Thoughfully, that makes sense. Sadly, my gameplay experience was a mild bit different. Maybe it was all the new people around, running off to accomplish the same dire quests. Or maybe it was the persistence of the zone in foiling my heroics. Mostly it was the idleness of the NPC's and the respawning of the prisoner cages that blasted away my wall of immersion. The chat channel that spammed for groups or for items. I couldn't help but furrow my brow and silently curse at my bad luck and low level.
Halo offered me the empowerment of a Demi-God and the arsenal of a King, even in Multiplayer. KOTOR however seemed a never ending grind for such power and utility. Intermingled with pop-up updates about Reddit, Gold Prices, and NOOBs_LFG. (Damn it. Didn't I say I wouldn't compare. Ugh. I hate me some days. Haha.)
But enough about my distastes. They are old wounds that festered long ago. Opinions that once where but soft as the summer wind, have grown petrified with my disgruntled patch-work memory. ...Tell me of your love for KOTOR, Halik. I want to hear of praise and of rejoicing! Perhaps your zeel for Bioware might weaken my brittle heart.