Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Taking down the Besadii (Ylesia)

Darrunga Kalsiljic

The skiff rammed through the front doors of the palace and still managed to keep going.
As the spider walker got to the stairs, Blagga pushed a button that lowered him out of the bottom of it out of a elevator kind of deal.

He slithered up the stairs. Which... what moron Hutt built a palace with stairs. These were uncomfortable.

Darrunga Kalsiljic

Darrunga kept making the droid drive into the palace. The skiff surely intimidated the rest of the mercenaries with it having flames painted on its sides and humanoid skulls planted on the railings.

<< Surrender you sleemos, >> demanded Darrunga.

Bourne Cavanagh

It didn't take long for the crew of the Duinuogwuin to land. Now came their favorite part.

The Raid.

Tefga went sailing over the top of the flaming skull skiff and towards the throne where the Besadii was not to be found, because he already escaped the planet.
A pretty girl allotting him unlimited huge guns and explosives, mixed with a fiery red headed attitude was a culture shock to the Corellian, he was used to the women being angry, but not in a fun way. He flirted back with her, nothing like an adrenaline rush and launching grenades at your enemies to set a mood.

He saw the rest of them headed for the palace, he figured he would finish up whatever idiots charged the weapons crate and then he and his new best friend would sack the castle, his bloodlust had yet to let up, only thing that could complete the situation was another cig.

@[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Darrunga Kalsiljic

The mercenaries that were left behind began to attack the Hutts. Darrunga responded by spitting chunks of a lizard monkey he ate earlier into their eyes to distract them long enough for his allies to kill them.

Siara Kai

Information Broker
Two more came at her! Nothing like a blaster pistol to the face!​
She managed to get past them. The door of the main database control sliding behind her.​
"Come to mama," she said, tucking the blaster away and cracking her knuckles as she strode over to a computer terminal.​

Nobody could tell if the Hutt was throwing up or calling for his fellow Hutt ally, but inbetween the shouting, he continued to slither in circles throwing up on mercenaries while hacking with his axes.
Blagga actually found a nice seat at the front of the palace where some of the Basadii leaders had used to sit. Blagga just decided to watch Tefga murderize the mercenaries while evacuating all of his stomach upon their corpses. This caused the Hutt shake his head even more.

Darrunga Kalsiljic

<< Fear the Kalsiljic Ways of Battle Vomit! >> chanted Darrunga as one of the bones of the monkey lizard he ate stabbed a mercenary in the throat and killed him.
@[member="Barrett Haskins"]

They worked well together, that was clear. So there they stood, blasting things away and getting high off adrenaline.

In the small lull of the fight as the Hutts slithered to the palace, Danger, as if of the same mind, took out a small case, flicked it open with her thumb, and took out a cig.

"Care for one?" she asked, holding one to him as she tucked the case away.

Any massive explosion would require it --- considering there was also a nice stack of fuel barrels nearby.

Darrunga Kalsiljic

With the mercenaries now surrendering or dead, Darrunga just moved the skiff closer to the Besadii throne.

Bourne Cavanagh

The pirates poured out of the ship into the fiery remains of the city as they began to pillage and loot.

Slow walking off the ramp, Bourne took a deep drag of his cig, the acrid smoke causing his brown eyes to squint, the devil in his gaze as screams of terror and pleas for mercy filled the air.

Time to profit.

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