Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Taking down the Besadii (Ylesia)

@Danger @Barrett

Tossing a goblet at a nearby Weequay, the Hutt began to throw up his jawa juice all over the ground, splattering some of it all over Danger Arceneau and Barrett.

"Ughhhhh I shouldn't have drank so much"
@[member="Danger Arceneau"]

The twinkle of her eye seemed to be infectious, he couldn't help but get excited. He tossed his cig down so he didn't blow them all up on accident.

He watched the fire haired vixen launch her cover fire, causing his smile to get just a little bigger. He had a thing for big guns.

His little chicken legs took off toward his goal, almost escaping his bosses vomit, his feet getting covered. He had couldn't now, he just felt anger toward the enemies...time to blow them up. Popping off a couple shots with his blaster, his slugthrower had beeb remounted to his hip. He tagged the box, the gentleman inside him waiting to look inside until Danger arrived, he returned her favor and picked off a few idiots who went after her.

Siara Kai

Information Broker

Nothing like a little climb to help the cause. Throughout the firefight, Siara had made her way towards a more advantageous location, perching herself on top of a small cliffside to the right of the chaos.

She was covered in dust, hair sticking to her sweaty face, but that was alright. Now if she could just get into the compound to try and steal some information while folk were busy.
From the corner of his eye Blagga noticed figure pop out of a window with a rocket launcher. <<Karkin' sleemo>> He shifted his mecha spider tank and shot a missile right into the rocket launcher man's face.


Bourne Cavanagh

Under the fire of the pirate fleet, the city burned.​
"Get ready boys... we'll be going in soon!"​
The raid would bring in the bloody fight face to face.​

Asari Morin

Asari slowly ate his dinner, cutting his steak and slowly ingesting it all. This was entirely boring to him, he had for years fought and killed for dozens of men and at the age 76 murdering things and raiding had really lost its luster quite a long time ago. Slowly the Pirate King consumed his meal, until finally he turned to one of his XO's.

"Status report?" Asari simply said out loud and one of his deck officers walked over to him. The Pirate King nodded at the chart, then went back to his food.

Darrunga Kalsiljic

And then a cargo skiff entered the scene where his brother, @[member="Tefga"], was. Darrunga rode it with a protocol droid taking the helm. The skiff aimed for the Besadii forces and ran several over.

<< For my money! >> roared Darrunga.
@[member="Barrett Haskins"]

Sliding in next to Barrett, Danger was a bit out of breath, but riding high on the adrenaline. She wasn't named Danger merely for kicks.

"You've legs on you," she joked, her hands coming down to quickly press the combo to the crate. It cleared green then popped open with a hiss, revealing the heavy payload of heavy blaster rifles, grenades, concussion missiles, and rocket propelled grenades among others.

Blagga rounded another corner and a long road was leading up toward the Basadii Palace.

He pushed a button and the massive rocket magazines at the front of his spider walker fell to the ground. Two more moved into their place.

Siara Kai

Information Broker
Nothing is ever easy.

While the fight did draw the bulk of the guards away from the compound, there were still a few stragglers. Showing not a single measure of remorse -- but a tad of pleasure - the Information Broker drew her blaster up and began firing. Charred circles bloomed over the chests of two guards, quickly followed by a third.

Quick of feet and a swift search gave her a key card. Her grin grew wolfish.

It was as though he had just done his first line of glitterstem ever, his eyes wided further than they had in a while, his mouth was shapen into the biggest smile he had given in a while. The only words he could utter were, "Tha...thank you." He then grabbed the first concussion grenades he could, chucking one of them while placing the other on his hip in a small satchel.


The loud explosion caught the attention of a few of the soldiers, their distraction was the duo's advantage. He grabbed the biggest assault blaster he could before opening up fire, he was so caught up in his fanboying over the weapons he didn't care if he took a life. He could always forget it ever happend, spice was good for that.

Darrunga Kalsiljic

Darrunga's skiff managed to slaughter quite a few of the Besadii mercenaries. Having followed his brother to the palace, Darrunga looked for him and immediately found him rolling on the ground and throwing up.

<< Stop being a poodoo head, >> roared Darrunga at @[member="Tefga"], << I thought you could take more than this. >>
Picking himself back up and pulling his composure together, Tefga grabbed his durasteel axe and began to roll up the palace steps.

"Enough talk, Darrunga, let's finish this!"
@[member="Barrett Haskins"]

He was too cute. She flashed a wink and took a couple of thermals with her, clipping them into her belt.

The recoil of the blast was enough to make her shiver with glee. "Daddy always said a girl needs her toys... " she drawled out with a heavy smirk. Alongside Barrett, she stood to cover his back.

"Let's dance," she winked again, bringing that blaster rifle she took up to show exactly just how much practice she had in the dunes of Tatooine. The set of tuskan raider outfits in her main headquarters would say a lot.

Darrunga Kalsiljic

Darrunga took the skiff up the stairs with Tefga. It seemed that he intended to bring the vehicle into the palace.

Asari Morin


Asari finished his meal rather quickly, and then looked back over to the holo-displays. It was time to take the next step.

"Land those who wanted to go into the city. It's time to be proper pirates." The Pirate King said quietly to his XO. The other man simply nodded, and then sent a signal across the ship.
The Baron followed the Hutts as they slithered to the palace. The Baron would join them to enjoy more bloodshed and glory.

The Baron encountered another trandoshan who aimed to stop him and the Hutts. The Baron shot his meaty fist out and knocked out the Trandoshan's teeth.

That was one dumb Trandoshan.

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