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SWTOR: Does anyone here play?

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Teferi Evotti

As the title requests, does anyone here still play Star Wars: The Old Republic regularly?
I played and was subscribed for 2 months at the beginning.
Was impressed by the story and the visuals were good. But...I didn't like the subscription aspect and I found it took so long to get anywhere I gave it up.
Indeed. Should have made a Kotor 3 for sure. As an avid MMORPG player and fan SW:TOR is utter trash. Never wasted my money worse than on TOR. Total waste of time and money. The game was so bad it made me feel sad playing it. I pray 1313 at least brings back the good reputation Star Wars had on gaming (Kotor I,II ; Jedi Outcast... )
Tegaea Alcori said:
Once again, TOR was rushed out the door. The 1.2 update should have been released with the game, but by the time it was half the subscribers had left.
The F2P option is just silly, since it's so limiting.
Actually, TOR wasn't rushed out the door. It had plenty of time to get to a presentable state.

Yet, Bioware Austin had poor management and could not get a presentable product in time.

The F2P option is hardly silly, and actually a very good thing for the subscription model game.
From what I heard EA made them get it out for an Xmas release when they were wanting an Easter/Spring release. I admit I only heard that, I've obviously not talked with the developers.

F2P is a good idea, but there are some pretty telling limitations on it. I'd say it's a good extended demo for the real game, but not a substitute.
Doubt it. But I personally find that the game was more than acceptable. If you consider the fact that they do not allow addons, honestly their UI stuff was going above and beyond. The reality is that WoW gets by without a lot of things cause they let other people do it.

And I actually really enjoyed the game.
Yeah, I also think that end game cannot really be complained about either. Over the year they've dropped quite a bit of content. Significantly more than you see in something like WoW, the measuring stick MMOs are rated against.
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