Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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SWTOR: Does anyone here play?

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And have a paying subscription... two accounts... and 27 characters.
Needless to say, I enjoy it very very VERY much.

Hit me upon either Imp or Pub side on RP server Ebonhawk. Just PM me!

I always have some lower level to level with someone! If not... I can always make another!!


Well-Known Member
There's nothing wrong with madness, if you ask me. :p

I play, though not as regularly right now, since I'm doing the Mass Effect series all over again.^^ have a couple of relatively high-leveled characters on every rp server in europe&east coast. or was it west? not sure. :p
as for the game itself, I don't think it's half bad. sure, the F2P is pretty limited, but they've been slowly releasing more content for us too, so I'm not complaining much. :)
the graphics are great, if you have the card to support them, and there's little to no lag even on heavily populated serves. Also, the story is great for pretty much every class. plenty of choices an' all. Still can't compare to KotOR I & II, though.
Tegaea Alcori said:
27 characters? That's dedication....
With a max of 22 characters per paying sub acct, I can get more since I pay for two.

I multibox at times too. I just really enjoy the story, rp, pve , and pvp in the warzones. Have lots of 50's now and am excited for when the expansion comes out.
Honestly, I view the KotOR games as being very over rated. Their stories weren't exceptional in any way. It was just the first modern offering of a SW RPG and people eat that up. Firsts get too much credit sometimes.
I play. To be honest F2P is more of a trial than anything, I like the game though. I have 8 characters although I've only really levelled one of them.
I agree on the KotOR games being over rated. I recently got KotOR 1 and the story wasn't special. Not to say that I didn't enjoy it, it just didn't really seem like much.
I liked KOTOR 1's story a lot. Perhaps it was the time it came out. For me there'd been no real solid Star Wars games for years and KOTOR had a new era, effective storytelling and there was a great community on Bioware to discuss it. It wasn't high art, but it was very familiar to the Original Trilogy in terms of style and tone, and that is what got a lot of people on board with it.

KOTOR 2 on the other hand had potential in spades but failed to provide a coherent plot with a good end.
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