodsworn attempted to draw a line. Empress Teta would be a defining moment on if the Maw could bounce back, if worse came to worse they would retreat deeper. His men had dug themselves well, and spoiled themselves on bloody feasts, and even new conscripts to help aid in resisting any efforts made by the Alliance.

The Wrath of the Maw had arrived to Cinnagar, once more pushed back to another front. It felt as if he barely rested, not as if a corpse needed any. He was the Warmaster, chief enforcer and extension of the Dark Voice herself. He arrived with his reinforcement horde of barbaric stormtroopers, covered in dry blood, furs, and horns. They chattered, jumped excitedly. Some bashed on their armor as if eager to dig into fresh meat. The large transport had landed, several cannibal troopers stood at attention while the ramp lowered. With each step one felt a sense of dread. Even the troopers standing seemed uneasy as the towering figure slowly made his stride. What he carried in his hand only intensified the dread, it was as the life around the platform was being twisted. The Hunger had sung to him, demanding to be sated, firmly in Kyrel’s grasp, the forked-tip lance was the ultimate weapon used the by the new dark lord on Tython, now it was in the Wrath’s hands as his ultimate weapon, and symbol of his place at Mori’s side.

If one reached out to the Force, all they felt was a cold rage, a hunger that sucked their surroundings until the cold consumed them. Until what they felt around Kyrel only felt hollow, as his very steps devoured the living force or simply frightened it with the void from within. Kyrel at first was determined to head towards the palace to wait for Jedi that may try to head there.

As he began his stride, he stopped, the Hunger growled to him, it sensed someone approach, and seconds later Kyrel felt him approach the landing pad, his bloodlust rising. Turning to the frontline commander he spoke with urgency. “Commander, head towards the palace. Secure the city at all costs… Kill everyone if you have to…” hinting at desperate, but usual methods. The commander bore a grin that showed his rotten teeth. “By your will my Wrath..” He bowed to Kyrel, before taking command of the troops. Soon the blowing of a war horn, the cannibals fell into a feral formation, heading onto the city streets filled with terror.

Then stood the dark man alone on the platform. Alone with a presence in the Force that would make any inexperienced light sider running. He stood as if he was a shadow himself. The spear demanded to be fed, like a hungry wild beast waiting to be unleashed. The Wrath only tightened his grip on the holy weapon, eager to see who would come to the Wrath for the first bite of this ravenous extension of himself.
Navigating a war zone was always a difficult proposition. Avoiding the sites where the fighting was, trying to get from points A to B in one piece, avoiding detection as much as possible. Even when it was only just beginning to become torn apart by fighting, the struggle never failed to make itself present. And, of course, if you were in hostile territory, that difficulty increased tenfold, because there was nowhere you could travel openly in even some semblance of relative safety.

Now, imagine, to add on to that, that you were blind.

Davron, quite expectedly, was not having a great day. Auraya was off on a training mission of some sort with another Jedi, and after his failure to obtain a usable crystal on Christophsis, he had resigned himself to hoping for any sign from the Force he could get as to what it was he was to do. When he felt an unmistakable tug pulling at his senses, pulling towards Empress Teta, it had been an easy decision to make his way there. What he hadn't been aware of was that the planet had fallen to the Brotherhood of the Maw well before he got that sensation.

"Oh, hell, I'm in for it now," he muttered, darting from building to building along an empty street. Of course he shouldn't have trusted that feeling; he was trained for exploring, finding new hyperlanes, new planets, not darting around in the Core at the Force's whim. A blind man relying on a limited facsimile of sight, with a short phrik cane and a blaster pistol, had no business being in the center of an active war zone. All the same, he didn't immediately hop back on the Mudskipper and turn tail.

If nothing else, he had to trust in his feelings. He'd been taught that years before, and following that advice had managed to keep him alive well past what he thought was the extinction of his order. If his feelings had called him here, then there must be something...

The preaching coming from one of the speakers nearby caught his attention, as did the wave of darkness that seemed to follow with the words. Feeding into the worry that was already trying to gnaw a pit in his stomach, trying to reinforce that idea that he should turn back...Davron shook his head. "No," he muttered to himself, gripping his cane, willing away the fear from his mind. "Not now."

He could barely make out the shape on the viewscreens, struggling to resolve some sense of the energies emanating out from them. The screen itself was a void, but the light pulsing from it made enough of a disturbance that, in some time, he might be able to manage full detail, but the most he could recognize now was...the Darkness. Harsh, twisted features.

But it was enough that he would probably recognize her in person, between that, the voice...and the ability to pinpoint exactly where her meditation was coming from, even as it inspired the dark warriors he could hear further off into the city. He rose from where he'd crouched down, out of sight, rushing down the street again, deeper into the city. Towards the palace. Perhaps this was what the Force meant for him; to disrupt her battle meditation, to buy a reprieve for the others engaged in the actual fighting.

"I am one with the Force," he muttered as he jogged, repeating a mantra learned from one of his former travelling companions if for no other reason than to stave off any trepidation about what he was rushing into. He'd lived through one war, surely he could live through another. "The Force is with me." The main worrying difference being that this time around, he didn't have the tenuous protection of wearing a medic's identification.

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