1. Change the Name of the Board to Tegan!
2. Force you all into slavery contracts. Basically I will own you all and you can never leave. I don't even care if you have families or real lives.
3. You will refer to me as your one and only God.
4. Make
John Locke
live in a closet full of spiders.
5. Allow Mechs and force
John Locke
to review them all.
6. Make
Srina Talon
be a Factory judge.
7. Make
Caltin Vanagor
dance like a monkey for everyones amusement.
8. Make
Gerwald Lechner
Grill for everyone. In fact chain him to a grill.
9. Make the board rated XXX I figure if we are going down in flames we might as well go all out.
10. Auto conquer the Galaxy map with the new Tegan is the Best Faction.
11. Because everything should go to eleven. Ban SLEEP!