Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Taking down the Besadii (Ylesia)

"I'd kill for one..." He laughed, stressful humor was the funniest. His hand swiped the cig from her pack.

He lit the cig and looked back, the mercs weren't attacking as much anymore, this would be their time to leave an impression and seal this dea.

"Let's cause a scene." His words were accented with the cigarette smoke. He quickly rose to his feet and grabbed a grenade launcher, handing it to his accomplice. He then got another out for himself.

"Let's take out their houses." He then shot a round off at a nearby cluster of housing beside the palace, they were likely evacuated but the message remained.

The smuggler figured after this they would return to their heavy machinery and finish the job for the Hutts. "This planet is as good as stolen."

Siara Kai

Information Broker
Slicing into the network didn't take much. Their security was mere childsplay. Her fingers quickly swept over the keys, her datapad connected.

Within seconds, file after file, blue prints, names, accounts, designs... even credits, were downloaded.

All in a days work.
@[member="Barrett Haskins"]

"That it is," she shot back with a nod. That's when she pointed over at the fuel tanks. They exploded with a marvelous inferno. This was good. She made good on her contract and she showed that she delievered to the Hutts.

Good. Good.

Smoke flew from her mouth as her emerald eyes surveyed Barrett with appraisal. A smirk grew over her lips.

"Payment for handling that is a drink, darlin" she said rather shamelessly. There came another wink a she went off to begin the mop up work.

She was sure she'll be hearing from him soon.

Darrunga Kalsiljic

Slime covered a vast amount of the palace.

Darrunga informed @[member="Barrett Haskins"], << The Besadii are in another castle. They left. >>
Barrett and Danger rushed in after placing their heavy machinery back and replacing it with their equally as heavy firepower, rushing in to hear the news from his other Hutt employer, his guns just serving as a final nod to their dominion over the planet.

"I'll get you on that drink." He said offered with a wink after the victory was declared. He had made a powerful ally and helped take the planet. "Now it's time to seal this deal…anyone have any booze?" He shot a weary to the drunken brightly colored crime lord and his cohorts. "I have a bottle of Corellian Whiskey in my ship back at HQ."

Avicus DuSang

The Patron Saint of Heartache
Landing beside @[member="Tefga"], he tossed his cigarette out of his mouth. Two green hilts flew towards his hands as white lava blades sprang to life with a snap and a hiss. In a flurry of movement, a volley of blaster fire was deflected from the Sith Master and the axe toting hutt.

A massive wave of the Force sent the enemy mercs flying into a wall. Their screams were muffled as blood began to ooze from their mouths as their bodies caved in to the pressure. Beneath his sunglasses, yellow eyes beamed.

Charging forward, white plasma deflected more blaster bolts, and cut through those that stood in his way. In his mind, he once again heard the sweet symphony of battle. His lightsabers conducting the sweet music that flooded his ears.
Vodaasi the Hutt's star yacht dropped from hyperspace in orbit over Ylesia.

"Open a channel to the surface!" called Vodaasi from the sunken space that served as his command pit. A dutiful Human slave, sweating in the moist air, spritzed her master with a bottle.

"Channel open," replied the communications officer. "Visual and audio established."

"I have come!" thundered the Hutt. "The people of Ylesia will bow before the combined might of the Hutt...wait a moment." He stopped to examine the scene below. "Cut audio," he said quietly. The task completed, he called for a visual feed of any outgoing transmission. Pictures of devastation filled the many viewscreens. Images of Hutts and their hirelings beamed. The conquest was complete. Vodaasi was too late.

"Poodoo," the great Hutt muttered. "Well, get my skiff ready. At least we can congratulate the victors."

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