“Nerd? We prefer the term intellectual bad ass!”
Dilbana was a fairly ordinary Outer Rim planet, but a place most lawful people avoided like the gulag plague, mostly because its location along the Triellus Trade route, otherwise known as “Hutt Highway,” was rotten with pirates and slavers. Still, it held many juicy opportunities for a criminal syndicate to exploit, especially since all but the bravest or stupidest merchants tended to give the infamous trade route a wide berth. With scant competition to hamper the trafficking of illegal goods through the planet's shadow ports, Dilbana was naturally a planet that the Red Ravens Criminal Syndicate wanted to sink their talons into.
In control of Dilbana was a gangster named Dilbert Cotton, more notoriously known as Dilbert of Dilbana or simply the Nerd King. The son of a spicing cartel which had wrested control of the planet from the Besadii Hutts, the brilliant young human was given control of the planet at the tender age of eighteen. He stayed in charge by controlling many of Dilbana’s spaceports and shadow ports, mainly from afar. He was a slicer extraordinaire and no one knew exactly where his stronghold was, only that it was rumored to be laden with complicated puzzles and traps and practically impenetrable by anyone with even an above-average IQ.
Coincidentally, Dilbert of Dilbana was not only an uber nerd, but also an avid fanboy of a very famous Outer Rim Criminal Syndicate, the Red Ravens themselves. His obsession with the organization was borderline psychotic and not only did he cosplay as Red Ravens President [member="Cryax Bane"], but he also owned a coop of pet ravens in homage to the Antecedent gangsters. Dilbert knew the names of every one of the most important members of the Red Ravens and hundreds of Holopics of their faces lined his walls. He was particularly enamored of [member="Keira Ticon"], with her hazel eyes and her glossy brown hair. So soft and touchable. It was such a shame she had that unfortunate incident with those zealots in Unknown Space, where she had been kidnapped and tortured. Dilbert was disappointed that he couldn't have been her white knight in shining armor when it all went down. Perhaps he could guarantee her safety from future attacks by keeping her locked up in his stronghold! Best idea ever! And not creepy at all...
Another Dilbana malcontent that the Ravens had their sights on stopping was Eugene Leopold. Eugene was also a brilliant slicer and a systems programmer who resided somewhere on Dilbana. Unable to find love at the age of seventeen due to crippling social anxiety and agoraphobia, he founded and eventually sold a Dilbana Holonet dating site for millions of credits and stock options. Eugene took his credits and with them he founded Wookiee Leaks, a nonprofit Holonet site which published government secrets, classified media and information not normally available to the galaxy. Wookiee Leaks operated through completely anonymous sources and those sources had oodles of dirt on the galactic criminal underworld.
It turned out that Eugene had some juicy Red Ravens secrets in his pale and spindly hands and was threatening to expose them one by one until the Ravens found him. Eugene was extremely reclusive, never left his mansion, and no one really knew where he lived so he was extremely hard to track down and throttle for his slanderous exposes.
OOC Info:
This Dominion has two Objectives. You are under no obligation to stick to these objectives. If slicing isn't your thing, you can always make up your own story in the Dominion where the spies or agents of these two baddies are hiding out in a Dilbana shadow port and you go after them there. The objectives are merely to help the story have a cohesive plot, but feel free to get creative!
Dilbert of Dilbana
1. Usurp the power of the Nerd king, Dilbert of Dilbana. Either by diplomacy or lethal force. You will need to first find Dilbert’s hidden stronghold. Slicing would be a good idea, as would brushing up on your algebra.
Eugene Leopold
2. Stop Eugene Leopold and Wookiee Leaks from exposing Red Raven secrets to the rest of the galaxy.
Please put the following location tags in your posts:
OOC thread located here: http://starwarsrp.net/topic/50527-dominion-of-dilbana-ooc/#entry758272