Duranium Lord
Ultimatum was glad that everything was going according to Animus' plan, whatever that may have been. It was always interesting, his job was a reader of people, yet as a droid it was unlikely he would ever understand them well enough to be good at it. He had to make due though and he believed himself to have done well, though it was not really his to judge.
He hoped that the new business partner, she wasn't an ally yet as far as he could guess, wasn't being alienated by the eccentricities of [member="Darth Mythos"]. He was, a.... unique organic, to say the least. Ultimatum hadn't met another quite like him, but then most of the people that left an impression on Ultimatum tended to be very different. It was always a wonder that so many of the visitors that required his attention were in someway or another special or extra-ordinary. He would have called it canny how often he seemed to be caught up with people of varying importance. To him though, they were all people, they were all organics, but they were all individuals. Yes he would on occasion slap the simple tag of organic to everything, but for the most part he preferred to be more specific, learning more about each person to know them and hopefully understand them.
All this extra thought was becoming somewhat irritating. It was distracting him from the work being done here. There was constant work being accomplished as the droids moved about their predetermined paths and jobs. Ultimatum was nothing if not thorough and the droids had to make only slight adjustments to their individual schedules as small events arose that affected them in one way or another. It was good overall, in fact Ultimatum didn't think he would need to worry about keeping overwatch, but it was more out of preference rather than necessity. He wanted to be alert and ready should something go wrong. That was the last thing he needed, something to go wrong with a highly complex and closed in factory with plenty of fragile parts.
[member="Thais Kallisto"]
He hoped that the new business partner, she wasn't an ally yet as far as he could guess, wasn't being alienated by the eccentricities of [member="Darth Mythos"]. He was, a.... unique organic, to say the least. Ultimatum hadn't met another quite like him, but then most of the people that left an impression on Ultimatum tended to be very different. It was always a wonder that so many of the visitors that required his attention were in someway or another special or extra-ordinary. He would have called it canny how often he seemed to be caught up with people of varying importance. To him though, they were all people, they were all organics, but they were all individuals. Yes he would on occasion slap the simple tag of organic to everything, but for the most part he preferred to be more specific, learning more about each person to know them and hopefully understand them.
All this extra thought was becoming somewhat irritating. It was distracting him from the work being done here. There was constant work being accomplished as the droids moved about their predetermined paths and jobs. Ultimatum was nothing if not thorough and the droids had to make only slight adjustments to their individual schedules as small events arose that affected them in one way or another. It was good overall, in fact Ultimatum didn't think he would need to worry about keeping overwatch, but it was more out of preference rather than necessity. He wanted to be alert and ready should something go wrong. That was the last thing he needed, something to go wrong with a highly complex and closed in factory with plenty of fragile parts.
[member="Thais Kallisto"]