Step 2: Ban Captain Jordan (we can make up a reason later)
I call shenanigans! I write only the most wholesome of redheaded ladies. They can not be held accountable for any simping that may occur for them.
- Remind all of our wonderful redheaded female avatars out there that this website is still rated PG-13 and that they will eventually be held accountable for the raw hotness of their playbys seducive and simp'able infallibility. The male body can only take so much before sensual slavery is inevitable. It's just science. Ya'll behave ladies. Or else
Ask the members, (or Jon,) to create a wealth guideline chart for the Chaos galaxy based on a universal digital currency called "Credits." Post said "Generic Credit Guide Chart" under the Articles section of the Top Banner. Add double notations to the article that it is a suggestion by Staff only and will not be enforced in any situation, even the Codex or some PC's child support payments
Point on Minor Faction activity; it doesn't actually work the way you think it works.
I Haven't made a single post in my Minor Faction, so its activity via the forums was D.O.A., in fact many Minor Factions I know barely use the Faction system on the board for posts. They make threads in the general board forum and use discord. Hapes Consortium hasn't seen activities for awhile but they are making threads, that don't get tracked in last activity in Minor Factions. I think Darkwires last internal faction activity was when they voted Daiya in but Daiya can correct me on that. And Darkwire is super active, just on the internal faction forum activity doesn't show as much as outside of it. So you'd have to do extensive research to see if they are actually "active". I don't even name my threads as my faction names, so yeah.
- Remind all of our wonderful redheaded female avatars out there that this website is still rated PG-13 and that they will eventually be held accountable for the raw hotness of their playbys seducive and simp'able infallibility. The male body can only take so much before sensual slavery is inevitable. It's just science. Ya'll behave ladies. Or else